On the Road with Cliff

This is a companion piece to my other job-related article, “I’m Working Here!” Actually, there are four parts, along with School Days and My Non-Combat Tour-of-Duty, but not in any particular order. You will have to read all four to get the full account of my work history. This installment deals primarily with my employment away from home. You will get first-hand impressions of all the places I have been in the world, and there are many.

The concept of vacationing is not the same deal with me as it is with most people. Since a major part of my professional career involved traveling, “getting away from it all” was not doing anything all that different. When I was not on tour, the way for me to take time off from my job was to stay in town and catch up on domestic things that I have neglected. That was my idea of relaxation.

I love the deal of working while traveling. I have been places where there has been a lull, because there was nothing going on, but the fact that I had to do a show that night or at some point, gave me a purpose for being there. I can’t see myself lying around on a beach somewhere for days on end if I don’t have to be there for any other reason. The one exception was the three summer vacations that I spent in France. In addition, working while traveling required that my expenses were usually paid for, and I was being paid besides! That’s the way I like to roll! This has provided me a fabulous and exciting life. I’ve gotten to see and experience a lot of the world, which I never would have been able to afford otherwise.

Of course, I have not been “everywhere,” as the Johnny Cash song boasts–who has?–but I have visited 55 countries and island nations of the world and all the other continents, except Australia and Antarctica. They are: Aruba, Azores, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Canada [Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and Vancouver Island], Carti Sugtupu, Coco Cay, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cozumel, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Grand Cayman, Grand Turk, Haiti, Half Moon Cay, Hawaii, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kodiak, Madeira, Mauritius, Mexico, Miyago, Monaco, Moorea, Motobu, Nuku Hiva, Oahu, Okinawa, Panama, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Reunion, Seychelles, South Africa, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, Switzerland, Tahiti, Tokoshiki, Tortola, United Arab Emirates and U.S Virgin Islands. I mention the Hawaiian islands because they are not contiguous to the mainland and actually was a foreign entity once upon a time.

I have friends all over the country and abroad, and everybody wanted me to come visit them when I was not busy with work. But that’s the thing. I am always working on something. I wouldn’t have gotten any of my major projects done (my symphony, my albums and other music projects, or my book and blog site) if I had been running all over the place, during my time off, making idle visits to everyone I know.

For me, performing is playtime with pay. I do my real work at home. One of the fringe benefits of being with The Flirtations was the regular trips to my favorite cities where I got to visit my friends. Now that my touring days are over, and I am not so keen on traveling anymore, I suggest that they come to visit me in NYC. The trains and planes and buses run in my direction, too, you know.

The first time that I ever stayed overnight out-of-town was when I attended Spanish Contest in Bloomington, Indiana during my junior year of high school (1964). We actually stayed in a motel in nearby Martinsville. I was with my Spanish teacher, Mr. Aguirre, and another student contestant. My grandfather, Mark Amos, which whom I lived, had family (his brother and a whole slew of nephews and nieces, and grand-) in Chicago Heights, Illinois, and we made occasional visits there over the years. Several of the clan would come to visit us as well. Papa’s nephews, Alfred and Willie B., were avid golfers and loved to use South Bend’s golf course.

A fun activity was when our mother took my brother and me to Riverview Amusement Park in Chicago a few times. Alas, it closed down in 1967. I loved that place. South Bend had its own Playland Amusement Park, but it was small potatoes compared to Riverview. My father belonged to a local Lodge organization which held periodic (not every year) weekend family picnics at Pokagon State Park, a few miles due east of the city. There was a lake there for swimming and standard playground equipment. Earl Jr. and I, being pre-teens, enjoyed these outings and spending some quality time with our dad. During the summer after graduation (1965), my high school band had a picnic-beach party at Indiana Dunes State Park on Lake Michigan. It was our last fling before we all went our separate ways, with college and whatever.

Celebratory beach party with members of the Central High School Band. (Clockwise from top left: Linda Harmon, Pamela Allen, Chas. Ellison, Marsha Huff, Edward Sparks, Gretchen Strandhagen, Me, Eddie Lark, Charles Bryant, Horace Denny, Ellen Davis in the center. I don’t know who those two half-bodies are on the far left and right.)

I attended Indiana University in Bloomington from 1965-69. When I first went there for Orientation, my mother and stepfather drove me down and back. During the next four years, every other time I had to go back and forth, I rode the bus. In my freshman year, and having been there for only two months, I decided to go home for Thanksgiving. I must have been homesick already. I have since learned how to pack efficiently when I travel; I’ve certainly had enough experience over the years. But at that time I didn’t have a clue.

This was years before we had luggage with wheels and pull handles. All my bags were not very large, and they had to be carried. I don’t know where I thought I was going and for how long, because I must have packed everything that I owned for only a four-day trip! Since I was traveling alone, I had to shlep all of my suitcases by myself, and since I had so many, I couldn’t carry everything at once, but had to double back to retrieve the rest. I remember having to change buses in Fort Wayne, which proved problematic, luggage-wise. What was I thinking? But that was it. I guess I wasn’t thinking. Well, you live and learn.

The Singing Hoosiers (or as we were affectionately called, “The Hooting Seizures”) was a pop glee club (or “show choir” is a more modern term given this sort of group), of which I was a member during my whole time at I.U. It was an elective ensemble course for mostly non-music students who loved to sing. We did school concerts and even toured around the state doing one-nighters. To save on lodging expenses, local residents always put up group members at their houses when we had to stay over somewhere. We always wore tails (the men anyway) when we performed and employed a select subgroup called the Varsity (of which I never was a part) that stood out in front of the main group and did choreographed routines during the songs.

The Singing Hoosiers (Can you find me? Where’s Waldo?)

At the end of 1967, it was the day after Christmas, in fact, I.U.’s football team got to go to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, along with the Marching Hundred Band and the Singing Hoosiers. We were to be gone a week, all expenses paid, including meals, and there was a whole itinerary planned for us, to sightsee and perform while we were out there. We flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles. That was my first plane flight, my first time to California and the farthest I had ever been from home, at that time. (My plane flights to date total 526.)

We were put up in the dorm at UCLA in Westwood Village. We got to perform for a company dinner at the Hollywood Palladium, where Pat Buttram and Hoagy Carmichael were in attendance. Before we got to sing, however, there were a lot of boring speeches that went on far too long. The football team had an 11:00 curfew, so at 11:10, while the Hoosiers were still singing, the coach and his team staged a walkout, along with other attendees. Well, how rude! Then on top of that, many members of the group got food poisoning! I, however, with my cast iron stomach, emerged unscathed. While at Disneyland, the group performed in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. We were given a tour of Universal Studios, where the musical film Sweet Charity (1969) and the TV series “It Takes a Thief” with Robert Wagner were in production at the time.

A few members of the Singing Hoosiers in LA. I don’t remember who everybody is.

We all attended the Tournament of Roses Parade as spectators and the Rose Bowl game on New Year’s Day. There were people outside the stadium clamoring for tickets to the game, and I considered selling mine and could have made a lot of money in the deal. But I figured that this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I shouldn’t miss out on it. As it turned out, though, I wish I had passed it up. The football game was a crashing bore to me. Spectator sports is not my thing at all. I’d rather be doing than watch someone else do. Our team lost anyway. USC skunked us 14-3. An interesting note, however, is that I got to see O.J. Simpson play that day, and he was the MVP of the game!

Do you want to know from poor? For my first trip that far away and for that length of time, I went out there with only six dollars cash in my pocket! And still had three when I returned a week later! All I bought were some postcards and a new diary for the New Year. The Hoosiers once got to perform for the premiere of the film Funny Girl (1968) when it opened at a movie theater in Indianapolis. We did our set and then they let us stay to watch the movie.

It was November 1969 when I made my first trip to New York City by bus with the Singing Hoosiers. I was no longer enrolled in school, but Mr. Robert Stoll, the director, allowed me to continue singing with the group anyway. I guess he liked having me around, although he never gave me any featured solos to do. Enroute we stopped in Westfield, New Jersey for a reception at the family home of one of the women members.

We spent two days in the City, performed at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel (but we were not put up there) and did some sightseeing, but only in Manhattan. Upon our arrival to our hotel (which has since been demolished), we were surprised to see actor Tony Randall there to greet us! He knew one of the women in the group, having worked with her previously in summer stock, and she must have alerted him of our visit. We also spied Col. Harland Sanders (you know, the original Kentucky Fried Chicken guy) standing on the front steps of St. Patrick’s Cathedral as we passed by on the bus.

On this occasion, the 46-member group was traveling by our usual bus and complementary station wagon. On the way back to Bloomington, we had stopped for a picnic lunch in Allentown, Pennsylvania at the home of another group member. When we were resuming our trip and loading the vehicles, I decided that I would like to ride in the station wagon for a while, having never done so. But a fellow colleague, Albert Blake, practically begged me to let him ride in the car. I didn’t feel that strongly about it, so I let him take the car with five others, and I got on the bus.

The motorcade was just outside Harrisburg when the station wagon, driven by a student group member, collided with a big truck at an intersection. No one was killed, thank goodness, but all five passengers were injured (David Huggins, the driver, was unharmed, however), and Albert, who had insisted on riding in the car instead of me, was sitting in the front seat (where I usually sit myself) and went through the windshield on impact! This was the days before compulsory seat belts. Al’s face got all cut up and required reconstructive surgery! I can’t believe my luck sometime. While my guardian angel apparently was looking out for me, poor Al’s must have been out-to-lunch that day! We all had to stay overnight in Harrisburg while the injured were being treated in the local hospital. I would have liked to show you a picture I took of the mangled vehicle, but I don’t have it anymore.

After college I had the good fortune, for the most part, of serving only 22 months in the U.S. Army. That is because they let me out two months early. That’s a whole adventure story in itself, which I elaborate in full in another article (My Non-Combat Tour-of-Duty). But for now I will tell you that the last 18 months of my stint in the military was spent on the Japanese island of Okinawa. I was stationed there from October 1970 to March ’72, when I was 23-years-old, after my prior 16 weeks of Basic Training at Fort Campbell, Kentucky/Tennessee and Military Police School at Fort Gordon, Georgia.

When I made the permanent move to New York at the end of ‘72, my regular traveling experience was just beginning. In the ensuing 43 years I have toured extensively with the likes of Harry Belafonte (doing vocal backup), the Robert DeCormier Singers (a singing and dancing folksong ensemble), The Flirtations (acappella vocal group), the Gregg Smith Singers (a just-stand-there-and-sing choral ensemble of 16 mixed voices), Festival Voices (an acappella mixed quartet that did public school shows), New York City Opera, Collegiate Chorale, The New York Vagabonds (a pop, sing-and-dance act), and my own acappella quartet, Steamboat Gothic (who sang just about everything). As a result, I have performed in all 50 U.S. states and visited and/or played many of the major cities, including 45 state capitals.

I have performed at or at least visited 136 colleges and universities, as well as many of the major concert halls and performing venues in this country and Canada, including the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles (where the Academy Awards shows were held for many years), the Johnny Carson Theater in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Myrna Loy Theater in Helena, Montana, the Madame Walker Theater in Indianapolis, the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota, plus all the halls of New York’s Lincoln Center (including the Metropolitan Opera), Town Hall and Carnegie Hall many times. I have played the renowned Palace and Schubert Theaters here, but I have yet to play the Apollo or Beacon Theater or Madison Square Garden, but I did perform at Yankee Stadium. I also dreamed of playing the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. I have stayed in the best plush hotels and I have stayed in the worst dives as well.

The Robert DeCormier Singers, 1983 (left to right: Sandra Arida, Kevin Elliot, Adele Robbins, Brian Powell, Louise DeCormier, Susan Whitenack, David Dusing, Janine Hangen, Richard Scott, Arthur Williams, Maureen Haley, Claire Bennett, Me, Bob DeCormier)

The DeCormier ensemble was a mixed group in every sense of the word—by gender, ethnicity, vocal category and sexual orientation. The shows we did were basically folksongs from around the world, but the selections were all staged, with costumes, lighting, major choreography and inventive, modern arrangements; we didn’t just stand up there and sing. For me, that made the experience all the more enjoyable. You know that I am not one to gossip, but… From a veteran in the group I was told that in past years Bob tended to be a bit of a philanderer with the women while on the road. So now with their kids grown and out of the house, Bob’s wife, Louise, also a singer, was free to tour with us. That way, she could keep close tabs on Bob. Louise stayed with the group from then on, until the end. We traveled by bus all over the U.S. and Canada doing one-nighters in mostly little, out-of-the-way, podunk towns. Come on, Cherokee Village, Arkansas and Warner Robins, Georgia, for example?!

I think that the most uneventful town that I ever had to perform in must be Shamrock, Texas (located in the panhandle and dubbed “The Irish City”), where we visited during the 1983 tour. The DeCormier troupe got there around noon on a Friday. I had some lunch then decided to go into the main section of town to cash my paycheck and do some shopping. The streets were quite deserted, and the bank and all the stores were already closed for the day, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon! I thought, Where is everybody? Do they take siestas here, too? Even if all the citizens there had been Jewish, it’s not sundown yet! Is this tired, or what? We didn’t have much of a turnout at the concert that night either. I don’t know why we were even booked in such a place.

I like to take pictures of just about every place I visit just to have some record that I was there. The only thing in Shamrock that was of any interest to me to take a picture of was their water tower (for my photo collection)! I also liked sending postcards from unusual places during my travels, and the cards usually depict the tourist attractions of the particular town or region. The only postcards that were available for Shamrock was a picture of a signpost with the town’s name on it and one with a depiction of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Main Street. Apparently, there was nothing else in the entire town that was worthy of a postcard!

The caption on the parade card said that thousands (!) of visitors come to Shamrock each year to celebrate “Irish Day.” They all must be from neighboring areas, I would think. I can’t imagine anybody traveling great distances to attend a stupid parade. “So, Ms. O’Grady, after your March wedding here in your hometown of Anchorage, where are you going on your honeymoon?” “Oh, Mrs. O’Leary, that darling man of mine is taking me to Shamrock, Texas for Irish Day!” “Really? Ooh, lucky you!”

The way really to see the country is to travel by ground vehicle, and I have had many opportunities to do just that during my cross-country bus tours with Bob DeCormier and later with Gregg Smith. I made an interesting observation while traveling through the plain states of the West—Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming—you know, all those big, wide-open states out there. You can travel for miles and miles and not encounter anything. I mean, nada! Just flat, empty, wasted space for many miles. Then occasionally you come upon a residential community with rows of houses and streets But these houses are built right next to each other, no more than five feet apart! I mean, they have this huge expanse of land where they could spread out, but they choose to live all bunched up together! I don’t mind having neighbors to socialize with, but I don’t want them to be able to look directly into my bedroom window! I like privacy and space. Of course, urban living is a different situation. Manhattan, for instance, being an island, our space is definitely limited, so we have to live on top of each other; it’s unavoidable. But there is no excuse for it out there. They have the space and they don’t use it. I guess some people have this great need for community and proximity, a sense of belonging somewhere.

During the 1977 tour when Bob’s group played San Diego, California, we had a night off, so a group of us took the opportunity to visit Tijuana, Mexico. We spent a good portion of the time going about the town inquiring about the alleged “Donkey Show.” That’s where a woman is purported to have sex with a real, live donkey onstage! We never did find it that night, however, but fellow colleague, David Düsing, now deceased, commemorated our efforts by composing a limerick in my honor, which he shared at a subsequent party. I actually did utter the last line to a Mexican cab driver, which most likely inspired the verse.

Our Cliff’s brow was raised in a furrow
When informed, “No, it’s just the girl.”
Said he with a laugh,
“But that’s only one half!
¿Dónde está el burro?!”

I actually used the correct pronunciation of burro, as I do know Spanish. But David wanted it to rhyme, which adds to the humor, I suppose. We crossed the Mexican border another time into Ciudad Juarez, when we played El Paso, Texas one year. Another memorable event was when the Tutankhamen Exhibit was making its rounds in the States and it happened to be on display in New Orleans when we performed there in November 1977. My friend and colleague, Lloyd Thompkins, now deceased, and I went to see the exhibit while tripping on LSD. Wow, that was something! While in Charlottetown, the capital of Prince Edward Island in Canada, a posh reception was held for us at the Governor’s mansion. I got to visit Mount Rushmore when we played nearby Rapid City, South Dakota.

Me in Rapid City, SD. Notice the upper background.

I did seven concert tours with Bob on and off from 1974 to 1988 (it was a different group each time), plus various concerts in the City and several recordings. Even as a nonagenarian, Bob still did occasional freelance conducting. Alas, we lost Bob to kidney failure on November 7, 2017, just two months shy of his 96th birthday. He was a wonderful musician, colleague and friend.

Maybe it’s not as bad now as it was in the past when white people would experience discrimination only if they were deemed to be gay. But in my case, that has never posed a problem for me. During these tour days with the DeCormier Singers, there were several unpleasant encounters with the law and local citizenry, which had nothing to do with my being gay.

In the spring of 1975 the ensemble had the occasion to perform in an auditorium of Walker College in the small Southern town of Jasper, Alabama. That year the group consisted of three black men, all gay, and the other ten singers were white. We did notice a rather less-than-warm response by the end of the show, and word got back to us from someone on our technical crew that during the intermission, some members of the audience were overheard making snide comments. They apparently were quite outraged by “them trashy women up there dancin’ with them nigger men.” It didn’t occur to them that the men in question might all be queer, therefore no threat to the heterosexual status quo, if that even would have mattered.

We used risers and a portable shell for our shows, and it was normal policy to hire local volunteers to unload the tour bus, set up the stage equipment and then take it all down at the end. Well, it was reported back on the bus that someone had scrawled swastikas and “KKK”s on the back of our shell. It had to have been one or more of the student volunteers.

You know, I find it interesting that if the Klan is so proud of their convictions, why do they hide their faces behind those hoods and sheets when they go out on their night rides, and establish their organization as a Secret Society? No one has ever admitted to me that they are a member of the Ku Klux Klan. They’re not ashamed, are they? It’s just like the German Nazis, when they were killing all those Jews and other people. They were so committed to their cause and were forever justifying their actions, yet they were so clandestine about it and tried to cover up their dastardly deeds. Even after the War, most of them fled the country, went into hiding and concealed their true identities. If they hadn’t done anything wrong, then why the secrecy? By the way, where do the Klan get their outfits? Is there a K.K.K-Mart that they all shop at? “Every day here is a White Sale.”

But I digress. Later that evening in Jasper, when the bus dropped us off at the motel, without changing our costumes, three of the women and I decided to go look for something to eat, as we are usually a bit peckish after the show. There was an open 7-11 right down the road that we could walk to. But before we even got to the store, we were approached by the cops and questioned. They wanted to know what a “nigra” man was doing walking alongside a country road with three heavily-made-up white women. They must all be hookers, and I must be their pimp, you see. I guess we didn’t convince them that we were really errant entertainers, because they patrolled our motel the rest of the night, I suppose trying to catch my girls’ johns going in and out. You know, it would not surprise me to know that someone from our audience might have called the police and asked them to keep an eye on us while we were there. How did they just happen to be there at that particular time and place? We were certainly glad to get out of that town the next morning.

Me and my bitches (clockwise from top right: Louise DeCormier, Laura Vincent, Valerie Orlando, Elizabeth Farr, Pamela Kordan, Suzanne Maslanka, Jan Merchant)

In Birmingham the very next day, we had stopped to refuel at a filling station. When the white attendant came onto the bus to get his pay from the driver (who was also black), he looked the bus over, then announced, to no one in particular, “Hey, you know we had a busload of darkies come through here jes’ th’other day!” We all looked at each other quizzically and thought, ‘So, what’s your point?’ And does only four constitute a “busload”? What I have discovered about Southern bigots is that at least they are more outspoken and upfront about their feelings towards blacks. They will tell you right to your face what is on their mind, so you know where you stand with them. I have more respect for someone like that because of their honesty, despite the sentiment.

Sometimes mistaken identity is a factor. During the DeCormier tour in the fall of 1976 when we were in Franklin, Maryland, I had just finished having lunch in the local mini-mall right next to our motel, when, as I was crossing the parking area, heading back to my room, several squad cars, with lights flashing and sirens blaring, came speeding up toward me. They jumped out, with weapons drawn and pointing at me, grabbed me, threw me against one of the cars, frisked me, and informed me that I had been “positively identified” as the person who had robbed the mall bank just minutes before. I was then escorted to the bank, right there on the premises, to confront my accusers, who informed the arresting officers, “Oops, sorry! That’s not him.” I’m not? Are you sure?

It was an understandable mistake, I should realize, because we all look so much alike, don’t you know. I’m pretty sure that the only description given to the police when they reported the robbery is that he was black. That’s all they ever notice. So any black person that they encounter must be the guy, right? Whites get more detailed descriptions. They will tell you their height, weight, hair color, age-approximation and what they are wearing. With us, the only thing they get is, “Well, he was black.“ Oh, well, that certainly narrows it down, then! What else do we need to know?”

They did let me go eventually, but not without first confirming my identity with my tour manager. They wouldn’t just take my word on who I said I was. Even if I am not a would-be bank robber, I must be up to something. Why am I lurking around the shopping mall, for instance? Of course, I got no kind of apology from the cops for their false arrest or for the abject humiliation and terror that they had just put me through. I am so grateful, at least, that none of them became trigger-happy that day. They easily could have shot me dead on the spot and then asked questions later. “No? But they said that he was the guy. My bad.” Never mind that at the time I was apprehended, I was not carrying anything in my hands, and it apparently never occurred to anybody where I had so quickly stashed the loot I supposedly had just stolen. Also, why on earth would I hang around the place, on foot, after robbing the bank and wait for the cops to come and arrest me? Where was my getaway car? The real robber was long gone by this time. Didn’t they consider any of that? I guess we mustn’t let common sense and logic interfere with law enforcement, must we?

In all fairness, though, mistaken identity is not just a black occurrence, of course. The police are always fingering the wrong people, white as well as black, for crimes that they did not commit. In Alfred Hitchcock’s The Wrong Man (1957), for example, which is supposedly based on a true story, innocent Henry Fonda is accused of committing armed robbery, and all of the witnesses are positive and swear that he is the guy. When they eventually catch the real culprit, the actor that they cast does not look all that much like Fonda. I thought, How could they mistake that guy with Henry Fonda? So I guess y’all can’t even tell yourselves apart! But in the case of whites, they usually have a stronger case and more proof of identification than just a mere “That’s the one!” which is all that is required for us to get a conviction.

The next year in Walla Walla, Washington (October 1977)–yep, every year it was something!–Lloyd and I were doing our laundry at a local laundromat when a police car drove up, approached me inside and informed me that they had received a call from someone reporting that I was overheard plotting with my companion to rob the supermarket next door, where just prior we had gone for sodas. The charge was, get this, “premeditated, attempted armed robbery!” That is understandable, though, since I always plan my robberies in full earshot of the people I intend to rob. I mean, it’s only fair that I warn them first, right? And of course, I always pack my rod when I do my laundry. I never know when I’m going to need it, you see. Do you think that they consulted their list of gay holdup crooks to find me? It must be a sexual orientation issue, after all. It couldn’t be a racial thing, can it? I wonder, though, how they were able to identify me, since I was a stranger in town and nobody knew my name? Hmm.

Who would make up such a story and for what reason? I am rather wary of these so-called “anonymous tips.” I suspect that often they are means to divert attention from themselves. While the cops are checking out the innocent subject of a report, the caller may be the one actually committing a crime. I contend that those cops were acting solely on their own. I doubt it that they got some alleged call. You know, another case of pissing on me and telling me that it’s water! They probably saw me on the street and just wanted to harass me. But why were they speaking only to me? My “partner-in-crime” Lloyd was standing right there with me, but they didn’t say a word to him. What, all of a sudden now it’s the black guy who is the brilliant mastermind of this alleged heist, and poor, innocent Lloyd is being coerced by me to go along with the plan?

I could have been fag bashed in Cheyenne, Wyoming once, if my attacker had known, or even cared, that I was gay. But that didn’t matter. I was assaulted for another, more important reason. This was just four days before my “attempted armed robbery” caper in Walla Walla. I was out strolling the streets of Cheyenne alone after our show that night, when I happened upon an apparently straight bar that caught my attention and interest because I spied through the large front window some cute, young men inside shooting pool. I went in so that I might observe them more closely, sat at the bar and ordered a beer.

No sooner had I sat down when I heard a male voice behind me quite audibly say, “So, they’re lettin’ niggers in here now, huh?” No, he didn’t whisper it, he wanted me to hear him. Should I ignore him, I thought, or should I get the hell out of here right now? As a rule, I’m not one to be intimidated by anyone. Besides, he was not the proprietor but only a patron himself, so to hell with him! I just sat right there and continued to sip my beer (and cruise the boys playing pool).

The scumbag peckerwood continued to make his disparaging remarks, and I eventually got up and went into the adjoining pool area so that I wouldn’t have to listen to his shit. The lights were full up in the place, another indication that it was not a gay bar. And then before I realized what was happening, the redneck cracker had followed me into the other room, walked over to me and proceeded to punch me in the face with his fist, knocking my glasses off but not breaking them, fortunately. I am a committed pacifist, and physical violence is not my thing at all, even if I’m provoked. I believe that I can take care of myself if I have to–after all, I have been trained in military hand-to-hand combat–but the guy had caught me by surprise, and nobody else in the bar even attempted to intervene or come to my defense. He could have had a deadly weapon, and I didn’t know anybody there to depend on for help if things got any uglier. So I retrieved my glasses off the floor and made a beeline for the door. The guy did manage, though, to get in a couple more licks before I could get away from him.

So, I wasn’t attacked for being a faggot but for being a black person, although the state of Wyoming is not without its homophobes, too. Remember that it was in Laramie that poor Matthew Shepard met his unfortunate demise at the hands of vicious fag bashers. What I find so maddeningly-inexcusable about this and other racial incidents, though, is that it did not happen in some place like Selma, Alabama or “Redneckville,” Mississippi. Ironically, I have experienced more racial discrimination in major Northern cities than I have in the podunk South. Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York are Northern states. Washington and Wyoming are Northwestern states. I didn’t get physically assaulted in Alabama or Mississippi.

We have heard of blacks being harassed by policemen for driving expensive cars. Even rich movie/TV stars like Wesley Snipes and Blair Underwood have been under frequent scrutiny by L.A. cops. “What is that black guy doing driving that fancy car? It must be stolen. Be sure to check it for drugs, too, while we’re at it.” They think that no black person can afford a decent car. Shouldn’t we, with the means, be allowed to own nice automobiles, like your good, white folks? They have even come up with a special violation just for us: “D.W.B.”—Driving While Black, which gives them an excuse to pull us over for no other reason than just being that. Since I don’t have a car and don‘t drive, I did a lot of walking when I was on the road, but I often got harassed by the cops, too, although my crime was merely “W.W.B.”—Walking While Black. They even have a code name for it: “ped check,” which is short for pedestrian check. But it applies only to blacks being stopped by the police, merely for walking on a public street.

In September 1975 I attended the cast party for a show I was in, entitled Sing America Sing, which was being held at a private home in Greenwich, Connecticut. I took the train up there from Manhattan, and as there was no one to meet me when I arrived at the station, I decided to find my way to the home of our music director, Ron Frangipane, on my own. It was already dark out, and having been told that it was not far, I decided to walk.

When I got about two blocks from Ron’s house, I was approached by two uniformed, white police officers in their squad car, who asked me what I was doing there and where was I going. First of all, it’s none of their business where I was going. Do they ask everyone walking on the street where they are going? I don’t think so. They told me that they had received a call from someone reporting “a suspicious character of your description lurking the streets.” So a black man cannot walk on a public street without it being construed as lurking? Purportedly, there was a “cat burglar” at large in the neighborhood, or so they said. They took my name, and since we are all pathological liars, you know, while one of the cops detained me with him, the other one actually went to Ron’s house and asked him if he knew me and if he was expecting me! Since my story checked out, they eventually let me go on my way, again with no apology.

I can appreciate that those cops were only doing their job. I mean, they have to protect their town from that pervasive queer element, don’t they? I’m not even buying that burglar excuse. They have to make up something, rather than admit the real reason why they stopped me. But I am the bold-faced liar, right? If there had been a burglar at large in the neighborhood, and they apparently knew what he looked like, since I matched his description, why had they not caught him yet? Nobody was around when he was actually committing his crimes, but now they conveniently show up when they see me walking on the street?

If I had been the culprit, I wouldn’t be returning to the scene of the crime or out in the open on a public street where the cops could find me. But my other question is, why would somebody want to burgle a cat anyway? By the way, Greenwich is the very place where some white high school students got away with getting their subtly-cryptic message of “Kill All the Niggers!” published in their 1995 yearbook! So you see, blatant racism does exist in the North, maybe even more so than in the South.

I met Harry Belafonte through my association with Bob DeCormier. I was a great fan of Harry and grew up listening to his records. Who would have thought that I would someday be working with him and he’d be paying me big bucks for the privilege? Bob worked as Harry’s musical director back in the fifties and sixties. He also musically managed Peter, Paul & Mary’s act for many years. Bob’s forming of the Belafonte Folk Singers, which was all-male, was his inspiration for subsequently forming his own touring mixed ensemble, the DeCormier Singers.

During the fall of 1977 Bob and Harry both were on concurrent tours with their respective groups. Bob’s group consisted of 13 singers. Harry traveled with 6 backup singers (3 men and 3 women) and a 7-man band. It was planned for both our tours to finish at the end of November, at which time both tour groups were scheduled to do a whirlwind winter tour of Canada together. The occasion was a benefit fundraiser for all the major orchestras of Canada. We all met in Toronto on November 30 to rehearse the show that we would be doing for the next three weeks. In addition to the Toronto Symphony, we did the Saskatoon Symphony, the Winnipeg Symphony, the Vancouver Symphony, the Edmonton Symphony, the Calgary Symphony, the Hamilton Philharmonic, the National Symphony of Ottawa and the Atlantic Symphony of Halifax, flying all the way.  Montreal had to bow out, as they were on strike, so we didn’t make it there, that time. These were all one-nighters, but we did have some days off in between engagements.

It was snowy and cold everywhere we went. In fact, Saskatoon had a blizzard while we were there, and Edmonton turned out to be the coldest place I have ever been in my life. It was 40 degrees below zero! That is the point on the thermometer where both Celsius and Fahrenheit meet up, so that’s cold by anybody’s standards It was so cold… (“How cold was it?!”) It was so cold that the air was frozen! You could see ice crystals hovering. The Baskin-Robbins there was selling soup!

Anyway, Harry was scheduled to return to the same cities the following spring to do his own show, and he needed a couple more male singers to replace the two who were leaving his company. I was recommended for the job by a longtime Belafonte associate and South Bend homeboy and friend, tenor Arthur Williams. So having already met me and worked with me, Harry readily hired me for his upcoming Canadian tour. The Band members were Alex Blake, Richard Cummings, Monti Ellison, Wilby Fletcher, Van Gibbs Ted Perlman and Steve Thornton. The other backup singers, besides me and Arthur, were Robert Deadmon, Albertine Robinson, Gloria Turner and Betty Volonec. Harry’s featured guest artist was singer Falumi Prince.

The first leg of the tour was 12 weeks long, beginning on March 18 and went to June 8. This time we got to stay in each city for a week (including Montreal this time), except for Regina (Saskatchewan) and Saskatoon, where we split the week, and Toronto, where we played for three weeks. I even got to fly my mother and sister to see me in Toronto and to meet Harry. While he was still Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau came to see Harry’s show when we played Ottawa.

We also did some one-nighters in the Ontario towns of Hamilton, Kitchener, London and Peterborough. I remember that London’s show venue was a hockey arena. It was a Saturday night, and some of the attendees seemed to be pretty wasted already. As soon as Harry came out on stage, some drunken idiot yelled out, “Hey, Harry, sing ‘Day-O!'” I thought, How gauche! Let the man do his show. Anyone with any couth knows that one should make song requests at the end of a concert, not at the beginning. Wait and see if a song you like will be done before you ask for it.

This was a pretty good job, in most respects. Harry was paying me $500 a week to sit on a stool onstage and go, # Ooooo… # every night, so the money was good, and there were travel fringe benefits. We got to stay in the best hotels in Canada, which he paid for. Well, the second-best, really. Harry himself stayed in the best ones. I suppose what I mean by best is the most expensive. But I didn’t care. They all were pretty luxurious to me. Harry never liked to stay in the same hotel as his company. As it was, we never got to see him except during the shows and while traveling.

He didn’t have a choice in Hamilton, however, since they have only one major hotel. Harry would get onstage and berate the people every night, telling them that they need to get a hotel, meaning, an alternative one that he wouldn’t have to share with the likes of us peons. The city is not all that big. Why would any city go to the added expense and trouble of building a whole new hotel just to accommodate Harry the few times that he may be in town? Some rich people are such snobs–and demanding at that! Of course, he could have been just kidding, but knowing Harry, he probably was serious. Even in jest, there is some truth. He also would make fun of the Chinese eatery right across the street from the hotel, called Take-ee Out-ee. I loved the Royal Connaught Hotel in Hamilton. I thought it was quite plush. The rooms even have cooking facilities.

When we were in Calgary, Alberta, a group of us went to visit nearby Banff and Lake Louise. It is so beautiful up there. We went submerging in a hot springs pool located atop a snow-capped mountain! We had some wonderful company meals, too. One of my most memorable was the one to which Harry treated us all on our night off in Toronto. It was a fabulous soul food restaurant called The Underground Railroad. Chile, that was some of the best food I have ever tasted in my life! I liked to ate [sic] myself to death! I was in pain hobbling back to the hotel! I had hoped to revisit that place when I returned to Toronto years later, but it is no longer there.

Harry took the company to Bermuda for two days at the end of June that same year, where we played the pink-painted Princess Hotel. I did not enjoy my little leisure time in Bermuda so much, because I was constantly in the hot, blazing sun. Where I was staying, there were no trees, therefore no shade anywhere. Unlike you whities, I don’t need or want so much sun exposure that badly. I prefer lots of shade. The ocean water was nice, though, very clear and warm.

Me with Harry Belafonte at Nice airport

Then next to Monte-Carlo (yes, they do spell it with the hyphen) the first 11 days in August, where we actually performed for the Royal Couple—Prince Rainier and Princess Grace! From where I was sitting on the stage of the Sporting Club, which is situated on the Mediterranean Sea, I could look out the back window and see the royal palace in moonlight silhouetted against the night sky. That was such an awesome sight! Also in the audience opening night were actor Gina Lollobrigida and Greek singer Nana Mouskouri, a friend and colleague of Harry, whom I got to meet.

For me, eleven days in Monte-Carlo was about nine days too many. It’s just a tiny nothing village built on the side of a hill which slopes down to the sea. The entire town I managed to sightsee in the course of one afternoon! I learned that all of Monaco itself could fit inside New York’s Central Park, with room to spare. I couldn’t take any day trips anywhere because we had a show to do every evening.

The place caters to the idle rich, who lie around on the rocky beaches all day (instead of sand, the terrain is made up of varying sizes of rocks!), keep their expensive yachts harbored in the marina, and spend their nights gambling in the casino. I never gambled there, however. The stakes there were much too high for my modest, meager, monetary means. I confined my gambling, such as it was, to the quarter slot machines, found here and there around the square. I started out with a dollar’s worth, which won me a few extra quarters. So every day I would use the same quarters that I had already won previously to play the machines. That way I never lost any money. The trick with gambling is to know when to quit. Most suckers don’t seem to get that. Instead of quitting while they are ahead, they get greedy and hold out for more and end up losing it all.

I did enjoy staying in the Hermitage, an elegant, old hotel located right on the main square of town. Right across the street from my hotel is a park that is said to include every kind of plant and flower available in the area. It’s sort of a garden museum, if you will. The night cruising was good there as well. Harry even paid all of our expenses on the Bermuda and Monaco trips. I was astounded by the amount of luggage that Harry traveled with. He had several steamer trunks that had to be lugged from place to place–not by him, of course. I don’t know what all was in them, as he wore basically the same thing on stage every night.

The downside of the job was that Harry was the main attraction and did not give the singers a whole lot to do in the show. So after a while (I did 85 shows with him) it got to be so routine and rather boring for me. Harry expected all the members of his company to laugh at the same old tired jokes night after night, as if it were the first time we were hearing them.

Since I hadn’t planned on making my life’s career doing unacknowledged backup for Harry Belafonte, when those tours were over, I decided I wanted to do something else. Next! But I don’t regret it in the least. It was fun while it lasted. And I will always be grateful to Harry for making it possible for me to get this apartment that I now live in. That just means that the money I earned working for him was what I used to pay the deposit and first few months of rent.

“To Clifford–It was a pleasure sharing Canada with you. I hope our artistic paths cross again. All the best, Harry Belafonte”

Steamboat Gothic got its start on the streets of Manhattan, for the most part, where there was always an available and enthusiastic audience. It provided a little spending change as well. We found good spots at Sheridan Square and the PATH train entrance on Christopher Street in the Village. A couple of times Hair producers Tom O’Horgan and Gerome Ragni were in our audience. We once got to do a live satellite broadcast to Paris from under the Washington Square Arch! The song selection was “Vive L’Amour,” which you just heard, and which was sort of our signature number. We sang it at every performance. We would work the Broadway Theater district, too, performing for the theatergoers before and after the shows. One evening actor Barnard Hughes came by on his way to work (he was starring in Da at the time) and dropped some money into our basket. Some would comment, “You guys are really good! Why are you singing on the street?” Our reply: “Because we want to!? Mind your business!”

We might be likened to the King’s Singers or Chanticleer, as our acappella repertoire was quite varied. We sang everything, including madrigals, early music, German lieder, sacred motets, spirituals and operatic ensembles, but we specialized in barbershop. Since we all were such crackerjack musicians and fast learners, we managed to rack up a vast repertoire in a very short time. And we were damn good, too! We sang a lot of street fairs and church concerts, a few weddings and private parties. We never got to travel abroad, except for a brief stint in Canada.

