America: Land of the Free?

Hah! As if! In spite of the fact that I am an Afro-American male, for some reason or another I have had my share of runs-in with the law, and it has made me come to realize, now more than ever, that the frequent affirmation by many that the United States of America is a free country is idealistic hogwash! It’s not free in any sense of the word, and not just for non-whites either, but not for anybody. Hardly anything is free. We have to pay for just about everything in some way or another.

Throughout history it always has been the people in positions of power and influence who establish the laws for their particular jurisdiction, control or personal satisfaction. Many imposed laws are merely arbitrary or at the whim of the person making them. And every law made is not always a just one either. For instance, once upon a time, in this country, it was against the law for any black person to learn how to read and write. Then later it was against the law for blacks and whites to intermingle with each other, which included mere socializing, dating and especially marrying. In certain places we were not allowed to vote or serve on juries for the longest time. There were laws that forbade us from eating, taking a drink of water or sitting where we pleased. So just because something is a law on the books, doesn’t mean that it’s a fair or valid one.

I find myself challenging stupid laws all the time, especially for things that others may be guilty of, but they don‘t apply to me personally, although I am expected to abide by them just the same. Then there are certain things that I and many others consider wrong but are not against the law, like the right to bear arms, hunting for sport, gambling and the wasting of our natural resources, like food and water. In the southern states, lynching was not outlawed until the late sixties! Guns, alcohol and tobacco are still legal commodities, but riding in a car without fastening your seat belt is unlawful.

We also have to accept the fact that we don’t have many personal freedoms either. And I am not even talking about laws against inflicting harm on other people. We are not allowed to do things that are our own business alone. How is this nation free when there are laws and rules for practically everything? There are warning and forbidden signs all over the place, everywhere you turn. “No smoking.” “Walk, don’t run.” “Do not enter.” “Keep off the grass.” “No shirt, no shoes, no service.” “Suit and tie required.” “Please check all bags.” “Stand behind the white line.” “Turn off your cell phones.“ “No trespassing.” “No loitering.” “No panhandling.” “No sleeping.” “Do not remove this tag!” We certainly are not free always to do as we please. I don’t bother anybody, as a rule. I, and others of my kind, have been stopped, scrutinized and harassed for being in a public setting, even on streets, in major U.S. cities, where it was deemed that we should not be there. See my Stereotyping: Racial and Otherwise blog for the scoop.

Some consensual sex is against the law, and I know from personal experience, so is consensual touching. Even touching yourself “down there” is against the law in some places. A 42-year-old laborer from Como, Italy, was fined 200 euros and ordered to pay an additional 1,000 euros in court costs for “ostentatiously touching his genitals through his clothing.“ It seems that an Italian court has criminalized the centuries-old practice of superstitious males touching their genitals to ward off bad luck, when discussing a tragic event or when a hearse passes by. “Io mi tocco…“ (I touch myself), has long been an Italian equivalent to “knock on wood,” and is traditionally accompanied by a grope of the utterer’s own crotch. But now that tradition “has to be regarded as contrary to public decency, a concept including that nexus of socio-ethical rules requiring everyone to abstain from conduct potentially offensive to collectively held feelings of decorum,” according to the Rome court’s ruling. Can they stop?!

How do they even get away with such idiotic edicts? Many are wondering how such a ruling might affect American baseball players, rap artists and 3-year-olds, and more seriously, as to how police and the courts are to determine when an innocent adjustment becomes a criminal self-grope. You would think that white men would have better things to do with their time than sitting around thinking of more ways to control everybody. Okay, so I can’t touch you, but I’m sorry, I defy anybody to tell me that I can’t touch my own crotch or scratch my ass, whether I do it in public or not. We have to draw the line somewhere!

We are even forbidden by law to put certain substances into our own bodies. When he was in office, New York’s Mayor Bloomberg proposed a ban on sugar-sweetened beverages that are more than 16 ounces, because he is so concerned about our obesity problem. How is anybody’s weight issues or beverage choices any of his business? Why does he even care? Some movie theaters that I used to attend regularly already check patrons’ bags to see if they are bringing in food or drink from the outside. So what if we are? What’s it to them? You see, they want people to buy the overpriced fare at their refreshment stands, thus taking away our freedom of choice. Maybe I don’t want anything the theater is offering and prefer to prepare my own healthier snacks at home. No, you can’t do that. “I’m sorry, sir, but you can’t bring that bottle of water through airport security. You can buy one inside, however.” I suspect that is their plan all along. It’s all a corporate racket. You can’t travel anywhere you want to. To leave this country and visit another, you need a passport. And then you need a work permit or visa in order to remain there for an extended period of time.