Actually, the first indoor gig that we did was a tribute dinner for some military guy, held at the Summit Hotel here in NY. We were the hired entertainment for the event. We didn’t have a name yet, so the person who hired us gave us one, listing us on the program as “A Joyful Noise Quartet.” How so “Up With People” that sounds. We immediately needed a new name. The Deluxe Barbershop Quartet had already been used by my high-school group, and besides, barbershop wasn’t the only thing that we sang. We rejected “The Four Skins” for obvious reasons. I don’t even remember all the names that were suggested. It was Mississippi native Phil Sneed who eventually came up with Steamboat Gothic. Isn’t that a great name! Steamboat Gothic is a type of Southern architectural style, exemplified by ornate flamboyance, strong, roguish gusto, and favored by retired riverboat captains.

One evening while singing on the street, we were approached by the organizer of the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. At the time, she was also organizing a gala event at her store for some fashion designers and wanted a singing group to entertain the invited guests to the affair. So she hired us! The pay was good, and they dressed us in tuxedos. For some reason, there wasn’t much of a turnout to the event, so during the long lulls, we just used the time to rehearse. In November 1978 the group got to entertain Mayor Edward Koch for a special awards ceremony for him held at the Metropolitan Museum. Also in attendance on this occasion were Betty Comden, Adolph Green, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Edward Villella.

In February 1979, on a whim, we decided to enter a barbershop quartet contest held at Maude’s, a Manhattan bar. Of the six groups competing, we were by far the best group to perform that night, and everybody there knew it. There were only two judges, who rated us on several categories: audience appeal, musicality, theatricality, originality and judge’s personal impression. I did retain the scoring sheet, which showed that Steamboat Gothic received lower scores in every category than the other groups who were not as good as we. That last category rendered us the lowest score of anybody, which brought the overall total way down. Someone gave us some lame explanation that we were too good. This was supposed to be an amateur event, and we sounded too professional, I guess. But the fact that we were not getting paid would put us on amateur status, wouldn’t it? So just because we are all consummate musicians who have our shit together, we should be penalized? They just did not want us to win. I think that it was a racial thing, our being the only blacks there. But they never would admit that as the reason.

From 1976 to 1985 there were many personnel changes (19 different combinations in all), but it was the original lineup (below) who got to do the Macy’s gig as well as the last one that the group did. And of those four originals, I am the only one still alive! Leo died of drug addiction and AIDS, Gene died of a crack-induced heart attack, and Leslie was savagely murdered.

The original Steamboat Gothic at Macy’s Department Store in Manhattan (left to right: Eugene Carter, Me, Leslie Dorsey, Leo Warbington)

Bill Carney and Phil Sneed (who both are also deceased) replaced Gene and Leslie for our 6-week, Midwest Community Concerts series tour in 1982. We could have gotten more, but we didn’t want to be out longer than six weeks. It was Leo’s first tour of this kind, and he wasn’t as used to the rigors of touring as the rest of us were. Plus, this was January and February of the coldest, severest winter I have ever experienced before or since, so I am glad that we didn’t have to stay out any longer than we did. We played one-nighters in minor towns in Illinois, Iowa, Manitoba, Minnesota, Montana, North and South Dakota and Wisconsin.

The 1982 tour group (Leo, Phil, Bill, Me)

(# …They call the wind Maria… #)
I call her “Henrietta Hawk.” Do you remember the winter of ’82, those who are old enough? There were tons of snow everywhere! Even Atlanta had a blizzard! The city didn’t even own a snowplow. We served as our own tour managers, and our producers gave us a station wagon to use, which turned out to be a real lemon. The thing kept breaking down on us. Our very first engagement was in Killarney, Manitoba, to where we drove from Minneapolis, after a major snowfall. Even before we left Minnesota, traffic had become virtually non-existent. There were no other cars on the road except us! We were the only ones going to Killarney, and nobody was leaving it, apparently. We passed many vehicles, stranded on the road and covered with snow.

We had to stop at the Canadian border to clear customs, and when we went back outside, the car wouldn’t start! It just died right there at the border and had to be towed into town. The damned thing broke down three more times in two weeks, until they had to give us a replacement. I never saw so much snow as what we encountered those weeks. The day we were in Redfield, South Dakota, was the worst. It was so cold, and the wind chill factor was so severe, it was painful. I’ll tell you, Henrietta really was kicking some major butt that day!

I thought it interesting and quite flattering that our producers could sell us to people who had never heard us or even heard of us. But we didn’t let anybody down. We were an unqualified hit in every place we played. One elderly couple in Pierre, South Dakota came up to us after the show to thank us and said, “We live for these concerts!” I thought, Oh, you poor things! Is this all you have going for you?

The one exception was our concert in Silver Bay, Minnesota. We were caught in another blizzard the day before, enroute from Waseca and had to spend the night in “Dulluth.” This required our show to be postponed until the next night, which turned out to be Super Bowl Sunday, and a good part of our audience, especially the men, did not want to be there, as they were missing the game (their wives had dragged them there). The general response that night was less than enthusiastic. It wasn’t our fault, we were just victims of circumstance and bad timing. Otherwise, we got great press reviews, and mostly all of them mentioned that they liked my arrangements (I contributed four).

I put the concert program together and also wrote the script (our in-between-songs patter) for the show. I was really the unofficial manager of the group by default, since I was the one who got us most of our gigs, negotiated the fees for our tour, set up and organized the rehearsals, was in charge of all the music, and I was the only one of us who contributed any arrangements. But we always got equal pay across the board. I wouldn’t have minded that situation if the other guys had not taken me for granted and made me feel unappreciated. So one day I decided to stop doing anything regarding the group. I wanted to see if someone else would take the initiative to keep us going. Nobody did, so the group folded. Apparently, the other guys were on board as long as they did not have to do any preparatory or maintenance work themselves. For them it was just take the money and run.

I might have been willing to continue managing the group, but just about the time in 1985 when I had done my last gig under the banner of Steamboat Gothic, I was getting involved in the founding of another mixed acappella quartet called Festival Voices, aka Quatraine (when we did extra-curricular gigs). For 12 years we provided entertainment to the inner-city public schools of New York, New Jersey and surrounding areas.

Festival of Music (the name has since been changed to Arts Horizons), an arts-in-education agency in Englewood, NJ, already had Festival Brass, Festival Percussion, Festival Strings and Festival Woodwinds on their roster and they were in need of a vocal ensemble to complete the instrumental families. So founder and President John Devol contacted me to put a group and show together for the agency. I called a few of my colleagues and together we developed a fabulous show, and in just our first season out, became the most popular group on the agency’s roster.

# Festival Voices is our name;
Singing a song is our game.
All we need to make the notes
Are the instruments in our throats.
We don’t pluck, we don’t blow, we don’t beat on anything;
All we do is simply open up our mouths and sing.
And we do all kinds of music: jazz and pop and classical, of course;
This way, no one gets bored, and that’s a policy that we endorse.
My name is Dora, this is Pam, and this is Michael and Cliff.
Festival Voices is our name;
Singing a song is our game. #

There are the lyrics, as the clip may not be too clear. The tune is the “Quintet from Bizet’s Carmen.”

Festival Voices/Quatraine (besides me, left to right are the late Pamela Warrick-Smith, Dora Ohrenstein and Michael Brown)

Our special appeal was probably due to the fact that, unlike the other instrumental groups, which the children could only listen to and not participate themselves, we allowed our young audiences to sing with us during portions of our program. Playing a musical instrument is a learned skill, while anyone with a voice is able to produce vocal sounds. The kids enjoyed doing as well as listening and learning. We introduced them to the various styles of music that can be done without instrumental accompaniment. In this group, too, singers came and went often—there were 51 different combinations of personnel during its incarnation—and I am the only original member who stayed with the group until the very end!

One of our regular altos was Moné Walton, who had aspirations to be an actor. When she left the group, her thespian dream has been realized. With a name change to Monnae Michaell, our girl is in Hollywood working constantly on television. She keeps turning up on many of my favorite programs and in commercials. I am so proud of her. You go, girl! Another of our altos was jazz singer and teacher Amy London, who was in the entire run of City of Angels on Broadway. And Pamela Warrick-Smith was a cousin of Whitney Houston and Dionne Warwick!

Eventually, we all got discouraged by the scarcity of bookings the last couple of seasons and decided they didn’t want to do it anymore. Although I enjoyed doing the show, I didn’t care, at that point, if we continued or not. So we did our last one, my 500th show, on June 3, 1997. If John has put another group together to replace us, he is doing it without me. Since we had the most engagements in New Jersey, it has become my most-traveled state and where I have been in more towns and locations than any other, at least in this country. My foreign record would have to be France.

While I was employed with the New York City Opera chorus from 1984-1990, I got to go on several trips with the company. We went to Wolftrap in Vienna, Virginia, Saratoga in upstate NY one year, Niagara Falls and Costa Mesa, California. The show performed in each place?–Carmen. The time off that we had in Niagara Falls was spent doing the tourist thing with my regular tour buddy, Lloyd. We rode the Maid of the Mist boat, which furnished us with hooded raincoats for when it passes under the Falls. On the Canadian side, we visited Seaworld and Clifton Hill amusement park and Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum.

In my “I’m Working Here!” blog, I go into my opera career with more detail, and I give you the lowdown of my experience appearing as a contestant on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” But it was not my first attempt to get on a TV game show. In the past, in NYC, I auditioned for, but didn’t get on, “Jackpot” and “$10,000 Pyramid.” I have been trying to get on “Jeopardy!” since 1973, when the show was produced in NYC and Art Fleming was the host. The second time that I auditioned in person was in 1987 in Los Angeles. I don’t remember much about that first audition, so it’s this second time that I now will tell you about.

The month was January and NYCO was on tour in Costa Mesa to initiate their brand new opera house and civic arts center. We were there for one week, and when I first arrived, on a Monday, I called up the number I had for “Jeopardy!”, got a live person on the line, and I told her that I was in town for the week and would like to audition for the show. Luckily, they were holding auditions the following Friday, which just happened to be my day off.

When I set out early that Friday morning, I didn’t know how I was going to get there, but I was determined. I was off on another solo adventure. Since I don’t drive, I had to rely on public transportation to get me there. First, I took a city bus from Costa Mesa to the nearest town that had a train station. The train dropped me off somewhere in L.A., but nowhere near the studio, so I jumped in a taxicab, and he took me the rest of the way. I found the studio and I had arrived on time.

To make a long story shorter (too late?), I did take their test, but I didn’t score high enough to qualify as a contestant. Oh, well! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Auditions for the show are now conducted online in the comfort of our home. I have taken the test several times in this fashion, but have yet not scored high enough to make the grade. I’m not giving up, though. Appearing on “Jeopardy!” is still on my Bucket List.

So anyway, after I left the “Jeopardy!” testing center in L.A., I didn’t have to go back to Costa Mesa right away. It wasn’t even noon yet, so I decided to spend the rest of the day in Hollywood, as I had tomorrow morning and afternoon off as well. It was cold that day, and I had left home without a proper jacket. I called some friends in town, but nobody was home; they were all at work. So I roamed the streets all afternoon, ate, did some shopping. Later that evening, in front of Mann’s (formerly Grauman’s) Chinese Theater, a guy came by offering free tickets to some TV shows. Oh, what the hell! I’m not doing anything, so I chose “Valerie.”

Valerie Harper was still with the show at the time, so the title had not yet been changed to “The Hogan Family.” They even had a shuttle van to take us to Century City and back. Jason Bateman was standing right at the door where we entered the studio. It was his birthday, I remember. So that night I got to participate in an episode of a TV sitcom, being “taped before a live audience.”

I made my second visit to Disneyland, too, while I was out there. One of the young supers in the opera, a cute, little, Italian number named Dino from San Clemente, invited me to go with him (and his girlfriend) on our next day off (Sunday), and we spent the entire day. We were there when the place opened at 0900 and left when it closed at midnight.

The Gregg Smith Singers 1985 Tour, taken in Rock Springs, Wyoming (front row: Lynn Hackman, April Lindevald, Naomi Itami, Patricia Price, Me; 2nd row: Scott Whitaker, Leslie Dorsey; 3rd row: Marjory Klein, Susan Altabet, Rosalind Rees, Gregg Smith, Dwana Holroyd, Mary Franke, Drew Martin; back row: Charles Robert Stephens, the bus driver, Jon Pickow, Gabriel DeAngelo, Walter Richardson)

The Gregg Smith Singers also was affiliated with Community Concerts. My time with them (1985) involved traveling cross-country and back (from New York to California via Florida and Texas) by bus doing one-nighters.  As I was replacing someone who had dropped out of the group after their Asian-Hawaiian tour, and they were doing the exact same show on this subsequent tour, I didn’t get any rehearsal beforehand (all the music was memorized) and had to learn the show on the road, on my feet!

On this occasion I got to work with the Bass Section of Life! There were four of us on the part (Leslie Dorsey, Walter Richardson, Charles Robert Stephens and me), and we were all equally matched as far as reading ability, musicianship and competence goes. It was such a pleasure to sing with guys of such pitch accuracy and dependability. Our special gifts apparently did not go unnoticed, because after every concert, without fail—and we were in a different city every night—someone from the audience would come up to compliment us. “God, those basses! … The bass section is incredible! … Man, you guys are good!” Yes, we are, aren’t we? It really feels good when people let artists know that they appreciate the job we’re doing for them. It is all for you, you know, our public. What good is having talent if it is not shared with anyone?

A special tour highlight for me was getting to spend three days and nights in the Reynolda House, on the campus of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. That’s the old homestead mansion of the tobacco tycoons Reynolds family, which is now an American art museum, but they also put up occasional guests. I love big, old houses, and this place was huge, so it was a real treat for me to lodge there. While exploring the house, I discovered that the place had an indoor swimming pool (of which I partook) and a bowling alley, and as a nocturnal diversion one night, I went about the house counting the bathrooms. I think there were as many as twenty! We also gave a concert in the main hall one evening.

We had a whole week off in Los Angeles. I stayed in Hollywood with friends who had recently moved out there from New York. My friend, Jon Pickow (now deceased), who also sang with the group, had a birthday that week, so I took him with me to see La Cage aux Folles, the musical, playing at the Pantages Theatre. We resumed the tour by performing at the L.A. Museum, which is right next to the Tar Pits, then returned east. Gregg subsequently developed severe diabetes, which prevented him from walking, but he still could conduct. But he never got any better and finally died July 2017, just five weeks shy of his 85th birthday.

Debut album cover

Of course, that was none other than actor/playwright Harvey Fierstein. In March 1991 Harvey came to see The Flirtations perform at Eighty-Eights, a Greenwich Village cabaret and while there, recorded that intro for us, which I have retained for moments such as this.

The Flirtations had been together for over a year when I joined them. Jon Arterton, the founder and manager, sang baritone, and Aurelio Font, with whom I sang in church choir together, sang tenor. Our other tenor was TJ Myers, who also served as dance captain/choreographer. Michael Callen, AIDS activist and PWA (Person With AIDS) himself, provided the top voice and much of the comic aspect for the act. We were billed as “the first openly-gay, acappella group.” As Stephen Sondheim once advised, “You gotta get a gimmick.” So that was ours. The group started out with six men until one dropped out. Then another member left and I stepped in to replace him during the summer of 1989. They didn’t have a bass anyway, so I provided a foundation for the group and some more color besides!

Taking me on also lent an air of professionalism to the group. Before I got with them, all they were doing were protest rallies and street fairs for no money. I let them know right off the bat that if I was going to spend all this time working with them, I needed to get paid. This is a job. I’m not just playing around here for fun! So when we started charging for public appearances, people began to take us seriously. We eventually got enough work so that we could receive a weekly salary, even when we weren’t working.

T.J. died of AIDS the following summer, and Jimmy Rutland took his place.  This was the quintet combination that enjoyed the greatest success, from 1990-1993, and I can immodestly say that my addition to the ensemble had a lot to do with our popularity. I won us many adoring fans during my time with them. I made the other guys all better musicians, too, as they tried to rise to my expertise. Instead of small-town venues as I was subject to prior, The Flirts (as we were affectionately called) got to play many of the major cities across the country as well as Canada.

By February 1993, however, Michael had became too sick to travel and perform with us, so we set about to find a replacement for him. During the National Gay Men’s Choruses Convention held in Denver July 1992, at which we got to perform, due to the hundreds of gay singers in attendance, we decided to take the opportunity to hold auditions. They all being amateurs for the most part, we didn’t hear anyone who measured up to our standards and purposes. We did, however, work for a while with Jay Guevara from New York and Bill McKinley from Indianapolis. Neither proved to be a suitable replacement for Michael, so we decided to continue on as a quartet. This worked out for two more years.

The Fabulous Flirtations (another earned epithet) got to perform as headliners at several music festivals in New England and Canada. The 14th Annual Vancouver Folk Music Festival was a new and fun experience for us. It was held for three days in July 1991 in Jericho Beach Park. 68 acts from 19 countries around the world–most of which I had no prior knowledge–participated. I suppose it was like a circus, with five stages and somebody performing on each one at all times from 10 AM to 11 PM all three days. We did a full concert on the Main Stage the first night and three more mini-concerts during the next two days. Meals were served on the premises but our after-hour lodging was located elsewhere. There were volunteer drivers to cart us back and forth to the Festival site. There were nightly impromptu jam sessions held in the common room by the various groups. As the Festival required ticketed admission, a wire fence surrounded the area. This permitted non-paying spectators to sit outside the fence and enjoy the music just the same. I met some of the foreign folk groups who were not pleased that people had to pay to hear their music. They believed that music should be free and available to the public. For outdoor situations such as this I would be inclined to agree. We were asked back again two years later.

The two-day, 16th Annual Clearwater Great Hudson River Revival, held on the campus of Westchester Community College in Valhalla, NY, June 1993, featured 82 acts and included Ani DiFranco, Odetta and Pete Seeger in attendance. The four-day Winnipeg Folk Festival in July 1994 featured 34 acts, where we shared the bill with Janis Ian and Tom Paxton. Although it was the middle of summer, it was freezing in Winnipeg! I didn’t even bring a jacket along and ended up buying a souvenir sweatshirt with our name on it for a little warmth at least. Then two weeks later we did the three-day Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, held at Long Hill Farm in Hillsdale, NY. There were 40 acts this time, including Patty Larkin and David Massengill.

I, alone or with The Flirtations, have participated in the Gay Pride Celebrations held in Asbury Park and Princeton (NJ), Boston, Burlington (Vermont), Cleveland, Dallas, Eugene (Oregon), Henniker (New Hampshire), Madison (Wisconsin), New Orleans, NYC, Provincetown (Massachusetts), Richmond (Virginia), San Diego, San Francisco, Tucson and Washington DC. In the Madison and P-town parades, the Flirts even got to ride in a car, not that I ever actually had to march in any of these Pride Parades. Twice while in Orlando, Florida in 1990, we visited Walt Disney World and Epcot Center. We got VIP treatment and did not have to wait in line for any of the rides and attractions.

We did an impromptu performance in front of the nation’s White House during an ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power) protest in October 1992. We were just there attending the rally, when someone in the crowd recognized us and insisted that we sing something. We chose, appropriately, “Living in Wartime,” Michael’s diatribe of the apathetic response, by the Government, to the AIDS crisis. The senior Bushes were not there to hear it, unfortunately.

The Flirtations appeared on nationwide TV several times while I was with them. We were on “Good Morning America” twice, once on “Donahue,” on “In the Life” and “Network Q” a few times, and on the 1992 HBO documentary featuring Michael Callen, “America Undercover: Why Am I Gay?” which aired many times. We also made appearances on New York public access cable shows, and during my travels with the Flirts, I appeared on local TV shows in Cedar Rapids (Iowa), Denver, Madison, Phoenix, Tucson and Washington, DC. We did a singing interview with Terry David Mulligan for “Much Music,” the Canadian version of our MTV. While in Hamburg, Germany the second time, we performed live on a TV variety show, as well as being interviewed for a couple of other local TV spots there and in Nuremberg.

The Flirts’ appearance on “Donahue” in May 1991 was a lucky opportunity for us as well. I don’t know how we got the gig, but the producers called and asked us to appear on a special show, namely the first televised gay wedding. We serenaded the happy couple, Michael Marlowe and Wayne Watson from Philadelphia, during their on-air nuptials, then we got to sing each time Phil went to commercial. Since the show originally aired live, I had a friend record it for me so that I would have a souvenir copy. We discovered, though, when we watched the tape, that Michael’s microphone was not turned on for the entire broadcast, so his voice part is missing from the soundtrack! How could such a thing happen? Those people are supposed to be top-rate sound engineers. How could they not know that all the voices were not being picked up? And we had a sound check before the show and everything! When people would tell me, “You all sounded really great,” I would reply, ‘Well, you should hear it with all five parts!’

We were seen by millions of viewers that day and when the show aired in other parts of the country. I had perfect strangers coming up to me months and years later with, “Didn’t I see you on ‘Donahue’?” In July 1992 The Flirtations were actually mentioned in The National Enquirer tabloid, in a follow-up article which tried to create some kind of a scandal about the gay married couple. To be mentioned in The National Enquirer for any reason, we felt that we had really arrived!

The Flirts’ 2nd album cover

An industry phrase that cropped up some years ago is “alternative music.” What does that mean? Alternative to what? Music is music and should be judged on its own merit. The so-called experts (disk jockeys, producers, musicians themselves) don’t know exactly what it means either. I have asked them. It’s apparently some theoretical, temporary catchall category for certain music that does not fit into the so-called “mainstream” or music that defies strict classification. They don’t know what to call it, so it becomes alternative music. There are many recording artists who start out as alternative, but when they get popular enough to enter the mainstream, then they lose their alternative status.

I was first made aware of the phrase in late 1992 when The Flirtations’ second album Live Out on the Road (Get it?) was a preliminary nominee for a Grammy Award in the Alternative Music category. I remember thinking then, Our music is pop-oriented, it has worldwide appeal, it certainly would be mainstream if they would allow it to be, but we are not respected enough, perhaps because of our politics, to merit a real music category instead of this “alternative” designation. We may lead alternative lifestyles, but that doesn’t make our music alternative.

Alas, we didn’t make the finals (too much competition?), but it was nice to be considered, at least. Incidentally, I don’t like the expression “alternative lifestyle” either, as it implies that there is only one way to go in life, and if any of us should dare deviate from the “accepted norm,” then we are on the path of an “alternative” lifestyle. I contend, then, that since there is more than one way to go, everyone’s lifestyle is alternative.

Although I did touch down on Hawaiian ground when we stopped in Honolulu to refuel enroute to Okinawa back in 1970, I didn’t get to see much of anything, since we were there for only 30 minutes. I didn’t even get off the plane. I had always felt cheated, having actually been to Hawaii but not at all experiencing it. So you can imagine my excitement and delight when I learned that The Flirtations would be spending seven days there in July 1992. We were supposed to have had a break that week between two separate tours, but we didn’t want to pass up this chance to visit Hawaii. So we decided to do it. By this time the group had really taken off, we had just released our second album, and we had steady work and were on tour for as many as 40 weeks out of the year, with brief breaks usually in January and August.

It was a marathon two days (at least for me) prior to our arrival in Hawaii. From New York we flew out to Detroit via Chicago on Friday the 10th, where we did a concert, then back to Chicago on Saturday for a show at the McCormick Center Hotel. I stayed up all night carousing and partying. My mother and little brother Aaron came from South Bend to see us on this occasion. From there we took a Sunday noon flight to Honolulu and arrived there at 1500, 8 hours later! I didn’t sleep on the plane because they showed The Prince of Tides (1991), which I hadn’t seen. I always try to watch the in-flight movie, whatever it is. Besides, I have trouble sleeping on plane flights anyway, as I can’t get comfortable enough sitting up, and there are interruptions and aisle traffic to contend with.

We all got “lei’d” as soon as we got off the plane. There was no time for an afternoon nap at the hotel either, since we had to rehearse a new show and do a sound check. Michael chose not to go with us this trip, so we had to do our quartet show without him. We played the Waikiki Terrace Hotel Lounge and went on at 9 o’clock that same night, which is already 2 AM New York time, which my body was still on. Then of course, after our set, the producer had to throw us a Welcome-to-Hawaii bash at his bar, Hula’s. I finally crashed, utterly exhausted, at 0700 eastern time, after being up and on the go for two whole days on about two hours of sleep!

On Monday, after a good rest, I went shopping at the huge Ala Moana mall and spent the rest of the day walking around Waikiki. I couldn’t get to all of the Honolulu tourist spots in one day. On Tuesday we flew to Hilo on “the Big Island,” then by car, proceeded on to Kalani Honua (the name means “the heavens and the earth”) retreat, where the week-long Hawaii Men’s Gathering was already underwsy.

How is this for an all-expenses-paid, working vacation? A week in Paradise with a plethora of men! We attended another two-day Men’s Gathering the year before at Camp Swig in Saratoga, California, but this one was far better. Our concert for the retreaters wasn’t until Friday night, so we had all this time to play, enjoy the facilities and participate in the scheduled activities. The Flirts got their own rooms while all the other attendees had to share.

Enroute to the retreat from the airport, we passed through the village of Kalapana, which was still deserted, having been evacuated and practically covered by lava flow from the eruption of the volcano Kilauea just the year before. It had cooled and hardened by this time so there was a black crust on everything. I went bathing with some of the guys in a natural steam pit, sort of like a sauna-in-the-wilds. There was also a conventional sauna at the retreat, as well as a Jacuzzi and swimming pool, and we were served three vegetarian meals a day.

The Hawaii Men’s Gathering

We went on a group picnic and hike one day, took a fun trek around the crater of the volcano and ate our lunch in the woods. Back at Kalani, we were given hula lessons, and later the Flirts lead the men in a sing-a-long. We romped on the rocks around Rainbow Falls, went snorkeling in the Pacific and lay around on the black sand beach. There were nightly pool, hot tub and sauna parties and nocturnal walks to “The Point,” a romantic rendezvous spot that overlooks the ocean. On Thursday we did two radio interviews in Hilo to publicize our concert, and the show itself on Friday was held outdoors on the retreat premises.

I did not enjoy this concert as much as I would have liked, however. A common occurrence in Hawaii is short (sometimes lasting only a minute), periodic rains throughout the day. It’s good, however, for the flora and foliage on the islands. Several times during our performance, it started to rain, which would interrupt the proceedings and cause the audience to fret and run for cover. Like those damned jet planes in San Diego, which I will tell you about a little later, it spoiled the momentum of the show for me and for the audience, too. Just the same, I loved my Hawaiian holiday. It was really quite special, a longtime dream come true.

Now I would like to share with you “My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii.” It’s a bit of exotic Americana, a charming little ditty that uses real Hawaiian words. I like the Hawaiian language, the sound of it and its economy. The entire alphabet is made up of only 12 letters! Although it is located on the Big Island, where we were, the Flirts did not make it to Kealakekua. This is one of only two songs that I know of that mentions the name of the official state fish of Hawaii, the humuhumunukunukuapuaa. The other appears in High School Musical 2, of all places!

The humuhumunukunukuapuaa. A pretty little thing, isn’t it?

One of our major claims-to-fame is that we had the privilege of appearing in 1993’s Philadelphia with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. Although we got only 12 seconds of screen time, our names were listed in the end credits, and all are still receiving regular residual pay for video sales and cable broadcasting! Everybody always wants to hear about my experience working on that movie, so here is the T.

We are not absolutely sure how we got the gig. One source says that it was someone on the movie staff that knew of The Flirtations and told director Jonathan Demme about us, and he said, “Sure, get ’em!” Then in a published interview with Demme himself, he admits that it was he who saw a poster of the group one day while he was in town filming, and right then and there decided that he wanted us for his film. There may be other claims as well. But whichever story is the case, we were contacted about it and just happened to be available to do it.

We were summoned to the “City of Brotherly Love” for six days in late January 1993, put up in a plush hotel and given a daily allowance until they were ready to shoot our scene on the last day. Most of the shooting day was spent preparing for the scene—you know, costumes, makeup, hair and picture-taking. When we got on the set, all of the principles and extras were there to greet us. They were all in various costumes, and Tom Hanks was being very friendly and playful with us. Tom prodded his costar (and lover in the film), Antonio Banderas, to turn around and show us his butt. Shy Tony reluctantly complied. I then said to Tom, ‘Now show us yours, why don’t you!’ Then Michael, confirmed bottom, piped up with, “That’s not the part I want to see!”

Denzel, on the other hand, was totally uncommunicative. He stayed off to himself the whole time we were on the set and never even came over to meet us. As his character was still struggling with his homophobia at that point in the film, I suppose that he chose to remain “in character.” He sure didn’t want to have anything to do with the likes of us. However, the actor who played his wife in the film, Lisa Summerour, was very friendly towards us, as well as everybody else on the set.

I saw Denzel again twice the following December, and he was no friendlier those times either. At a dance concert in NYC that I was involved in and where I was standing right next to him, he kept his head down and would not even look at me. That way, he wouldn’t have to speak, I guess. Then the very next week at the world premiere of the movie and post-viewing party held in Philadelphia, he again stayed off to himself. How can someone so dynamic and outgoing in his films be so introverted and aloof in real life? Maybe he’s just very shy. In all fairness, I suppose I could have spoken to him first. Why should he be the one to initiate a conversation with a stranger? He probably didn’t even remember me from the movie.

But back to the filming. When Jonathan Demme arrived on the set, he came right over to us and greeted each of us by our correct names! I was so impressed and honored that he would actually take the time and effort to find out who we all were, having never met us before. Our scene is the one where Tom and Antonio are throwing a Halloween party in their apartment, and the Flirts were hired to entertain the guests. We did two takes of our song, “Mister Sandman,” so that they could get the proper shots and camera angles. The whole thing took about ten minutes.

“Mister Sandman” was not my choice for the song we should do, but I was outvoted, as usual. I thought that our theme song, “The Flirt Song,” would be more appropriate and practical, besides. We repeatedly say our name, “The Flirtations” many times throughout the song, so no matter what part of the song made it into the final edit, everyone would at least know who we are. The publicity certainly couldn’t hurt! Plus, since the song was written by our very own Jon Arterton, he would be subject to extra royalties for the rest of his life. In addition, being an original song, it might have been eligible for the soundtrack album that we were left off of because of some copyright restrictions. But they never listened to me. What the hell do I know? I’ve been doing this for only 40 years! While everyone was waiting around for the next shots to be set up, which was to be drag queen performance artist Lypsinka (who was ultimately cut from the final print), Jonathan asked us to do another song for the adoring crowd. Appropriately, we chose my own arrangement of “Johnny Angel”! At least the guys did not fight me on that particular decision.

In addition to the invitation to the premiere, the other consolation souvenirs from the film company were a white sweatshirt with a red AIDS awareness ribbon, as part of the design, and the word “Philadelphia” across the front and a commemorative wristwatch with a sweet note signed by Tom Hanks. I wore that watch and cherished it until the battery finally went dead. Somebody has a photograph of me and Tom together. I wish I knew who took it and could get it from him. There was also a “novelization” book of the film by Christopher Davis published, in which The Flirtations were mentioned four times! When I finally got around to reading the book, I found it to be better than the movie, which is often the case.

I’d like to tell you about a somewhat psychic experience I had in San Antonio, Texas. By this time we were living in different cities, so I met the other Flirts there on April 9, 1994, as we were performing the next day. Since this was my first time there and I had the night free, I decided to case the town, as I am wont to do. There was a bar in town that I was interested in checking out, but I didn’t know how far away it was; I had only the address. So, its being a warm night, I donned my leather vest, grabbed my passport (I might need it for ID at some point) and set out on one of my nightly treks to find the bar and do some general cruising.

I was quite a ways already from my hotel when I came to an overpass that had a small stream running beneath it. I went down the embankment to survey it, briefly, and when I got back up to the street, it occurred to me to check my pockets to see if I still had everything I left home with—that is, my wallet and such. I always do a periodic check, when I think about it. My vest had two shallow pockets on the inside, but the openings were cut on the vertical instead of on the horizontal, and things, like my passport, had been known to fall out at times. The couple of times it did fall out, though, I managed to recover it immediately both times.

When I put my passport in that inner pocket before I left the hotel, I remember reminding myself at the time that I shouldn’t put it there, because it’s fallen out before, remember?! But I don’t always listen to myself, and like a hardheaded fool, I put it in there anyway, and when I checked later there by the bridge, it was not there! Shit! Where did I lose it? Well, I’d better retrace my steps and see if I can find where I dropped it. Maybe I even left it in my room and did not bring it with me at all.

So I went all the way back to the hotel, backtracking the exact same way I had come, which was not a direct route either, as I was doing some random sightseeing, but I didn’t see it anywhere. In the meantime, I was trying to think of how I was going to break the news to Jon and the other guys, if I did not recover it. I expected that there would be hell to pay from them. You see, we were leaving for Germany next week, and I didn’t know how I could replace my passport in that short a time.

But here is the point of this story that I’m getting to. So I’m standing there in my hotel room, when I hear a voice from somewhere within me, telling me to go back to the stream, where I first missed my passport. Well, it’s not here in the room, so why not give it another try? I went all the way back to where I was, went back down the grassy embankment to look around there. It was too dark to see anything, but I felt around and didn’t find it. I was climbing back up the embankment toward the street, looking down all the way, when lo and behold! Right there in the grass at my feet, with a beam of light, from who-knows-where, shining right down on it (!) was my passport.

Halleluyer! I was so relieved. If this were a movie, there would have been a musical chord and angelic vapor girls to accompany that beam of light. It had dropped out only a few feet away from where I was standing when I noticed that it was gone. Dumb Dora that I am, it hadn’t occurred to me at the time to check there first, before going all the way back to the hotel. I then realized that I must have received the cosmic message to check my pockets after I unknowingly had just dropped it.

That night convinced me that I have a guardian angel looking out for me. That must have been the voice that I heard. Just like when he saved me from that car crash in Pennsylvania that time, he saved me a lot of trouble and undue potential anguish this time as well. The fact that I am still here and have somehow survived a lot of adversity in my life, I must be getting protection from somebody or something! I’ve never seen him, but he certainly speaks to me often. Some people call it conscience, but maybe it’s something else. Or maybe that is what conscience is–disembodied spiritual guidance that helps us to discern right and wrong. I don’t mean to get all philosophical right now. I’ll leave that for other posts.

The Flirts had the good fortune to do two concert tours of Germany in 1994, in April and November-December. Michael missed out because he had died at the end of 1993. We performed in Berlin, Bonn, Cologne, Hamburg, Hannover, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Koblenz and Nuremberg, and we did two shows in Bern, Switzerland.

Our engagement in Copenhagen was cancelled before we got there. Only days before the gig was to take place, the local Danish guy who was producing the thing became very ill, and they cancelled our engagement. At least, that was the reason we were given. I was greatly disappointed. It would have given me a chance to see my friend Poul Jorgensen, who lived there, one last time before he died. They had sold a lot of tickets which they had to reimburse, and we had gotten major media coverage about the event. How could they leave only one person in charge of such a major event that involved so many people? I guess those Danes don’t believe in, “The show must go on.”

Since our next engagement was in Hamburg, we stayed there for the few extra days. I did enjoy my stay in Hamburg. In lieu of German television, I read a lot and explored the city. Bonn is only a short taxi ride from Cologne, so instead of staying there overnight–it’s a small, nothing town (although we did see the house where Beethoven was purportedly born)–we decided to go back to Cologne after our show, where a lot more was happening. I loved the nightlife in Cologne!

Berlin is huge, now that both East and West sections are one big city. I took a taxi from my hotel one night and more than hour later I still had not arrived at my destination in town! Atlanta is like that in that respect–huge city, area-wise. I saw what is left of the Berlin Wall. While there the first time, we chanced to meet a wonderful, local acappella quintet who called themselves Five Live and made up of three men and two women. We all hit it off immediately, and we even got to hear each other perform. Just like ABBA, whose English was so good, you wouldn’t know that they were Swedish, these German guys sang in flawless English. I don’t think Five Live ever attained international recognition before their eventual disbandment, at least not here in America, but since I have both their albums, I can listen to them any time I want to.

Although we didn’t perform there, our arrival and departure point was Frankfurt-am-Main. I love the city of Frankfurt. It is so diverse, in terms of construction and design. I had the chance to tour much of the city one day. Although I was on foot, I managed to cover a lot of ground. There is a modern-looking commercial and business section with skyscrapers and office buildings. Then you walk a little farther along the river and come to a very European-looking area with old-style dwellings and churches and cobblestone streets. Then over near the opera house you will find a row of expensive shops and boutiques which I likened to Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. On the way back to my hotel, I passed through a quiet, residential area that, if I had awakened there, I would have thought that I was in Brooklyn Heights!

The one thing that I hated about Germany is that practically everybody there smokes. We couldn’t go anywhere without being bombarded by people smoking. I found it to be quite unbearable. The country is so together as far as cleanliness and conservation are concerned, but they have not addressed the smoking situation (at least they hadn‘t when I was last there 30 years ago), because it’s so prevalent over there. We couldn’t say anything to anybody because we non-smokers are definitely in the minority. We wouldn’t permit smoking during our shows, however, and I’m sure they would have, if we had allowed it. But as soon as we would finish our set, virtually the whole audience would run for the exits so that they could light up!

Since most Germans know and speak English very well, we could do our show banter in English and trust that we were being understood. But I decided to honor them by doing one of our song’s introduction auf Deutsch! This seemed to delight our audiences to no end. People came up to me after the show and told me that my German was impeccable! “When did you learn to speak it so well?” they asked. “Uh, a couple of days ago?” I did use the time to study and work up my speech during the plane flight. We even sang as our encore my arrangement of the Beatles’ “Good Night” in German. I found the German men to be friendly, sexy and quite accommodating. I got laid often during my visit. If there are still those who harbor Nazi sensibilities, I didn’t meet any. I think they all probably have died off or moved here!