Here is one personal incident of police harassment. I was riding down Broadway through Times Square one day on my bike going home, and a patrol officer pulled me over to give me a ticket for, get this…wearing earphones! I did not pay the ticket. I decided to plead ‘Not Guilty’ and contest it in court, as I had a few things to say about it. At my subsequent hearing were only the judge, the arresting officer and myself. I forewent a lawyer, because due to prior experience, I figured that I could do a better job in defending myself. I told the judge that I was unaware that I was doing anything wrong, as I have been listening to music while riding my bike ever since I’ve had one. When she informed me that there was a law, at least on the books, against using headphones while operating a bicycle, this is what I had to say in my defense.

First of all, I wasn’t wearing headphones but the kind that fit loosely in my outer ears, allowing me to hear outside sounds. Plus, I never play my music so loudly that it blots out all the sound around me. If I caused some kind of traffic mishap because I couldn’t hear anything, then that’s something else altogether. If I haven’t harmed anybody, then what’s the problem? Then, too, at the time he stopped me, that officer couldn’t prove that I was actually listening to music. The disc that I was playing earlier could have finished, for all he knew. And I refuse to accept the wearing (or not) of any type of headgear as a traffic violation. But that’s all beside the point. That I choose not to wear a helmet is my business also. I have been riding a bicycle for 65 years, and I have never needed one. But if ever I should fall and land on my head, then too bad for me. I’m not going to blame or sue anybody. So how is that your concern?

I then pointed out that motorists listen to their radios, tapes and CD players while they are driving. The same goes for pedestrians. Why is it disallowed for cyclists? It’s hypocritical to penalize one mode of transportation and not the others. I suggested that they do something about that so-called law, because not only is it unconstitutional, how are they able to enforce it and why should they? I’m certainly not going to stop doing it. I get around mostly by bike and I have as much right to play music while traveling as people who drive cars do. Their talking on the phone while driving is more of a potential hazard than my listening to music on my bike. That cop, by his own admission, was just trying to fulfill his monthly quota that day. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The judge must have considered my arguments and in all fairness, she fined me only $20 (you know they had to charge me something!) then dismissed the case. Had I just paid the ticket without a fight, it would have cost me $60 or more, so I’m glad that I held out.

While riding my bike through a section of Central Park one day, I was stopped by a patrolling park police officer and told to walk my bike. Bike-riding was allowed only on the main roads and not on any of the pedestrian paths or other park trails, or so she said. I had never heard of such a thing. I and everybody else have always ridden our bikes through there. It’s the fastest way to get around and the most efficient way to go. What’s the point of walking your bike in the park? I asked the cop, ‘Why? What’s the problem? How long has this been a policy?’ She told me that park robberies have been committed by cyclists as of late. ‘Hunh?’ I responded quizzically. ‘What does that mean exactly, and what does that have to do with me?’ I haven’t robbed anybody. So just because somebody does that, all we innocent, law-abiding bikers have to be penalized? Just pick on the guilty parties.

That sounds like a bullshit reason to me anyway, that a person will mug somebody in the park only if they have a getaway bike. How about those who mug people on foot? The cops have not outlawed pedestrian traffic in the park as a result. Of course, it could be a racial issue, you know, although I try not to “go there” if there is another plausible explanation. Maybe that cop singled me out simply because most of their previous perpetrators that they have caught might have been black (or maybe not), so I must be like all the rest of them, you see. Let’s see them try to enforce such a stupid rule. Central Park is a huge place. They can’t be everywhere all the time. Actually, that was the one and only time that has happened. I still ride my bike in the park all the time, and nobody has told me otherwise.

The plaza at Lincoln Center—the area around the fountain and in front of the Metropolitan Opera House—has the imposed policy of No Bike-riding on the premises. I suppose it’s to protect the pedestrians from being run into by reckless cyclists. But if I can maneuver the daily, challenging Manhattan traffic and streets without any casualties, I certainly can make it across a sparsely-populated (sometimes it’s completely empty), wide-open space such as that without hitting anything. Even so, I could easily run someone over walking my bike as well as riding it, so what difference does it make if I am on the bike or walking beside it? They don’t make those employees of Lincoln Center who ride around in those little go-carts or people in their motorized wheelchairs walk their vehicles across the plaza. They are able to run down folks just as well as I could on my bike. That’s discriminatory as well as hypocritical.

It’s like this ludicrous sign on the front door of my post office branch. “No dogs allowed, except those assisting blind or disabled persons.“ So, I can’t take my dog into the building with me, but my friend here, who is blind, can take his in. What?! If their rules don’t apply to everybody regardless, then just get rid of them. “No” declares an ultimatum. If you qualify it with an excepting condition, then it’s no longer a definite.