In May 1991 the Flirts were hired to perform for a benefit fundraiser party, held at the home of Robert Epstein in San Francisco. He is the documentary filmmaker who won the Academy Award for both The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) and Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt (1989). That is one of Rob’s Oscars that I am holding in the following photo. I spied them on a shelf in the house and couldn’t resist picking one of them up and having this picture taken. Those things are heavy, too!

“My heart is full. Thank you all so much.”

Of course, I love San Francisco. I once considered moving there, but it didn’t happen. The Flirts played there several times, and I always enjoyed my stay there each time. We opened Josie’s Cabaret and Juice Joint in the Castro in October 1991, which I assume is still in operation. They were still busy with construction and trying to get the place all together on the very day that we were to do our show–the first of eleven–later that evening. The city is resplendently gay. After all, it is named after St. Francis, a sissy!

At least it was very gay 30 years ago, the last time I was there. I have friends living there who tell me that the former gay scene has declined quite a bit over the years. The Castro isn’t what it used to be. They say that everything is so expensive, street crime is up, and there is a lot of homelessness. The weather, too, temperature-wise, is not consistent during the course of a day. It’s the type of place where if you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes…it’ll change. There were times when I would venture out in the early afternoon, and it was warm enough to go about with just a T-shirt, perhaps, but then by early evening, it had turned cold enough to require a jacket or sweater.

But as gay-friendly as San Francisco is purported to be, they also have their share of racial bigotry and discrimination. And it’s among the gays, too, which I find to be inexcusable. This occurred one night outside a gay bar on Folsom Street. I was out cruising and stopped just to check out one of the neighborhood bars there. There were two white guys standing out in front of the place (I don’t remember the name now), and when I approached to go in, they stopped me and one of them informed me that if I wanted to go inside, I must remove my cap. I thought, Well, that’s a new one, a sleazy bar with a capital dress code? He must have thought that blacks always have to wear their hats and his request would be a deterrent.

Well, it worked. I decided not to go in. I can detect a smokescreen when I see one. You see, I don’t care that much about bars anyway, so I don’t need to make a big deal out of going where I am obviously not wanted. But suppose I had wanted to go in, and keep my cap on? I noticed, however, that before I got completely out of earshot of the bar, the next bechapeau’d parties (who were white) did not receive the same admonition upon entering that he gave me.

The only part of New Orleans that I am familiar with is the French Quarter. The several times I was there, that’s where I spent all of my time. I believe that there is a large number of alcoholics residing there. There are bars that never close. You can go into Lafitte’s at 6 AM and find people in there, still drinking. I saw drunks staggering around on the street. Others, who were not exactly drunk, I could see telltale signs of alcohol abuse on their faces–ruddy complexions and wrinkled, weathered skin.

At least I received somewhat retribution for something that happened in New Orleans in 1993. I was there with the Flirtations and was out on the town one night, barhopping alone in the French Quarter. I don’t go to bars to drink. I can drink at home, although I don‘t even do that. I just go to see who’s there, basically, so if the cruising is good and I do decide to stay for a while, I might order a beer or something. But if I don’t like the scene, I’m out of there.

This particular night I stopped into Lafitte’s, one of the most popular gay bars in the Quarter. It was pretty packed, as it usually is. I had been there less than a minute, not even enough time to case the joint, when the bouncer came over to me and told me either to buy a drink or leave. Since I was only giving the place the once-over and had not planned on staying anyway, I promptly left the bar. I have visited bars and clubs all over the world and I know that it is not a regular policy for them to enforce drinking, or for you to order one as soon as you get there.

I think that it was simply a matter of racial harassment. That guy did not know me at all. Maybe I can’t drink. I mean, I could be a recovering alcoholic or a diabetic, or something. I could have already had my quota of drinking for the night. I may have been the designated driver of my group that night. I may have gone in to look for or retrieve someone. That guy did not ask me anything, not that it’s any of his business anyway. And I’m not going to pay $5.00 for a watered-down soft drink that I can get for much less at the all-night deli right across the street.

But all of that is beside the point. To drink is not the only reason people go to bars. I’ve even heard the excuse, “This is a business. We can’t stay open if nobody drinks.” Well, I’m not everybody, am I! People always drink in bars. My not buying one drink is not going to cause the place to close down, especially since I don’t live in town and am not a regular customer anyway. It’s not my sole responsibility to keep the place open. I mean, suppose that people were denied the privilege of entering any store, unless they purchased something? Many people are browsers and just want to see what merchandise is available. If we see something that we want or need, then we’ll buy it. Macy’s and Walmart are not going out of business just because I didn’t buy something the day I was in there.

Well, anyway, to finish the story, I found out later that my colleague, Aurelio, who is Syrian-Puertorican, had also encountered some disrespectful treatment himself at that same bar. So when “the Flirts” were back in New Orleans again the following year, we happened to mention on stage during our show that we had had a little trouble the last time we were in town and even mentioned Lafitte’s as the culprit. There happened to be a close friend of the owner of the bar in the audience who rushed right out to call him and told him of our ordeal at his establishment.

A few days later, we received a written apology from the owner, assuring us that patron harassment was not a store policy and that that particular employee was acting on his own, not on any instructions from the management. As visiting celebrities in town, if that guy had known who we were, they would have been so honored that we were even gracing their place with our presence, would be begging us to stay and would be buying us drinks! But it shouldn’t matter who I am. I am not asking for special treatment, just common courtesy. Although I do appreciate the apology and the acknowledgment of our plight, it doesn’t excuse that guy or really change the situation, does it? Rules don’t influence people’s stubborn and biased attitudes. And that we have never been back there since, the guy’s apology was rather moot anyway. Of course, this was pre-Hurricane Katrina, and the city is much different now.

(# …Everybody run, the Homecoming Queen’s got a gun!…Debbie’s smiling and waving her gun, picking off cheerleaders one by one…Bloody bodies all over the quad…She’s wasting half of the class… #)
The Flirts created quite the controversy on December 6, 1991 while we were doing a series of concerts in Vancouver, British Columbia, when we regretfully programmed “The Homecoming Queen’s Got a Gun” on the first night of our run. We were recording our concerts that week and wanted to include the song on the ensuing album. The novelty number, originally done by Julie Brown, is a satirical spoof about a high school beauty queen who freaks out and goes on a killing spree during the Homecoming celebrations. I will acknowledge that the song is quite violent, and even “Debbie” herself gets blown away at the end, but we thought the song was funny at the time, and none of us took it all that seriously. Our audiences, too, seemed to enjoy it whenever we did it.

On this particular night, however, there was a number of audience members who apparently were not at all amused. We were not aware that it was the two-year anniversary of the so-called “Montreal Massacre,” when some deranged misogynist by the name of Marc Lepine gunned down 14 women, engineering students at the University of Montreal, who he derided as “feminists.” It’s a Canadian observance that we as “Staters” did not know anything about. Before our show the next day, we had received several letters from our feminist fans imploring us not to sing the song again while we were in town, preferably, never again, said some. They found the song to be in poor taste and insensitive to those who were still in mourning.

We did honor their requests by not singing the song during the rest of our run and apologized to those whom we had offended. The song has since turned out to be another case of life imitating art, when you consider the similar incidents that are occurring all over the country these days, and with the fantasy becoming reality, its intended humor has turned all too serious. It would be pretty insensitive of anyone to be singing the song today, although we can’t do anything about the existing recordings of it.

The Flirts caused another furor in conservative Helena, Montana, when we were scheduled to perform there for the first time in September 1992. An article about our upcoming concert appeared in the local newspaper and listed ticket outlets for the event. Some of these places soon started to receive a “barrage of rude telephone calls” to protest their involvement and our planned visit. The protesters even organized to boycott our concert in the name of “Christian morality.” There is no place in Helena for homosexuals, you see. Some of the ticket sellers gave in to the threats and complaints. But of course, as is always the case, their heated protests only incited people to find out what all the hoopla was about, and as a result, the performance was completely sold out with our new fans clamoring for more! We even had to add another show to accommodate the overflow. I have said that there is no bad publicity. When will these pooh-pooh naysayers ever learn? Their vocal negativity only helps our cause. Our performing venue was the Myrna Loy Theatre, which is a converted jailhouse. There were still bars on the windows! Helena is Myrna Loy’s hometown.

This is an incident of unnecessary overreaction. The first time that The Flirts did the Vancouver Folk Music Festival in July 1991, we had the pleasure of meeting three straight, English women, who called their comedy acappella group Sensible Footwear and described themselves as “comedic, feminist terrorists.” We got to share the stage at the Festival during one of our mini-concerts, and from the moment we met, we became instant friends. Sensible Footwear’s real names are Alex Dallas, Alison Field and Wendy Vousden, but the Flirts often referred to them collectively as “The Girls.” It was shorter than saying all their names or even using the group name. So it was, ‘I got a card from The Girls today’ or ‘The Girls are coming to see us in Seattle.’ There was no disrespect intended, and they didn’t mind the allusion. Besides, they, in turn, called us “The Boys.”

So after the 3-day Music Festival, we all stayed in town an extra day to do a one-nighter at a local nightclub in Vancouver, and the Flirts invited our new friends Sensible Footwear to do a set in our show. I did the introductions, telling the audience how we met and all, and just before I brought them out onstage, I said something like, ‘Now I’d like you to meet The Girls…’, introduced them one by one, and they came out and did their act. But during intermission, it got back to us that some disgruntled females in the audience had taken great offense to my referring to our friends as “girls.” I don’t normally use that term, especially with people I don’t know, just for that reason, as not to offend—just like I always address women as “Ms.,” regardless of their marital status. I meant no disrespect by “girls,” and they know that. I said it that time only out of habit and not thinking about it.

Anyway, when it was time for the Flirts to go back on to finish the show, Alison did a turnabout and introduced us as “The Boys.” When I got out onstage, I took the microphone and said to Alison, ‘Who you callin’ “boy”?!’ Of course, this broke up the whole audience and made light of the situation, also pointing out the inanity of those women’s protest. Those who don’t understand the various meanings and connotations of certain words reveal their lack of savvy rather than our sexual disrespect. When the group disbanded, Alex and Alison eventually settled in Toronto, Ontario, got married and had children. Alison since has divorced and moved back to England. Alex has remained in Toronto. I have lost track of Wendy, however, over the years.

(# Mister Sandman, would you believe, we want a superman like Christopher Reeve?… #)
It was a thrill for the Flirtations actually to get to sing the previous lyric to actor Christopher Reeve himself when he emceed an AIDS benefit concert at Manhattan Plaza apartment complex right here in New York in March 1992. Of course, this was before his debilitating injury. I was watching him when we sang the line, and he was visibly taken aback and clutched his pearls in surprise. After our set, Christopher told the audience that he was flattered and “I don’t think that I’ve ever been honored quite like that in a song before,” he said. I yelled from backstage, ‘Oh, honey, I’ll bet you have!’

I got to meet and chat with Christopher later at the reception, and I noticed a young woman who I didn’t know nearby in the room with us and assumed that she was there with Christopher. Some years before I remember reading about Christopher’s longtime involvement with a woman named Gay Exton. I didn’t know that that relationship had ended. I mean, who can keep up with these movie stars?! So I turned to this young woman, who was standing quietly by, and asked her, ‘Are you Gay?’ She was naturally confused by my question, but Christopher, understanding my query and attempt at a pun, explained that he was no longer with Ms. Exton and that this was his new wife, Dana. I apologized, but they both assured me that no offense was taken. I found them both to be quite charming. I’m sorry that I never got to see either of them again before they died. But I did manage to get a picture of Chris and me together (sorta). Aurelio is not a very good photographer.

Me only partially with Christopher Reeve

(# …Give him two legs like Greg Louganis, but make him public about his gayness… #)
Thus went another line in our version of “Mister Sandman.” But when Greg did come out publicly during the Gay Games IV in 1994, we changed the line to, # …a jock who’s public about his gayness… #. We sang this song when we appeared on the gay variety TV show “In the Life.” When the show aired in Chicago in November 1992, before the line change, we learned that the names Louganis and Reeve were actually deleted from the soundtrack (as if nobody would be able to fill in the appropriate rhymes themselves)!

According to Bruce Marcus, the senior vice president of corporate marketing and communications for Chicago’s PBS station, WTTW, “Having those names in there we felt was an implication that the two individuals are gay, and we have no information with regard to that one way or another, and we felt it was an improper format to do that.” Come on! How is that implying anything of the sort? We are just saying that we want a man like those people. If we had said that we’d like a muscleman like Arnold Schwarzeneggar, that wouldn’t be implying that Arnold is gay.

I think that this Marcus guy is the one making the implication, not us. Just because he doesn’t have any information regarding such, doesn’t mean that we don’t. And since it was all right with Christopher himself when we did it, and Greg is, in fact, openly gay, who is he protecting? But so what if we were implying that they were gay? How is that his business? They never asked him to defend their honor. He is only displaying his own homophobia. Would he have objected if we had “implied” that Elton John and Neil Patrick Harris are straight? How dare they do that to us! We were furious. See my article on Censorship for more senseless and absurd instances of censoring.

(# …Some women love women and some men love men… #)
This seemingly innocent lyric (at least for us queers), from straight singer/songwriter Fred Small’s very popular lullaby “Everything Possible,” proved to be controversial as well when it was included on somebody’s children’s album. I don’t know who the artist(s) are; this was told to me by a fan, and she couldn’t remember the name(s) of the culprits. This song was unquestionably The Flirtations’ greatest hit. It was the best-received, most-requested and the most-covered by other vocal ensembles across the country. We included it in every single show that I did with the Flirts and it’s on several of our albums. That line is quite important to the whole point of the song, as it attempts to teach the child tolerance for human romantic and sexual diversity. This person or persons unknown apparently liked the song well enough to record it for an album project, but felt that this particular lyric was unsuitable for impressionable youngsters, so it was either changed or left out completely. So children, for whom the song is intended, should not be exposed to the message of the song? God forbid that they might get the point and grow up with understanding and a sense of human tolerance for gay people!

(# The higher you build your barriers, the taller I become, the farther you take my rights away, the faster I will run…The more you refuse to hear my voice, the louder I will sing…When people tell us that we are not good enough, we look ‘em in the eyes and say, ‘We‘re gonna do it anyway.’ #)
This is another powerful ballad that we included in every show. It was written by a gay, Nigerian-Brit named Labi Siffre. Let me get political for a minute. One of my disappointments with Jon’s management and booking decisions is that we never got to sing before a predominately-black audience the whole time I was with them. I got so tired of performing before seas of white folks night after night. I so wanted to play the Apollo Theater, for one thing. We would have been such a hit there, I’m sure. The lyrics of “Something Inside So Strong” not only reflect some of the restrictions afforded gay men, for people-of-color they take on a whole other aspect. They relate to us in ways that most whites cannot fathom. In fact, the more privileged, straight whites that we played for hardly could relate to the song at all. Nobody is constantly keeping them down and thwarting their civil rights. But it applies to all non-whites, whether they are gay or straight.

Check out these big names who were performing in the same area and at the same time that The Flirtations were appearing, but for whatever reasons people chose to see us over them: The Allman Brothers Band, Mariah Carey, Jim Carrey, Chicago, Crosby Stills and Nash, Janet Jackson, Elton John, Tom Jones, Richard Lewis, Barry Manilow (who was playing right across the street from where we were in Cedar Rapids, Iowa), Liza Minnelli, The Oak Ridge Boys, RuPaul, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Ravi Shankar, Nina Simone, Sting, Loudon Wainwright, Wynonna and Weird Al Yankovic.

In February 1992 the People With AIDS Coalition held a benefit concert at St. Thomas Church in Manhattan of which the Flirtations took part. On the bill with us were Phylicia Rashad (as host), Melba Moore, Karen Akers, opera divas Marvis Martin and Leona Mitchell. That evening Michael Callen was given a Living With AIDS Award.

We often did joint concerts with other artists, but the order of appearance was sometimes based on who was more famous, rather than the kind of music or act being presented. Now it was all right when a comic opened for us. They would get the crowd warmed up for us, and that was fine. But one time in April 1991, because she was more well-known, the Flirts opened for Suzanne Vega at Brooklyn College. Ideally, a concert is supposed to build in intensity. Our set got the audience all revved up and excited, then Ms. Vega came out and brought the audience way down with her low-keyed, folksy singing and playing. In that instance she should have gone on first.

In other cases, some disparate acts should never appear on the same bill. In March 1993 we were booked to sing at the Eaton Center Shopping Mall in Victoria, B.C.! Booked with us were two local teenaged rock bands, the Hard Rock Miners and Seventh Stone. Their music was, of course, loud and raucous, quite contrary to our more subdued acappella singing. Since these boys went on before us, those in attendance who were there to hear us had to endure that loud noise, and those who were into hard rock probably didn’t care that much about what we do. We were like apples and oranges. Some of these promoters and planners just don’t think about what they’re doing.

Another annoying occurrence is when performers are regarded merely as background. When the Flirts were hired for the Gay and Lesbian Community Services 19th Anniversary Ball, held in Los Angeles in 1990, all during our set we were virtually ignored by the attending crowd, who were going about their business, milling around and talking loud–of course they had to shout to be heard over all that noise coming from the stage! A similar thing happened at a ritzy Horse Show in upstate New York, where the bourgeois patrons verbally socialized over dinner while we were singing. We are not muzak or a casual dance band. Our songs are intended to be listened to for the messages in the lyrics. I find this thoughtless behavior to be inconsiderate and quite disrespectful besides.

The Flirts got to play in Richmond, Virginia three times. The first time, in September 1991, we were there to perform for their “Gay Pride” celebration. There was a parade through town, although very few showed up for it. They also published an events booklet that included a Foreword pep talk by one of the organizers, encouraging every gay person in town to come out and make themselves known, stop hiding, strength in numbers, and all that gay pride rhetoric. But when I got to the end of the editorial, I found the salutation, “Name withheld upon request, for fear that I may lose my job as a teacher.” Hunh?! I thought, What two-faced hypocrite wrote this?! He’s telling us all to come out and then he’s afraid to give his own name?!

The author turned out to be our promoter, a white guy, who I had already met, and when I found him to be the culprit, chile, did I light into him! He had a good, secure position as a public school teacher, a post that he had held for 15 years, but he was afraid that if he revealed himself, he would be fired from his job. I said, ‘How dare you be such a fucking hypocrite!’ He was the primary organizer of the entire Gay Pride event but was afraid to be out about it. I tried to impress upon him my color analogy, reminding him that suppose I hid my race from my employer for 15 years, then when I finally revealed to them that I am really black, would they actually fire me? I’m the same good teacher I was a minute ago, before they found out. He got the point, but I don’t know if it he did anything about it. Everybody is not that clueless. People know or suspect even if they don’t say anything to the person. Did he actually think that nobody at his school has figured out his story in 15 years? I had this guy’s number the moment I met him!

Also, on the door of the hall where the festivities were being held, was a sign which requested that everyone with a camera should get permission from anyone they took a picture of, as that person may not want to be photographed for reasons of keeping their identity a secret! So what are they doing at a gay pride celebration if they are reluctant to have anybody know that they were there?! Plus, many of the people there, as well as in town, had an air of that Southern snobbery and pretense about them. I was so disgusted with the whole thing, I couldn’t wait to get away from there.

Besides Richmond and Chicago, another American city that gives me pause for wonder is San Diego, California. The Flirtations played there several times, and our performing venue on a couple of those occasions was Balboa Park, where many of their populous, outdoor events, such as rock concerts and Gay Pride celebrations, are held. But here is the thing. The Park is located right next to the airport, so while we were doing our set, every three minutes, without fail, a jet plane would fly over the park, in the process of either taking off or landing. Can you imagine the annoying distraction and the intrusion involved in that? We are in the process of singing a quiet ballad or lullaby, when all of a sudden, “VROOOMMM!!” There goes another fucking plane! And of course, it’s very loud, as it’s passing directly overhead. Now, if this were only, like a once-an-hour occurrence, we wouldn’t mind so much. We would have just tried to work in between scheduled flights. But this happened, I’m telling you the truth, every few minutes, so how could we compete with that?

Why I question the citizens’ mentality about the situation, is that none of them seemed to think that there was anything wrong or unusual about this. They seem to have this Oh-well-that’s-just-the-way-it-is attitude. What were the city planners thinking when they built a public park, that was to be used for outdoor performances, adjacent to an airport? Or if the park was there first, why didn’t they put the airport someplace else? Even when there is no music happening there, most people visit the park for peace and relaxation, a place to bring their children and pets. Who wants to be bombarded with the constant din of airplanes flying over all day long? I certainly don’t. But I don’t live there, so I guess it’s not my problem, is it?

The Flirts were in Baltimore, Maryland for a couple of days in November 1991, where we gave a concert, Michael Callen hosted an AIDS seminar, and the AIDS Memorial Quilt was being displayed at Johns Hopkins University. The lasting impression I got from that city is that of creatural tolerance. While walking around the city late one night, on the way back to my hotel, I encountered rats–no, not mice, rats!–walking on the sidewalks of the downtown streets, not even scurrying, but moseying along like they are out for a leisurely, nightly stroll. And the pedestrians about did not pay them any mind, as they must be used to them. I thought, Well! How is that for sharing common space with creatures that are usually regarded despised and feared in other places? A line in the opening number of Hairspray–the Musical, “Good Morning, Baltimore,” mentions # Rats on the street, they dance ‘round my feet…# as a normality, so I guess it’s not a shameful secret after all. And again, if they don’t mind the rats running rampant, then it’s not my problem, as I don’t live there.

One city that I have visited a number of times and find that I do like a lot is Boston. It is usually regarded as uptight, provincial and conservative, but I don‘t see it as being that way at all. The people I have met there have always been friendly and agreeable, and I have had great sexual encounters there. One time I got to stay in my own apartment alone in the Beacon Hill area of town. My place was on the same block as Cheers (where everybody knows your name)! I was doing my laundry at the local Laundromat one evening, and I met a man there who, when he discovered that I am a singer, went home and came back and gave me as a gift, a tape of singers Roland Hayes and Bert Williams. He didn’t expect anything in return, he just thought I might enjoy it.

The Flirtations did a several days’ run in Boston at the end of October 1991, and on a frivolous whim we agreed to do the Halloween show in costume drag! After the show that night, one of our fans in attendance invited me to a party that one of his friends was throwing in town at his house. I am always up for a party, so I decided to go check it out. A lot of people showed up, and I didn’t know a single soul there. The crowd was quite diverse and of varying ages, and everyone was well-behaved, respectful and cordial. I imagined that if I had awoken there, I would wonder where the hell I was. I would never have guessed Boston, of all places.

The Flirts on Halloween 1991 in Boston

When The Flirtations played Oberlin College in April 1993, we had an after-show meal with some of the students at one of their campus eateries. At our table was a charming young woman named Francesca, who was a friend of the woman who was promoting us. As we were leaving the restaurant, I noticed that the walls were covered with various opera posters, one of which was for Zandonai’s Francesca da Rimini. I pointed it out to Francesca, and she casually mentioned that her mother once appeared in that opera. Interested, I inquired, ‘Oh, your mother is an opera singer?’ “Yes, she is.” ‘So, who is your mother?’ “Shirley Verrett.” ‘Get outta here! I loved huh!’ She‘s dead now.

During my first year with the group, we were asked to appear on a local New York radio program. Our appeal and popularity stemmed from our campiness and playing up the gay aspect of our personalities. The announcer/deejay seemed all excited to have us on his show, but then he had the nerve to tell us that we needed to “tone down” that part of our act, because his listening audience would not take too kindly to the gay thing. That is the very thing that they liked about us and what set us apart from everybody else! That is why they would tune in, to hear what we had to say. And how could this guy know who his audience is? He doesn’t know who would be listening at that moment. It galls me when certain individuals think that the entire world regards everything in exactly the same way as they do. We declined his offer. If we can’t do our regular act, then we won’t do it at all.

Some other cities that I did enjoy visiting are Orlando, Florida (where the sexually-active Parliament House is located) and Austin, Texas. I didn’t care for Dallas too much, however. The people there, at least the gays, whom I was in contact with the whole time, all display a certain degree of snobbishness and elitism. Are they all like that, I wondered, even the “regular folks”? We performed there only once, in February 1993, in a concert with the Turtle Creek Chorale, their gay men’s chorus. In every place that we visited we were always greeted with great warmth and enthusiasm. When we arrived at the venue in Dallas, some guy merely showed us to our dressing room and then just left! He didn’t have anything to say to us and wasn’t on hand if we had any questions or requests for him.

When we arrived on stage for our soundcheck and met the other singers, they were equally unforthcoming. None of them seemed at all impressed that we were gracing them with our celebrated presence. We felt so unwelcome, as if we were intruding on their hallowed territory. When I mentioned their bizarre behavior to other Texans outside of Dallas, they all tried to insure me that they are like that with all outsiders, not just us. So it really is a communal, cultural thing. My personal assessment of Dallasites was confirmed by everybody to whom I mentioned it.

When the Flirts played Salt Lake City, Utah one year, during our tour of the city, we, as non-Mormons, were not allowed to see the inside of the famous Tabernacle, even though we were visiting celebrities. They are so strict! We did get to wade, somewhat, in the Great Salt Lake, however, although the day we were there, it was at low tide and quite muddy.

Utah was the 48th U.S. state that I have visited and Rhode Island, my 49th. I had missed Rhode Island all those years before on my other tours, because to get from Connecticut to Massachusetts and back, you don’t need to pass through R.I., as it is off to the side. We only got there finally when the Flirts played Providence. That was the same case with Utah. I never passed through it until we actually went there.

When I visited Las Vegas for the first time during the mid-’70s and was checking out my first casino on the Strip (it might have been The Golden Horseshoe, in fact), I stopped at one of the gaming tables to observe. A smartly-dressed young man approached the table, reached in his pocket, took out, I think it was a $10,000 bill, and placed it on a number on the table. It lost, and the dealer gathered up this guy’s bill with the other losers. The guy then reached in his pocket and plucked down another $10,000 bill, which again did not win. I almost had a fit. I wanted to tell this irresponsible spendthrift, ‘Look, if you don’t want your money, give it to me!‘ I’m standing there with probably only a few dollars in my pocket, and this jerk is giving away multiple grands to a casino, which doesn’t even need it.

I came to the realization that day that this whole gambling thing is a grievous sin. There are so many impoverished, homeless, starving people in the world, even in this country alone. And for someone to go into a casino or to the racetrack and literally throw away thousands of dollars instead of giving it to someone who needs it to live or for food and shelter, is quite sinful, in my opinion. This same casino had on display a million dollars in cash (one hundred $10,000 bills) arranged inside a giant, golden horseshoe.

I remember an impression that I have of Las Vegas (“Sin City”), when I left it that first time. This was, like, 48 years ago, when I was on tour with Bob DeCormier. We were traveling by bus, it was nighttime, and at about half of a mile down the road out of town, I looked out the back window of the bus and what I saw was what appeared to be a circle of lights in the middle of the desert. I felt as if I had just left Sodom and Gomorrah!

I did try the horse-racing experience once. I had a friend from New Jersey, named Joe Granese, with whom I used to play online Trivia years ago. He invited me to go with him to the racetrack at the Meadowlands in NJ one Sunday afternoon. As I will try almost anything at least once, I went along for a new experience. I bet on only one race, probably no more than five dollars. At that time I didn’t have a lot of money just to throw away. (I still don’t.) The horse I picked–I don’t remember his name–did not win, not that I thought he would. I do recall that the racing officials considered my horse to be a mudder. And that’s what I called him, when he lost my money. ‘You slow-assed mudder-…!’

I chose Joe to be my Phone-a-Friend when I appeared on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” in 2003, and he helped me to win $16,000 by providing the correct answer to the question, “What is George W. Bush‘s annual salary for serving as President of the United States?” I didn’t have a clue, but Joe knew (or guessed) it was $400,000. I lost touch with Joe over the years and recently learned that he is deceased.

The Flirtations spent several days in Phoenix, Arizona in early September 1994, when the weather was very hot. I didn’t mind at all, however, as I love hot weather. We performed there as well. As an adventure and to celebrate my birthday on one of our days off, we climbed Piestewa Peak (formerly called “Squaw” Peak) See my blog, Black History IV: Slavery and Its Aftermath for the explanation of the name change.

Me atop Piestewa Peak in Phoenix, Arizona, 1994. I don’t know who snapped the picture or from where.

We also played nearby Scottsbluff, and our promoter there threw us a little party at his home after our show. He claimed to be acquainted with Elton John, who happened to be playing in the area that night as well, so our host contacted him and invited him to our gathering. Alas, Elton did not show up, which disappointed me greatly. I would have loved to meet and talk with one of my music idols in a casual setting such as that.

One dehumanizing incident of note happened in 1994, during my last summer in Provincetown, Massachusetts, of all places. This is considered to be the Gay Mecca of the Northeast, which makes it all the more inexcusable. The Flirtations had a two-week engagement in town. After five consecutive summers there I know the town very well and I knew many of the year-around residents, and they knew me. On a rainy Friday evening of the last weekend there before I left town, I went out to get some dinner, but I had not yet decided where I wanted to eat, so I was just walking around. It was still early, and although it was raining slightly, there were lots of people on the street.

I ran into a guy I knew and we were just about to go into a local bar when a white P-town cop approached me and said that he wanted to speak to me. I couldn’t imagine what he wanted, but I said, ‘Sure.’ I wasn’t worried, as I had not done anything wrong. He said, “We got a complaint from some girls that you have been stalking them.” ‘Excuse me? What girls?’ “Some girls over on Commercial Street (the main drag). They said that they came out of several shops, and each time, there you were!” ‘There I was? Who are these people? Where are they now?’ “They were so frightened, I had to escort them back to their car. So what do you have to say for yourself?” ‘I don’t know what to say. It’s ridiculous.’ “So are you saying that you were not following these women?” ‘What women?! I don’t even know who you’re talking about! How can I admit to something that I don’t know what I’m admitting to? It seems to me that if these people are so interested in my comings and goings, and I am not at all even aware of their presence, then who is stalking whom? I think you have things a little backwards. Look, I am not here in P-town to cruise women, okay?!’

Then this copper proceeded to insult me further by asking me worrisome questions like what was I doing in town and where was I staying and treated me as if I was some loitering bum. I guess that I finally convinced him that I was not some kind of social threat and he left me alone. But the whole encounter made me furious! I can’t believe people can be so paranoid. With hundreds of pedestrians up and down the main street all day long, I get singled out as the one and only stalker on the whole damned street!

I learned later from this cop’s female partner that it was four straight, white women who had made the complaint. Now come on! For one thing, the fact that P-town is predominately queer, didn’t it occur to these women that I just might be gay and had no interest whatsoever in their tired, white butts? I mean, if these bitches expect to get some male sexual action, they need to find a different locale. Then, too, I was wearing my Freedom Rings at the time, but of course, they didn’t notice that. All they saw was a big, black man and thought, “Oh, my goodness! He wants to rape us! Let us flee!”

(# It’s not your pale moon that excites me or thrills or delights me… #)
So, get over yourselves…please! Some white women seem to have this paranoid notion that all black men want to have sex with them. Don’t flatter yourselves, Girline! You don’t have anything that I want! All right? As if! In reality, I have found that it’s more their fantasy than it is ours anyway. I get hit on by white women all the time, and I ain’t even interested! I am reminded of the old joke about the spinster lady who discovers a handsome, young male intruder in her house, and she says to him, “What do you want?…I hope.” There are women who try to put the make on certain men, and when the guys reject them, they yell “rape” anyway, out of spite. Remember To Kill a Mockingbird?

But check this out. Even if I had intended to rape those P-town bitches, how would I go about it? Here we all are on a public street with a crowd of people, and I am alone with no weapons. So how could such a thing even be accomplished? Where are we going to do it, first of all, and then what are the other three doing while I’m “raping” the first one? Standing by awaiting their turn? It’s just too absurd.

Some friends I told about this incident have suggested that there never were any women and no complaint filed at all, that it was just simple police harassment, and of course, that certainly is a strong probability. That makes much more sense than his paranoid women scenario. If that cop had known who I am, which he should have, being the local and international celebrity that I am (yes!), he wouldn’t have even taken such a complaint seriously, if there actually was one. Instead of my being harassed while I am in town, I should be the one to receive police protection from those crazy, stalking tourists!

Our first appearance on “In the Life” in September 1992 was recorded in Hollywood, and on the program with us were Lily Tomlin and Dick Sargent. We also played Town Hall in New York in October with Joan Rivers as emcee and Lea Delaria and Harvey Fierstein, among others, on the bill.

The Flirtations with Lily Tomlin in Hollywood
The Flirts with Dick Sargent

Although I missed out on the typhoon experience on Okinawa, I once did get to experience a real hurricane first-hand. The Flirts just happened to be in Provincetown when Hurricane Bob swept through Cape Cod in August 1991. It didn’t hit us directly, but the storm came close enough to cause some wind and rain damage, plus it did knock out the electricity for a couple of days. This didn’t stop the queens from partying, however. We were all up and down the streets during the blackout, groping each other in the dark. The house that we had rented for the week had a back porch that faced the bay, and the other boys and I actually enjoyed standing out there during the peripheral effects of the storm while receiving an exhilarating, meteorological blow job. The more recent Hurricane Sandy that swept the east coast in October 2012, missed my midtown neighborhood completely. It got points east, west and south of me, but not my immediate vicinity. I don’t believe my luck sometime.

I have been in rowboats, motorboats, sailboats, cabin cruisers, yachts and ferries, which are all okay. But until eighteen years ago, I was not too keen on big cruise ships. I had been on them a couple of times, and I didn’t enjoy myself neither time. I once sailed from Portland, Maine to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia overnight on the M.S. Caribe, and during the crossing I got sick and threw up. I don’t like the constant rocking of the ship. That is how the DeCormier “Hell Tour” of 1977 began. It was fraught with adversity, some of which I have already told you about. But I was not the only one. Other group members had run-ins with local law enforcement personnel. Tragically, Bob and wife Louise had to leave the tour for several days to attend the funeral of their only son, Christopher.

The Flirtations did a cruise ship gig once along the coast of Florida. We arose that morning at 0500 in Orlando, boarded the ship (the M.S. Scandinavian Sun) at about 0900, was on it all day, and did not get around to performing until about 0100 that night! It was one of the most difficult shows I’ve ever had to do. With the boat’s rocking back and forth, it was hard keeping our balance. In addition, the sound system was horrendous. We were using cordless microphones which were picking up all kinds of on-shore interference. Plus, we were all so tired by the time we went on, having been up for so long without any rest.

On this occasion I took some Dramamine, so at least I didn’t get sick, as I had before. I finally got to bed at 0400 the next morning. I’ll tell you, your mammy’s ass was draggin’ that night! As I have said, I will try most anything at least once, so I had told myself that I would give it another chance and be willing to take a cruise on one of those huge ocean liners, just to see if it is as pleasurable as everyone says they are. I did find out in 2005.

Although the group started out in Manhattan, by 1993 everyone except me had relocated somewhere else. Jon and Jimmy moved to Provincetown, Aurelio to Vancouver (to be with his then boyfriend) then later to San Francisco, where he still remains, with a different husband, and Michael to Hollywood. Audience members often asked us, “With you guys all living in different places, how do you rehearse?” My reply: ‘We don’t.’ You see, we had by this time accumulated enough repertoire to program any shows that we had to do, but our separation did prevent us from learning any new songs. We had to wait until we were all together and just meet wherever the particular gig was.

But what happened was, on the days that we had a show, the other guys did not want to rehearse. And on our days off during a tour, they didn’t want to rehearse either, which made me wonder, Okay, so if we don’t want to rehearse on the days that we sing nor on the days that we don’t sing, when do we rehearse?! So we started meeting days before a tour or remaining days after a tour to work on new material. This turned out to be a feasible solution to our dilemma. Once before a tour in California, for instance, we met a week early and rented a house in Guerneville on the Russian River, which gave us the chance to rehearse and sort of vacation at the same time.

Out Week, December 3, 1989–Our first magazine cover

My picture, alone and with the Flirts, appeared many times in many newspapers and magazines all across the country and abroad, including Out Week, Entertainment Weekly and Harper’s Bazaar. We even made at least eight, that I know about, covers of local magazines in various places. Just after the release of Philadelphia, my hometown newspaper, the South Bend Tribune, did a feature story on me, sort of a “Local Boy Makes Good” tribute. Most of it was my own review of the film. Over the years the Tribune regularly reported on my various career activities, my mother serving as my unofficial press agent.

Philadelphia photo shoot for Harper’s “Bizarre” [Cast members are (top to bottom, left to right): Quentin Crisp, David Drake, Jon Arterton, Roberta Maxwell, me, Anna Deavere Smith, Ron Vawter, John Epperson (aka Lypsinka), Jimmy Rutland

In addition to publicity posters and flyers, the Flirts’ pictorial images have appeared on T-shirts, calendars, and even cocktail napkins! Just our name, not our picture, appeared on a sweatshirt, was included on a promotional coffee mug once, and a fan of ours in Portland, Ore., who is a potter, made us all personalized mugs with our own names on them! I no longer have mine, however, as I dropped it one day and broke it. (Lummox!) I loved that mug, too! The group name and Michael Callen’s were both used as entries in a published crossword puzzle, and a cartoonist friend of TJ, Annie Gauger, created a comic book about us called “Sparky’s Visit,” depicting the group members as nondescript animals and changing our name to “The Sensations.”

The group’s name also appeared on the marquee of many of the theaters at which we were playing, and we once even got our name “in lights” when we played the Intermediate Theatre in Portland, Oregon in December 1991. We once got one of those plane banner messages advertising our concert performance in Pensacola, Florida, that flew over the local beach. The Flirts received album entries in both 1994’s The Gay Music Guide and its 1996 follow-up, Out Sounds, as well as an entry in the 1992 edition of the All Music Guide.