I discovered a few years ago that I am not even free to visit a public park in my own neighborhood. I live on a block in midtown Manhattan that has a school and a small playground/park with swings, monkey bars and a basketball court. One summer when my Parisian boyfriend, Gilles, was visiting me, we were out walking in the ‘hood one day and decided to sit in the playground to rest and just to chat. No sooner had we sat down when a uniformed cop approached us and asked us if our children were there with us. Since they weren’t, he then asked us to leave the park. This was my first time there, so I had no idea that there was such a policy about who is allowed to patronize the playground. So if I don’t have school-age children, there is no reason whatsoever that I would be in the park? Do they actually think that every adult male in the park must be a stalking child molester or else why would he be there? The officer didn’t actually say that, but what was his objection of our being there, if not something along those lines? We weren’t doing anything wrong or suspicious. All we were doing was sitting on a bench, enjoying the weather and talking. Then, too, just because a man (or woman) is there in the park with a child, should not automatically absolve them from being a potential predator. If you suspect one person, then you should suspect everyone.

I am a responsible adult, and I don’t like always being penalized for other people’s indiscretions. Why should I have to suffer certain imposed inconveniences just because other people are so careless and inconsiderate? “No food or drinks allowed beyond this point.” So just because some clumsy or inconsiderate dolts spill their drinks and leave their food wrappers lying around, we all have to be banned? I am a careful eater and I always clean up after myself, although I am not one to indulge in this particular activity, of eating on-the-run. I reserve my eating to my home or to an actual eating facility. But if spills and discarded trash are their main objection, then why not have the signs read instead, “Please clean up after yourselves, and deposit all trash into the receptacles”? You know, address the specific complaint, instead of to whom it may not apply.

I heard a news report that in a restaurant somewhere an unruly youngster was being disruptive and disturbing the other patrons. So instead of instructing parents to take control of your unruly brats, they put up a sign banning all children under the age of five from the establishment. So those with mannerly, well-behaved, disciplined kids who have been properly taught how to behave in public, aren’t allowed to enjoy a nice, family meal together? That’s not fair. Just address the specific issue instead of penalizing everybody, most who are not even guilty of the complaint.

That should apply to other situations as well. I don’t know why they would even have to tell people certain things. They should know enough to do that on their own. In Celebration, Florida a few years ago (it’s a Disney-incorporated residential community near Orlando), I came upon a fountain in the town square which allows residents and tourists to go into. There is a sign at the site which lists the rules for using the fountain. One of them warns, “Do not use the fountain if you are ill with diarrhea.” See there? You can’t even shit anywhere you want to! I suppose it must have really happened to prompt such an admonition. “I have a severe case of the runs today. I think I’ll go into town and take a dump in the fountain!”

Why did they have to tell us that?

I reckon that the laws against jaywalking are arbitrarily implemented to protect us citizens from ourselves. You see, we don’t know how to cross the street without avoiding getting hit, so traffic lights and crosswalks have been set up at corners and intersections to control the traffic and ensure that we traverse thoroughfares safely. Unfortunately for the law enforcers but fortunately for us, with all the pedestrians in Manhattan on a day-to-day basis, there is no practical way to monitor or control all the jaywalking that occurs, so people are left pretty much to their own devices. I say that if we can make it across the street unscathed, then more power to us! And the city cops seem to go along with that. They never intervene when New York pedestrians cross streets in the middle of the block and ignore the “Don’t Walk” signals and traffic lights at intersections, relying instead on the traffic itself to guide their maneuvers. That’s a more practical approach anyway, in my opinion. If there are no cars approaching, which is a common occurrence, especially on the side streets, and with most of us always in a hurry, why stand there waiting for the light to change? Nobody does that.

It’s just like what comic Moms Mabley used to say in one of her routines. She’s talking about certain stupid advice that parents give their children. “Go on to school now, Baby. Be careful. Watch the lights.” Then, “Damn the lights! Watch the cars! The lights ain’t never killed nobody! Many a kid looking at the lights while a cab done knocked his head off!” Moms is not too far wrong either. Cars have been known at times to ignore the traffic signals at intersections where people are crossing. Should we risk being run down by a car plowing through the intersection, with the defense that we were crossing on the green light, therefore in the right? Yeah, you’d be dead right, but what good does that do you?! I have heard of sighted people getting run down by buses. Now how does one get hit by a bus? I blame the bus driver only partly, because the pedestrian could have been out of their sight-line perhaps. But the person that got hit is mostly at fault for not being more observant. I mean, how did they miss seeing something as big as a bus coming right at them? What were they doing or looking at?