Theater Marquee in Portland, Oregon

My last performance with The Flirtations was on December 10, 1994 in Chicago. It was a joint concert with Holly Near and John Bucchino. The very next month, I was put out of the group and Aurelio only a few months after that. That’s another long, involved story in itself, which I won’t go into at this time. I will tell you that there was considerable mismanagement involved and Jon constantly allowing Jimmy to make wrong decisions concerning the group. When word got around that I, and Aurelio too, were no longer with them, many of our faithful fans stopped coming to their shows. They would get to the venue and wonder, “Where are Cliff and Aurelio? I didn’t come here to see those other two.”

For appearance’s sake, I’m pretty sure, Steve Langley, who is black, was next hired to replace me, but he was a tenor, not a bass, so the ensemble now sounded treble-heavy. Jon was a high baritone at most. Steve lasted only ten months before he was also given the boot. By this time they had taken on a female named Suede, so now the group had dwindled down to three singers, all white! Are you getting the picture? They certainly bore no resemblance to the former group, although they bodaciously kept using the name. This is a different group, so give it a different name! That’s blatant fraud, in my, or anybody’s opinion. I dubbed them “Suede and Dawn.” Remember Tony Orlando’s backup duo? With only three-part harmony, at most, and everybody crooning everything (Jimmy even got the others to adopt his vocal “technique”), their arrangements now sounded empty and vapid. The subsequent album that the three of them recorded in 1996 is an embarrassment, in my opinion. Due to lack of bookings and public interest, they finally had to call it quits in August 1997.

Who?! I don’t think so.

Another of my more pleasurable recurring gigs was my nearly-annual summer visit to Bard College, located in Annandale-on-the-Hudson in upstate New York. The Bard Music Festival, founded in 1990, focuses on a particular classical composer every year. The first time I got involved was in 1999, when Arnold Schoenberg was the featured composer and a large chorus was hired to perform his Gurrelieder. The next year was Beethoven, when we did his Missa Solemnis. I wasn’t needed the next year for Debussy, but in 2002 we performed both Mahler’s 2nd and 8th Symphonies. 2003 was Janacek’s year, but in addition to Czech, we had to sing in Russian and Polish! The next year honored Shostakovitch, but I missed Copland the next year. My last time there was Liszt summer of 2006. The music coordinator and conductor of the orchestra, Leon Botstein, is also the longtime president of the college.

I so much enjoyed the time I spent up at Bard. It’s a small college in a bucolic setting. There are lots of wooded areas and grass, hiking trails, waterfalls. It’s like a working vacation with pay. Bus transportation was provided for those of us who don’t drive, they put us up in campus dormitories while we’re there and gave us three wholesome meals a day, all for free! We also had free use of the gym, workout equipment, swimming pool, sauna and tennis courts. With all the walking to and from the dorms and the dining room several times a day, I always lost some weight after I had been there. It was an ideal job.

The choristers are the finest in the City and really a nice, fun bunch of people. There was a common area where we would gather at night, and as many of us are night owls, we liked to stay up late partying and playing games, like cards, Dominoes and Scrabble. During one summer there we experienced an electrical blackout, but that didn’t stop our nocturnal festivities. We just entertained ourselves in the dark. There was sufficient moonlight at least. The music we all made there together was quite lovely, and I liked learning new and challenging works every year. The food was consistently good and plentiful, cafeteria-style, and we could have as much as we wanted. The lodging was quite adequate (I always got a single room), the pay was very good, and I didn’t have to spend any money while there. The Festival’s occurring in August also helped get me over the dearth of paying summer jobs.

In my capacity as a freelance choral singer, I get to do a lot of ringer jobs. A ringer is a paid professional hired to help out in an amateur situation. One of my regular ringer jobs for several years was with the semi-professional group, the Collegiate Chorale (their name has since been changed to Master Voices). It was founded in 1941 by the prestigious choral conductor, Robert Shaw. This association got me yearly summer trips to Europe four times, plus one year to the Holy Land. As the somewhat amateur singers had to pay their own way for the trips, the group’s size varied from time to time, but there were always at least 60 of us in attendance.

In July 2005 the Chorale was invited to participate in the annual Verbier Music Festival held in Verbier, Switzerland. We flew to Geneva then had a bus to take us to our hotel in Martigny. The big choral work being performed that first year was Verdi’s Requiem, with major soloists and a youth orchestra conducted by James Levine. We were such a hit that we were asked back the next year to do a whole opera, Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra (although there was little choral work involved), along with Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. The next year we were given even more to do: Brahms and Mozart’s Requiems and Orff’s Carmina Burana. Levine was too ill to make the trip that third time, so Austrian maestro Manfred Honeck conducted in his place. Two years later we were back there again with Honeck to do Mozart’s Don Giovanni, his Laudate Dominum and the Fauré Requiem with Jean-Christophe Spinosi at the helm.

Verbier is a small village located high up in the Swiss Alps. The upward road that goes there actually takes you above the clouds! The first year there, the chorus were lodged in the not-so-nearby town of Martigny and had to make the 2-hour (one way) commute by bus every day to Verbier. This posed a problem, however, as there was never anywhere to eat when we were at our hotel. The one restaurant in the hotel always managed to be closed whenever we were there and wanted to eat. On one of our nights off, we roamed the streets of Martigny literally for several hours, looking for a restaurant that was open, first of all, and then one that could accommodate the bunch of us at one time. This will not do. Singers have to be fed, and often.

So the next year we actually got to stay in Verbier in a no-frills, unstaffed hotel (closed for the season, the area’s being more of a skiing resort during wintertime, therefore it had no employees), but at least there were plenty of tourist eateries in town from which to choose. My favorite was Harold’s CyberCafé on the main drag, owned and operated by a friendly American gentleman named Alan. It was not a fancy place–just burgers, fries and such, you know, fast food items–but it was good enough and it was inexpensive. I ate there just about every day. Other than being responsible for our meals, everything else, that is, plane fare and lodging, were paid for, plus we got a salary besides and an open-ended return plane ticket, which allowed us to stay after the Festival was over and to return home at our own leisure. I took advantage of that concession on two occasions, which I will relate in a moment.

The main tourist attraction there, other than the music concerts and which we all took part at some point, is the cable lifts that take you farther up the mountain (Mont-Fort) to view and actually to walk on a real glacier. There is a rocky peak up there to climb, from where you can see the Matterhorn in the distance. There is another lift option which takes you down the hill in the other direction to the village of Le Chable. There is also a Sport Center in town which includes a hockey rink, courts for tennis and soccer and two pools, indoors and out.

On Mont-Fort in Verbier, Switzerland. Note the Matterhorn in the background.

There were occasional mini-concerts held in the town square for the tourists. One that I attended featured an ensemble of alpenhorns. Another time there was a seven-piece band with three black, female singers getting down with the oldies–“Flashdance,” Supremes, Aretha, ABBA, Pointer Sisters, Tina–and they were quite good. They had us dancing in the street. The days we spent in Switzerland were six, nine, ten and eight, respectively.

Swiss Alpenhorn Ensemble (This is something you don’t see or hear every day! I wish you could hear them.)

My late friend Lloyd had sort of a fanatic crush on Russian concert pianist Evgeny Kissin. He had all his recordings and went to see him play whenever he came to New York. But Lloyd never bothered to go backstage and meet him after any of his concerts. He just stood on the sidelines and ogled the guy. I am not into the man myself, but I supported Lloyd’s admiration of him. Well, the second time I was in Verbier in 2006, Kissin was scheduled to perform during the Festival, too, and Lloyd half-jokingly told me that if I ran into Evgeny, to tell him “hi” for him. Well, as it turned out, I did more than that.

During intermission on the evening of our Saturday performance—we did Mirjams Siegesgesang by Franz Schubert—I was in the VIP area of the hall where we perform, to see who would be there. I looked around the room and saw his distinctive coif. It was none other than Evgeny Kissin himself! He was there attending the concert as a regular patron. He then caught my eye and actually walked over to where I was standing and gave me this friendly “Hi!” We chatted for a few minutes, and then I had to go meet the rest of the chorus on the other side of the stage. But after we did our bit, I got to thinking. Lloyd would love it if I got Evgeny’s autograph for him. So I went back over to where I was before, hoping he would come back in again. And he did! Some old lady was talking to him, and when he saw me, he just walked away from her, heading in my direction. This time I met him halfway and asked him if I could trouble him for an autograph for my friend Lloyd. He readily complied, and then I left him alone.

The next night, we were there to perform Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, and there Evgeny was again before the show. This time I decided to have my picture taken with him, of which he graciously consented, with his arm around me, yet! I am not posting it here, because the picture did not come out too clearly. Evgeny remembered me the very next year when I returned to Verbier and greeted me warmly again when he saw me. In the audience that night was two-time Oscar winner Luise Rainer, and on the performance roster that year were concert pianists Lang Lang and Garrick Ohlsen and singer Thomas Quasthoff.

It wasn’t that they didn’t want us for the Festival of the summer of 2008, it’s just that the Chorale was invited to do a two-week concert tour in Israel that year. On July 7 we flew to Tel Aviv, where we stayed for the duration in two adjacent hotels. Again, our major expenses were paid for: transportation, lodging, daily tours around the country, and we even received several complimentary company meals. We performed eight times in five different venues, in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem.

The primary music program, with Zubin Mehta conducting the Israel Philharmonic, was Bach’s Cantata No. 140, “Wachet Auf” (aka “Whack It Off”) and Bloch’s Avodath Hakodesh [Sacred Service] with Thomas Hampson as our soloist cantor. We learned that Israeli audiences did not hear much live choral music, so they were very appreciative that we exposed them to some. The Bloch piece, especially, was unfamiliar to most, its being hardly ever performed anywhere. And by its being sung in Hebrew with their traditional religious texts, they were quite ecstatic about it.

The smaller group of professional ringers also got to do our own concert at the Tel Aviv Art Museum. This program was an eclectic mix of varying periods and styles, ending with a set of American spirituals, my own arrangement of “I Been in the Storm So Long” with myself as soloist, being one of them. According to all (or most) accounts, my Israeli solo debut turned out to be the highlight of the concert! We got to do this same program, with some selective changes, the next year in Verbier.

This rather odd occurrence happened as we were leaving the Museum of Art after our concert. Right outside the front door was a clowder of cats just hanging out around the entranceway there. I counted twelve of them. Apparently, there is a predominance of stray cats in the country. I suppose they over-procreate, and there not being enough, if any, animal shelters to accommodate them all, unwanted cats are just left out on the street to fend for themselves. I noticed quite a few of them myself all over town while I was there. And they all looked very scrawny, I suppose from not getting enough to eat. Well, these museum cats appeared to be no exception.

My colleagues and I, those of us who love cats, were rather feeling sorry for these poor, hungry cats, when we noticed that a few feet from where we were standing was a man with a bag filled of what looked like to be some kind of roll or bagel, some of which he was attempting to sell to us passersby. But it occurred to me, this man has food to feed the cats, but instead of doing it himself, he’s there to sell it to us so that we can feed the cats! How twisted is that? I tell you, there is a hustler everywhere you turn.

I had never thought of it before, but that reminded me of the Bird Woman from Mary Poppins. Now she’s out there on the steps of St. Paul’s Cathedral every day selling bread crumbs and imploring, “Feed the birds, oh, feed the birds. Tuppence a bag.” I’m thinking, Bitch, you’re the one with the fucking bread crumbs! Feed ‘em yourself. What do you need us for?

Every day, when we weren’t rehearsing, there was a guided tour for us to see the country. We visited the holy places in Nazareth and Jerusalem (both cities are major tourist attractions), including all the Biblical landmarks, like the Mount of Olives, Mount Beatitudes, the actual room where The Last Supper supposedly took place, King David’s Tomb, the Garden of Gethsemane, which boasted a 2000-year-old olive tree (who is keeping track?), the Sea of Galilee, the Stations of the Cross on the Via Dolorosa, and the Western (or “Wailing“) Wall.

2000-year-old (purportedly) olive tree in the Garden of Gethsemane

That Wailing Wall, incidentally, is quite a trip! Every day you will find a crowd of religious fanatics, consisting of Christians, Muslims and Jews, all praying and actually wailing and stuffing pieces of paper into the cracks of the Wall which, I suppose, contain prayers and supplications to the Wall, as if they expect a reply from it.

The Western (“Wailing”) Wall in Jerusalem
The Wailing Wall up close

Most of these historic places, which are based on traditional Christian beliefs that I don’t happen to share, mind you, lost the wonder for me because of the commemorative construction that mark them all. The Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth is built on the spot where the “Virgin” Mary allegedly received the word from the Angel Gabriel that she would conceive God’s Child. St. Joseph’s Church right next door is where hubby Joseph had his carpentry shop. There is a church built over the spot where Jesus performed the miracle of the multiplying loaves and fishes. Yonder shrine is where he gave his famous Sermon on the Mount. This church is built on the spot where he was arrested. This church is on the spot where he hung on the Cross, and that one there is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where he was buried.

Every place has a church or shrine built on it. Although these churches are impressive and quite beautiful, I would prefer that these special locales be designated by a simple stone marker or mere sign to identify them. Leave the landscape to look like it did during the time. But that’s just me. I suppose that they want to be more modernized yet retaining the history. So I suppose that’s commendable.

We visited the Roman ruins of Caesarea and the ancient hilltop city of Masada. We did spelunking in Rosh Haniqua and the Soreq Cave and went swimming (well, floating, actually) in the Dead Sea. I didn’t particularly enjoy that. The salt content in there is ten times more than regular sea water, giving it a viscous or slimy quality. That is why it’s dead, because it can’t sustain any marine life. It’s advertised as being healing and therapeutic. I thought it was just plain nasty. But it’s something I did just to be able to say honestly that I did it.

That’s me back there (wearing my glasses) luxuriating in the Dead Sea. # Hated it! #

We also visited the Ayalon Valley Tank Museum (!), the Crusader Knights fortress in Akko and the Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem (they mustn’t ever let us forget about that), which I actually found to be quite interesting, informative, and I learned a lot. We didn’t make it to Bethlehem, however, which is Palestinian territory and subject to stricter admittance, but I didn’t care anyway. I’m sure there was just another church built over the very spot where the Baby Jesus was born. (Yeah, right. Sure it is!)

I have a tendency to question everything. When we visited Mt. Beatitudes, for instance, it occurred to me to pose the question, how do we have an account of what was exactly said on that occasion? Was there someone there writing down everything that Jesus said, or did Matthew or someone else happen to remember his entire speech and was able to recreate it, word for word, many decades later? There was no recording equipment back then. In my Bible the sermon takes up five whole columns. That’s a lot to recall. And even for those who witnessed the event, were all those people spread out all over the place able to hear every word that was said? There was no amplification. Could Jesus project his voice that well? Monty Python spoofed that in Life of Brian (1979). From a distance away somebody asked, “Blessed are the cheese makers?”

The day we were in Jaffa our tour guide, Mark, was telling us some legendary tale about St. Peter receiving some kind of cloth from God which had pictures of animals on it which could be processed into food or some such nonsense. God told Peter that it was okay to eat any of the animals on the cloth, but Peter objected, saying that the animals on there were unclean, and God kept trying to assure him that they were not. So I asked Mark, ’Who told Peter that certain animals were unclean in the first place?’ “Well, God did.” ’But God just told him that they were not unclean. So who is he going to listen to, this God or the other one?’ Mark had to admit, “I see your point.” I was just trying to get him to think about what he was telling us, instead of just repeating what he has been taught and believing what he is saying to be true. Mark related several statements to us that day that have no basis of proof or truth to them.

Some of my New York friends were so worried about my going to Israel, because of the news reports they had heard that it was a dangerous place to be in. “There are all kinds of civil unrest with terrorists and suicide bombers blowing up innocent bystanders on a daily basis,” they had warned me.  Oh, like nothing like that ever happens right here at home, does it?  Some even turned down the job because of their imagined fear.  My reasoning was that I didn’t think that they would be bringing so many of us over there if our very lives were in constant imminent danger. I’m an adventurer and a participant in life. Again, I’m not one to sit on the sidelines and watch other people having fun.  I’m also the type of person who does not live his life imagining the worst possible scenario in any situation.  If I thought that way, I wouldn’t do anything or ever go anywhere.  I would miss out on so much. I want to experience life whenever I get the chance.  I mean, I know that shit happens, but not all the time. And I know how the media tends to exaggerate things. They will take isolated incidents and blow them all out of proportion. I have heard horror stories about living in New York that I know to be completely false.

As it turned out, and it’s what I expected, I did not feel any sense of danger at all, the whole time I was there. The residents there don’t even think about stuff like that. They all go about their business just like any place else. Daily city life in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, too, is no different than it is in Manhattan, for instance. I felt very much at home there. Jerusalem surprised me by the number of young people there. Since it’s a major college town–with no less than 13 colleges–it seems that students predominate the city. The old part, or “Holy” section, is just a small area surrounded by a wall. The rest of it is modern-looking as any other city. Occasionally, I did see armed soldiers (also young) in uniform on patrol, but don’t we have armed police officers here, too, supposedly guarding our cities? The difference is, though, there they are not in the habit of gunning innocent people down at will as is so common an occurrence here.

Tel Aviv even boasts to be the “City That Never Sleeps.” There are 24-hour convenience stores, restaurants, laundromats, ATMs, movie theaters, bathhouses, and their bars and nightclubs don’t have an official closing time. I was out late on several nights, and there were people about on the streets and always something going on. I even got laid several times while there. I would hate to have missed out on this most rewarding and learning experience because of someone else’s paranoid but unwarranted trepidation. Of course, it is a whole other situation there now. I am glad that we went there when we did.

The one downside of this trip is that I had to share a room with another chorister. I always try to get a single room, but as there were so many of us, it was not allowed this time. The young man I was paired with, another Mark, I didn’t know before this gig, and he was nice enough, I suppose, but our individual sleep schedules were quite disparate. Mark always turned in early, and I wanted to read, write in my journal and watch television until all hours, like I do at home. He couldn’t sleep with the lights or the TV on, so I would have to retreat to the bathroom so as not to disturb him. When I did finally go to bed, my snoring was a problem for him. With his constant complaining about it, I found myself so self-conscious, I was unable to sleep either, out of consideration for him. That’s why I need to room alone, for the benefit of others. That is also why I have chosen to live alone for so many years. Once the Flirtations had only two available rooms at a motel somewhere, and the other three preferred to stay together in one room so as not to have to put up with my snoring, and they let me have the other one all to myself. That was fine with me!

The next year and the last time I was in Verbier (in 2009), our trip home from Geneva was met with some problems. After our flight was delayed for several hours and then eventually the plane was taken out of service, we all had to book new flights. I was offered one for the next morning which flies first to Munich and then on to JFK. I accepted that one, which required me to stay overnight at the local Ramada Inn.

In December 1997 through a mutual friend, I met a very nice Parisian gentleman named Gilles Hané, when he was visiting New York City. We hit it off right away, and since that time we have formed a lasting friendship. Gilles is much younger than I, albeit (he was born the week I started college!), but his maturity, intelligence and charm more than make up for our age difference. He, too, is a Virgo and the second-born of three sons, like me.

I had always wanted to see Paris but never had the means or opportunity. But the very next year, and now that I know someone who lives there, plus, I had the whole summer free (my church choir job was on hiatus from June to October) and a free place to stay while there, I readily accepted when Gilles invited me to come to Paris for a visit. I flew there the last week of June 1998 and stayed for a whole month, returning to NYC at the end of July. It was the first time that I had gone anywhere for that length of time and not have any work obligations to fulfill, my first real vacation.

Just like that wonderful, life-changing trip to Hawaii with the Flirtations, my visit to Paris was another longtime dream come true.  Gilles’ apartment building at the time was situated on a short, very quiet street near the Marais district, just a short distance from the Bastille.  Gilles was a gracious host. He cooked for me, took me out to dine a few times and we were invited to several of his friends’ houses for dinners and parties.  There were times when we were still eating dinner as late as midnight!  But surprisingly, there is no indication of general overweight, as one would expect, like it is in this country.  I didn’t see any fat people the whole time I was there, except for the one fat man at the Louvre.  But I’m pretty sure he was an American tourist.  The McDonald’s restaurants, which seemed to be everywhere, are exactly like the ones here.

Since Gilles had work obligations with school (he is a teacher) and every couple of days would check on his dying mother, who was in the hospital, I was often left to my own devices during the day, which was all right with me. I could sleep late, listen to music, watch videos, read, whatever I wanted to do, just like at home. I had use of his computer and I maintained a journal all while I was there. I hardly watched any French TV, except for movies, which were shown free of any commercials!  When I did venture out, at some point every day, I had the use of Gilles’ bicycle to get me around town, just like at home. There was even the added convenience of a washing machine in the apartment.  I certainly loved that!

I felt very much at home in Paris as well.  I am easily assimilated anyway. I don’t require much to make me satisfied. The city is rather like New York in many respects. There are all kinds of people of various ethnicities who go about their business, and you don’t have to talk to anyone if you don’t want to. The only real difference is, everything there is written in French. But just like it was in Germany, I must have been pegged as an American, for I didn’t even have to use my limited spoken French hardly at all, and Gilles himself and all his friends speak and understand English very well.

On July 1 we attended the birthday party of one of Gilles’ friends, David, and you should have seen me trying to play Charades with the party guests, in French! I didn’t know what the game entries meant most of the time, let alone how to act them out. Then we played the French version of Pictionary. That’s the game in which you have to convey common words to your teammates by drawing them on paper. But before I could draw a word, I often first had to find out what the damned thing meant! It was fun, though, and everyone was helpful and non-critical of me. David, incidentally, has since moved to New York to pursue a singing career in opera. He used to be a lawyer, and he’s a polyglot, meaning that he is fluent in several languages, and speaks English without a trace of accent! This special skill earned him a good day job at the United Nations as an interpreter.

I found it interesting that the French chose to honor their national artists (Hector Berlioz, Paul Cezanne, Claude Debussy, Gustave Eiffel and Antoine St. Exupery) by depicting their likenesses on their franc currency, instead of honoring Presidents and other politicians, like we do on ours, most of whom have not contributed to our country’s culture in any way. But now that France and most of Europe have switched to Euros as their official currency, human depictions have been excluded from the bills, I suppose, so as not to show any national favoritism.

I was there during the World Cup Soccer Tournament on a Sunday in July. I have never seen such fanatical frenzy for any sports event. It’s much worse than in the States. Sure, Americans love their spectator sports and Canada is mad for their hockey, but we don’t do up our faces and bodies with red, white and blue “war paint” and storm the streets, incessantly whooping and hollering and blowing our car horns and whistles. And this was before the game even started! Every TV set and monitor in town was on, especially the public ones in bars, restaurants and department stores, which were filled with men, women and children alike, there for the sole purpose of watching the “football” game, as they call it there. It’s really a manic obsession with them.

France won the game, by the way, beating the team from Brazil. That prompted more all-night celebration. Even our street outside, which was always very quiet, was noisy with cheers and boisterousness that night. The frivolity did not end there either, because only two days later was their Bastille Day, which is equivalent to our Fourth of July Independence Day. They even do a fireworks display, just like here, from the Eiffel Tower. We attended a party at the apartment of another one of Gilles’ friends, who lives so close to the Tower, we could watch the display from his bedroom window!

I did the whole tourist bit while I was there. With the help of map and guide book, I covered every section of the city from one end to the other. What amazed me is how much bigger the famous landmarks are live and in person, so to speak, than in pictures or in the movies. The Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, for instance, are huge!  I went atop both of them, using the stairs to get there.  I couldn’t very well finally get to Paris and not do the Eiffel Tower, now could I?  The Arch has a 300-step spiral staircase and the “Tour Eiffel” is 725 steps one way!  So altogether I maneuvered 2050 steps, with my tendonitis acting up the days I went!  You can’t say that I am not a trouper.

My wonderful traveling companion, Gilles Hané, atop the Arc de Triomphe in Paris
Me in the stairwell of the Eiffel Tower

Paris is a city of many churches, especially Roman Catholic, and I visited several. Notre Dame is impressive. I would like to have seen the bell tower, but there was a long line and they wanted a lot of money for it, so I decided to leave Quasimodo and his “children” for another time. As Sacre Coeur is way atop a hill in the Montmartre section of town, getting up there by bike was quite a struggle. The area’s streets remind me of San Francisco, with some serious hills. I wanted to check out Montparnasse and Père Lachaise cemeteries, but they wouldn’t let me ride my bike inside, and I didn’t have a lock to leave it parked somewhere unattended.

There was a month-long fair being held at the Tuileries Garden. The only ride that Gilles and I got on was the giant Ferris Wheel, although it took us around only four times. What a gyp! I wanted to do the Flume ride, too, but Gilles didn’t want to get wet. What a sissy! The Louvre Museum next door also is larger than I had imagined, and the “Mona Lisa” (La Joconde) is smaller than I had thought it would be. I went there twice, the first time alone then again with Gilles and Lloyd, who joined us in Paris during my third week. We also took in the Orsay Museum, where “Whistler’s Mother” and other famous works are housed, and the Grande Galerie d’Evolution, which is their Museum of Natural History. I went to the Louvre a third time with Gilles when I returned to Paris a couple of years later.

On the evening of July 10, The 3 Tenors (José Carreras, Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti) gave a historic concert outdoors on the mall in front of the Eiffel Tower, but Gilles neglected to let me know about it, so we missed it. It’s just as well, though, because I don’t like huge crowds anyway. Knowing that about me is probably why he thought that I would not want to go to it. He was right. He later gave me the CD recording made from the event, however, which, I suppose, makes up for not attending it live.

Lloyd arrived in Paris on a Friday and the following Sunday, the three of us took the Eurostar (the “Chunnel” or Channel tunnel train) to London for three days. We stayed in a gay-run hotel in Earls Court. I love London, maybe as much, if not more, than I do Paris. I could live there, if it were not so damned expensive, even more so than NYC. I wish I could have spent more time there, but we got to see quite a bit in two days of sightseeing. Many of the famous landmarks and tourist sites are all within walking distance of each other. We exited the subway near St. Paul’s Cathedral, but it was closed, so we didn’t get to see the inside, and the “Bird Woman” was not there either, alas.  The steeple of St. Bride’s Church is the inspiration for the first multi-tiered wedding cake!  The Royal Opera House was closed for renovation but featured a bevy of humpy construction workers on the “meat rack,” taking their lunch break.

I love the Parliament Building, which is known for its famous clock tower, erroneously referred to by many as “Big Ben,” which is actually the name of the large bell housed within.  Westminster Abbey is basically a mausoleum, or indoor cemetery, where Elizabeths I and II and other famous “queens” are buried, including William Shakespeare, George F. Handel and Sir Laurence Olivier. What, you didn’t know?

We did the London theatre experience by going to see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s latest musical, Whistle Down the Wind. We saw Covent Garden, Fleet Street, Hyde Park, Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square. We also shopped at Harrods department store, which is similar to New York’s Bloomingdale’s, everything there being overpriced, too. We somehow neglected to do the Tower of London tour or visit Albert Hall. I mean, we could have stayed an extra day to get those in. I don’t know now why we didn’t.

Back in Paris, while in Bois du Bologne, which is equivalent to our Central Park, we did meet a “Bird Woman”! She herself fed them daily (not like that other extortionist!) and could identify every bird that dwell in the park.

On the last Saturday before the end of my stay, Gilles and I traveled by bus and train to the city of Versailles to visit the famous Chateau there. We decided to forego the royal palace itself and tour the grounds behind instead. I didn’t realize how much back there there was to see! There were fountains galore and Baroque music playing all around. The Grand and Petit Trianons were King Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette’s respective private quarters, where they probably took their tricks, since the main house was always too crowded with people.

Part of the queen’s estate, called an hameau, consisted of several thatch-roofed cottages and an animal farm with live cows, donkeys, ducks, goats, pigs and sheep. There were also many fish in the stream that flowed through. The grounds and woods were quite lovely. There were people in canoes on the canal as well as family picnickers and sunbathers all over the place. What an enjoyable vacation this was!

Me in front of the Queen’s hameau at Versailles, France

During Gilles’ month-long summer visit in 2002, we decided to go somewhere, rather than spend the whole time in NYC. So we rented a car—a bright red Chevy Cavalier—and hit the road, just like Thelma and Louise! Although we had mapped out a tentative itinerary, we sort of took each day as it came. We were on no strict time schedule; we would just get there when we get there. Gilles did all of the driving, as I don’t have a license and did not want to risk being stopped by the cops for anything. So I served as navigator, co-pilot and tour guide, having been before to most of the cities that we visited.

When Gilles got tired of driving, he would stop to rest. We had the car for only 16 days, so that in itself limited our destinations. We were going to stay out for at least three weeks. You see, we had originally planned to drive across the country, like, all the way to California. But that was more of an endeavor than we wanted to take on at this time. Besides, I wanted to be back before the first of the month, because of rent obligations and such. Gilles had never been to Chicago and wanted to see it, and I wanted to visit my mother in South Bend and see her new apartment, so we decided that this would be more feasible.

We left on Monday, July 15 and chose Philadelphia as our first stop. We arrived in Philly too late in the day to do other than some sightseeing downtown—Wanamaker’s Department Store (which features the giant pipe organ), the Liberty Bell, etc.—so we stayed overnight in order to do the art museum the next day. This is the same museum where the reception after the premiere showing of Philadelphia (1993) was held and where The Flirtations gave a mini-concert for those in attendance, on the very steps also where a major scene in Rocky (1976) was filmed! Although we had made it to Pittsburgh by nightfall the second day, we didn’t stay there but in a cheap motel in Florence, Pa.

The next day, after showing Gilles downtown Dayton, Ohio, we drove up to nearby Pleasant Hill and dropped in on my former boyfriend, John Z. He prepared us a lovely dinner, and we spent this Wednesday night in his guest room.

The next day we forewent Indianapolis and Bloomington and headed northwest instead to South Bend. Of course, my mother was thrilled to see me and took kindly to Gilles right off the bat. My sister and her husband were not free to entertain us until Sunday, so it was suggested that we go do Chicago, and they could spend some time with us when we came back. So that’s what we did.

On Friday after breakfast we drove to the Not-So-Windy city, which is approximately 100 miles away, visiting Lincoln Park Beach, Navy Pier and record shops, until it was time for us to crash somewhere. We were not ready to leave town just yet, as there were some more things that we wanted to do tomorrow. Neither of us wanted to spring for an expensive hotel, and Gilles was apprehensive about checking into a bathhouse for the night, having never been to one, and the couple of friends that I knew in town were unavailable to put us up, so we decided to sleep in the car this one time.

We found a parking area along Lake Shore Drive, which was part of an actual park and where a number of vehicles were parked for whatever reason. We saw that some cars were empty but some contained people within. We assumed that it would be all right to park there for a few hours while we got some sleep. What do we know? I mean, what’s the harm, right? So we put the seats back in a reclining position and promptly dozed off.

(“A handbag?!?!?“)
At about 0300 I awoke with a bright light shining in my face, a policeman‘s flashlight, it turned out to be. Oh-oh, what now? “Hey, fellas, let’s see some I.D.” I have a little, black, leatherette shoulder bag that I carry with me when I don’t need my other one that I use for larger-sized items. Among other things, this one contained my camera, notepad, pencil, and my passport, which I told you I use for identification. I was reaching into the back seat for this..satchel to retrieve my passport, and one of the cops inquired, “What is that, a purse?!” I didn’t answer such a frivolous question, I just got out my passport and handed it to him. Okay, so maybe it is a purse, but so what? What is his point?

This guy and his fellow officers (there must have been at least a half a dozen of them) then proceeded to search all of our bags and belongings that were in the car, hoping to find something incriminating, I’m sure. They did not find anything, however. They also questioned us, wanting to know why we were there, where we were going, what we were doing. (Uh, how about, innocently sleeping?) I asked, ‘What are you looking for and why all the implicative questions?’ The reply, from the inquisitive cop, “Well, we find two grown men in a parked car together and one of them has a purse, what are we supposed to think?!” He even tried to imply that I might be some kind of prostitute drag queen and Gilles a casual stranger pickup trick. We weren’t having sex. We were merely sleeping. “Do you know him?” he said to me, referring to Gilles. ‘Well, of course, I do!’ “What’s his name?” How about, Does he know me? Why am I always the one up to no good?

It was subsequently explained to us that we were illegally parked there, as the area was closed and off-limits at that time of night. ‘So if this area is “closed,” how did we get in, why are all these other cars parked here, and why is there not a gate or barrier of some sort keeping people out, or at least a sign somewhere telling us what the policy is? We don’t live here. We don’t know the rules.’ They must have considered this little fact, for they let us go without even a fine or ticket. I strongly suspect that had Gilles not been white and a foreigner, things might have gone quite differently.

Needing more sleep, we then drove to a quiet, residential section of town and parked right on the street and resumed our slumber for a few more hours, undisturbed. You know, instead of harassing innocent tourists just trying to get some sleep in their car, those cops might be using that time to deal with the rampant multiple murders and violence that is plaguing the city. That should be their primary concern.

(# …Chicago, that toddlin’ town… #)
Yeah, I think it needs to grow up. Besides Richmond, Va. and San Diego (both of which I have already critiqued), the city of Chicago also gives me cause to complain. As a touring performer who has done a lot of air travel, I have been frequently required to land at O’Hare Airport. I simply loathe the place. I think that the Powers-That-Be there just love to mess with passengers’ minds. Why, for instance, since O’Hare handles many connecting flights, can’t they figure out a way better to coordinate the arrival and departure gates for the more common flight connections? No matter where you are coming from or going, they will put your planes on totally opposite ends of the terminal and give you five minutes to make your connection. I don’t like running, sometimes with luggage in tow, at least a quarter mile to the gate where my other plane is leaving from. But one time when I had a two-hour layover at O’Hare, my connecting gate was right next to the one at which I arrived! That’s when I realized that it was possible and that they do it the other way deliberately, just to mess with us. I contend that there are no accidents.

Up until recently, I could not get a direct flight to South Bend but had to fly to Chicago first then take one of the smaller planes the rest of the way. I went home one year at Christmastime and got an evening flight from Newark to O’Hare that was delayed four hours. When I landed at O’Hare at 0100, there were no more connecting flights that night, plus all the car rental agencies, shuttle buses and commuter trains to neighboring areas (including all food concessions) had stopped and closed up for the night and would not resume until later that morning. Why would an airport of this size in a city as large as Chicago close down at midnight when flights are still coming in with travelers needing assistance, information, transportation options and perhaps even sustenance? Add this to the other inanities that have happened to me in this city, like the aforementioned parking controversy and the broadcast censorship involving the Flirtations that time, among other incidents, do you see why I have had it with Chicago thinking and logic? It needs to get its shit together. It’s a big city but with small-town, Midwest mentality.

Although this is not Chicago’s fault, per se, it still exhibits illogical thoughtlessness on their or somebody’s else’s part. A while ago there was some kind of fire at O’Hare which required that thousands of flights in and out of there that day had to be cancelled. As I have said, many flights to O’Hare are connecting flights to other places. Two passengers on the news reported that their flight to Omaha had to be cancelled because they could not land in Chicago. But they didn’t even want to go to Chicago. Why didn’t they just fly them directly to Omaha?!

Pardon the digression. So, Gilles and I are still in Chicago. We awoke around 0700, had breakfast at IHOP, then went downtown to take the Loop train tour. (Boring!) We enjoyed the Museum of Art a lot more and stayed until closing. We got back to South Bend Saturday night and hung out there with my mother and my sister’s family for three more days. We next had considered spending some time in Cleveland, but changed our minds. I mean, besides the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, what else is there to do? So we instead headed for Canada, crossing the border at Buffalo and stopping at Niagara Falls for a break and to take pictures.

Next stop: Toronto! It’s been ten years since I was there last, with the Flirtations, and it was like rediscovering the city all over again. Since we had a place to stay, with my friend Alison Field, who by this time was divorced and had two little girls. We hung around in town until Saturday, record shopping and bar hopping. Gilles had a friend, Diana, in town as well, and we spent one night at her house.

We next hit Montreal for more of the same. We must have browsed every record shop in town during the three days we spent there. That is another reason why we are so compatible. Who would tolerate that many hours and days of tedious record shopping but another unabashed discophile like himself, namely me? Even before we had left Montreal on Monday, we had decided to forego Boston and Provincetown this trip, as it was too out of the way from where we were, and we would have needed an extra day or two to do them. We would have even gone to Halifax to visit my friend Owen, if we had had more time. I guess we shouldn’t have stayed in Montreal as long as we did. So we headed back to Manhattan. We left too late to make it in one day and had to spend the night in a motel in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, but managed to return the car before the deadline on Tuesday, the 30th.

I lucked out again in 2005, that first summer at Verbier, when I decided not to return home when the gig was over. On Tuesday, the day before our performance of the Verdi Requiem, Gilles rented a car in Paris and drove down to meet me at the Hotel Du Parc in Martigny. After showing him the town of Verbier, we traveled south through northern Italy enroute to the south of France. Since I had shown him part of my country (and Canada), he wanted to return the favor by showing me his country. And that he did! It’s Thursday, August 4th, and our first stop for lunch was Torino (or what we folks call “Turin”). We never did find out where they keep “The Shroud,” however.

Our first destination was Vence, France, where Gilles’ father owns a summer bungalow that we were allowed to use, as it was unoccupied at the time. We made ourselves at home there for 8 days. We bought groceries and prepared home-cooked meals. There was a swimming pool, and we had a washing machine to do our laundry. Every day that week we visited the towns and villages in the area. We did practically the entire Cote d’Azur (the French Riviera), which includes Antibes, Cannes, Éze, Menton, Montauroux, Nice, Ramatuelle, Saint-Paul and St. Tropez. We toured the caverns in Saint-Cezaire and a glass factory in Biot. We went skinny-dipping in Lake Saint-Cassien. In Cannes we watched a fireworks display. I had gone off without my camera this day and missed many “Kodak Moments.” We were in Monte-Carlo 27 years to the day that I was last there with Harry! One day in Nice, on a mountain above the city, Mont Boron, we were informed that the house right over there, only a few yards from where we were standing, is owned by Elton John!

The day that we checked out of “Chez Père de Gilles,” we began traveling back north toward Paris, but making scheduled stops along the way. Gilles knows a former teaching colleague, Catherine, who now lives in Marseille, and she invited us to stay with her and her then live-in boyfriend, François, for a few days (from Friday to Monday) in their large apartment.

As it was Catherine’s 5-year-old daughter, Anna’s, birthday on Saturday, we were invited to a family picnic/birthday party at her parents’ house in nearby St. Zacharie. In attendance were assorted relatives, friends and their children, 17 in all. There were also two pets–an ugly, big-headed bull mastiff named Lloyd and a goat named Fleur, who served as a lawn mower. We all sang “The Birthday Song” several times in various languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish! Catherine’s father is a singer, too, and we sang some Verdi operatic arias together, I don’t remember what now. We ate heartily and romped in the backyard pool.

On Sunday Catherine gave us a tour of the city of Marseille: L’Estaque, where Paul Cezanne once lived, and the Centre de la Vielle Chanté art museum. We also visited the Cathedral of Ste. Marie Majeur, Notre Dame de la Garde and climbed the 156 steps to the top of Fort St. Jean Tower.

We left there on Monday and headed north toward Arles, stopping in L’Ile sur la Sorgue, Les Baux de Provence, Avignon, where the Palace of the Popes is, and Remoulins, to see the old bridge, Pont du Gard. The main tourist attraction in Arles is the Amphitheatre. I was surprised at the number of these arenas throughout France, built there when the Romans ruled the land. Next we visited Les Sainte-Maries de la Mer, Montady and the nude beach at Serignan, so that Gilles could sunbathe and rest a bit. As before, he had to do all of the driving, and I again served as map reader and gas pumper. We stopped in Aigues-Mortes to look around. Part of the village is surrounded by a walled fortress. It was used as a battlement during the Crusades.

On the way to our next destination, Carcassonne, we took a side trip to check out the Oppidum d’Enserune, which is some kind of manmade irrigation project that has to be viewed from above (another high hill). Carcassonne is a city contained within a walled fortress. We enjoyed our time spent there. It even has a castle. Gilles refused to drive further south to Andorra. It was too far out of our way, and he said that there was nothing there to see anyway. So we continued northwest to Toulouse, where we did some sightseeing and shopping. The town square in Bergerac has an actual full-color statue of Cyrano!

Look at him with his nose up in the air. What a snob!

Another teacher friend of Gilles, Marie-Jeanne, retired, and whom I met when I was in Paris before, spends part of the year with her male companion, Jean-Marie, a retired engineer and social worker, who designed and built, with his own two hands, the house in which he lives out in the country near the little village of Levignac de Guyenne. This elderly couple were our hosts for the next three nights. We still went on our daily outings while we were there. We visited the “famous” winemaking village of St. Emilion. (?!) The other towns in the area that we visited are Allemans-du-Dropt, Eymet, Monbazillac, Monségur, Monteton and Taillecavat. We passed through this nothing place named St. Geraud (according to the road sign) several times going to and fro. You’ve heard of “one-horse towns.” There, I never did see even their one horse!

We were fed well at Jean-Marie’s. He grows his own vegetables and has fruit trees bearing berries, peaches, plums and tomatoes. In addition to some great meals at home, they took us out for a tapas meal one night and another time we joined the other villagers at their monthly-held town picnic. Since both speak English, they were able to include me in their conversations. It is now Saturday, August 20th. Our next stop was Bordeaux, where we spent the night with François Xavier. Gilles and “F.X.” met through their mutual interest in French cinematic dubbing. He also fed us well and gave us a tour of the city.

For the next two days, enroute to Paris, we did the “Chateaux du Loire” tour, which, it seemed, many people had the same idea. There are a number of medieval and Renaissance castle museums scattered throughout the area, and although we couldn’t visit them all, we did manage to take in several. After having our lunch in Poitiers, since nothing was open in Lusignan, we toured the castle in Azay-le-Rideau, but only viewed the one in Ussé from the outside. This one’s claim-to-fame, however, is that it is purported to have been inspired by the story of Sleeping Beauty. Even the one in Disney’s version may be modeled after it.

The original (?) Sleeping Beauty Castle in Ussé, France

The next chateau that we visited was in Villandry. This one has a huge expanse of gardens around it, as has the more famous one in Chenonceaux, where lived Catherine de Medici and other royals and nobles. This place is spectacular and required the whole tour. We spent several hours there in order to see almost everything, inside and out. We passed on the wax museum, however, and did not go rowing on the river in a rowboat. The one other chateau that Gilles wanted me to see is in Chambord. This is another famous one that was used in the 1971 Jacques Demy film Peau D’Ane (Donkey Skin), which is one of Gilles’ favorite movies and which I watched later that same day at his place.

The popular appeal of this chateau tour is that they are all different with their own unique features. We stayed overnight Sunday in Tours, where we found another huge cathedral, St. Gratien (who?!). You know, as non-religious as the both of us are, we sure do love churches! And every town in France, regardless of its size, has at least one. One of Tours’ bridges over the Cher (!) River, which connects the north part of town to the south, is called the St. Symphonien (who?!). I don’t know where they got all these obscure French saints from. I think they just made up some names and put “Saint” in front of them to give them a religious connotation.

Another observation is that it wouldn’t be feasible for French people to be acrophobic. Just about every town and attraction that we visited is high up on a hill or mountain or something that we had to climb. We were constantly driving up, climbing stairs and walking up somewhere to get to where we were going. Many of our views were from above looking down. We arrived in Paris by early evening on Monday, the 22nd,, where I spent the next few days.

The highlight of this week for me was on Wednesday, when Gilles and I went to Disneyland. The park is conveniently accessible by subway, located in Marne-la-Vallee, less than an hour from Paris. What a fun time we had! There are two separate parks: the regular traditional Disneyland and a new Walt Disney Studios theme park. I bought tickets for both parts; I wanted to see it all. We visited the new park first, since Gilles had never been to it, as it wasn’t yet built the last time he was there. And, too, this park was open only until 1800, while the other park didn’t close until 2300.

The Studios park consisted mostly of movie-related show attractions. Some were interesting, but some were pretty tired. Later in the big park, we didn’t get to see every attraction, but we did go on all four roller-coasters, my favorite being Big Thunder Mountain. We waited around for the Fantallusion Parade and the Lights and Fireworks Show on and around the Sleeping Beauty Castle. People sure do love their fireworks displays, don’t they? This was my fifth one this year! The others occurred in Cape Town in April, in NYC on July 4, in Martigny and Cannes. We stayed past closing, doing some last-minute shopping for gifts and souvenirs. I found this Disneyland to be more culture sensitive than its American counterparts. Being in Europe, there is a multi-lingual approach to everything. French predominates—this is France, after all—but other languages, English included, prevail as well.

At EuroDisney in France: my shark-eating grin

The next summer when I went to Verbier, Gilles got sick the week of and didn’t make the trip. But as I had to get back right away for another commitment, I did not extend my visit that time. The following summer there, however, I did not need to go home after we had finished, so I did stay in Europe an extra week. Gilles drove down from Paris in a rental car (a dark green, 4-door Peugeot) again the day before our first concert. This was the first year the choristers were housed in a number of “chalets” (apartment houses) in the village of Verbier itself. I shared, with four other guys (six of us, when Gilles arrived), an apartment with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, common living room and terrace. The greatest perk, however, was the fully-functional kitchen, which allowed us to prepare meals to eat at home. We didn’t have that privilege the year before, when we had to eat out all the time, and it wasn’t cheap either! Eating in every day saved us a lot of money. And there were two convenient supermarkets in town, thankfully.

The fabulous acappella group, Chanticleer, was in town for the Festival, and having the night off, most of us attended their concert at L’Eglise Saturday night. On Sunday, we performed the Mozart Requiem, which went splendidly, with the chorus receiving a standing ovation. A very cute young man approached me backstage afterward and exclaimed, “Beautiful!” I replied, ’Why, thank you. So are you!’

My housemates (Roosevelt Credit, Bruce Rameker, David Schnell and Archie Worley) all seemed to like Gilles. He fit in so well with all my friends. They were quite impressed, as I am, with his movie and music knowledge. Bruce had been spending time with a cute local boy named Nathanael, who worked over at the lift, and who offered to make fondue for us, so we invited him over to the house for a Fondue Party. On Monday afternoon, Gilles and I went up to the Church to check out the exhibit of French painter and sculptor Camillo.

We learned that the parents of a friend of Nathanael, Roger and Anne-Laure Bubesson, own and operate a cheese-making factory in town and invited us all for a tour. They took us through the whole process of making their raclette cheese for local and regional distribution. When we had finished the tour, Roger had set out for us some cheese samples to serve with bread and wine. We sang for them and some of the guys even bought some of their cheese to take with us.

Carmina Burana that night was also a rousing success, even though it rained throughout the performance. As this was our last night, we hit the local bar (also named Mont-Fort) and partied until very late. This pub had a couple of computers for patrons’ use, and I went there often to check my email and send update letters to Lloyd. It took me a while to get the hang of it, as their Swiss keyboard differs in places from mine at home.

It is now Tuesday, July 24th. Since we did most of the south of France last time, this time Gilles and I headed southwest toward the middle of France. We stopped in a town called St. Bonnet le Chateau, which had a church atop a high hill, and of course, we had to visit it! We next stopped in Le Bourboule for dinner. This town is purported to possess healing waters, and people go there from miles around to get healed of all kinds of serious ailments. We did not attempt to test their claim, however. We spent the night in a motel in Maussac.

Our first stop the next day was Limoges, where we spent a couple of hours sightseeing. There is an old Catholic Church, of course, that we had to visit, and we found the site of the famous Market Place, cited by Mussorgsky in his Pictures at an Exhibition. In fact, we had lunch there. By the way, Gilles knew nothing about the Market Place at Limoges, until I told him. Aha, so he doesn’t know everything!

We bypassed Poitiers this time and stopped in Parthenay instead. There was not a whole lot going on there, just a park that had a statue of a naked man showing dick (!), a town square and St. Laurent Church. We chose a major city, Nantes, for our evening stopover, and ended up spending part of two days there. When we had parked the car, we walked around the corner and there in front of us was the Center for Gays and Lesbians! Well, now! We found an inexpensive hotel and a free parking zone. The room was quite small; we could hardly get around the bed, which took up most of the space in the room, so the TV was hoisted way up near the ceiling over the bed!

The next morning we went on a walking tour of the city: Jardin des Plantes, Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne, Lieu Unique (an odd-looking building which is now a sort of museum), I’lle Feydeau, Le Passaye Pommeraye (a kind of architectural mall), and several cathedrals. Hotel Nantes is a newly-furnished suite built on and around a fountain and which can be rented nightly. We had to wait in line for that one.

We had many choices for where to eat lunch. I wanted to try the one Chinese restaurant in the area, but Gilles pooh-poohed it so adamantly, I gave in to him. He thinks that when in France, one should stick to French cuisine exclusively. With that kind of thinking, by my living in America, I should always eat at “American” restaurants and never experience Italian, Mexican, German, Thai or Chinese cooking! They are only trying to give people a choice, if they don’t want strictly “French” all the time. And I happen to love Chinese food. But we settled for a crepèrie instead.

We left Nantes and continued northwest toward the province known as Bretagne (or Brittany) as our penultimate destination. On the way we checked out an old walled city called Guérande, then continued on to Brittany’s southern coast. There is a narrow peninsula on which Gilles’ parents used to take him and his brothers when they were kids. He wanted to revisit the house where they stayed. It was still there in Plouharnel.

We continued down the Quiberon Peninsula to Cote Sauvage, where we stopped and got out to look at the ocean, where we could see young French boys out there surfing. Then stops in Carnac, Ste.-Anne-d’Auray and Landevant, whose one restaurant served only crèpes and salads. But that’s what we had for lunch, so I didn’t want the same thing again twice in a row. Now if Gilles had let me have Chinese this afternoon, I would have been up for crèpes tonight!

After driving all around Lorient, we finally found a very nice hotel to stay in for the night. There was even a restaurant nearby that stayed open until midnight, so we went there for a late dinner. The next day, we just drove through, not even stopped in, Pont-Aven, which has been dubbed “City of Painters.” It was at one time a Bohemian village for many French artists, Paul Gauguin among them. We did spend some time in Concarneau, though, a thriving village which attracts a lot of tourists because of its quaintness and Old World charm. There was a guy disguised as Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean films, who posed for pictures with the children who recognized him. There was a clown street performer who juggled fire batons while riding a high-seat unicycle.

One of the souvenir gift shops featured an astounding array of ceramic bowls with hand-painted personal names on the side. I almost never find my own first name included on such items. But I thought I would check anyway, out of curiosity. Well, lo and behold! I was so surprised to find a bowl there with my name on it! New York City (or anywhere else in this country that I have found) doesn’t carry my name on anything, but Concarneau, France does?! Of course, I had to buy it. Alas, I no longer have it, as I dropped the damned thing on the floor one day, and it broke into several pieces. Lummox! I used it for dips and ice cream, you know, small portion servings of things. I loved that bowl! Oh, well!

So then we headed north toward St. Renau via Brest, another major port city. Genevieve is a teaching colleague of Gilles (they recently co-authored a book together), who lives with her common-law husband, Patrick, their teenage daughter, Anouk (lovely girl) and their gorgeous calico cat, whom they call Sweetie. Their country cottage is located in the port village of Porspoder. They took us to nearby Portsall, which is the site of a March 1978 maritime tragedy, when an oil tanker owned by Amoco hit an iceberg, I mean, some rocks, and sank, spilling 270,000 tons of crude oil into the ocean, killing 80 percent of the plant and animal life in that section of the sea. The local government sued and was awarded damages by the Amoco Corporation. Although they didn’t recover the ship—it’s still at the bottom of the ocean—they did keep the large anchor as a commemorative reminder of the incident.

Also throughout Brittany there are a series of mysterious rock formations, called “Alignements du Menec”, similar to England’s Stonehenge, although not as large. No one seems to know why they are there or who put them there. We spied one humongous, phallic-shaped monolith standing in the middle of a field. It looks like a gigantic dildo, a Titanic butt plug, if you will.

Titanic Buttplug? in Brittany, France

After a lovely dinner, the five of us played Jungle Speed, an old tribal diversion 1000 years old in the form of a card game, where players have to match up colors and shapes. The game is conducive for illiterates and ignoramuses as well, because there is nothing to read and no questions to answer or anything to count or cipher. It’s similar to what I think about the game of Bingo. You don’t need to know anything. Patrick gave me as a gift, a can of their indigenous pork Paté Hénaff, which looks and tastes a whole lot like our Spam!

Saturday was a long drive day, as we had to return the car in Paris by 1800, so we avoided making any scenic stops along the way. Therefore, I missed seeing Rennes, Le Mans and the famous cathedral in Chartres. We stopped only once for lunch, at a McDonald’s in Pacé. But we did meet the deadline in time. This time my two days in Paris was for rest and relaxation. We stayed in both nights watching movies on TV, as I didn’t feel like going out either night.

On Sunday afternoon after lunch, however, Gilles and I went out for a walk and to get some gourmet ice cream that he had been raving about. He took me through an elevated garden promenade that I had not been to before. It started raining before we got back to the house. Early Monday morning I took a train back to Geneva to catch my flight home. Gilles went with me to the train station, and it’s good that we were a little early, because “Little-Miss-Take-Charge” had directed me to the wrong platform and would have put me on the wrong train, if we hadn’t caught his mistake in time. I don’t know where I would have ended up.

I have concluded that Gilles is a great traveling companion. We get along so well. He is so much fun to be with. I love his humor, his cleverness, his willingness to learn and assimilate. We have developed private references between us that only we know what we’re talking about sometimes. We seldom have to explain ourselves; we just get each other. Once the term “Substitutiary Locomotion” came up in a social situation, and we were the only ones there who knew what it meant! It’s a song featured in Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971), by the way.

We like most of the same things, including the same music and artists, and agree more times than not. We both like trivia and guessing games and are always testing each other’s knowledge of things. We both regard money in the same way. We’re frugal and don’t like to spend it unnecessarily. If I ever got to do “The Amazing Race” TV competition, Gilles is the one person I would like to be partnered with. Both our situations now have changed that prevent us from visiting each other when the mood strikes us. Gilles has been to New York enough times that he doesn’t crave it anymore. Why spend all that money? And my health is not so good anymore for extensive travel. I can hardly get around here at home. I don’t need to be traipsing all over Europe. And when I am with Gilles, he tends to walk me to death! I need to be near my doctors. So for now we have to be content with emails and phone calls. I suppose that we will remain friends, as we still have our common interests in movies and music.

It was January 2004 (nine years after The Flirtations) when I got involved with The New York Vagabonds, formerly known as the New Victory Singers. We were a paid professional male quartet whose repertoire differed considerably from the Flirtations. We weren’t strictly acappella either, but sang with pre-recorded backing tracks or piano accompaniment, and our numbers were choreographed, which I much enjoyed. Gabriel DeAngelo was the leader of the group and music arranger (although I made contributions as well) and sang tenor and baritone. Michael Kevin Walsh sang baritone, tenor and played occasional piano, and I was the bass, but as usual, sang everything else as well. The other tenor spot varied, depending on who was available at the time of any gig. Our regular tenor was James Baylis, who replaced Joshua Walter, but we also worked with Mike Backes, James Bullard, Andrew Hubacher, Joseph Paparella and Mark Wolff (now deceased) on occasion.

The New York Vagabonds (from left, clockwise: Gabriel DeAngelo, Michael Walsh, Me, Joshua Walter)

Gabe was my connection to the group. Our relationship goes back a good 35 years, when we were both singing and touring with Gregg Smith, but we had worked together in other fun musical ventures over the years. When Gabe was looking to revamp his New Victory Singers and needed a good bass, he thought of me. He came along just at the right time, too, because when he called, I was truly ready to get back on stage and start touring again. And it was a real blast. For the first year we played mostly what is called the “Borscht Circuit,” Jewish retirement villages in New Jersey, mostly, but frequent trips to Florida as well.

During the last week in January, 2006 the Vagabonds were playing a venue in Boca Raton, Fla. We were at the end of our show, about to do our encore, when we noticed some commotion in the audience and people crowding the aisles. What’s going on, we wondered? We learned that an elderly gentleman had just suffered a heart attack and died right there on the spot! Later when someone would ask how the show went, we would jokingly say that we killed them…literally! “We laid them in the aisles!”

I began a new chapter in my performing career when the group was hired to entertain passengers on a series of luxury cruise ships. In January and February of 2005, the Vagabonds got booked on several Caribbean cruises. The Holland America Cruise Line has a whole fleet of “Dam” ships that go everywhere in the world. During this time a mysterious “norovirus” had cropped up on one of their ships. A great number of passengers were getting sick with flu-like symptoms. It was surmised that somebody had brought the virus onto the ship with them and then managed to spread it around to the other passengers.

It so happened that our very first booking was on the infected ship, the M.S. Veendam. Early on Monday morning, Jan. 24th, we flew to the island of Curaçao, via Miami, to join this ship, which was halfway through their 14-day cruise. Believing that they had it under control, they allowed us on the ship. Safety precautions were underway, with hand sanitizer dispensers all around the ship and passengers avoiding physical contact. Hmm? Could this a precursor of our current coronovirus? Not knowing who we were and by our just arriving on the ship, it was assumed by many that we must be from the CDC, there to investigate.

We also visited Aruba before returning to Florida on Saturday, cancelling the Grand Cayman stop. These two ports were of little interest and served only as tourist spots for souvenir shopping. I got off the ship just to be able to say that I’ve been there. That was the case for some other non-happening Caribbean islands as well.

We were booked immediately on the M.S. Ryndam for four days, but having just been on the viral ship, they thought it better that we not come aboard, just in case. This worked out fine for me, at least, as I was able to participate in a performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony here in the city, which I would have missed otherwise.

The following week, on Feb. 6, a Sunday, we flew to Norfolk, Virginia to board the M.S. Maasdam, just leaving for an 11-day cruise. Our first stop was at Half Moon Cay (aka Little San Salvador) in the Bahamas, a privately-owned island by Holland America that does not appear on maps, which is why I couldn’t find it when I checked. We spent the afternoon on the beach and in the water. Our next stop, two days later, was St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, where we got off and flew back to Newark on Thursday.

Upon our return we learned that we had been booked on two more cruises during the month of April. The first was a two-week leg of a 116-day world cruise. On April 1 we flew from JFK airport to Frankfurt, Germany to Dubai and then to Victoria, Mahe Island of the Seychelles, where the ship, the M.S. Prinsendam, was in port for the day. The Prinsendam is Holland America’s top-of-the-line ship, reserved for world cruises, and although it is not as large as some of the other ships in the fleet, it is the epitome of elegance and style. They had been out at sea since Jan. 13 (they finished on May 9). We sailed from there to Mauritius, to Reunion and to South Africa.

One of the more interesting airports that I have visited is Dubai International in United Arab Emirates. We had a few hours layover during our connecting flight from Frankfurt to Victoria. The flight to Dubai was on Emirate Air, which the ticket clerk told us was “the best airlines in the world.” I can’t confirm that claim since I haven’t tried every one, but I can rightly say, it’s the best one I have flown on. It was quite exceptional. The seats are roomier and more plush, the food was considerably better, and it seemed as if the entire plane was First Class. The very efficient female flight attendants came around often offering us beverages and tasty snacks throughout the six-hour flight.

The Dubai airport was a trip! The main concourse is laid out like a major shopping mall. It’s all very clean, with ornate décor, and there were all kinds of people milling around–travelers in their various native costumes, including women dressed in their black burqas. No different colors, only black. What’s up with that? And this airport had the good sense to remain open all night! We arrived in Victoria early and had to wait over an hour for the ship to arrive.

Our few ports-of-call were also interesting and fun, for the most part. We spent one afternoon on Mauritius sightseeing, shopping (I didn’t buy anything) and lying on the beach. I even got to swim in the Indian Ocean for the first time. The island of Mauritius, which lies east of Madagascar, was the indigenous home of the now-extinct dodo. The hungry French settlers killed them all off, not realizing, or caring, that creatures don’t just happen, that they actively have to procreate in order to proliferate.

The French Creole island of Reunion, which is just south of Mauritius, proved to be rather uneventful. We weren’t there long enough to visit the landmark volcanoes. One, Piton des Neiges, is the highest point in the Indian Ocean. My friend and colleague, Mark, and I just walked around the capital city of La Possession and had lunch. That was about it.

There was more happening in Durban, however, which is located in the South African province of Natal. It is a bustling metropolis with plenty to see and do. We visited a museum while there. Some passengers got off the ship in Durban to go on safari. I would like to have gone with them.

Cape Town will have left a lasting impression on me in years to come. Since we were there for two days, we got to see much of the city and even check out the nightlife. That first day there while walking around the city with the other guys, we encountered friendly black youths who would offer their services as a tour guide or whatever. Some looked to be as young as ten-years-old. We learned that they were not orphans or even homeless. It was just that their situation at home was so unbearable, they preferred to take their chances living on the street. Isn’t that sad? During our cab ride to the airport, we noticed on the side of the road rows and rows of small, makeshift structures that appeared to be made of some cheap, flimsy material that people were actually living in!

During our evening walk, I became fascinated and curious about a certain area we passed through. Every residence in this particular neighborhood has a high concrete wall surrounding it. I wondered what that was all about and came up with my own theory, which was later confirmed by a town resident whom I met on the cruise ship. I surmised that some kind of home security representative went around to these estates one day and convinced the inhabitants therein that they needed protection from the angry, marauding blacks of the region. (What marauding blacks?) So when several of these impressionable families had these walls constructed around their property, the other unwalled neighbors felt vulnerable, because they feared that when these imagined interlopers invaded, they naturally would hit the unprotected houses. It became a matter of mass paranoia and personal survival. “I’m not going to be the only house on the block without a wall. They’re not going to get me!” So somebody got over, didn’t they? They created a lucrative insurance business for something which had no basis of fact, and then it doesn’t even have to pay off in the end. Then too, if somebody wanted in badly enough, those walls won’t keep them out. They can be gotten over, penetrated, even blown up. There is no absolute maximum security.

The fact that those Capetonians were so paranoid without any real warranty, tells me something. Who are they all afraid of again, the people whose land and livelihood were taken from them and turned them into virtual slaves in their own country? If the native blacks were on a campaign to burglarize, rob and pillage all the rich, white homeowners in the land, why hadn’t they done so before that time? That’s the kind of shit that greedy white folks like to do. And with them it’s not even about affluence either. The nightriders in the American South and other places didn’t target only the black civic leaders and upper-class black families, but were just as content to harass the poor people who didn’t have anything worth stealing. Terrorism isn’t about what someone has. It’s all about power, control and intimidation. They don’t care who you are or what you have or don’t have. So again, they’re afraid that we are going to do the same thing to them that they have always done to us. But if they are all so innocent, what are they worried about?

Then I wondered, who actually built all of those walls around all those estates. I was told that the construction was done by black laborers, which makes sense because I know that most manual labor is so beneath certain well-to-do whites. So, the irony is that these security walls were built by the very people that the residents intended to keep out! “You boys do a good job now, you hear? Fix it so that you and your friends won’t be able to get in.” “Hakuna matata, Bwana!” (“No problem, Boss!”)

Later that night we found the most popular disco in town, called Bronx (!), and got to dance and experience the local social and cruising scene. In this respect, fortunately, things have really changed since the days of Apartheid. The clientele there was racially-mixed, blacks and whites alike, gay and purportedly-straight, all mingling and dancing together. I even picked up a white man, who spent the night with me at my hotel. Earlier when we had dinner at our 5-star hotel, the Commodore, I got to try ostrich for the first time, which I enjoyed very much. And it didn’t taste like chicken either!

Since we didn’t have to leave town until later the next day, the boys and I had time to do the main tourist attraction there, that being Table Mountain, which dominates the city’s skyline. Its being flat on top allows hikers to walk around on the summit and overlook the city below and surrounding areas. From up there we could see Robben Island, where poor Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years prior. Although it is possible to scale the peak on foot, which none of us had the desire or time to do so, most choose to utilize, for a fee, the aerial trams (“cable cars”) to get us to the top.

L. to R.: the late Mark Wolff, Joshua Walter, Me and Michael Walsh atop Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa

On April 14 we had to fly back to New York from Cape Town via London, making the total travel time to the ship and back 65 hours! Then only four days later we had to get back on a plane, fly down to Ft. Lauderdale and board the M.S. Volendam for another 9-day cruise. This one took us back through the Caribbean all the way to Cartagena, Colombia, my first time on South American soil. These ports sure know when a cruise ship is in town, and they certainly are ready for them. Everywhere you turn, from the cab drivers who were there waiting for us when we got off the ship, to the people on the streets and in the shops, everybody was trying to sell us something.

The man in the jewelry store (I was only there tagging along with the other guys) tried his best to sell us emeralds and other gems that cost thousands of dollars, because if we are on a cruise ship, we must be filthy rich, right? He didn’t imagine that we might be starving musicians. Well, I’m hardly starving, am I? But you know what I mean. The street vendors were similarly relentless. They hounded us and stalked us and practically chased us down the street, trying to get us to buy their stupid, useless trinkets. I felt like Sebastian Venable. And they are not impressed by “no, gracias” or “no lo deseo” or “no lo necesito.” They just offer a better deal. I don’t care how cheap it is. I just don’t want it! Leave me the fuck alone!

It was even worse the next day on the island of Carti Sugtupu, part of the San Blas Archipelago, which lie along the coast of Panama in the Gulf of San Blas. They get a cruise ship visit only twice a year, and we just happened to be there at the right time. On this small island, virtually everything was for sale for “one dollah”: carved wooden boats, conch shells, drawings, bottled water and beer. It was more for clothing items, like shirts and hats. I don’t know from where they get the materials for their wares. Someone must bring them supplies on a regular basis. Even the people themselves charged us one dollah to take a picture of any of them or their huts, and a dollar per person at that! I was taking a picture of a little native girl and another child jumped into the pose just as I was snapping, and the mother called out, “Two dollah!”

These Tule people are a primitive tribe with their own language, Cuna, and culture. They are small in stature, brown-skinned with Mexican-Indian features and many wear nose rings. They all look pretty much alike, too, as if from the same family, which they probably are, being an indigenous tribe. I mean, being so isolated, with whom could they be having sex, if not with each other? And indicated by all the children running around there, somebody is certainly getting it on, and often! I’m sorry that I don’t have any pictures from there to show you. I know that I took some, but I don’t know what happened to them. I do, however, have a picture (front and back) of the souvenir shirt that I bought. I’ve never gotten to wear it, however, as it has always been too small for me. I didn’t get to try it on before I bought it, but took a chance that it would fit. Oh, well! You win some and you lose some.

“A man, a plan, a canal–Panama!” And it works in either direction, too! It’s been touted as one of the great wonders of the modern world, a manmade achievement of massive proportions. It was the intended highlight and selling point for this particular cruise, that is, the passage through the Panama Canal. The trip takes ten hours, from entry to exit, and they always plan it for the ship to arrive there in the morning right after sunup, so that the passengers can experience it during daylight. Word has it that the toll for going through the Canal comes to $190,000, which has to be paid in cash! And this is practically a daily occurrence. Somebody is getting over.

Everybody seemed fascinated about how the locks work and all, water chambers raising and lowering the ship. But although I can acknowledge it as an impressive operation, I couldn’t get all that excited about it. I guess I’ve gotten rather jaded in my advanced age. I got much more enjoyment out of hiking atop Table Mountain and climbing the Eiffel Tower by foot. As I said before, I’m more of a doer and on-hands (or feet) participant rather than an on-the-sidelines spectator. Our next stop and where we got off was Puntarenas, Costa Rica. We had to drive two hours to the airport in San José, from where we flew back to NYC via Atlanta.

Our next cruise booking occurred in October of the same year (2005), when we had to fly to Funchal, Madeira via Lisbon, Portugal (only to come right back again!), and get on the M.S. Westerdam, the largest ship in the fleet, just in time to make an Atlantic crossing with them. On this 15-day cruise they had already been to Rome, Gibraltar, Cadiz (Spain) and Casablanca before we joined them in Madeira. I still have not made it to Spain.

So I guess we missed the best part of the cruise, at least those major ports-of-call, because all we got after that was six whole days at sea, and brief stops in uneventful St. Maarten and Half Moon Cay, which I had already visited twice before. This time, however, I thought I would do something different. So I went parasailing! That’s where they take you out in a motor boat and hoist you up to a parachute with a harness. It was completely safe, so there was no danger involved—not that that would have been a deterrent to my doing it, thrill-seeker that I am.

The cruise ended in Ft. Lauderdale, from where we flew to home. Imagine having to celebrate Halloween on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean! Almost a whole year later we were back on the same ship but for only four days this time and with a reverse travel route. We first flew to San José, Costa Rica via Charlotte, NC, drove two hours to Puntarenas, where we met the ship, passed through the Panama Canal going in the opposite direction, and disembarked in Curaçao.

The next cruise only a week later found us in familiar surroundings but on a new ship. This time we had to fly to Cartagena via Miami and Bogotá, Colombia to get on the M.S. Zuiderdam, an identical sister ship to the Westerdam. Air travel has become so worrisome and inconvenient in this age of terrorist threats and heightened security. Taking the bus to Newark Airport used to be a breeze. I could leave my house and be at my departure gate in an hour’s time. Now the buses don’t run on schedule and take a lot longer to get to the airport. This time I almost missed my flight, and I would have if the plane had not been delayed a couple of hours.

When we did arrive in Cartagena the next day, there was nobody there to greet us and take us to where the ship was docked. The excuse we got was that they were told that we could find our way to the ship on our own. Oh, sure we can. We’re in a foreign country where nobody understands English, we don’t know where the hell the ship is and we have a ton of baggage to lug around. Then the clueless cab drivers we hired tried to rip us off. They were eager to take us to the ship, but when we got in, they had no idea where we wanted to go or how to get there, but still took our money just the same for giving us a non-requested tour of the city.

There were armed guards at the gangway of the ship who made us open our luggage for inspection before they would let us board. Then less than a minute later, the ship’s security crew inspected our bags once again! When I informed them that we had just been checked right outside, they said that the people out there didn’t have anything to do with the ship’s jurisdiction. I said, ‘But, what could we possibly have done between the gangway and the front door a few feet away?’ And anyway, if they and their sniffing dogs didn’t find “it,” what makes you think you will? It was just unnecessary harassment and bullshit.

This was the first ship that was so disorganized and dysfunctional. The cruise director was sort of a flake, there was stuff going on among the members of the band, the dinner service wasn’t as good as we had gotten used to, and even my cabin steward wasn’t as efficient as he could have been. The only new port that we visited on this trip was Ocho Rios, Jamaica, where we did some shopping and spent some time at the beach. I didn’t even get off the ship at Half Moon Cay this time, this being the fourth time there and having done all there is to do there. We were on the ship for only the last five days of the cruise, ending up at Ft. Lauderdale.

Now our next cruise was on a different line. The Regent Seven Seas Navigator is a small ship with fewer passengers than what we had been used to, and there are a number of differences in its operation. We were on the ship for the entire 11-day Caribbean cruise, from December 28, 2006 to January 8, 2007. Bringing in the New Year on a cruise ship was a first for me. I danced more that night than I had done in years. On all of the other ships there are always two seatings for dinner, in order to accommodate everyone, and therefore two shows every night. On this ship there is only one dinner seating, therefore only one show each night. Our work schedule was ideal. We did only two shows in all and had 8 ports-of-call in 11 days, which we were free to enjoy.

From Ft. Lauderdale we went to Grand Turk Island, St. Thomas, St. Barts, Tortola and Nassau, ending up back at Ft. Lauderdale. On Sunday, New Year’s Eve, in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, the Vagabonds did an impromptu performance in the Town Square. On Dominica we swam in a natural pool located under a waterfall, and in St. Maarten we participated in an America’s Cup Yacht Race with some passengers that we had befriended, and our team won!

This cruise ended on a downer, however, when a white, married, passenger couple falsely accused me of flashing their teenage daughter, and I did not receive any support from my colleagues, who know me and should know better than to believe such nonsense. Those parents were originally friendly towards me, but then turned on me on the word of their lying bitch of a daughter. Lloyd used to warn me about the ambiguous sincerity of rich people. I have on more than one occasion found his cynical assessment to have merit.

In Dominica with James Baylis, Mike Backes and Michael Walsh

In June 2008 the Vagabonds got yet another cruise offer. And it’s the one I had been waiting for, a cruise to Alaska! This was my 50th state, the only one that I had not been to yet. We were booked on two consecutive 7-day excursions from Seattle to Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway, Alaska, plus Prince Rupert, British Columbia and back to Seattle. The ship was the Norwegian Star, which was even bigger than the Westerdam/Zuiderdam (971 feet long) and quite different in design and décor. We performed only six times during the two weeks, which gave us a lot of free time.

Disappointedly, I found the ports-of-call something to be desired, in my opinion. Although I finally did make it to Alaska, per se,I didn’t really see Alaska. Just like I can say that I have been to Mexico (only the two border cities of Tijuana and Juarez and the off-shore island of Cozumel), but I haven’t really seen Mexico, have I? There is a lot more of it than just that.

I am always amused when an immigrant arrives in New York for the first time and exclaims, “Ah, America!“ I want to tell them, ‘Uh, no, this is New York City, which has nothing whatsoever to do with America. If you want to see “America,“ you need to proceed much further west.‘ Alaska is massive, and the stops we made were to these tiny outer villages on the very edges of the state. These particular towns actually would be part of British Columbia, were it not for the arbitrary border line.

It was raining in Ketchikan both times we were there and the first week in Skagway. In fact, we heard that it rains in Ketchikan a lot. It’s on that same Pacific Rim, like Vancouver and Seattle, where it also rains a lot. It was warm in Juneau only the first time. On that day I went into town to seek out the state capital building and get a postcard for my pictorial collection. I must have been right near Governor Sarah Palin’s office, before I knew who she was. Juneau has an excursion tour to visit the local glacier, and one can take a scenic train ride in Skagway, but I didn’t have the money to do them. This time I had inadvertently left my credit cards at home (they had fallen out of my wallet without my knowledge), so I had to pay cash for everything this trip.

All that Prince Rupert (B.C.) has is a little shopping mall. Big deal! I wish they had used the two weeks to sail to Anchorage, which is further north. At least that is a major city where one can see something without having to pay for special tours. I even have an old friend from college who lives in Anchorage. Those three (out of four) little nothing towns did not do it for me.

On Thursday, January 22, 2009 we joined the M.S. Ryndam for the last two weeks of its 30-day cruise of the South Pacific. We first flew out to Los Angeles from New York, and continued on from there to Papeete, Tahiti, which is one of the Society Islands of French Polynesia. We arrived the day before the ship got there and were put up in the local Hilton Hotel overnight. The ship had already been to the Hawaiian Islands, Raiatea and Bora Bora before arriving at Tahiti. Since the ship remained there in dock until early Sunday morning, we had all day Saturday to sightsee and shop.

On Sunday we arrived at Moorea, which is only about an hour’s distance away, therefore is part of the same group of islands. We were told that Moorea’s claim-to-fame is that it is the island that was used in the first movie version of South Pacific (1958) to represent “Bali Ha’i,” the mysterious island that is off-limits to the sailors and that they are always trying to get to. It must be a tourist ploy, however, because I did some research when I got home and discovered that it is not the case at all.

Actually Bali Ha’i was based on the real island of Ambae (formerly Aoba Island), which is located in Vanuatu (formerly known as New Hebrides). In the film, Bali Ha’i is portrayed by the real island of Tioman in Malaysia. However, the scene was filmed on Mount Makana on the north shore of Kauai, and the scene where Bloody Mary sings of Bali Ha’i takes place on Hanalei Bay. Doesn’t that seem like a lot of trouble just to depict a visual image for a movie? A drawn backdrop would have had the same effect. Then the island scenes could have been filmed on the same set as the rest of the film. Who would know the difference, and what would it matter anyway?