As a city cyclist, I find that I have more trouble with pedestrians than I do with vehicular traffic. People will dart out into the street from behind parked cars, and many of them don’t look both ways while crossing. Some are looking down or talking on their cell phones. Most of Manhattan thoroughfares have one-way traffic, so I am always amazed when a jaywalker crosses in front of me and is looking in the opposite direction to where the traffic is coming from! Even if they do look in the right direction, it’s advisable also to look the other way as well, as they don’t know what might be approaching from that side. In that case, when someone gets hit or run down, they can maintain that they were in the right. But that argument is rather moot if they are making it from their hospital bed or the morgue! I was taught growing up to look both ways before and while crossing. I also find myself having to avoid pedestrians walking in the middle of the street, instead of on the sidewalk. They are actually walking in the bike lane, which is designated specifically for us cyclists. I saw a much-pregnant woman jaywalking in heavy traffic one day. I called out to her, ‘Hey, watch it, lady! You know you can get knocked down, too!’

By the way, I object to the “Walk/Don’t Walk” signals as being biased and not all-inclusive. Everyone who crosses a street is not always on foot. They may be on a bicycle, like me, or a scooter, on rollerblades or skates, or on a skateboard, or even in a wheelchair. Imagine how a person in a wheelchair must feel every time they are confronted with that insensitive “Walk” sign. The city ordinances might consider changing to more appropriate, politically-correct signals, like “Wait” and “Proceed.” But that would cost us more money, wouldn’t it? Somebody should have thought of that in the first place.

So you see, I am all for the commercial awareness of the physically-challenged. I think that all public buildings should be wheelchair-accessible, as well as sidewalk curbs at street intersections (that’s also good for bicycles and other wheeled conveyances) and provisions made for special toilet stalls in restrooms. These are normal concessions made so that everyone can enjoy the same public conveniences, and I do agree with that. But I don’t agree with people with certain physical restrictions receiving special treatment or privileges because of their supposed disability.

The biggest indication of this are the specially-designated and restrictive “handicapped” parking spaces at shopping centers and other public parking areas. Most everyone, including able-bodied persons, wants to park as close as they can to where they are going, so why should only the physically-challenged be privy to the best parking spaces? In this instance I believe in first come, first served. If that guy in a wheelchair wants that good spot right next to the entrance at the mall, then he has to beat me to it, just like everybody else. Why should we have to leave the spot empty for some unknown person who may not even show up that whole day when somebody else could be using it? Since I don’t drive myself, I am speaking on behalf of those of you who do.

The height of absurdity and unfairness, though, is the parking lot at the nudist beach in Sandy Hook, New Jersey, that a friend and I visited a few times in the past. The parking area is a good quarter mile from the actual beach, accessible only by foot. The first time we went there and while searching for a place to park, I counted no less than twenty (!) designated handicapped parking spaces, all unoccupied. Now I ask you, what were they thinking? Do they actually think that at any one time ever in life, there will be that many (if even one) vehicles with handicapped drivers within, attending a nudist beach?! They might go out there with somebody, but it’s unlikely that they would make the trip alone. But my point about the irrationality of such a provision is the fact that everyone has to get to the beach area by the same means. So if a person on crutches or in a wheelchair can successfully maneuver the winding boardwalk and deep sand dunes that lead to the beach, I don’t think that parking their car a few feet closer is going to make a whole lot of difference, do you? If they can accomplish that, where they actually park is inconsequential.

I, for one, prefer to use the handicapped toilet stall when I encounter one. It’s very roomy and comfortable, and the toilet is built higher than the regular ones, which I like. If a wheel-chaired man comes in while I am in there, although it has never happened, then he has to wait until I’m done, just like everyone else there has to do. If the man in the stall is also like him, he would have to wait anyway, so it shouldn’t make any difference whether he is crippled or not.

In Denver, Colorado there is a law that insists that dogcatchers notify dogs of impounding by posting a notice on a tree in the park.

“Thanks for the heads up.”

People are always boasting that the United States is the greatest country in the world. Sure, we have certain freedoms and privileges that some other nations don’t enjoy. But in order to claim the title of greatest, we have to have it together in all aspects of society and living conditions. While there is still rampant racism, homophobia, sexism, crime, substandard education, no public health program, abject poverty, homelessness, a greatly-flawed judicial system, and certain civil rights that are still denied some of our citizens, we can’t rightly be called the greatest, now can we? I don’t think that any nation can make that claim at this time, including and especially America. If we are so great, why do we have the largest number of incarcerations than any nation of the world? A great country’s citizens should be able to get along and accept each other’s differences, points-of-view and faults. There would be no instances of terrorism, undue aggression, bullying, mistrust, intolerance or animosity toward their fellow humans. Our artistic creativity would not be subject to arbitrary censorship, someone deciding what is appropriate, or not, for our eyes and ears to witness. Our courts and even private citizens are still telling women that they have no say-so in whether they bear an unwanted child or not, which should be their own decision alone. We only recently got the right to marry whom we choose to, which also should be nobody’s business but the individuals involved.