Incidentally, I didn’t find Moorea to be all-that, as I did not venture into the depths of the place. The other guys, however, went to a beach and found it to be quite beautiful, they reported. As you may have surmised by now, I am not the idly-lie-around-on-the-beach type of guy or sun worshipper. I certainly don’t require a tan! The only other port-of-call was three days later when we visited Taiohae Bay of Nuku Hiva of the Marquesas Islands group, still a part of French Polynesia. This place, too, I only walked around for about an hour and then back to the ship. After that, it was six whole days at sea until we got to San Diego, where the cruise ended. Round-trip, off-ship travel time was 35 hours!

We were all quite excited about the itinerary of our next world cruise, which was to take us to Egypt, Jordan, Greece and Turkey. The schedule, however, proved to be inconvenient for me, at least, as our leg of the tour began during Holy Week (Palm Sunday to Easter), which required me to miss that whole week of services at my church. I would prefer that our cruises not coincide with my other good-paying jobs in the City, as I would like to be able to do both if I can. But a chance to see the Egyptian Pyramids, I thought would be worth the sacrifice.

Well, things did not work out as we had hoped. The week before we were to leave and after I had committed to it, the ship, the Regent Seven Seas Voyager, experienced some mechanical problems of a functional nature, which caused them to change the remainder of their itinerary. By the time we joined the ship, most of the original ports-of-call had been cancelled, and Civitavecchia, Italy, a suburb of Rome, would be the final destination of the cruise, where the ship was put in dry dock to be repaired. So instead of spending six days in Egypt, where we were to visit Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, Luxor and the famous sights, the ship docked in Safaga for only one day.

Getting to Egypt and the ship was an ordeal in itself. This time we all did not travel together. Michael and his girlfriend, Linda, had joined the cruise a week earlier. Gabe and his then-fiancée, Francesca, left earlier as well, in order to spend some extra time in Cairo to see the sights. Joe Paparella and I agreed to meet the others on the ship in Safaga.

Our late afternoon flight from JFK did not leave on schedule, because just before we began taxiing, a male passenger insisted to be let off the plane. He was acting nervous and was not responding to the flight crew’s questions to their satisfaction. Somebody thought that the man had come onboard with two bags but now was getting off with only one, which concerned the crew. This required a thorough check to see if there were any unclaimed bags aboard. I don’t know if they ever found anything awry.

We all eventually had to get off the plane, anyway, which was then taken out of service, and we were assigned a new flight and crew. The thing is, though, it was not scheduled to leave until 0100, and it was only 1900! At least they offered us food vouchers to use during our 6-hour delay. I couldn’t make any phone calls, because I had neglected to recharge my phone before I left home, and my charger was in my other checked bag, along with my phone book, and I didn’t know anybody’s number from memory. The cynic that I am, I didn’t believe that 0100 departure time, and I was right. We finally took off at 0420!

Ten hours later we landed in Cairo, where we had to take another flight to Hurghada, Egypt. But by getting in so late, we had already missed our scheduled connecting flight and had to wait another hour for the next one. It was almost midnight when we arrived in Hurghada, but the trip was not over yet! Now we had to find our way to Safaga, where the ship was docked for the night.

Joe and I hired a local cab driver, who agreed to take us there for $20, but on the way there, upon realizing that we were foreign tourists, hustled us for more money. Joe ended up paying him $54! We nor the driver knew where the hell the ship was, but after some trial-and-error searches, we eventually found it. By this time, it was 0200. After all that, I won’t even get to see the pyramids, which is why I accepted this cursed cruise in the first place!

From Safaga we made only one stop–Aqaba, Jordan–before continuing on directly to Civitavecchia. While in Jordan the rest of the group went on an excursion to the hidden city of Petra, which is carved out of rock, hence the name. The façade was used in a scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989). I didn’t go along because the tour was booked up, and I didn’t want to pay the $130 anyway. So I contented myself with just a sightseeing stroll around the city of Aqaba.

While walking back to the ship, I passed a camel standing on the side of the road with a plastic bag on its face. I said to the beast, ’What’s with the bag, Girlfriend? You’re not that ugly!’ I learned later that the bag was put there by its owner as a public safety precaution, as camels have a tendency to spit on people.

Jordanian camel

After Aqaba it was back around the Sinai Peninsula, up through the Suez Canal, across the Mediterranean and through the Strait of Messina past Sicily to mainland Italy. The saving grace of this cruise, so that it was not a total disappointment, is that the accommodations were quite special. I got my own suite, which I didn’t have to share this time. On Holland America we always had to double up. After the itinerary was changed, some passengers chose to leave the cruise, which freed up some extra staterooms. Since we were at sea for days with nowhere to go, when we were not performing (we did four shows in all), I just stayed in my room watching movies all day. That’s basically what I do at home. The only thing missing was I didn’t have my computer with me, as I don’t own a laptop. We flew from Rome back to JFK, making off-ship round-trip travel time 43 hours.

(# Around the world in [21] days… #)
Only five days later (April 25, 2009) we were off again for two back-to-back, three-weeks-long cruises that took us around the world, literally. We flew from New York to Ft. Lauderdale and got on the Eurodam, Holland America’s newest ship, only nine months old at the time. We did an Atlantic crossing, which took six days, then the first land we hit, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel of the Azores Islands (thought to be the remains of Atlantis), we got off the ship and flew to Lisbon, Portugal, spent the night in a hotel there, then next morning flew to London’s Heathrow Airport, changed planes and continuing east, flew directly to Narita Airport in Japan, got on another ship, the Volendam, in Tokyo, visited three other Japanese ports, then made a Pacific crossing, which took six more days (crossing the International Dateline required us to experience Monday twice!), the first land we hit was Kodiak, Alaska, we got off the ship there, flew to Anchorage (so I finally made it to Anchorage after all, although we were confined to the airport the whole time) then to Houston then back to New York on May 15.

While in Lisbon for the night, my colleagues and I went for an evening out on the town, with sightseeing and dinner. The only part of Tokyo we got to see was during the taxi ride from the airport to the ship. By the time I got settled, I was so exhausted, all I wanted to do was crash. So I missed out on the Tokyo experience entirely. I expect that was my last chance, too. I wish the ship had stayed there an extra day. During the next few days, however, I did walk around in the towns of Hakodate and Otaru, and in Aomori we took a bus ride to Kuwabara Hill to see Showa-Daibutsu, the 70-feet-tall Buddha, aka Dainichi Nyorai.

Aomori, Japan. # Praise to Buddha! #

Also on the site was a sort of Welcome House, where during my browsing I spied a page of sheet music and proceeded to sight-sing the melody aloud, which delighted the Buddhist priest there, and he started singing the tune with me. It must have been some kind of prayer or folk song, although since the text was in Japanese, I had no idea what the hell we were singing about!

I found it interesting that there still are rickshaws in Japan. In this day and age, what kind of person would seek out such a job, or career even, of pulling a carriage of people around on foot? “So, what do you want to be when you grow up, Akiro?“ “I want to be jinrikisha driver! Hai!“

I found the airfield terminal in Kodiak to be quite economical. The ticket counter, waiting area, departure gate, baggage claim carousel and car rental service were all in one room! Getting home from there was quite an ordeal. We first had to fly to Houston, where our connecting flight was delayed for several hours. But we didn’t need to go there in the first place! Why couldn’t they have gotten us a direct flight to New York? We were so exhausted and wanted to get home as soon as possible. I can understand our booking agents wanting to save money, but we are the ones who are inconvenienced, not them. They don’t give a shit about what we have to go through. Off-ship travel time this trip equaled 51 hours!

We got only a month’s break then, because on June 15, we were off on another cruise. Thankfully though, we were out for only five days. We left on Monday and were back home the following Saturday. I didn’t have to miss church that weekend. This was our first time working for Royal Caribbean cruise line, and the name of the ship is Explorer of the Seas. The entire cruise was for nine days, beginning in New Jersey with stops in Bermuda, St. Maarten, St. Thomas (where we got on), San Juan, P.R. and back to Cape Liberty, NJ, where we got off. We next did two back-to-back cruises on Jewel of the Seas, which went from Boston to New Brunswick and back, and then on the Grandeur of the Seas which went to Cozumel, Mexico and Grand Cayman Island.

The first cruise of 2010 was on our fourth Royal Caribbean vessel, the Liberty of the Seas, which is a sister ship to the Explorer, only bigger. We were on the ship for a week for two different cruises, the last few days of one and the first few days of the next. The four new locales that we visited on this occasion were Belize (formerly British Honduras), Cozumel, St. Kitts in the British West Indies and Haiti. We were given great accommodations on St. Kitts. It was sort of a resort. We all had individual suites, there was an outdoor pool on the premises and a gambling casino, both of which we partook. Each of us were given a chance to win complimentary tokens to play with, but as I had done in Monte-Carlo, I only played the slot machines and did not lose any of my own money by spending only the free quarters I was given.

The cruise line maintains and operates its own private resort in Haiti called Labadee, which provides employment and income to many of the natives. This was only weeks after a devastating earthquake hit Port-au-Prince, so the people actually welcome the ships that come there bringing much-needed supplies and provisions. Lunch was served outdoors in the beach area of Labadee. We got off the ship in Jamaica and flew home from Montego Bay on Ash Wednesday. We made several cruise trips to Canada as well, visiting Saint John, New Brunswick and Halifax each time via Boston and Portland, Maine.

(“The ships! Tell them about the ships!”)
But what about the actual cruises and more about the ships themselves, for those of you who have not had the experience? I’ve had fabulous times, for the most part. These big cruise ships are floating resort hotels with all the amenities. These things are self-contained. Since we are living on the ship (some of the crew for six months at a time or longer), everything you need is on there for you. On the very first cruise I was on, I did discover one elusive item, however. Except for the little stubby ones (which have no erasers!) that they pass out for the trivia games, there were no other pencils to be found, not even in the gift shops. There are ink pens galore but no pencils. I always maintain a journal when I am away from home for a time, and for that and my puzzle magazines I prefer to use a pencil instead of a pen. So the next time and every time after that, I always brought along my own pencils and portable sharpener. In fact, anything else that I required I would bring with me, so that I would not have to buy anything on the ship.

Although our main purpose there was to entertain the other guests, we were treated as guests ourselves. On the Holland America ships we didn’t have the restrictions that the crew members and even the regular passengers do. We could go anywhere on the entire ship that we wanted to, and we took advantage of all it had to offer. We had a TV in our room that shows movies and vintage series all day long, as well as a real movie theater with recent movies and complimentary popcorn!

There are organized games throughout the day that we could participate in—Team Trivia, Taboo, Outburst, Scattergories, Pictionary, Boggle, Hoopla, Guesstures and Name That Tune. There are various sports activities and special interest group meetings, like Alcoholics Anonymous, disguised as “Friends of Bill W.” (not for me, of course), and some ships even gave us “Friends of Dorothy” get-togethers, which, of course, is the code for gays. There is a gym with workout apparatus, a steam room, sauna, pools and jacuzzis.

There is plenty of opportunity to indulge in walking exercise as well. Most ships have an outdoor promenade that goes completely around the vessel. To give you some idea of how big the Westerdam is, for example, the ship is 950 feet in length and one lap around the promenade equals one-third of a mile! Things are at opposite ends of the ship, so there is a lot of walking back and forth all day long. Plus, I always used the stairs to get from deck to deck, instead of taking the elevators. All the ships I have been on have up to fifteen decks. With all that walking and using the treadmill as well, I tended to lose an average of ten pounds on every cruise. I never used the beauty salon or the casino on any of the ships.

I did go in the indoor pool on the Norwegian Star one time, when no one else was using it, but it was too shallow even to swim in, and I have used the jacuzzi only twice. The food is magnificent, for the most part, abundant and free! There is food and drink available on the ships whenever you want it. Even when the dining areas were closed, we could order from room service 24 hours a day. The Liberty, for one, has 28 (!) bars or public areas where they serve alcoholic beverages. You never have to venture very far to get a drink.

We performed four times apiece (two shows a night) on the Eurodam, Ryndam, Veendam, Volendam, Westerdam, Zuiderdam, Jewel and Liberty of the Seas, only twice on the Maasdam, Navigator and Explorer of the Seas, four times in four days on the Voyager and six times on the Grandeur of the Seas, Norwegian Star and Prinsendam, each and every time proving ourselves to be an unqualified hit with the passengers and crew. Our performance schedule varied on the Enchantment. On that particular ship we did two, three and even four shows in one week‘s time. Our time on any given ship was from four days to three weeks, and our work schedule hardly ever exceeded more than three hours on performance days, so that gave us loads of free time to enjoy the cruises. In addition to New Year’s, the other holidays that I spent on a ship are Valentine’s Day, Easter, two Halloweens and a Thanksgiving.

That first week on the Veendam, I didn’t get sick at all, even without taking anything, and assumed that I had finally overcome my “mal de mer.” I was fine on the Volendam as well, but it was smooth-sailing throughout. The first day on the Maasdam, however, the turbulence of Chesapeake Bay did cause me to throw up several times and a few times on the Prinsendam as well. So I guess the problem was still with me, and I found a way to deal with it. I started wearing Sea Bands whenever I sailed or flew long distances. They are elastic bracelets, each containing a button that presses against certain pressure points in the wrists and stabilizes one’s equilibrium, or some such. Whatever is the deal, they must really work. But I must have gotten used to sailing eventually, because I stopped wearing them at some point, and I did not suffer any more gastric distress.

I think that my favorite ship was the Seven Seas Voyager. The cabins are the largest of any ships I have been on, with a walk-in closet and balcony. The TVs in our suites were pre-programmed with over 200 movies (didn’t I love that!) and included a DVD player as well. The bathroom was equipped with a tub, shower stall and telephone! I even loved the bed! And my not having to share was the best part. Along with the food, even the drinks are free. We love that, although I, for one, do not abuse the privilege. I never overindulge just because I don’t have to pay for it, just like I don’t eat any more than I choose to. These ideal accommodations made up for the aborted itinerary and the less-than-exemplary weather (it was cold the whole time).

My least favorite was probably the Zuiderdam, for the reasons I cited earlier. I found that I liked the Volendam the first time around but not so much the second time. It was the first one where I met other gay men in my age group to party and hang out with. Most of the passenger personnel on these ships are old, straight, married couples, and the crew members, especially the musicians and the performing Cast members, are kids in their twenties (some are actual teenagers), therefore too young with which to have any sort of relationship. But even with the elderly straights, I was treated very kindly and respectfully and received many compliments after they had seen and heard me perform.

The cruise passengers are a generally quite friendly, fun-loving bunch. The daily trivia games are especially popular and tend to be very competitive. I never had trouble being invited to play on someone’s team. I liked the fact that I didn’t initially have to prove my intelligence to be accepted. But then when they discovered how smart I am, everybody wanted me on their team.

Now after 38 cruises (counting the first two as well), I am quite used to the routine. I especially liked the peace and solitude I got on the ships. Even with thousands of people on board at one time, there are so many places one can go to be alone, other than your stateroom. I often wondered, ‘Where the hell is everybody?!’ Since most people are creatures of habit, they tend to go to bed and get up at the same times they do when they are at home. And I, who normally keep late hours, could be found roaming the ship at night after most everyone have turned in. I love the outer and upper decks, especially when it is warm out. My favorite spot is the very front of the ship, the bow, where I would lounge on a bench and look at the night sky. I also much enjoyed strolling the deck and singing (and occasionally disturbing sleeping passengers) while listening to music on my portable music player.

I have been to Canada on numerous occasions—first with the DeCormier Singers several times, with Harry Belafonte for several weeks, for the Steamboat Gothic tour, with The Flirtations nine different times, and with The Vagabonds several times. I guess Vancouver is my most-visited Canadian city, probably ten times, but I have made it to Montreal only twice, although there have been several other attempts. I wanted to drive there with a group of friends from nearby Plattsburgh, NY after a gig one night, but it was too late to make the trip. Then remember the first orchestra tour with Harry, it was Montreal that cancelled on us the last minute.

The Flirtations were scheduled to perform in Montreal in August 1993, but we never made it out of the airport. In fact, we were deported and ordered to return to the States. What happened was this. As working performers, we always needed special permits and employment validation when in Canada, that are not required for common tourists. This particular time, though, our local promoter for the engagement neglected to provide the necessary papers for us that we were required to present to the Immigration officers upon our arrival. Just before we flew there from Boston, we were advised by the promoter guy not to reveal our true purpose for being there but to lie and say that we are just visiting tourists. Since it was too late to do anything else, we decided to do just that. Well, three of us got through the Immigration gate okay, no questions asked, but Jimmy’s clerk must have read his nervousness or something, because he asked Jimmy direct, pertinent questions to which he confessed, out of fear and intimidation. Now that they were on to us, we had to come clean. We were then detained, further interrogated and all our belongings were searched. We were even strip-searched!

We were subsequently charged with fraud and misrepresentation and told that we could not enter the country at this time, and we were put on the very next flight back to Boston. So once again I almost made it to Montreal. I actually did finally get to visit the city during the second long tour with Harry in the spring of ’78, when I spent seven days there. Then I was back there for part of three days in the summer of 2002 during that road trip with Gilles.

This deportation incident, by the way, was still haunting me 18 years later. The last three times that the Vagabonds had to enter Canada as a result of our cruise itineraries, I alone had to visit the Immigration office at the airport. The first couple of times I didn’t understand what they wanted with me, and the clerks didn’t have much information to share with me. They did mention The Flirtations, however, reading about us on their computer screens, and asked me about my association with them. I was wondering, Why are they asking me about those guys after so many years? I haven’t been involved with them since 1994. Each time they let me continue on, however, but without telling me what the problem was.

So the last time I was at the Halifax airport and was again summoned to Immigration, and the customs officer asked me if I had ever had any trouble entering Canada. That’s when it dawned on me about the Montreal incident. I had forgotten all about it temporarily. So when I went to see them this time, I had an explanation for them. I related the story about the time we were detained and deported because of the lack of a work permit and asked them why it was still in their system. It happened so long ago, can’t you just expunge it from the record? They said, “No, it’s there permanently.” ’So you mean I have to go through this every time I come here now?’ “I’m afraid so.” The situation is different now, in that we are not in Canada to work, as was the case before, but only passing through to get onto a cruise ship.

Alas, our cruising days are over. The last one we did was in November 2012. I am fortunate, however, to have done as many as I have. We did, however, a successful, well-received, two-week concert tour around Florida in February 2015. We played Coconut Creek, Boynton Beach, Leesburg, Poinciana, Lake Wales, Avon Park and Summerfield. Our last performance engagement was in October 2015 at one of those retirement communities in Monroe, New Jersey.

There have been some health issues with some group members, including myself. In November 2013 we had the rare opportunity to audition for “America’s Got Talent” here in NYC. But on the very day of the audition, Michael Walsh took ill. In fact, he was hospitalized, where it was discovered that he had developed a rare cancer of the blood, so we had to miss the audition, and we never got another chance. We are all up in age now, too, and not as spry as we once were. In addition, our first tenor, James Baylis, up and moved to Las Vegas, so we would have had to find a replacement for him anyway. And one of our primary booking agents died recently. The only time that we remaining three got to sing together was at Gabe and Fran’s annual Christmas parties at their house in White Plains, NY, when the attendees entertained each other. But now that’s over, too. With COVID in effect in 2020, the party was cancelled that year, and now Gabe and Fran have sold their house and moved to Naples, Florida. Oh, well, nothing is forever. It was all fun while it lasted.

The last time I was in South Bend was to attend my mother’s funeral in September 2015. And now that most of my old friends have died and those few that have survived have moved to other locales, plus my dear sister, Debra, has moved away as well, I don’t have any reason ever to go back there again. So with our mother gone and with her and her husband both retired from their jobs as postal workers, there was nothing keeping Debbie in South Bend either. Having lived there all their lives, they wanted a change of scenery and were tired of the severe winters up north. Their daughter, my niece, Danielle, had already moved to Georgia some years ago. So while their new house was being built in the Atlanta suburb of Winder, Deb and Sam stayed with Danielle and her husband, Adam. The house was finished in December 2018 and they are now well-settled into it. I wanted to see it, so I flew down for a visit in 2019, during the week of Deb’s birthday, April 12.

Now Debbie’s older daughter, Deanna has quit her job as a postal worker in South Bend as well and has moved to Georgia to be near her mother and sister. Most kids can’t wait to get away from the parents! The fact that they all have chosen to continue to live nearby means that they must really like each other. Danielle had her first child, a girl, in 2020, and a baby boy in 2023. Debbie is enjoying being a grandmother, regular babysitter and watching little Arrow and Reign grow and develop.

My father had proffered me a new car upon graduation from college, but since I did not graduate, he reneged. It doesn’t matter because my life’s situation never required me to own a car. My mother was my personal chauffeur until I went off to college. I didn’t need a car in Bloomington, as I always lived on or near campus, and everything was within walking distance. Besides, some of my friends had cars to get us around if needed. Then when I moved to New York right after the Army, by living in Manhattan, I have never needed a car here either. Trains and buses are readily accessible, or I manage to get to where I need to be on my own, that is, by bicycle or on foot. Although I do know how to drive, I don’t have a license anyway. Look at how much money I save by not having a car. There is the yearly insurance, maintenance, gas and endless parking fees to consider. With my bike, all I have to deal with is occasional maintenance, which is a whole lot less than those compulsory auto expenses.

Even without a license, I have been required to drive on more than a few occasions. When I was in college, one weekend I drove some friends from Bloomington to Indianapolis to go bar-hopping. Unbeknownst to him, I would sometimes borrow my roommate Matt’s Mustang to go cruising around Bloomington late at night, while he was asleep. When I was at Fort Gordon MP training, I got to drive a jeep one day. In Okinawa I borrowed my girlfriend Mary’s car to drive from my choir rehearsal at the post chapel to my barracks in order to sign in at the office while I was on supposedly-confined detention (details in another blog). In Halifax, Nova Scotia, while on tour with Harry Belafonte in 1978, I once offered to drive a friend home from a bar, as he was too drunk to drive himself. On that Steamboat Gothic tour in ‘92, the one day that I was relegated to drive was in Redfield, South Dakota during a blizzard, when there was no visibility! The last time I remember driving was in Dayton, Ohio (1993) spending some off time with my then boyfriend, John Z. While he was preparing a musical presentation that he was producing that night, he needed me to pick up a sick friend of his at his house and bring him to the venue. I also drove part of the way on a road trip with John, when we went to visit my friend, Don Girone, in Lexington, Kentucky. It was the last time I got to see him before he died.

My mother had the use of a car for most of her adult life. She would drive everywhere, even to our church, which was only two blocks away from where we lived! In her later years, when she was unable to drive anymore, she stopped going anywhere, using the lame excuse that she didn’t have any way to get there or anybody to take her (which wasn’t entirely true). I would tell her, ‘Mama, I don’t have a car, and I manage to get everywhere that I need to go.’

And speaking of walking… I have accomplished some real walking marathons over the years, when I was still young and energetic. The summer before I actually moved to New York (I was 25 at the time), I did not know the City too well. Leo or somebody would chaperone me when I had to go anywhere. But one evening I went to see a couple of movies on 42nd Street alone, and after the films I decided to do some sightseeing on foot. I had intended to walk around some, then get on the subway to go back to Leo’s in the Bronx, where I was staying. So I headed uptown and when I got to the park at 59th Street, I thought, ‘Oh, Central Park! Let me check that out.’

I entered the park and promptly got lost. I still can get lost in unfamiliar sections of the park, especially at night. When I eventually found my way out, I was at the north end of the park at 110th Street, where Harlem starts. I knew there was a subway entrance at 125th Street somewhere, but I must have been on the wrong avenue, because I couldn’t find it. So I continued northward and found myself at the 149th Street Bridge, which leads to the Bronx. Once I reached Yankee Stadium, at 161st Street, I knew that I was almost home, so I walked the rest of the way, to 175th Street and Walton Avenue near Grand Concourse. That’s 8.5 miles!

In Toledo, Ohio once, with The Flirtations, I was trying to find my way from downtown back to my motel, took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in the neighboring suburb of Oregon. Once while trying to get back to Manchester, New Hampshire, I took a wrong turn and ended up in neighboring Bedford. I am not opposed to asking for help and directions when I get lost and confused, but in these particular cases, there was no one around to ask, so I had to fend for myself.

I did High Holy Days services at a synagogue in Westchester County for five consecutive years. During the all-day Yom Kippur services, the hired quartet got a lunch break in the afternoon. Since I went up there by train each time, I didn’t have my own ground transportation to get to somewhere to eat, and the other singers always abandoned me and left me to my own devices. The synagogue is located in a rural, residential section, away from any commercial area. So I had to hoof it to one of the neighboring towns for the nearest eatery.

One year I found my way into Bronxville, NY, which is the nearest town in one direction from the synagogue, and had lunch in the local diner there. But instead of going back the same way I had come, I went a different route, got myself lost, again, and ended up in Yonkers, way the hell farther than I needed to go, in the opposite direction! I had to double back and pass through Mount Vernon and Fleetwood to get back to the synagogue. I did make it back to work in time, fortunately.

It’s often said that one cannot get along without a car in Los Angeles. Well, if you have the time and the stamina, you can. During our week-long tour break there with Gregg Smith, I once walked from Burbank to North Hollywood (where I was staying with a friend), in the rain! Then the next day I walked from North Hollywood to West Hollywood via Hollywood, and another time from Hollywood to Silver Lake and back to West Hollywood. I once walked from Miami Beach to the bathhouse in Miami and back again. I was really tired after that one!

When I was living in South Bend, I walked home from neighboring Mishawaka a couple of times. Since I don’t drive, I more often than not opt to walk to and from places when I am away from home, rather than take public transportation. It sometimes gets masochistic, when I am literally miles away from where I want to go and I am dead tired, but I refuse to hail a cab. I never considered hitchhiking, not that it’s likely that anyone would pick me up anyway.

I have done other major walkathons in Boston, Brooklyn, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Gillette (Wyoming), Grand Rapids, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Madison, Milwaukee, Montreal, New Orleans, Orlando, Peoria, Philadelphia, Rehoboth Beach (Delaware), Rochester, Saint Johns (New Brunswick), San Antonio, San Francisco, Scottsbluff (Nebraska), Seattle, Syracuse, Toronto, Vancouver and Washington, D.C., and while abroad: Berlin, Cologne (one day I crossed the Rhine River four times via three different bridges), Frankfurt, Hamburg, London, Monte-Carlo, Paris, Tel Aviv and Verbier.

I suppose that my longest bike ride was the time I decided to visit my friend Lloyd, who lived in east Bronx. Except for this one time, I always take the train up there, and it took over an hour to get to his house. I don’t remember the year, but it was some time ago. I didn’t realize that it was as far as it was, but once I got going, I finished the trip. It turns out to be 13 miles from midtown Manhattan, where I live, to Pelham Parkway in the Bronx. So that’s 26 miles round-trip! That’s the distance of those running marathons that people do every year. I don’t know how they do that. I don’t know I did it! I was totally wiped out, and I was on a bicycle! Never again! Those endurance days of walking and even biking are over for me. I am too old and tired now.

Well, I did cover quite a bit of ground when I was in South Bend in 2015. I was out there attending my family reunion and got to see my mother one last time alive. I borrowed my brother-in-law’s bike a couple of days and made my rounds, visiting family members and friends who happen to live on opposite sides of town. It was tiring, but I managed it somehow.

When I was a kid, too, I did a lot of bike-riding. One ambitious project was to cover every street in the city from beginning to end. Each day I would get out my city map and plan my itinerary. South Bend is not a small town. It’s quite spread out, area-wise. This accomplished endeavor caused me to learn the city very well, and at one time I could tell you every street in town and where they were and went. I have forgotten a lot of it now, though, and the geography of the city has changed considerably anyway in the ensuing years.

In all my years of bike-riding I have fallen only a handful of times that resulted in any kind of injury. While still a kid in South Bend, one day I fell by tripping over a dog (!) and fracturing my wrist. You see, the dog ran across my front tire, causing my bike to fall over with me on it. Another time, I got struck by an automobile while on my bike, and although I was knocked unconscious for a bit, I miraculously was not physically hurt. My bike, however, was totaled. The man who hit me, out of guilt and remorse, I suppose, did replace my wrecked bike with a brand-new one. The summer of 1994 in Provincetown, I fell and banged myself up pretty badly, scraping my shoulder but not breaking anything. Here in Manhattan one day, on the way to church, my tire locked up somehow, and it threw me off my bike, causing me to fall and to fracture a couple of ribs. That was the most painful, as far as recovery went. I had to sleep sitting in a chair for several weeks, because it hurt too much to lie supine.

As you can see from this post alone, I have experienced a lot in life, but there are still some unfulfilled desires I would like to accomplish before I die. Almost every year around my birthday, I try to do or buy something special for myself. Founding my own record company and label while producing my first solo album was sort of a birthday celebration. My appearance on “…Millionaire” occurred around my birthday. In 1990 when I was turning 43, I decided to fulfill my longtime dream to skydive. I found a skydiving outlet in New Jersey that trains you and gives you a “crash course” (just in case your chute doesn’t open), takes you up in a plane and lets you jump that same day, all for a mere $200 (then). And I came that close to doing it, too, but sudden high winds prevented me from taking the actual jump, or so I was told. It was a great disappointment, after having psyched myself up for it and then being told that I couldn’t. The moment then was lost (as well as my $200). Since I believe that everything happens for a reason, I guess it was not meant to be at that time. I was given a rain check, good for only six months, but I never got the chance to go back again. I was in the middle of a busy opera season, and getting out there was a problem, being a non-driver without a car. The facility was way out in rural New Jersey somewhere, not even located in a real town, therefore not reachable by public transportation. A friend of mine drove me, and we had a hell of a time finding the place.

In my mind, if I ever got the chance again, I still would like to do it, but I doubt it will happen at this late date. It’s not that I think I am too old, it’s just that I am not in good physical shape anymore. I would have liked to have tried bungee jumping, too, but from a real bridge over a river, not from a tacky ol’ crane at an amusement park. I’ve always had a daring, adventurous spirit. I’m not afraid to take chances, as long as I don’t get hurt. The stunts Earl Jr. and I used to do as kids—hopping moving freight trains and jumping off the roof of our house—are things that I wouldn’t consider doing now, unless I was getting paid or participating as a contestant on TV’s “Fear Factor.”

The places that I still would like to see before I leave this earth, in this country, are the Grand Canyon and Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, up close. It’s been fifty years since I was in Las Vegas, so I want to go back to see all that did not exist when I was there last. Abroad, I want to visit Amsterdam, Barcelona (I’ve never been to Spain at all) and Rome. Although everybody says that Venice is so beautiful, I’m not all that excited about seeing it. I’m not crazy about India either, but I would like to see the Taj Mahal in person, so to speak, as well as the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Wall of China. I’d still like to go back to Egypt to see all the stuff I missed out on the last time. I’d like to do Sydney, Australia, too, but I would prefer to get there by cruise ship, rather than have to abide another 20 hours or so plane flight. I missed out on Brazil and Rio de Janeiro when one of the Vagabond cruises that I did not go on one year went there.

The chance of accomplishing all or any of these places seem very slim at this point in my life, but as my life is always taking unexpected turns, who knows? It could still happen. I never expected that I would ever visit all the places I have been to. Except on rare occasions, I’ve never had the financial means to do a lot of travel on my own. I am forever grateful for the opportunities that have been afforded me.

Of all the places that I have been in the world, there are three that I actually miss. At the top of my list is Okinawa. The 18 months that I spent there were most enjoyable and memorable. I also miss my summers in Provincetown–the rampant sex (nightly) and being in the presence of men everywhere I turned. Then there are the cruise ships. I sure would like to do that again.

I am fortunate enough to have visited South Africa after all that Apartheid business was over with, and I got a most enjoyable trip to Israel before the current genocide started there, or never been in the midst of any other civil unrest anywhere. As far as public transportation goes, so far I have never been in a collision while riding in a car, taxi or bus, no train wrecks, plane crashes, no piracy or sinking ships that I have been on. Yes, you might say that I am one lucky guy! I hope you got some vicarious enjoyment in reading about my travel adventures and were entertained by the photos and audio clips provided, as well as my occasional cynical sarcasm. It actually was fun for me to relive it all for you, the good as well as the not-so-good. Bless you, my friends!

A street corner in Hannover, Germany. Notice the street sign.
“But ya are, Blanche, even in London!”

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    At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day – especially babies – and there is a shortage of essential equipment.

    Mpox – formerly known as monkeypox – is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
    Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country – and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
    “We’ve learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
    He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children – aged seven, five and one.
    “You saw how I touched the patients because that’s my job as a nurse. So, we’re asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
    The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature – below freezing – to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
    The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
    At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
    Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
    “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
    “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there’s still no staff motivation.”


  14. Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
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    At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day – especially babies – and there is a shortage of essential equipment.

    Mpox – formerly known as monkeypox – is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
    Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country – and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
    “We’ve learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
    He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children – aged seven, five and one.
    “You saw how I touched the patients because that’s my job as a nurse. So, we’re asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
    The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature – below freezing – to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
    The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
    At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
    Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
    “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
    “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there’s still no staff motivation.”

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  15. Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
    At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day – especially babies – and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
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    Mpox – formerly known as monkeypox – is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
    Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country – and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
    “We’ve learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
    He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children – aged seven, five and one.
    “You saw how I touched the patients because that’s my job as a nurse. So, we’re asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
    The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature – below freezing – to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
    The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
    At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
    Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
    “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
    “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there’s still no staff motivation.”


  16. Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
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    At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day – especially babies – and there is a shortage of essential equipment.

    Mpox – formerly known as monkeypox – is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
    Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country – and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
    “We’ve learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
    He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children – aged seven, five and one.
    “You saw how I touched the patients because that’s my job as a nurse. So, we’re asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
    The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature – below freezing – to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
    The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
    At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
    Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
    “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
    “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there’s still no staff motivation.”

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    Официальный сайт компании — lifeisgood.company. Ценной информации на нем очень мало. В разделе «О компании» вместо рассказа о том, чем занимается компания, — общие фразы про финансовую независимость и благополучие клиентов, а также шесть рекламных роликов с известными людьми.
    Данная компания создана в 2014 году. Зарегистрирована в государстве-офшоре Белиз, что находится в Центральной Америке. Соответственно, выданный там сертификат не имеет на территории России никакой юридической силы. Лицензия ЦБ РФ отсутствует.

    Руководитель компании — Роман Василенко, обладатель многочисленных фотошопных регалий, количеству которых позавидовал бы даже Александр Невский (уот так уот), ветеран МЛМ движения в РФ, ну практически святой человек.

    С 1990 года по 1999 год служил в Вооруженных силах РФ.

    После службы работал в инвестиционной компании Save-Invest (Si), зарегистрированной в Швейцарии, которая обещала инвестиционные продукты со сверх доходностью. В 2000х годах газета Коммерсантъ выпустила статью о расследовании сотрудников ФСБ на предмет ведения мошеннической деятельности в РФ.

    В 2012 году руководитель Оренбургского управления Татьяна Горынина, обманувшая своих клиентов на 50 млн. получила 6 лет тюрьмы за мошенничество.

    Далее работал в инвестиционной компании “Life Division”, которая до сих пор продолжает свою работу.

    Также Роман активно ведёт блог в инстаграмме и на ютуб, темы всё те же — успешный успех, освободись от рабства, нужно только захотеть и т.д.

    Участники делали ежемесячные взносы в счет стоимости будущей квартиры. Значительная часть средств шла организаторам компании, а все остальное делились между вышестоящими пайщиками.
    Наступила стадия «критического дна», т.е. взносов от новичков поступало меньше, чем необходимо выплачивать более «старым» клиентам, основатели компании приостановили свою деятельность, а суммы, которые многие годы вносили пайщики, им просто не вернули.

    Life Is Good позиционировала себя как европейская компания, но привлекала в основном Россиян. Кстати, официальный сайт Life is Good переведен сразу на 9 языков. Непонятно для чего это сделано, ведь компания работает только в России, Казахстане и Киргизии. Наверное, поэтому над переводом на английский язык здесь не стали заморачиваться. С первого взгляда видны грубые грамматические ошибки.

    Компания работала в сотрудничестве с еще тремя: Best Way, Hermes Management и Vista.

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    ГСУ ГУ МВД и Прокуратура Санкт-Петербурга сеют ветер, но пожнут бурю.

    Сенсационные заявления о моральном ущербе на 1 млрд рублей каждое со стороны двух лиц, признанных следствием ГСУ ГУ МВД России по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области потерпевшими по так называемому уголовному делу компаний «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес» и кооператива «Бест Вей», прозвучавшие из уст государственного обвинителя Филиппа Голубева в начавшемся рассмотрении этого уголовного дела по существу в Приморском районном суде Санкт-Петербурга, оглашаются не впервые. На стадии предварительного расследования они упоминались следственной группой – и вызывали недоумение и у адвокатов, и у юридического сообщества в целом, хотя учитывались судами.

    Повторение этих заявлений прокурором Голубевым вызвало смех в суде – в том числе и самого суда под председательством зампреда Приморского районного суда по уголовным делам Екатерины Богдановой. И возмущение у петербургского и российского юридических сообществ.

    Что смешного?

    Дело в том, что даже в случае причинения смерти судами удовлетворяется моральный ущерб максимум в несколько миллионов рублей. В данном случае речь идет о моральном ущербе от несостоявшейся покупки квартир. Моральный ущерб от «имущественных» событий удовлетворяется судами в размерах десятков тысяч рублей.

    Тем более что материальный ущерб не только этим двум, но и еще 219 лицам, признанным потерпевшими, составляет по обвинительному заключению 280 млн рублей.