I don’t think that it’s unpatriotic of me, either, to make such a statement. As always, I just call it as I see it! Just so I am not deemed a person who does not love his country, I assure you that I do. It’s just that I can recognize that it is not perfect but has its faults and flaws and foibles (oh, my!). I criticize the things I care about, hoping only to make them better. In some of my other articles I criticize movies and television, too, but I wouldn’t give them up for anything.

6,090 thoughts on “America: Land of the Free?”

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  2. Сегодня, когда диплом становится началом успешной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед любым человеком, который стремится вступить в сообщество профессионалов или учиться в высшем учебном заведении.
    Наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы можете заказать диплом, и это становится выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или утратил документ. Все дипломы производятся аккуратно, с особым вниманием ко всем нюансам. В итоге вы сможете получить документ, максимально соответствующий оригиналу.
    Превосходство подобного подхода состоит не только в том, что вы оперативно получите диплом. Процесс организовывается удобно и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора подходящего образца до грамотного заполнения персональных данных и доставки по России — все под абсолютным контролем наших мастеров.
    В результате, для тех, кто ищет максимально быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания готова предложить выгодное решение. Заказать диплом – значит избежать продолжительного обучения и сразу перейти к достижению своих целей: к поступлению в университет или к началу успешной карьеры.

  3. В наше время, когда диплом становится началом отличной карьеры в любой сфере, многие стараются найти максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Важность наличия документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает двери перед любым человеком, который хочет вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в ВУЗе.
    В данном контексте наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот необходимый документ. Вы сможете заказать диплом нового или старого образца, что становится выгодным решением для человека, который не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. дипломы изготавливаются с особой аккуратностью, вниманием ко всем нюансам. В результате вы получите документ, максимально соответствующий оригиналу.
    Плюсы данного подхода состоят не только в том, что вы сможете максимально быстро получить диплом. Весь процесс организовывается комфортно и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора нужного образца документа до консультаций по заполнению личной информации и доставки в любое место страны — все находится под полным контролем наших мастеров.
    Для тех, кто пытается найти оперативный способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Приобрести диплом – значит избежать длительного обучения и сразу переходить к достижению личных целей: к поступлению в университет или к началу трудовой карьеры.

  4. В современном мире, где диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любой сфере, многие ищут максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Важность наличия официального документа трудно переоценить. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед любым человеком, который стремится вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
    Мы предлагаем быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом, и это будет удачным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. Любой диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим элементам. На выходе вы получите полностью оригинальный документ.
    Превосходство этого подхода заключается не только в том, что можно быстро получить диплом. Весь процесс организовывается удобно и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора подходящего образца диплома до консультаций по заполнению персональных данных и доставки в любое место страны — все будет находиться под абсолютным контролем квалифицированных специалистов.
    Всем, кто ищет максимально быстрый способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести диплом – это значит избежать продолжительного процесса обучения и сразу перейти к достижению собственных целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт карьеры.

  5. В нашем обществе, где диплом становится началом удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия официального документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, желающим начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в университете.
    В данном контексте мы предлагаем быстро получить любой необходимый документ. Вы сможете приобрести диплом старого или нового образца, и это является удачным решением для человека, который не смог завершить обучение, потерял документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. Любой диплом изготавливается с особой аккуратностью, вниманием к мельчайшим элементам. В итоге вы получите полностью оригинальный документ.
    Превосходство этого решения состоит не только в том, что вы сможете оперативно получить свой диплом. Процесс организован удобно, с нашей поддержкой. От выбора необходимого образца диплома до правильного заполнения личной информации и доставки по России — все находится под полным контролем качественных мастеров.
    В итоге, для всех, кто пытается найти оперативный способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом – это значит избежать долгого обучения и сразу перейти к важным целям, будь то поступление в университет или старт успешной карьеры.