    Компенсация провала

    Идея компенсировать отсутствие обещанного руководству МВД многомиллиардного материального ущерба десяткам тысяч пострадавших заявлениями о миллиардах морального ущерба, первой возникла у следственной группы питерского главка МВД во главе с полковником юстиции Александром Винокуровым и подполковником юстиции Екатериной Сапетовой.

    Все, что следствию удалось с большим трудом «накопать» за два с половиной года работы, не считая периода ОРД, – 280 млн ущерба и 221 лицо, признанное следствием потерпевшим, причем значительная часть – с нарушением УПК.

    Для того чтобы компенсировать отсутствие обещанного руководству МВД результата, и появились эти заявления о моральном ущербе.

    Опасный прецедент

    К сожалению, «ноу-хау» Винокурова и Сапетовой пока поддерживается прокурорами.

    Прокуратура Санкт-Петербурга хочет создать прецедент удовлетворения морального ущерба на гигантскую сумму по имущественным претензиям? Увы, ранее суды не морщась учитывали эти заявления и в том числе на их основании продлевали арест счетов кооператива, так что ничего не исключено.

    О чем заявления?

    По версии двух лиц, написавших (с одинаковыми орфографическими ошибками) заявления о моральном ущербе, их обманули в иностранной компании «Гермес», в которой они, по их словам (документальных подтверждений обязательств внесенных сумм и иных обязательств нет, решений гражданского суда в их пользу также нет), через посредников несколько лет назад разместили деньги в рост под 30% годовых пассивного дохода на счетах в иностранной компании «Гермес» и рассчитывали через несколько лет приобрести квартиры. По их словам, их обманули некие сотрудники компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», которые помогали с размещением: обещанный доход не получен.

    Однако и у этих граждан, и у всех остальных, признанных потерпевшими, отсутствует полная цепочка документов, доказывающих их имущественные претензии: документы о перечислении денег посредникам, договор с компанией «Гермес», документы о зачислении денег на счет в «Гермесе». Как минимум одного звена, а в большинстве случаев не менее двух, у признанных следствием потерпевшими не хватает.

    И нет ни одного выигранного в гражданском суде дела об обоснованности претензий на неполучение 30-процентного дохода. То есть речь идет о голословных утверждениях, в которые уголовному суду предлагается просто поверить.

    На кого заявлено?

    В заявлениях о моральном ущербе имеется в виду «Гермес», а также упомянуты некие неназванные сотрудники компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», а не кооператив «Бест Вей».

    Кооператив не размещал денег в рост – в кооперативе заявители морального ущерба давно бы накопили на первоначальный взнос, отстояли очередь и приобрели бы квартиры с переплатой всего в 1% годовых.

    Если у морально пострадавших претензии к конкретным сотрудникам «Лайф-из-Гуд» – посредникам при размещении средств – пусть и выясняют с ними отношения.

    Все остальные лица, признанные потерпевшими, – клиенты «Гермеса». По данным следствия, у «Гермеса» в России были многие десятки тысяч клиентов – но с претензиями обратился почему-то только 221 человек. Очевидно, другие не считают, что их деньги украли? На чем тогда основаны утверждения обвинительного заключения о том, что «Гермес» – финансовая пирамида?

    Как моральное становится материальным

    Заявления о моральном ущербе выполнили для следствия и еще одну функцию – они стали одним из оснований ареста счетов кооператива.

    Без заявлений о моральном ущербе не было бы оснований для ареста почти 4 млрд на счетах кооператива «Бест Вей», ведь имущественный ущерб всего 280 млн рублей, к тому же активы частных лиц в рамках уголовного дела арестованы более чем на 8 млрд рублей.

    Ответить по (якобы существующим) обязательствам иностранной компании «Гермес» кооператив «Бест Вей», как юридическое лицо, по версии следствия, должен из-за того, что он – потребительский кооператив, некоммерческая организация! – якобы входил с «Гермесом» в один холдинг.

    Ответить за другого

    Кооператив был постановлением руководителя следственной группы полковника Винокурова признан гражданским ответчиком по уголовному делу – признан заведомо незаконно, так как в уголовном деле, как выяснилось, нет ни одного искового заявления в отношении кооператива.

    Безналичные средства на счетах кооператива, также незаконно, были признаны следствием вещественными доказательствами – это прямо противоречит постановлению Конституционного суда, запрещающего признавать вещдоками все, что не является собственно вещью, на которой могут быть оставлены следы преступления.

    Кто пострадал на самом деле?

    Уже два года почти 20 тыс. пайщиков кооператива не могут приобрести квартиры из-за постоянно продлеваемого ареста счетов и незаконного признания кооператива постановлением руководителя следственной группы полковника юстиции Александра Винокурова гражданским ответчиком по уголовному делу, касающемуся других юридических и физических лиц.

    Государство не получает своевременно налоги – так как налоговые платежи блокируются.

    Более двух десятков сотрудников кооператива почти два года не получают заработную плату.

    Единственный, кто выиграл от ареста счетов, – банки, которые стригут купоны с оборота денег, надежно заблокированных дружественными правоохранительными органами.
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    Ущерб пайщикам – материальный и моральный

    Сотни пайщиков, которые подобрали квартиры, не смогли их приобрести – и квартиры «уплыли», а на аналогичные придется собирать дополнительные средства, так как они подорожали.

    Тысячи пайщиков, которые внесли первоначальный взнос на приобретение квартир, чья очередь на покупку квартиры за два года должна была подойти, из-за блокирования деятельности кооператива не смогли приступить к выбору и приобретению квартир.

    Более 10 тыс. пайщиков не могут вернуть собственные обесценивающиеся паевые средства с арестованных счетов кооператива, так как следственная группа прямо отказывала им в законном праве вернуть свои паевые средства.

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    Wasilla, south central Alaska. Home to bears, lakes, mountains and a flight school that’s fast becoming a private aviation wonderland.

    At FLY8MA Pilot Lodge, you can opt for a scenic flight tour with glacier views, take the controls for a flying lesson, or go all in and get your pilot training.

    When night falls over the broad vistas of the US state they call the Last Frontier, you can then climb the steps to two unique accommodation experiences: a converted McDonnell Douglas DC-6 airplane and the newest arrival, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 – still with its DHL livery.

    The fast-developing site is an ongoing project by FLY8MA founder Jon Kotwicki, who previously owned a flight school in Florida, before working as a commercial pilot and eventually ending up in Alaska.

    Flying for the airlines “pays good money and everything, but it’s a very boring job,” he says. “Driving Uber is more interesting because you could talk to your passengers.”

    Having fallen in love with the south central region on a vacation spent hiking, fishing and spotting bears and grizzlies, he chose it as a spot where he and his team – and his trusty Pomeranian dog Foxtrot – could “buy a lot of property and perhaps develop our own airport and run our own show.”

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    Wasilla, south central Alaska. Home to bears, lakes, mountains and a flight school that’s fast becoming a private aviation wonderland.

    At FLY8MA Pilot Lodge, you can opt for a scenic flight tour with glacier views, take the controls for a flying lesson, or go all in and get your pilot training.

    When night falls over the broad vistas of the US state they call the Last Frontier, you can then climb the steps to two unique accommodation experiences: a converted McDonnell Douglas DC-6 airplane and the newest arrival, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 – still with its DHL livery.

    The fast-developing site is an ongoing project by FLY8MA founder Jon Kotwicki, who previously owned a flight school in Florida, before working as a commercial pilot and eventually ending up in Alaska.

    Flying for the airlines “pays good money and everything, but it’s a very boring job,” he says. “Driving Uber is more interesting because you could talk to your passengers.”

    Having fallen in love with the south central region on a vacation spent hiking, fishing and spotting bears and grizzlies, he chose it as a spot where he and his team – and his trusty Pomeranian dog Foxtrot – could “buy a lot of property and perhaps develop our own airport and run our own show.”

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    Wasilla, south central Alaska. Home to bears, lakes, mountains and a flight school that’s fast becoming a private aviation wonderland.

    At FLY8MA Pilot Lodge, you can opt for a scenic flight tour with glacier views, take the controls for a flying lesson, or go all in and get your pilot training.

    When night falls over the broad vistas of the US state they call the Last Frontier, you can then climb the steps to two unique accommodation experiences: a converted McDonnell Douglas DC-6 airplane and the newest arrival, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 – still with its DHL livery.

    The fast-developing site is an ongoing project by FLY8MA founder Jon Kotwicki, who previously owned a flight school in Florida, before working as a commercial pilot and eventually ending up in Alaska.

    Flying for the airlines “pays good money and everything, but it’s a very boring job,” he says. “Driving Uber is more interesting because you could talk to your passengers.”

    Having fallen in love with the south central region on a vacation spent hiking, fishing and spotting bears and grizzlies, he chose it as a spot where he and his team – and his trusty Pomeranian dog Foxtrot – could “buy a lot of property and perhaps develop our own airport and run our own show.”

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  63. МВД против участников СВО

    Питерский главк МВД сделал Колокольцева пустозвоном и предателем Родины

    Так называемое уголовное дело «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», состряпанное питерским главком МВД России совместно с рядом сотрудников ЦБ, выглядит весьма невзрачно – особенно на фоне громких заявлений, звучавших от руководителей Министерства внутренних дел на всю страну: сотни миллиардов ущерба, десятки тысяч «пострадавших». И при этом только 221 гражданин, признанный следствием потерпевшим, с суммой ущерба отнюдь не в миллиарды, а в 282 млн рублей. Ложь прозвучала из уст министра Колокольцева с трибуны Совета Федерации, его пресс-секретарь Волк разместила лживые сведения во всех федеральных СМИ.

    В уголовном деле претензии предъявляются иностранной компании «Гермес», маркетинговым представителем которой была фирма «Лайф-из-Гуд» – однако «ответчиком» по этим претензиям следствие ГСУ ГУ МВД по Санкт-Петербургу и Прокуратура Санкт-Петербурга пытаются сделать кооператив «Бест Вей». Следствие, выходя за грань абсурда, утверждает, что иностранная компания «Гермес» и некоммерческая управляемая своими пайщиками организация «Бест Вей», между которыми не было ни одной бухгалтерской проводки, вместе с «Лайф-из-Гуд» якобы образовывали «холдинг под единым брендом».

    При этом уже более двух лет сначала по ходатайству ГСУ ГУ МВД по Санкт-Петербургу, а затем Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга арестованы 4 млрд. на счетах кооператива, хотя ущерб в обвинительном заключении – 282 млн рублей, и даже (незаконная) обязанность выплатить его в отношении кооператива никак не повлияла бы на его ликвидность. Однако цель – правдами и неправдами забрать именно 4 млрд.

    Ущерб – и материальный, и моральный – уже нанесен и продолжает наноситься десяткам тысяч пайщиков кооператива «Бест Вей», которые более двух лет не могут приобрести недвижимость, на которую собрали деньги – тем более что квартиры существенно подорожали, или забрать собранные средства, которые лежат без движения и обесцениваются.

    Среди этих пайщиков – сотни участников СВО, которые защищают Родину с оружием в руках – но в тылу по отношению к ним совершается преступление: их пытаются лишить жилья и денег.

    Преступная следственная группа

    Уголовное дело дурно пахло изначально. Выяснилось, что «нулевая» потерпевшая Наталья Школьник, с которой началось уголовное дело, не сама подала заявление в правоохранительные органы – оперуполномоченный УЭБиПК ГУ МВД по Санкт-Петербургу майор полиции Алексей Машевский ездил к ней за заявлением в Республику Коми: то есть дело было срежиссировано. Кстати, Школьник на заседании Приморского районного суда отказалась от статуса потерпевшей по этому уголовному делу, который был ей присвоен следствием.

    При этом Школьник и другие из самой первой группы «потерпевших» имеют отношение к созданию кооператива «Вера» – копии кооператива «Бест Вей», которую создала группа бывших участников «Бест Вей» как проект. Этот кооператив пытался оттянуть у «Бест Вей» пайщиков.

    За уголовным делом стоит альянс силовиков и мошенников – преступное сообщество под эгидой МВД. Силовики предложили мошенникам силовой ресурс для рейдерского захвата, чтобы отнять имущество кооператива и вместе поделить.

    Любопытно, что относительно недавно одна из экс-членов следственной группы – майор юстиции Зайцева, была поймана вместе с коллегой на взятке в 8 млн. рублей, которую они вымогали по другому уголовному делу.

    Следственную группу возглавляла майор, затем подполковник юстиции Екатерина Сапетова (по завершении расследования она уволилась из МВД) – систематически занимавшаяся подлогом сама и организовывшая подлог с помощью подчиненных следователей. Ее дело продолжил новый руководитель следственной группы – замначальника ГСУ ГУ МВД по Санкт-Петербургу полковника юстиции Александр Винокуров (Сапетова формально перешла на позицию его заместителя). Он издал постановление о признании кооператива гражданским ответчиком по уголовному делу на 16 млрд рублей – заведомо подложное, так как в уголовном деле вообще не оказалось исковых требований к кооперативу.

    Следствие совершило и другие преступления.

    Взятие заложников. Следственные действия были завершены в июне 2023 года притворно – чтобы не выпускать из тюрьмы обвиняемых, от которых следствие добивалось показаний. Если бы следствие было продлено в июне прошлого года, их пришлось бы отпустить, так как в августе у четверых обвиняемых истекал предельный срок содержания под стражей.

    Следствие, как установил тот же Приморский районный суд, рассматривающий сейчас уголовное дело по существу, не проинформировало участников процесса о завершении следственных действий, а потом заявило, что никто из гражданских истцов и ответчиков не выразил желания ознакомиться с материалами – ему нужно было поскорее приступить к процедуре ознакомления обвиняемых с материалами уголовного дела и на этом основании добиться у суда продления им «стражи».

    Чтобы держать их в заложниках – и добиваться оговора других граждан в обмен на изменение меры пресечения.

    Притворное завершение следственных действий. Фактически следственные действия не завершались – они продолжались весь период, когда происходило ознакомление обвиняемых с материалами уголовного дела, что также является грубейшим нарушением УПК. В результате количество потерпевших уже в период финальных процессуальных мероприятий в рамках предварительного расследования, накануне передачи обвинительного заключения в прокуратуру для утверждения, увеличилось с 198 до 221.

    Подделка документов. Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга установил, что следственная группа шла на подделку документов – задним числом отправляла адвокатам кооператива документ о том, что удовлетворила ходатайство об ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела, а потом обвинила адвокатов в том, что они якобы «пропустили» письмо. Адвокатам удалось доказать ложь следствия – она была подтверждена Приморским районным судом, и прокуратура не решилась оспаривать это решение: оно вступило в законную силу.

    Неисполнение решений судов. Неисполнение судебных постановлений – уголовное преступление, на которое следствие шло несколько раз.

    Например, в марте прошлого года Приморский районный суд отказался продлить арест двух из трех счетов кооператива, и следствие прямо заблокировало исполнение этого судебного решения, выдав соответствующие предписания службам безопасности банков.

    Принуждение граждан к тому, чтобы они подали заявления в качестве потерпевших. Группу потерпевших собирали более трех лет, набрали только из 221 человека, хотя количество клиентов компании «Гермес», в отношении которой выдвигаются претензии, по данным самого следствия, более сотни тысяч. При этом среди потерпевших есть немало тех, кто предъявляет претензии на суммы менее 100 тыс. – то есть набирали для количества.

    «Потерпевшие» не имеют никаких внятных претензий к «Гермесу» – все их претензии в основном оказываются ложью, за которую они ответят после окончания суда.

    Объявление безналичных денежных средств кооператива вещественным доказательством, хотя это прямо противоречит постановлению Конституционного суда, запрещающего объявлять вещдоками нематериальные активы: вещественными доказательствами могут быть только вещи, на которых могут оставаться следы преступления.

    Заведомо необоснованные требования о возмещении ущерба. По инициативе следственной группы двое «потерпевших» в октябре прошлого года написали заявления о моральном ущербе на 1 млрд рублей каждое. Это заведомо ничтожные заявления – вызвавшие смех в зале Приморского районного суда, потому что суды по событиям, не связанным с причинением смерти, присуждают моральный ущерб в размере нескольких десятков тысяч максимум.

    Именно члены оперативно-следственной группы и их кураторы из питерского главка МВД и федерального МВД, а не 10 ни в чем неповинных людей – технических сотрудников или родственников руководителей компании «Лайф-из-Гуд» – должны сидеть на скамье подсудимых.

    Питерская прокуратура покрывает преступления

    Печально, но на все эти нарушения не отреагировала Прокуратура Санкт-Петербурга. В деле есть показания так называемых потерпевших о том, что они получали доход по счетам «Виста» – то есть факт кражи опровергается их собственными показаниями.

    Есть две бухгалтерские экспертизы криминалистического центра Минюста: в обеих утверждается, что 81% средств кооператива «Бест Вей» шел на приобретение недвижимости, а 19% – на обеспечение деятельности кооператива: маркетинговые траты, налоги, зарплаты сотрудникам и пр. При этом средства на эти нужды шли не из паевых средств кооператива, а из вступительных и членских взносов – получается, что паевые средства на 100% расходовались на покупку недвижимости для пайщиков. То есть бухгалтерские эксперты Минюста подтвердили, что в деятельности кооператива не было вывода средств пайщиков.

    Таким образом, само следствие положило в дело полный комплект документов, который полностью опровергает его выводы обвинения. Именно поэтому после передачи дела и обвинительного заключения в прокуратуру адвокаты обвиняемых и адвокаты кооператива призывали прокуроров вернуть дело на доследование. Но прокуратура не прислушалась – и без стеснения поддерживает государственное обвинение по этому липовому делу.
    Военные требуют наказать горе-правоохранителей
    Такие подручные министра Колокольцева, как начальник питерского главка МВД генерал Плугин, превратили полицейское ведомство в антинародное образование, которое уничтожает экономику, честный бизнес, разоряет налогоплательщиков.

    Сам министр Колокольцев врет Совету Федерации, врет правительству, врет Президенту – врет, врет и врет, выдумывает громкие дела с помощью своей помощницы Ирины Волк и других членов собственной команды.

    Более того, ведомство выступило против армии и участников СВО, нанося им прямой ущерб в тылу. Действия МВД вредят обороноспособности и подрывают престиж военной службы.

    Военные требуют наказать горе-правоохранителей, попирающих их права, и обращают на это внимание нового министра обороны Андрея Белоусова. Вся мафиозная группировка – Сапетова, Винокуров, Машевский, начальник ГСУ питерского главка МВД Негрозов, начальник ГУ МВД по Петербургу и их кураторы и «крыша» в Москве – замначальника Следственного департамента МВД Вохмянин, пресс-секретарь министра Волк, замминистра по следствию Лебедев, сам министр Колокольцев – должна предстать перед судом, и их надо судить по законам военного времени.

    А узники, почти три года томящиеся в тюрьме без приговора суда, должны быть срочно отпущены.

    Надеемся, суд восстановит справедливость в этом деле, освободит невиновных и накажет тех, кто действительно совершил преступления против граждан и страны.

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  65. Johannes Kepler thought he sketched Mercury orbiting across the sun. What he actually captured has solved a solar mystery
    German astronomer Johannes Kepler made sketches of sunspots in 1607 from his observations of the sun’s surface — and centuries later, the pioneering drawings are helping scientists solve a solar mystery.

    Even though everything in the solar system revolves around the sun, scientists have yet to unlock many of the star’s secrets.
    However, studying the variability of the sun over time, including the solar cycle, could answer some of the most longstanding questions about the fiery orb and how it changes.
    Some of those questions revolve around solar activity in the 17th century, which was a pivotal time for studying the sun.

    Astronomers observed sunspots with telescopes for the first time in 1610. At the same time, the sun was making an unusual transition into an extended period of weakened activity. And Kepler’s long disregarded sketches, overlooked because they were drawings rather than telescopic observations, could provide crucial historical insights.

    A new study that recreates the circumstances during which Kepler made his drawings appeared on July 25 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

    “Kepler contributed many historical benchmarks in astronomy and physics in the 17th century, leaving his legacy even in the space age,” said lead study author Hisashi Hayakawa, assistant professor at Nagoya University’s Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, in a statement.

    “Here, we add to that by showing that Kepler’s sunspot records predate the existing telescopic sunspot records from 1610 by several years. His sunspot sketches serve as a testament to his scientific acumen and perseverance in the face of technological constraints.”

    The sun’s tumultuous activity
    The sun experiences an 11-year cycle of waxing and waning activity, known as the solar cycle. Currently, scientists believe that the sun is reaching or nearing solar maximum, the annual peak of its activity for the current solar cycle, called Solar Cycle 25.

    Solar maximum is typically associated with an increase in the number of sunspots visible on the sun’s surface. These dark regions, some of which can reach the size of Earth or larger, are driven by the sun’s strong and constantly shifting magnetic fields.

    Today, scientists track solar activity using data from ground and space-based observatories, magnetic maps of the solar surface, and ultraviolet observations of the sun’s outer atmosphere.

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    Kreycik had almost everything on his side when he went running on that hot day: he was extremely fit, relatively young and was an experienced runner.

    While some people are more vulnerable to heat than others, including the very old and young, no one is immune — not even the world’s top athletes. Many are expressing anxiety as temperatures are forecast to soar past 95 degrees this week in Paris, as the Olympic Games get underway.
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    Scientists are still trying to unravel the many ways heat attacks the body. One way they do this is with environmental chambers: rooms where they can test human response to a huge range of temperature and humidity.

    CNN visited one such chamber at the University of South Wales in the UK to experience how heat kills, but in a safe and controlled environment.

    “We’ll warm you up and things will slowly start to unravel,” warned Damian Bailey, a physiology and biochemistry professor at the university. Bailey uses a plethora of instruments to track vital signs — heart rate, brain blood flow and skin temperature — while subjects are at rest or doing light exercise on a bike.

    The room starts at a comfortable 73 degrees Fahrenheit but ramps up to 104. Then scientists hit their subjects with extreme humidity, shooting from a dry 20% to an oppressive 85%.

    “That’s the killer,” Bailey said, “it’s the humidity you cannot acclimatize to.”

    And that’s when things get tough.

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    A major ad industry group is shutting down, days after Elon Musk-owned X filed a lawsuit that claimed the group illegally conspired to boycott advertising on his platform.

    “GARM is a small, not-for-profit initiative, and recent allegations that unfortunately misconstrue its purpose and activities have caused a distraction and significantly drained its resources and finances,” the group said in a statement Friday. “GARM therefore is making the difficult decision to discontinue its activities.”

    The group, Global Alliance for Responsible Media, also known as GARM, is a voluntary ad-industry initiative run by the World Federation of Advertisers that aims to help brands avoid having their advertisements appear alongside illegal or harmful content. GARM confirmed it is still planning to defend itself in court.

    The end of GARM marks a temporary victory for Musk and X CEO Linda Yaccarino, even though a judge hasn’t made a ruling yet.

    “No small group should be able to monopolize what gets monetized. This is an important acknowledgement and a necessary step in the right direction. I am hopeful that it means ecosystem-wide reform is coming,” Yaccarino posted on X Thursday.

    However, the lawsuit could drive away even more advertisers from X, Nandini Jammi and Claire Atkin, founders of watchdog group Check My Ads Institute wrote in an op-ed Thursday. “Everyone can see that advertising on X is a treacherous business relationship for advertisers,” they said.

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  101. Complaints have flooded social media since the video’s release, with residents saying it fails to show the modern side of their country. Many claim the footage was edited to seemingly appear old-fashioned, with a faded sepia tone, and that the camera focuses on shabby architecture.
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    Others have complained about the video’s airport scenes, during which one of the characters loses his luggage and seeks help from a local ground staff member called “Happy.”

    “When I watched it, I was thinking, this was Thailand 50 years ago. This looked like Thailand 70 years ago. There were no segments showing the modernity of my home,” David William, an American content creator based in Thailand, said in Thai in a TikTok video that has been viewed over 11 million times.

    In an interview with CNN, he said he’s never seen “a cab that looked that bad before” in his nearly 10 years in the country, adding Thailand’s main gateway, Suvarnabhumi Airport is just as modern as New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.

    “Thailand is a modern, safe and beautiful country,” he said. “I just hope [people] don’t misunderstand.”

    Echoing his view, Facebook user Nipawan Labbunruang said the video makes Thailand look “terrible.”

    “What is this clip trying to present?” she wrote in a post that received 1,900 likes.

  102. Complaints have flooded social media since the video’s release, with residents saying it fails to show the modern side of their country. Many claim the footage was edited to seemingly appear old-fashioned, with a faded sepia tone, and that the camera focuses on shabby architecture.
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    Others have complained about the video’s airport scenes, during which one of the characters loses his luggage and seeks help from a local ground staff member called “Happy.”

    “When I watched it, I was thinking, this was Thailand 50 years ago. This looked like Thailand 70 years ago. There were no segments showing the modernity of my home,” David William, an American content creator based in Thailand, said in Thai in a TikTok video that has been viewed over 11 million times.

    In an interview with CNN, he said he’s never seen “a cab that looked that bad before” in his nearly 10 years in the country, adding Thailand’s main gateway, Suvarnabhumi Airport is just as modern as New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.

    “Thailand is a modern, safe and beautiful country,” he said. “I just hope [people] don’t misunderstand.”

    Echoing his view, Facebook user Nipawan Labbunruang said the video makes Thailand look “terrible.”

    “What is this clip trying to present?” she wrote in a post that received 1,900 likes.

  103. Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here’s how to watch.
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    The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.

    Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
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    Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.

    Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.

    Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.

  104. The latest on the Paris Olympics
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    The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

    While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

    Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
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    Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

    “Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

  105. Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
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    Philip Kreycik should have survived his run.

    In the summer of 2021, the 37-year-old ultra-marathon runner used an app to plot a roughly 8-mile loop through Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California, a huge stretch of parkland threaded with trails.

    On the morning of July 10, as temperatures crept into the 90s, Kreycik set off from his car, leaving his phone and water locked inside. He started at a lightning pace — eating up the first 5 miles, each one in less than six minutes.
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    Then things started to go wrong. GPS data from his smartwatch showed he slowed dramatically. He veered off the trail. His steps became erratic. By this time, the temperature was above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

    When Kreycik failed to show up for a family lunch, his wife contacted the police.
    It took more than three weeks to find his body. An autopsy showed no sign of traumatic injuries. Police confirmed Kreycik likely experienced a medical emergency related to the heat.

    The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.

    People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.

  106. The latest on the Paris Olympics
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    The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

    While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

    Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
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    Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

    “Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

  107. Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here’s how to watch.
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    The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.

    Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
    Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.

    Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.

    Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.

  108. The latest on the Paris Olympics
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    The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

    While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

    Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
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    Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

    “Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

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  110. Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here’s how to watch.
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    The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.

    Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
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    Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.

    Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.

    Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.

  111. A year on from Qatar 2022, what’s the legacy of a World Cup like no other?
    The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting, dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game.

    It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch, in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory.

    It was, for many, the perfect, fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good, perhaps, that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history.
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    Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community.

    Just hours before the opening match, FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha, where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism.

    “Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere, the only way to get results is by engaging […] not by shouting,” said Infantino.

    At one point, the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists, stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities.

    “I’ll be back, we’ll be here to check, don’t worry, because you will be gone,” he said.

    So, a year on from the World Cup final, what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?

  112. Inside a heat chamber
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    Kreycik had almost everything on his side when he went running on that hot day: he was extremely fit, relatively young and was an experienced runner.

    While some people are more vulnerable to heat than others, including the very old and young, no one is immune — not even the world’s top athletes. Many are expressing anxiety as temperatures are forecast to soar past 95 degrees this week in Paris, as the Olympic Games get underway.
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    Scientists are still trying to unravel the many ways heat attacks the body. One way they do this is with environmental chambers: rooms where they can test human response to a huge range of temperature and humidity.

    CNN visited one such chamber at the University of South Wales in the UK to experience how heat kills, but in a safe and controlled environment.

    “We’ll warm you up and things will slowly start to unravel,” warned Damian Bailey, a physiology and biochemistry professor at the university. Bailey uses a plethora of instruments to track vital signs — heart rate, brain blood flow and skin temperature — while subjects are at rest or doing light exercise on a bike.

    The room starts at a comfortable 73 degrees Fahrenheit but ramps up to 104. Then scientists hit their subjects with extreme humidity, shooting from a dry 20% to an oppressive 85%.

    “That’s the killer,” Bailey said, “it’s the humidity you cannot acclimatize to.”

    And that’s when things get tough.

  113. Inside a heat chamber
    Kreycik had almost everything on his side when he went running on that hot day: he was extremely fit, relatively young and was an experienced runner.

    While some people are more vulnerable to heat than others, including the very old and young, no one is immune — not even the world’s top athletes. Many are expressing anxiety as temperatures are forecast to soar past 95 degrees this week in Paris, as the Olympic Games get underway.
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    Scientists are still trying to unravel the many ways heat attacks the body. One way they do this is with environmental chambers: rooms where they can test human response to a huge range of temperature and humidity.

    CNN visited one such chamber at the University of South Wales in the UK to experience how heat kills, but in a safe and controlled environment.

    “We’ll warm you up and things will slowly start to unravel,” warned Damian Bailey, a physiology and biochemistry professor at the university. Bailey uses a plethora of instruments to track vital signs — heart rate, brain blood flow and skin temperature — while subjects are at rest or doing light exercise on a bike.

    The room starts at a comfortable 73 degrees Fahrenheit but ramps up to 104. Then scientists hit their subjects with extreme humidity, shooting from a dry 20% to an oppressive 85%.

    “That’s the killer,” Bailey said, “it’s the humidity you cannot acclimatize to.”

    And that’s when things get tough.

  114. Inside a heat chamber
    [url=https://kraken18s.com]kraken19 at[/url]
    Kreycik had almost everything on his side when he went running on that hot day: he was extremely fit, relatively young and was an experienced runner.

    While some people are more vulnerable to heat than others, including the very old and young, no one is immune — not even the world’s top athletes. Many are expressing anxiety as temperatures are forecast to soar past 95 degrees this week in Paris, as the Olympic Games get underway.
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    Scientists are still trying to unravel the many ways heat attacks the body. One way they do this is with environmental chambers: rooms where they can test human response to a huge range of temperature and humidity.

    CNN visited one such chamber at the University of South Wales in the UK to experience how heat kills, but in a safe and controlled environment.

    “We’ll warm you up and things will slowly start to unravel,” warned Damian Bailey, a physiology and biochemistry professor at the university. Bailey uses a plethora of instruments to track vital signs — heart rate, brain blood flow and skin temperature — while subjects are at rest or doing light exercise on a bike.

    The room starts at a comfortable 73 degrees Fahrenheit but ramps up to 104. Then scientists hit their subjects with extreme humidity, shooting from a dry 20% to an oppressive 85%.

    “That’s the killer,” Bailey said, “it’s the humidity you cannot acclimatize to.”

    And that’s when things get tough.

  115. Inside a heat chamber
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    Kreycik had almost everything on his side when he went running on that hot day: he was extremely fit, relatively young and was an experienced runner.

    While some people are more vulnerable to heat than others, including the very old and young, no one is immune — not even the world’s top athletes. Many are expressing anxiety as temperatures are forecast to soar past 95 degrees this week in Paris, as the Olympic Games get underway.
    kraken shop
    Scientists are still trying to unravel the many ways heat attacks the body. One way they do this is with environmental chambers: rooms where they can test human response to a huge range of temperature and humidity.

    CNN visited one such chamber at the University of South Wales in the UK to experience how heat kills, but in a safe and controlled environment.

    “We’ll warm you up and things will slowly start to unravel,” warned Damian Bailey, a physiology and biochemistry professor at the university. Bailey uses a plethora of instruments to track vital signs — heart rate, brain blood flow and skin temperature — while subjects are at rest or doing light exercise on a bike.

    The room starts at a comfortable 73 degrees Fahrenheit but ramps up to 104. Then scientists hit their subjects with extreme humidity, shooting from a dry 20% to an oppressive 85%.

    “That’s the killer,” Bailey said, “it’s the humidity you cannot acclimatize to.”

    And that’s when things get tough.

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    Армия восстанет против ОПГ Колокольцева и Плугина

    Целенаправленно разрушая кооператив для военных «Бест Вей», захватывая его активы в интересах своей камарильи, глава МВД и его команда ударили по тылу армии, наказав тысячи пайщиков кооператива – военных и членов их семей.

    Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга (судья Екатерина Богданова) сейчас рассматривает так называемое уголовное дело «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей». В рамках этого дела два года почти непрерывно арестованы счета кооператива «Бест Вей», пайщиками которого являются тысячи военнослужащих, в том числе участники СВО, на которых около 4 млрд рублей. В уголовном деле речь идет прежде всего об обязательствах иностранной инвесткомпании «Гермес» перед более чем 200 клиентами этой компании.

    Следствие ГУ МВД по Санкт-Петербургу и прокуратура города на Неве объявили кооператив, «Гермес» и «Лайф-из-Гуд» частью некоего единого холдинга, которого в природе никогда не существовало. Кооператив объявлен гражданским ответчиком по уголовному делу.

    Общая сумма претензий потерпевших, согласно обвинительному заключению, 282 млн рублей – даже их (незаконное) изъятие для погашения долгов перед клиентами «Гермеса» никак бы не сказалось ни на операционной деятельности, ни на ликвидности кооператива. Но из раза в раз арестовываются абсолютно все средства на счетах, что полностью блокирует как покупку квартир кооперативом, так и возврат денег пайщикам, которые изъявили желание забрать свои паевые взносы.

    Недвижимость, на которую претендовали пайщики, обесценивается, деньги обесцениваются – и этот беспредел продолжается уже более двух лет по ходатайствам ГСУ питерского главка МВД и Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга.

    Кто-то влиятельный пытается наложить лапу именно на кооперативные 4 млрд – хотя это деньги пайщиков: физических лиц, рядовых граждан России, и как минимум соучастниками грабежа являются сотрудники правоохранительных органов.

    Армейский кооператив

    Кооператив изначально создавался военнослужащими – одной из его задач в 2014 году было решение жилищной проблемы военнослужащих, увольняемых в запас, эта задача сохранилась и в последующие годы. Из почти 20 тыс. его пайщиков – тысячи военнослужащих со всей России. Значительная часть из них – участники СВО.

    В результате действий ОПГ Колокольцева сотни семей военнослужащих, участников СВО стали потерпевшими от действий правоохранительных органов. Налицо преступные действия против участников СВО.

    Камарилья, которая устроила репрессии против кооператива – руководители следственной группы Сапетова и Винокуров, начальник ГСУ питерского главка МВД Негрозов и начальник этого главка Плугин, замминистра внутренних дел по следствию Лебедев, пресс-секретарь министра Волк, транслировавшая на всю страну ложь про десятки тысяч потерпевших от работы кооператива, сам министр внутренних дел Колокольцев, – ведет вредительскую деятельность, все эти люди – предатели Родины.

    Разоряет экономику и подрывает тыл

    Колокольцев и Ко разрушают экономику страны, фабрикуют дела. При этом его камарилья наживается на честном бизнесе.

    Колокольцев – миллиардер! Его боевая подруга генеральша Волк – миллиардерша! Зам. начальника питерского ГСУ МВД полковник Винокуров, который управляет Колокольцевым, заставляя его подписываться под липовым уголовным делом «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», – миллиардер! Колокольцев превратил МВД в коммерческое антинародное образование и зарабатывает деньги на простых людях.

    Колокольцев и Ко прицепили звезды на погоны и возомнили себя офицерами – на деле они тыловые вороватые крысы. Настоящие офицеры против бутафорских чинуш со звездами на погонах.

    Министр внутренних дел дестабилизирует ситуацию в народе и армии, разоряет армию в тылу. Колокольцев со своими тыловыми крысами подрывают доверие народа к власти и отбивают желание людей идти на военную службу, потому что благодаря таким, как он, государство не может обеспечить безопасность военных в тылу.

    Армия против Колокольцева

    Армия восстанет против ОПГ Колокольцева. Военные требуют за совершенные преступления против народа, за воровство и коррупцию арестовать Колокольцева, Негрозова, Винокурова, Сапетову, оправдать и отпустить невинных людей – рядовых сотрудников «Лайф-из-Гуд», которые более двух лет томятся в тюрьме.

    Новый министр обороны Белоусов наверняка поддержит своих бойцов, поможет им защитить собственные и своих семей имущественные интересы в тылу: по-другому и быть не может.

    Одного любителя запускать руку в казну и любителя генеральш – Шойгу – уже отправили на пенсионную должность, Колокольцев должен последовать за ним: это – в интересах страны, в интересах народа!

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    Spin Casino se establecio en el ano 2001, posicionandose como uno de los casinos en linea mas antiguos y respetados en la industria del juego. A lo largo de los anos, ha ganado una solida reputacion gracias a su enfoque en la innovacion y la calidad del servicio. Los jugadores brasilenos aprecian especialmente la constante evolucion de la plataforma, que se adapta a las nuevas tendencias y tecnologias para mejorar la experiencia del usuario. Las resenas en foros de juego y sitios de resenas de casinos reflejan comentarios positivos, destacando la fiabilidad y la transparencia de Spin Casino.
    H2: Licencias y seguridad
    Spin Casino esta licenciado por la Autoridad de Juegos de Malta y la Kahnawake Gaming Commission, dos de las entidades mas respetadas en el ambito de la regulacion de juegos de azar online. Esto garantiza que cumplen con altos estandares de justicia y seguridad. Para proteger la informacion personal y financiera de los jugadores, Spin Casino utiliza tecnologia de encriptacion SSL de ultima generacion. Ademas, sus juegos son regularmente auditados por eCOGRA, asegurando que los juegos sean justos y que los resultados sean completamente aleatorios.
    H2: Variedad de juegos
    Spin Casino ofrece una extensa variedad de juegos que atraen a jugadores brasilenos de todos los gustos. Desde tragamonedas clasicas y video tragamonedas hasta juegos de mesa como blackjack, ruleta y baccarat, todos estan disponibles tanto en formato virtual como en versiones con crupier en vivo. La colaboracion con desarrolladores de software lideres como Microgaming asegura que los juegos no solo sean variados sino tambien de alta calidad con graficos impresionantes y cargas rapidas. Para los amantes del poker, hay torneos regulares que ofrecen la oportunidad de competir a nivel global.