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  7. На сегодняшний день, когда диплом становится началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения образования. Факт наличия документа об образовании переоценить попросту невозможно. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед любым человеком, который собирается вступить в профессиональное сообщество или учиться в любом институте.
    Предлагаем очень быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы имеете возможность заказать диплом, и это будет удачным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование или утратил документ. Любой диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем деталям, чтобы в результате получился полностью оригинальный документ.
    Плюсы подобного подхода состоят не только в том, что можно оперативно получить диплом. Весь процесс организован комфортно, с нашей поддержкой. От выбора подходящего образца до грамотного заполнения персональных данных и доставки в любой регион России — все под абсолютным контролем качественных специалистов.
    Для всех, кто хочет найти быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести диплом – значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и сразу переходить к своим целям, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт карьеры.

  8. Сегодня, когда диплом – это начало отличной карьеры в любой сфере, многие пытаются найти максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании трудно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает дверь перед любым человеком, желающим начать трудовую деятельность или учиться в ВУЗе.
    Предлагаем оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы можете купить диплом нового или старого образца, и это будет отличным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение, потерял документ или хочет исправить плохие оценки. дипломы выпускаются с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим деталям, чтобы в итоге получился продукт, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
    Преимущества этого подхода заключаются не только в том, что можно оперативно получить свой диплом. Процесс организовывается удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора подходящего образца до правильного заполнения персональных данных и доставки по стране — все под полным контролем опытных специалистов.
    Всем, кто пытается найти максимально быстрый способ получения требуемого документа, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом – значит избежать продолжительного процесса обучения и сразу перейти к своим целям, будь то поступление в университет или начало трудовой карьеры.

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  10. Добрый день всем!

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    Для тех, кто умеет эффективно искать и анализировать информацию в интернете, это действительно помогает в процессе согласования и написания дипломной работы. Больше не нужно тратить время на посещение библиотек или организацию встреч с научным руководителем. Здесь, на этом ресурсе, предоставлены надежные данные для заказа и написания дипломных и курсовых работ с гарантией качества и доставкой по всей России. Можете ознакомиться с предложениями по ссылке , это проверенный источник!ѕокупка_академических_дипломов
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  12. Приветики!

    Было ли у вас когда-нибудь такое, что приходилось писать дипломную работу в сжатые сроки? Это действительно требует огромной ответственности и напряженных усилий, но важно не сдаваться и продолжать активно заниматься учебными процессами, чем я и занимаюсь.
    Для тех, кто умеет искать и анализировать информацию в интернете, это действительно помогает в процессе согласования и написания дипломной работы. Не нужно тратить время на посещение библиотек или организацию встреч с дипломным руководителем. Здесь представлены надежные данные для заказа и написания дипломных и курсовых работ с гарантией качества и доставкой по России. Можете ознакомиться с предложениями по ссылке , проверено!
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    Для тех, кто умеет эффективно находить и использовать информацию в сети, это действительно помогает в процессе согласования и написания дипломной работы. Больше не нужно тратить время на посещение библиотек или организацию встреч с научным руководителем. Здесь, на этом ресурсе, предоставлены надежные данные для заказа и написания дипломных и курсовых работ с гарантией качества и доставкой по всей России. Можете ознакомиться с предложениями тут , это проверенный источник!
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  446. Witryna, który jest nakierowany na płaszczyźnie produktów przedkładanych dzięki obiektu bankowe, nieustająco rozbudowuje swoją podstawę. Co chwila ujrzeć można bieżące artykuły, jak i również wskazówki pomagające podejmować trafne wole. Klient bankowy zwiedzający nasz serwis dowie się, w którym banku opłacalne jest faktycznie zaplanować konto bankowe osobiste, oraz w której placówce bankowej korzystny zostanie zadłużenie. Dodatkowo wskazówki przeprowadzane za pomocą zawodowych ekspertów dopomagają nakierować od należyty artykuł płatniczy. Wraz z postów wolno dowiedzieć się, iż nie warto okazuje się być się sugerować chwytami marketingowymi. Ażeby wyczuć satysfakcję oraz korzyści , które wynikają spośród zawartej sprawie należy przyjrzeć się danemu produktowi odrobinę szybciej. Nadzwyczaj pożyteczne dzięki serwisie okazują się uaktualniane porównywarki pieniężne. Za pomocą rankingom, wolno rozumieć, zezwoli lokata albo jaki to kredyt mieszkaniowy aktualnie jest faktycznie opłacalny. Trzeba badać aktualności, które to ujrzeć można dzięki wortalu. Wobec tego możemy okazać się regularnie iz światem finansów, chwilówek, inwestycji oraz wielorakiego gatunku asekurowań chwilówki internetowe.

  447. The concept of a “payday” during payday loan means every time a client produces the postdated take a look at for the supplier for the payday income, but gets component to that will pay day cost throughout instant cash from the loan company. Nevertheless , in common parlance, the concept likewise is applicable whether or not payment connected with business loans is certainly associated with your borrower’s cash advance. The money can also be at times called “cash advances”, while that will term could also consider cash furnished against the prearranged line of credit say for example a mastercard. Laws concerning payday loans differs generally between numerous states, and in fed techniques, among several declares or even coin payday loans online.

  448. Wortal, który jest nakierowany na tematyce towarów przedkładanych za sprawą kompleksu finansowe, stale rozbudowuje swą własną bazę. Coraz ujrzeć można aktualne wpisy, jak również opinii pomagające żywić odpowiednie wybory. Klient bankowy zwiedzający nasz witryna dowie się, w którym agencji bankowej warto prawdziwie zaplanować ror własne, oraz w której placówce bankowej najkorzystniejszy zostanie zadłużenie. Co więcej wskazówki kierowane przez profesjonalnych fachowców dopomagają nakierować od odpowiedni artykuł monetarny. Wprawą newsów możemy dowiedzieć się, że nie warto wydaje się się sugerować chwytami marketingowymi. Ażeby wyniuchać satysfakcję a, także dobra , które wynikają wprawą zawartej transakcji wskazane jest wziąć pod lupę danemu produktowi odrobinę bardziej. Niezwykle przydatne od serwisie internetowym okazują się uaktualniane porównywarki pieniężne. Z racji rankingom, warto docenić, która lokata bądź jaki to kredyt hipoteczny w tym momencie istnieje istotnie opłacający się. Wskazane jest śledzić aktualności, które to pojawiają się za portalu internetowym. Wobec tego można zostać sukcesywnie iz światem zasobów, chwilówek, lokaty jak i również rozmaitego wariantu polis. – chwilówki.

  449. The idea of “payday” within cash advance is the term for if a client writes the postdated look at towards the merchant for the pay day advance income, but becomes component of the fact that fast cash total in immediate cash from lender. Nevertheless , in keeping parlance, the concept at the same time is true no matter if repayment of loans is linked to a borrower’s fast cash. Your loans are also often categorised as “cash advances”, though the fact that word can refer to dollars furnished against the prearranged credit line for instance a charge card. Legislation concerning online payday loans varies broadly amongst diverse locations, in addition to govt techniques, concerning different areas as well as pays payday loans.

  450. Kula ziemska pożyczek oraz pożyczek może jedynie z początku zdawać się niezmiernie kompleksowy. Szczęśliwie zręcznością serwisem internetowym całokształt jest oczywiste. Nietrudny oraz bezzwłoczny dojście w celu teraźniejszych propozycji tradycyjnych banków, jak i również wskazówki odnoszące się do zawierania rozmaitych transakcji mogą przyczynić się każdej osobie użytkownikowi. Nagabujemy do śledzenia przedstawianych aktualności, jakie to mogą być opracowane za pośrednictwem profesjonalistów w branży zasobów. Jakikolwiek kto zastanawia się powyżej zaciągnięciem kredytu mieszkaniowego ewentualnie morzem założeniem inwestycji jako wyznaczony termin, być może sprawdzić charakterystykę popularnych produktów skarbowych sugerowanych w minionym sezonie. Na wortalu mieszczą się dodatkowo obecne rankingi wytworów kredytowych, które to pozwalają na zorientowanie się, jaki to spośród wymienionych obecnie okazuje się być w najwyższym stopniu zyskowny. Umożliwia to uniknięcie kosztownych pomyłek i znacznie się pod w stopniu daleko idącym opłacalną inwestycję. Pozostałe towary będą kierowane dodatkowo na rzecz użytkowników w wyższym stopniu zorientowanych w planecie finansów, wskazane jest fascynują zagmatwane transakcje bankowe, jak i również wprawne rodzaje wkładania pożyczka bez zdolności.

  451. To jedynka wraz z paru wortali odrzucić zmniejszymy się dla obwieszczeń samochodów osobowych. To przyszłościowa giełda obwieszczeń paliwa rozlicznego modela – od osobowych, dzięki ciężarowe, po fachowy sprzęt. Motoryzacja tyczy się bytu każdego z nas. Pojazdy na przykład wozy, motocykle, ciężarówki asystują pomocne od czasu kilkudziesięciu czasów. Mnóstwo typów a, także wzorców aut wydaje się ogromna. Znajdują się pojazdy świeże jak i również używane, godne uwagi jak i również zwyczajnie odradzane. W wypadku urządzasz nowy auto, trzeba dobierać adekwatną firmę oraz posiadamy całą listę aut w sprzedaż. Nie zabraknie również niszowych marek, wyłącznych limuzyn, bądź pojazdów muzycznych. Raptem na naszej stronie odszukasz wozy na handel, które wcześniej od dawna mają określenie legendy. Nie zgodzić się fundujemy jakichkolwiek bądź ograniczeń w całej dodawaniu zawiadomień. Miejska giełda wydaje się studentom rejon, gdzie wyszukasz ogłoszenie pojazdu jakiego szukasz! – posamochod recenzje.

  452. Jako jedność z paru witryn nie zaakceptować zmniejszymy się służące do obwieszczeń samochodów osobowych. Jest to współczesna giełda anonsów powietrza różnego typu – od czasu osobowych, za pomocą dostawcze, po profesjonalny sprzęt. Zagadnienia motoryzacyjne tyczy się bytu każdego z nas. Nośniki na przykład samochody, motocykle, ciężarówki towarzyszą naszej firmie odkąd kilkunastu zawsze. Gama producentów jak i również wzorców wozów wydaje się być wielka. Istnieją samochody świeże a, także wykorzystywane, warte uwagi oraz przez każdego odradzane. Wówczas gdy planujesz odkrywczy pojazd, należy dobrać odpowiednią korporację i dysponujemy całkowitą ewidencję samochodów w zbyt. Nie brakuje także niszowych marek, elitarnych limuzyn, czy też pojazdów muzycznych. Jedynie na naszej stronie wyszukasz pojazdy dzięki zbyt, które uprzednio od momentu dawna mogą mieć miano legendy. Nie zgodzić się podnosimy żadnych ograniczeń na miejscu mojego dodawaniu ofert. Załoga giełda wydaje się ów obszary, gdzie odkryjesz zawiadomienie pojazdu jakiego wyszukujesz! – posamochod recenzje.

  453. Jak jedność zręcznością paru portali wortali nie zgodzić się ograniczamy się dla ogłoszeń aut osobowych. Jest to prekursorska giełda ofert paliwa różnorakiego wariantu a mianowicie odkąd osobowych, dzięki ciężarowe, po profesjonalny wyposażenie. Zagadnienia motoryzacyjne tyczy się życia każdego człowieka. Nośniki np. samochody, motocykle, ciężarówki asystują pomocne od czasu kilkunastu latek. Większość marek oraz modeli wozów wydaje się być ogromna. Znajdują się samochody nowe i użyte, warte uwagi a, także przez wszystkich odradzane. Gdy planujesz świeży gablota, trzeba wyselekcjonować należytą firmę jak i również dysponujemy kompletną ewidencję samochodów w handel. Nie zabraknie także niszowych firm, wyrafinowanych limuzyn, czy też aut muzycznych. Tylko i wyłącznie na naszym portalu odkryjesz wozy w sprzedaż, które to obecnie od momentu dawna mogą mieć określenie legendy. Nie wznosimy żadnych ograniczeń w całej dodawaniu ofert. Kranowa giełda wydaje się naszym miejsce, gdzie wyszperasz ogłoszenie samochodu którego poszukujesz! – posamochod recenzje.

  454. Poszukiwań obowiązujących porównań wytworów skarbowych zakończą się triumfem, jeżeli tylko i wyłącznie jesteś skłonny zajrzeć na portal online. To witryna www dedykowana problematyce finansowej, oraz zespolonej z ubezpieczeniami. Wskazówki, a także drogocenne podpowiedzi asystują w wybieraniu najbardziej luksusowego wyrobu finansowego dostępnego przy tradycyjnych bankach, jak również firmach pozabankowych. Wortal gwarantuje ostatnie fakty, bieżące zestawienia statystyczne debetów, lokat od różne puli. Wprowadzenie nieznanego wytworu finansowego poprzez pula nie zaakceptować ujdzie także z brakiem odzewu od stronie. Nasi czytelnicy pozostaną poinformowani na temat wszelakich zmianach w całej naturze bankowości i zasobów. Interesanci, jacy posiadają długu również znajdą w tej okolicy wiele użytecznych informacji. Od serwisie nie brakuje tematów, w jaki sposób pofatygować się pochodzące z długów, podczas gdy dług konsumpcyjny odgrywa rację bytu, a także za co ponadto zwracać uwagę, o ile zaciąga się pożyczkę na parabankach. Należałoby wizytować stale serwis online wtenczas można posiadać pełne przekonanie, że wydaje się się non stop wraz ze wszystkimi odmianami wprowadzanymi za sprawą bazy oraz naturalnie lecz również finanero firma.

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  1199. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

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  1252. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

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  1279. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

  1280. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

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  1334. If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.

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  1578. If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.

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  1595. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

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  1823. This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.

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