    H2: Bonos y promociones
    Spin Casino se distingue por ofrecer una de las estructuras de bonificaciones mas atractivas del mercado. Los nuevos jugadores pueden aprovechar un generoso bono de bienvenida que se extiende a lo largo de sus primeros depositos, proporcionando un excelente impulso inicial. Ademas, el casino ofrece promociones regulares, como giros gratis, bonos de recarga, y programas de lealtad que recompensan a los usuarios frecuentes con puntos canjeables por creditos de juego o premios especiales. Estas promociones estan disenadas para mantener el interes y la fidelidad de los jugadores brasilenos, asegurandose de que siempre haya algo emocionante en oferta.
    H2: Opciones de pago y retiro
    Para acomodar a su base de jugadores en Brasil, Spin Casino ofrece una variedad de metodos de pago convenientes y seguros. Los jugadores pueden realizar depositos y retiros utilizando tarjetas de credito y debito, billeteras electronicas, y transferencias bancarias. Las transacciones son procesadas con tecnologia de encriptacion avanzada para garantizar la seguridad de los datos. Ademas, el casino se esfuerza por ofrecer tiempos de procesamiento rapidos, especialmente en los retiros, lo que es una gran ventaja para los jugadores que no desean esperar mucho tiempo para recibir sus ganancias.
    H2: Version movil y aplicaciones
    La version movil de Spin Casino esta disenada para ofrecer una experiencia de usuario fluida y agradable en dispositivos iOS y Android. Los jugadores pueden acceder a una amplia gama de juegos a traves de la aplicacion movil del casino, que se puede descargar facilmente desde la tienda de aplicaciones correspondiente. Esta aplicacion esta optimizada para proporcionar una experiencia de juego rapida y de alta calidad, con acceso facil a juegos, depositos, retiros, y soporte al cliente, lo que es ideal para jugadores brasilenos que prefieren jugar en movimiento.
    H2: Servicio al cliente
    El servicio al cliente de Spin Casino es conocido por ser rapido y eficiente. Los jugadores brasilenos pueden contactar al equipo de soporte a traves de chat en vivo, correo electronico o telefono. Ademas, el soporte esta disponible las 24 horas del dia, los 7 dias de la semana, lo que garantiza que los jugadores puedan obtener ayuda en cualquier momento. La capacidad de atencion en portugues es un plus, facilitando la comunicacion y mejorando la experiencia general para los jugadores de Brasil.
    H2: Ventajas y desventajas para los jugadores brasilenos
    Amplia gama de juegos adaptados a todos los gustos.
    Bonificaciones generosas y promociones continuas.
    Soporte al cliente en portugues disponible 24/7.
    Variadas opciones de pago localizadas para jugadores brasilenos.
    Restricciones en algunos juegos de alto RTP (retorno al jugador) podrian ser mejor explicadas.
    Los requisitos de apuesta para bonificaciones pueden ser altos comparados con otros casinos en linea.

    Al finalizar nuestro analisis exhaustivo, Spin Casino demuestra ser una opcion robusta para los jugadores brasilenos gracias a su solida reputacion, seguridad de nivel superior, y diversidad de juegos. Sin embargo, es importante que cada jugador considere sus propias preferencias y necesidades especificas, especialmente en terminos de bonificaciones y metodos de pago, antes de tomar una decision final. Si te sientes atraido por lo que Spin Casino ofrece, ?por que no experimentar directamente y ver como se adapta a tus expectativas de juego?
    ?Spin Casino ofrece juegos que se ajustan a los gustos de los jugadores brasilenos? Si, ofrece una amplia gama de juegos, incluyendo tragamonedas, juegos de mesa y opciones de casino en vivo, asegurando que cada jugador encuentre algo a su gusto.
    ?Que tipo de bonificaciones puede esperar un nuevo jugador en Spin Casino? Los nuevos jugadores disfrutan de un bono de bienvenida generoso que se extiende por varios depositos, ademas de promociones regulares que mantienen el juego emocionante.
    ?Es seguro realizar transacciones en Spin Casino? Totalmente seguro. Spin Casino utiliza tecnologia de encriptacion SSL avanzada para proteger todas las transacciones y garantizar la seguridad de los datos personales y financieros.
    ?Como puedo contactar al servicio de atencion al cliente si necesito ayuda? Puedes contactar al servicio al cliente de Spin Casino a traves de chat en vivo, correo electronico o telefono. El soporte esta disponible 24/7 y tambien en portugues, facilitando la asistencia inmediata.

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    Figures from across the United Kingdom have offered their condolences to a BBC sport commentator, after his wife and two daughters were killed by an alleged crossbow attacker, in deaths that again drew attention to the epidemic of violence against women.

    Carol Hunt, 61, wife of BBC horse racing commentator, John Hunt, and their daughters, Hannah Hunt, 28, and Louise Hunt, 25, died from injuries sustained in an attack in Bushey, just northwest of London, on Tuesday, according to police and Britain’s public broadcaster.

    A 26-year-old suspect wanted in connection with the killings, and named as Kyle Clifford, was found by British police in Enfield, north London, on Wednesday, following a sprawling manhunt. There were no previous reports to the force over Clifford, who is in serious condition in hospital and is yet to speak with officers, Hertfordshire Police said in a statement.

    A crossbow was recovered as part of the investigation, which police believe was used in a “targeted incident.”
    Epidemic of violence against women
    The killings of the three women rocked Britain, where mass murders are infrequent but violence against women and girls has been officially labeled as a national threat.

    A woman is killed by a man every three days in the UK and one in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, Reem Alsalem, said earlier this year.

    Charities and human rights organizations have subsequently reiterated urgent demands to tackle femicide in the UK.

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    В чёрный список пирамид и лохотронов включены организации, имеющие признаки финансовой пирамиды по классификации Центрального банка; организации, обладающие признаками матричной пирамиды (массовый привод друзей, «столы»); сборы денег с пенсионеров и прочих незащищённых слоёв населения; хайпы; организации, имеющие негативные отзывы; структуры, оказывающие финансовые услуги без лицензии и прочие лохотроны за исключением псевдоброкеров, кооперативов (с ними тоже не рекомендуем связываться) и некоторых других категорий.

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  146. «Король» обвинителей «Лайф-из-Гуд» Набойченко – кто он на самом деле?
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    Евгений Набойченко – бывший IT-директор компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», а также сисадмин российского сегмента платежной системы международной инвестиционной компании «Гермес». Он – ключевой свидетель обвинения в так называемом деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – кооператива «Бест Вей» и основателя «Лайф-из-Гуд»/«Бест Вей» Романа Василенко, которое рассматривается сейчас судьей Екатериной Богдановой в Приморском районном суде Санкт-Петербурга.

    С выполненной им блокировки российского сегмента платежной системы компании «Гермес», а также с его (нетрезвых) сообщений в социальных сетях (сейчас все они им стерты) началась эскалация этого уголовного дела. Но, скорее всего, дело им же самим и его подельниками из питерской полиции и создано.
    Вор и дебошир
    Наши источники делятся информацией о хищении активов с кошельков клиентов «Гермеса», к которым Евгений Набойченко имел доступ.

    Набойченко не гнушался воровать даже у близких. Однажды остановившись у своей любовницы Светланы Н., Евгений избил ее и украл деньги с ее криптовалютного кошелька, пока она пыталась прийти в себя после побоев.

    Он бил не только любовницу, но жену и детей, с которыми жил в Краснодарском крае. А после того как его супруга Виктория подала на развод, разгромил, ободрал и ограбил общий дом – унес все, что можно было унести. Надо ли говорить, что Набойченко который год не платит супруге алименты.
    Евгений Набойченко, по словам его бывшей жены, в один прекрасный день решил заработать и с помощью вымогательства. Он шантажировал Романа Василенко – требовал с него деньги: 170 тыс. евро. При этом, по утверждению Виктории Набойченко, угрожал увечьями и самому Роману Василенко, и его супруге, и детям. Похвалялся перед (тогда еще) женой своими матерными сообщениями с угрозами, которые он посылал Василенко и его близким.

    Кроме того, вымогал деньги у клиентов «Гермеса»: свидетельства такого рода нам предоставлены.
    Алкоголик и наркоман
    Деньги нужны Набойченко в том числе для того, чтобы «питать» свою наркотическую зависимость – с некоторых пор он предпочитает шлифовать водку галлюциногенными грибами, об увлечении которыми с упоением рассказывал даже в своих соцсетях.
    Он не всегда был алкоголиком и наркоманом – устроившись 10 лет назад в IT-службу, не пил и не употреблял. Но большие деньги, красивая жизнь, которая вдруг стала доступна для простого астраханского парня из низов, развратили его.
    Он допустил целый ряд клеветнических высказываний в адрес Романа Василенко – за которые против него заведено уголовное дело. Но расследуется оно ни шатко ни валко, так как расследование тормозит начальник УЭБиПК ГУ МВД России по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области.
    Завербованный органами
    Виктория Набойченко сообщает, что за три дня до обыска в их тогда еще совместном доме Евгений уехал и ей сказал, что придут с обыском – но это пустая формальность. Он уже был в сговоре с полицией, так как за три дня был предупрежден об этом обыске.

    15 февраля 2022 года Евгений Набойченко был задержан, но отправился не в СИЗО – куда отправили других сотрудников «Лайф-из-Гуд», не был помещен в изолятор или КПЗ, а жил на полицейской квартире.

    Он отказался от услуг адвокатов и на этой квартире, по свидетельству одного из полицейских, «бухал с операми». А также каждый день водил оперов по барам и ресторанам – угощал их за свой счет.

    В разговоре с женой он очень гордился покровительством начальника УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД.

    Наши источники считают, что он украл деньги клиентов «Гермеса», разделив их со своими друзьями из полиции. Вся его дальнейшая жизнь и привычки указывают на то, что он использует ворованные деньги.
    Трус и лжец
    Набойченко сообщил в социальных сетях, что к нему пришло с адреса fall@mybizon.online письмо, в котором содержится угроза в адрес получателя, призывающая его не являться в суд для дачи показаний. В письме указано, что если он поедет в суд, то не доедет и будет трупом.
    Создатель преступного сообщества
    Нет сомнений, что Набойченко устроил историю с обрушением платежной системы, чтобы скрыть свое воровство активов клиентов. Также чтобы скрыть свое воровство, он обвинил во всем Василенко и технических специалистов компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», которые находятся сейчас на скамье подсудимых. Оклеветал всех, чтобы отвести подозрения от себя и своих подельников из питерской полиции.

    Итак, кризис в «Гермесе» устроил Набойченко. Платежную систему разгромил Набойченко. Активы украл Набойченко, поделившись с питерскими полицейскими.

    А теперь сидит и бездельничает, прожигая сворованные деньги. И боится идти в суд – чтобы не превратиться в суде из свидетеля в обвиняемого.

    Скорее всего, в суд Набойченко не пускают сами полицейские – опасаясь его неадекватности и перекрестного допроса, на котором вскроется лживость его показаний. То есть силовики заметают следы своего преступления, совершенного с помощью марионетки Набойченко.

  147. «Король» обвинителей «Лайф-из-Гуд» Набойченко – кто он на самом деле?
    [url=https://www.kp.ru/daily/27580.5/4904304/ ]Пайщики ПК Бествей[/url]
    Евгений Набойченко – бывший IT-директор компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», а также сисадмин российского сегмента платежной системы международной инвестиционной компании «Гермес». Он – ключевой свидетель обвинения в так называемом деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – кооператива «Бест Вей» и основателя «Лайф-из-Гуд»/«Бест Вей» Романа Василенко, которое рассматривается сейчас судьей Екатериной Богдановой в Приморском районном суде Санкт-Петербурга.

    С выполненной им блокировки российского сегмента платежной системы компании «Гермес», а также с его (нетрезвых) сообщений в социальных сетях (сейчас все они им стерты) началась эскалация этого уголовного дела. Но, скорее всего, дело им же самим и его подельниками из питерской полиции и создано.
    Вор и дебошир
    Наши источники делятся информацией о хищении активов с кошельков клиентов «Гермеса», к которым Евгений Набойченко имел доступ.

    Набойченко не гнушался воровать даже у близких. Однажды остановившись у своей любовницы Светланы Н., Евгений избил ее и украл деньги с ее криптовалютного кошелька, пока она пыталась прийти в себя после побоев.

    Он бил не только любовницу, но жену и детей, с которыми жил в Краснодарском крае. А после того как его супруга Виктория подала на развод, разгромил, ободрал и ограбил общий дом – унес все, что можно было унести. Надо ли говорить, что Набойченко который год не платит супруге алименты.
    Евгений Набойченко, по словам его бывшей жены, в один прекрасный день решил заработать и с помощью вымогательства. Он шантажировал Романа Василенко – требовал с него деньги: 170 тыс. евро. При этом, по утверждению Виктории Набойченко, угрожал увечьями и самому Роману Василенко, и его супруге, и детям. Похвалялся перед (тогда еще) женой своими матерными сообщениями с угрозами, которые он посылал Василенко и его близким.

    Кроме того, вымогал деньги у клиентов «Гермеса»: свидетельства такого рода нам предоставлены.
    Алкоголик и наркоман
    Деньги нужны Набойченко в том числе для того, чтобы «питать» свою наркотическую зависимость – с некоторых пор он предпочитает шлифовать водку галлюциногенными грибами, об увлечении которыми с упоением рассказывал даже в своих соцсетях.
    Он не всегда был алкоголиком и наркоманом – устроившись 10 лет назад в IT-службу, не пил и не употреблял. Но большие деньги, красивая жизнь, которая вдруг стала доступна для простого астраханского парня из низов, развратили его.
    Он допустил целый ряд клеветнических высказываний в адрес Романа Василенко – за которые против него заведено уголовное дело. Но расследуется оно ни шатко ни валко, так как расследование тормозит начальник УЭБиПК ГУ МВД России по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области.
    Завербованный органами
    Виктория Набойченко сообщает, что за три дня до обыска в их тогда еще совместном доме Евгений уехал и ей сказал, что придут с обыском – но это пустая формальность. Он уже был в сговоре с полицией, так как за три дня был предупрежден об этом обыске.

    15 февраля 2022 года Евгений Набойченко был задержан, но отправился не в СИЗО – куда отправили других сотрудников «Лайф-из-Гуд», не был помещен в изолятор или КПЗ, а жил на полицейской квартире.

    Он отказался от услуг адвокатов и на этой квартире, по свидетельству одного из полицейских, «бухал с операми». А также каждый день водил оперов по барам и ресторанам – угощал их за свой счет.

    В разговоре с женой он очень гордился покровительством начальника УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД.

    Наши источники считают, что он украл деньги клиентов «Гермеса», разделив их со своими друзьями из полиции. Вся его дальнейшая жизнь и привычки указывают на то, что он использует ворованные деньги.
    Трус и лжец
    Набойченко сообщил в социальных сетях, что к нему пришло с адреса fall@mybizon.online письмо, в котором содержится угроза в адрес получателя, призывающая его не являться в суд для дачи показаний. В письме указано, что если он поедет в суд, то не доедет и будет трупом.
    Создатель преступного сообщества
    Нет сомнений, что Набойченко устроил историю с обрушением платежной системы, чтобы скрыть свое воровство активов клиентов. Также чтобы скрыть свое воровство, он обвинил во всем Василенко и технических специалистов компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», которые находятся сейчас на скамье подсудимых. Оклеветал всех, чтобы отвести подозрения от себя и своих подельников из питерской полиции.

    Итак, кризис в «Гермесе» устроил Набойченко. Платежную систему разгромил Набойченко. Активы украл Набойченко, поделившись с питерскими полицейскими.

    А теперь сидит и бездельничает, прожигая сворованные деньги. И боится идти в суд – чтобы не превратиться в суде из свидетеля в обвиняемого.

    Скорее всего, в суд Набойченко не пускают сами полицейские – опасаясь его неадекватности и перекрестного допроса, на котором вскроется лживость его показаний. То есть силовики заметают следы своего преступления, совершенного с помощью марионетки Набойченко.

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    He arrived against the backdrop of an ice-skating rink and an ancient castle in Rome with one of his 11 children to tout the value of procreation.

    Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and Musk urged the crowd to “make more Italians to save Italy’s culture,” a particular focus of the Meloni government.

    Meloni has been a strong opponent of surrogacy, which is criminalized in Italy, but there was no mention of Musk’s own recent children born of surrogacy.

    The owner of X (formerly called Twitter) was slightly rumpled with what could easily be argued the least stylish shoes in the mostly Italian crowd since Donald Trump’s often unkempt former top adviser Steve Bannon appeared at the conference in 2018.
    Meloni sat in the front row taking photos of Musk, who she personally invited. Meloni founded the Atreju conference in 1998, named after a character in the 1984 film “The NeverEnding Story.”

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  169. В нашем мире, где диплом является началом удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа сложно переоценить. Ведь диплом открывает дверь перед людьми, желающими вступить в сообщество профессионалов или учиться в ВУЗе.
    В данном контексте наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом, и это становится выгодным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование, потерял документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. дипломы выпускаются с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим элементам. На выходе вы получите продукт, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
    Превосходство подобного подхода состоит не только в том, что вы оперативно получите свой диплом. Процесс организован комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора требуемого образца до консультаций по заполнению личной информации и доставки по России — все под полным контролем наших специалистов.
    Таким образом, для всех, кто пытается найти максимально быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести диплом – это значит избежать длительного обучения и сразу переходить к достижению своих целей, будь то поступление в университет или начало карьеры.


  170. В нашем мире, где диплом становится началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия официального документа переоценить просто невозможно. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед любым человеком, который хочет вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
    В данном контексте мы предлагаем быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы имеете возможность заказать диплом старого или нового образца, и это будет выгодным решением для человека, который не смог закончить обучение, утратил документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. дипломы производятся аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем деталям, чтобы на выходе получился документ, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
    Преимущество подобного подхода состоит не только в том, что вы быстро получите диплом. Процесс организовывается удобно, с нашей поддержкой. Начиная от выбора требуемого образца до консультаций по заполнению персональных данных и доставки в любой регион страны — все будет находиться под полным контролем качественных специалистов.
    Всем, кто хочет найти максимально быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания готова предложить отличное решение. Заказать диплом – это значит избежать длительного обучения и не теряя времени перейти к важным целям, будь то поступление в университет или начало профессиональной карьеры.


  171. В нашем мире, где диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия документа об образовании трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед всеми, кто хочет вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в университете.
    В данном контексте мы предлагаем быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом нового или старого образца, что является выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить обучение, потерял документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам, чтобы в итоге получился документ, полностью соответствующий оригиналу.
    Превосходство такого решения состоит не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить диплом. Процесс организован удобно, с нашей поддержкой. Начиная от выбора нужного образца до грамотного заполнения персональных данных и доставки в любой регион России — все будет находиться под абсолютным контролем качественных специалистов.
    Для всех, кто ищет максимально быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Заказать диплом – значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и не теряя времени перейти к своим целям: к поступлению в университет или к началу трудовой карьеры.


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    В данном контексте наша компания предлагает очень быстро получить любой необходимый документ. Вы сможете заказать диплом нового или старого образца, и это становится отличным решением для человека, который не смог закончить обучение или утратил документ. диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем элементам. В итоге вы получите 100% оригинальный документ.
    Преимущества данного подхода заключаются не только в том, что вы сможете быстро получить свой диплом. Весь процесс организовывается удобно и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора нужного образца диплома до точного заполнения персональных данных и доставки в любой регион России — все находится под абсолютным контролем опытных мастеров.
    Всем, кто ищет максимально быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести диплом – значит избежать долгого обучения и не теряя времени переходить к достижению собственных целей: к поступлению в университет или к началу успешной карьеры.

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  184. Exotic and Luxury Car Rental in Miami
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    Exotic Car Rental: Luxury and Adrenaline
    Exotic car rental is a unique opportunity to feel like a real racer or celebrity, enjoy the indescribable sensations of driving powerful and luxurious cars. This service is very popular all over the world, and it is not surprising, because the opportunity to be behind the wheel for a while Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren or another exceptional car can bring a lot of unforgettable emotions and impressions.

    Choosing an exotic car
    One of the key points of renting an exotic car is choosing the right car. Depending on your preferences and budget, you can choose among the most prestigious and famous brands in the world of the automotive industry.
    luxury car rental miami
    The most popular options:
    Ferrari: These Italian cars are famous for their elegance and power. Many people dream of driving Ferrari, and renting provides an opportunity to make this dream a reality.

    Lamborghini: Extreme design and incredible speed make Lamborghini one of the most desirable cars to rent. They are able to accelerate to amazing speeds and provide an unforgettable experience.

    McLaren: If you need a car that will look and feel like from the future, McLaren – your choice. These hypercars have incredible power and a unique design.

    Porsche: Sports cars Porsche are always in demand. They combine power and comfort, making them an excellent choice for both high-speed driving and long trips.

    The rental process
    Choosing a rental company: The first step in renting an exotic car is choosing a reliable rental company. It is important to make sure that they have a good reputation and provide accident insurance.

    Booking: After choosing a car and a rental company, you can book a car. Usually you will need to provide copies of documents and make a deposit.

    Car fence: On the day of the rental, you will need to come to the rental company and pick up your exotic car. It is important to familiarize yourself with the terms of the lease and sign the necessary documents.

    Driving Enjoyment: Now you have the opportunity to enjoy the unique experience of driving an exotic car. Remember to follow the rules of the road and safety.

    Car return: At the end of the rental period, return the car to the company. It is usually necessary to check the condition of the car and its fuel tank.

  185. В нашем мире, где диплом – это начало отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие пытаются найти максимально быстрый путь получения образования. Факт наличия официального документа переоценить попросту невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед любым человеком, который стремится вступить в профессиональное сообщество или учиться в ВУЗе.
    В данном контексте мы предлагаем очень быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы имеете возможность приобрести диплом нового или старого образца, что является выгодным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование или утратил документ. Любой диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим элементам, чтобы в результате получился полностью оригинальный документ.
    Преимущества подобного решения состоят не только в том, что вы максимально быстро получите диплом. Процесс организован комфортно и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора подходящего образца документа до правильного заполнения личной информации и доставки по России — все под полным контролем квалифицированных мастеров.
    Для тех, кто пытается найти быстрый и простой способ получения требуемого документа, наша компания может предложить выгодное решение. Заказать диплом – значит избежать продолжительного обучения и не теряя времени перейти к достижению своих целей: к поступлению в университет или к началу успешной карьеры.

  186. Exotic and Luxury Car Rental in Miami
    [url=https://mhp-miami.com/lamborghini]rent a lamborghini in miami[/url]
    Exotic Car Rental: Luxury and Adrenaline
    Exotic car rental is a unique opportunity to feel like a real racer or celebrity, enjoy the indescribable sensations of driving powerful and luxurious cars. This service is very popular all over the world, and it is not surprising, because the opportunity to be behind the wheel for a while Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren or another exceptional car can bring a lot of unforgettable emotions and impressions.

    Choosing an exotic car
    One of the key points of renting an exotic car is choosing the right car. Depending on your preferences and budget, you can choose among the most prestigious and famous brands in the world of the automotive industry.
    exotic car rental miami
    The most popular options:
    Ferrari: These Italian cars are famous for their elegance and power. Many people dream of driving Ferrari, and renting provides an opportunity to make this dream a reality.

    Lamborghini: Extreme design and incredible speed make Lamborghini one of the most desirable cars to rent. They are able to accelerate to amazing speeds and provide an unforgettable experience.

    McLaren: If you need a car that will look and feel like from the future, McLaren – your choice. These hypercars have incredible power and a unique design.

    Porsche: Sports cars Porsche are always in demand. They combine power and comfort, making them an excellent choice for both high-speed driving and long trips.

    The rental process
    Choosing a rental company: The first step in renting an exotic car is choosing a reliable rental company. It is important to make sure that they have a good reputation and provide accident insurance.

    Booking: After choosing a car and a rental company, you can book a car. Usually you will need to provide copies of documents and make a deposit.

    Car fence: On the day of the rental, you will need to come to the rental company and pick up your exotic car. It is important to familiarize yourself with the terms of the lease and sign the necessary documents.

    Driving Enjoyment: Now you have the opportunity to enjoy the unique experience of driving an exotic car. Remember to follow the rules of the road and safety.

    Car return: At the end of the rental period, return the car to the company. It is usually necessary to check the condition of the car and its fuel tank.

  187. В наше время, когда диплом – это начало удачной карьеры в любой области, многие стараются найти максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Необходимость наличия официального документа трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, который хочет начать профессиональную деятельность или продолжить обучение в каком-либо университете.
    В данном контексте наша компания предлагает очень быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы сможете заказать диплом старого или нового образца, что является удачным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или утратил документ. дипломы выпускаются с особой аккуратностью, вниманием к мельчайшим элементам. В итоге вы сможете получить полностью оригинальный документ.
    Превосходство подобного решения заключается не только в том, что вы сможете максимально быстро получить свой диплом. Процесс организовывается комфортно, с нашей поддержкой. От выбора необходимого образца до консультации по заполнению личных данных и доставки в любое место страны — все под полным контролем квалифицированных мастеров.
    В результате, для тех, кто хочет найти быстрый способ получения требуемого документа, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом – значит избежать длительного процесса обучения и не теряя времени переходить к достижению личных целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или начало карьеры.

  188. Завершение учебы диплома является основным этапом во карьере всякого человека, определяет его перспективы и профессиональные возможности.
    Аттестат открывает путь к свежим горизонтам и возможностям, гарантируя возможность к высококачественному образованию и высокооплачиваемым профессиям.
    В современном обществе, где в конкуренция на рынке труда всё растёт, наличие аттестата делает жизненно важным условием для успешной профессиональной деятельности.
    Он подтверждает ваши знания и навыки, компетенции и умения перед профессиональным сообществом и обществом в общем.
    [url=https://diploman-russiya.com]www.diploman-russiya.com[/url]купить аттестат за 9 – решение для тех, кто стремится к успеху без дополнительных трудностей. Это шанс завоевать признанный документ по высшему образованию, предоставляющий новые перспективы и престижным профессиям. Наш сервис обеспечивает качество и конфиденциальность, помогая вам достичь ваших целей быстро и эффективно.
    Помимо этого, диплом дарит уверенность в себе и повышает самооценку, что способствует персональному развитию и развитию. Завершение учебы диплома также инвестицией в будущее, обеспечивая стабильность и приличный стандарт проживания.
    Именно поэтому отдавать надлежащее внимание и время получению образования и бороться за его достижению, чтобы добиться успеха и счастье от своей профессиональной деятельности.

  189. В современном мире, где диплом – это начало отличной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие пытаются найти максимально быстрый путь получения образования. Необходимость наличия документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает дверь перед каждым человеком, который желает вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
    В данном контексте наша компания предлагает очень быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы имеете возможность купить диплом, и это будет выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или утратил документ. Все дипломы выпускаются аккуратно, с особым вниманием ко всем элементам, чтобы в результате получился продукт, максимально соответствующий оригиналу.
    Преимущество данного подхода заключается не только в том, что вы сможете быстро получить свой диплом. Процесс организовывается комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора подходящего образца документа до консультации по заполнению личной информации и доставки в любое место России — все будет находиться под абсолютным контролем квалифицированных мастеров.
    В итоге, для тех, кто хочет найти быстрый способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести диплом – значит избежать долгого обучения и не теряя времени перейти к важным целям, будь то поступление в университет или начало трудовой карьеры.

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  191. Сегодня, когда диплом является началом удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие стараются найти максимально простой путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании трудно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает дверь перед любым человеком, желающим вступить в профессиональное сообщество или учиться в каком-либо ВУЗе.
    Предлагаем оперативно получить любой необходимый документ. Вы сможете заказать диплом, и это является выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или утратил документ. дипломы производятся с особой аккуратностью, вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам, чтобы в итоге получился 100% оригинальный документ.
    Плюсы этого подхода заключаются не только в том, что можно оперативно получить диплом. Процесс организован удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора требуемого образца до консультации по заполнению персональных данных и доставки в любое место России — все под полным контролем качественных специалистов.
    Таким образом, всем, кто хочет найти быстрый и простой способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Купить диплом – это значит избежать длительного процесса обучения и сразу переходить к достижению личных целей: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу удачной карьеры.

  192. В нашем обществе, где диплом является началом отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения образования. Важность наличия официального документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает двери перед всеми, кто стремится вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
    В данном контексте мы предлагаем очень быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом, что становится удачным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение, потерял документ или желает исправить свои оценки. диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам, чтобы в результате получился полностью оригинальный документ.
    Превосходство такого решения состоит не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить диплом. Весь процесс организовывается комфортно и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора подходящего образца до консультации по заполнению персональных данных и доставки в любое место России — все под полным контролем качественных мастеров.
    Для всех, кто пытается найти быстрый и простой способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания может предложить отличное решение. Купить диплом – значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и не теряя времени переходить к личным целям, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или начало карьеры.

  193. Завершение учебы диплома представляет собой важным моментом во пути каждого человека, который определяет его будущее и профессиональные возможности – [url=http://diplomvam.ru]diplomvam.ru[/url]. Диплом даёт доступ путь к свежим перспективам и возможностям, обеспечивая возможность к качественному получению знаний и высокопрестижным профессиям. В современном обществе, где борьба на рынке труда всё увеличивается, имение диплома делает необходимым условием для успешной карьеры. Он подтверждает ваши знания и навыки, компетенции и компетенции перед профессиональным сообществом и обществом в общем. Кроме того, диплом дарует веру в свои силы и увеличивает самооценку, что помогает персональному развитию и развитию. Получение образования также инвестицией в свое будущее, обеспечивая стабильность и благополучный уровень жизни. Именно поэтому обращать надлежащее внимание образованию и бороться за его достижению, чтобы добиться успеха и счастье от собственной труда.
    Диплом не лишь представляет ваше образовательный уровень, но и демонстрирует вашу самодисциплину, усердие и упорство в достижении целей. Диплом представляет собой результатом усилий и вложенных усилий, вкладываемых в учебу и самосовершенствование. Завершение учебы образования открывает перед вами новые перспективы возможностей, даруя возможность избирать среди множества карьерных путей и профессиональных направлений. Помимо этого даёт вам основу знаний и навыков и умений, необходимых для успешной практики в нынешнем обществе, насыщенном трудностями и переменами. Помимо этого, диплом считается доказательством вашей квалификации и квалификации, что улучшает вашу привлекательность на трудовом рынке и открывает вами возможности к лучшим шансам для профессионального роста. Следовательно, завершение учебы аттестата не лишь пополняет ваше личное и профессиональное самосовершенствование, а также открывает перед вами новые возможности для достижения и амбиций.

  194. В нашем мире, где аттестат является началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие пытаются найти максимально быстрый и простой путь получения качественного образования. Наличие документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает дверь перед людьми, желающими начать трудовую деятельность или учиться в ВУЗе.
    В данном контексте мы предлагаем оперативно получить любой необходимый документ. Вы сможете заказать аттестат нового или старого образца, что является отличным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить обучение, утратил документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. Аттестат изготавливается с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим деталям. В результате вы получите продукт, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
    Преимущества этого решения состоят не только в том, что можно оперативно получить аттестат. Весь процесс организован удобно, с нашей поддержкой. От выбора подходящего образца аттестата до консультации по заполнению персональной информации и доставки в любое место России — все под абсолютным контролем опытных мастеров.
    Всем, кто ищет максимально быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша услуга предлагает выгодное решение. Приобрести аттестат – значит избежать долгого обучения и не теряя времени переходить к достижению личных целей: к поступлению в университет или к началу трудовой карьеры.

  195. 30.Клининг Челябинск специализируется на уборке после проведения мероприятий и вечеринок, освобождая помещения от мусора и следов гостей, чтобы восстановить порядок и чистоту в кратчайшие сроки.
    [url=https://kliningovaya-kompaniya-chelyabinsk.ru/]Клининговая компания Челябинск[/url] .

  196. Наша группа квалифицированных исполнителей предоставлена выдвинуть вам актуальные средства, которые не только обеспечивают надежную безопасность от холодильности, но и подарят вашему жилищу трендовый вид.
    Мы работаем с самыми современными средствами, гарантируя прочный время работы и превосходные итоги. Теплоизоляция наружных поверхностей – это не только экономия тепла на отоплении, но и заботливость о природной среде. Экологичные технологии, каковые мы используем, способствуют не только твоему, но и поддержанию природы.
    Самое центральное: [url=https://ppu-prof.ru/]Утепление дома снаружи цена[/url] у нас стартует всего от 1250 рублей за кв. м.! Это доступное решение, которое метаморфозирует ваш домашний уголок в реальный тепловой уголок с минимальными расходами.
    Наши проекты – это не всего лишь изолирование, это составление пространства, в где каждый элемент отражает ваш индивидуальный образ. Мы берем во внимание все ваши потребности, чтобы преобразить ваш дом еще дополнительно теплым и привлекательным.
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    Не откладывайте дела о своем ларце на потом! Обращайтесь к исполнителям, и мы сделаем ваш дворец не только теплым, но и стильным. Заинтересовались? Подробнее о наших услугах вы можете узнать на веб-сайте. Добро пожаловать в мир благополучия и качественного исполнения.

  197. Сегодня, когда диплом становится началом отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает двери перед каждым человеком, желающим начать профессиональную деятельность или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
    В данном контексте наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы можете заказать диплом, и это является выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить образование, утратил документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. дипломы изготавливаются с особой тщательностью, вниманием ко всем элементам, чтобы в итоге получился продукт, полностью соответствующий оригиналу.
    Преимущество такого решения состоит не только в том, что вы сможете оперативно получить диплом. Процесс организован комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора требуемого образца документа до консультаций по заполнению персональной информации и доставки по стране — все под полным контролем качественных мастеров.
    Для всех, кто пытается найти быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания может предложить отличное решение. Купить диплом – это значит избежать продолжительного обучения и сразу перейти к достижению личных целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или начало карьеры.

  198. Наша группа опытных мастеров подготовлена предложить вам новаторские технологии, которые не только предоставят надежную оборону от холодильности, но и подарят вашему зданию современный вид.
    Мы практикуем с последовательными средствами, сертифицируя продолжительный термин работы и замечательные результаты. Утепление фасада – это не только экономия тепла на огреве, но и трепет о экологической обстановке. Сберегательные технические средства, какие мы осуществляем, способствуют не только зданию, но и поддержанию природы.
    Самое важное: [url=https://ppu-prof.ru/]Ремонт и утепление фасадов[/url] у нас стартует всего от 1250 рублей за м²! Это бюджетное решение, которое сделает ваш домашний уголок в подлинный комфортный уголок с минимальными тратами.
    Наши пособия – это не только теплоизоляция, это составление пространства, в где все член символизирует ваш личный модель. Мы примем в расчет все твои просьбы, чтобы осуществить ваш дом еще более гостеприимным и привлекательным.
    Подробнее на [url=https://ppu-prof.ru/]www.ppu-prof.ru[/url]
    Не откладывайте дела о своем корпусе на потом! Обращайтесь к специалистам, и мы сделаем ваш помещение не только комфортнее, но и по последней моде. Заинтересовались? Подробнее о наших предложениях вы можете узнать на веб-сайте. Добро пожаловать в универсум удобства и уровня.

  199. 66. Клининг Челябинск специализируется на уборке специализированных объектов, таких как банки, аптеки и клиники, включая дезинфекцию рабочих столов, оборудования, уборку зон ожидания и другие работы для поддержания чистоты и гигиены.
    [url=https://kliningovaya-kompaniya-chelyabinsk.ru/]Клининг Челябинск[/url] .

  200. Наша бригада квалифицированных специалистов готова предоставлять вам современные системы утепления, которые не только предоставят устойчивую защиту от холодных воздействий, но и подарят вашему дому элегантный вид.
    Мы практикуем с последними материалами, подтверждая постоянный продолжительность работы и замечательные результаты. Изоляция облицовки – это не только экономия энергии на подогреве, но и заботливость о экологической обстановке. Экологичные технические средства, какие мы производим, способствуют не только жилищу, но и сохранению природной среды.
    Самое основополагающее: [url=https://ppu-prof.ru/]Средняя цена утепления фасада[/url] у нас стартует всего от 1250 рублей за м²! Это доступное решение, которое превратит ваш домашний уголок в настоящий душевный уголок с скромными затратами.
    Наши работы – это не единственно изолирование, это формирование поля, в где все аспект выражает ваш индивидуальный модель. Мы рассмотрим все ваши просьбы, чтобы осуществить ваш дом еще больше уютным и привлекательным.
    Подробнее на [url=https://ppu-prof.ru/]https://www.ppu-prof.ru/[/url]
    Не откладывайте дела о своем ларце на потом! Обращайтесь к профессионалам, и мы сделаем ваш корпус не только уютнее, но и изысканнее. Заинтересовались? Подробнее о наших сервисах вы можете узнать на нашем сайте. Добро пожаловать в обитель спокойствия и высоких стандартов.

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  206. Сегодня, когда аттестат является началом удачной карьеры в любой сфере, многие ищут максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, желающим начать трудовую деятельность или продолжить обучение в ВУЗе.
    В данном контексте мы предлагаем очень быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете приобрести аттестат нового или старого образца, и это является выгодным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование или утратил документ. Любой аттестат изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем нюансам, чтобы в итоге получился 100% оригинальный документ.
    Плюсы такого подхода состоят не только в том, что вы максимально быстро получите свой аттестат. Весь процесс организован удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора необходимого образца аттестата до консультации по заполнению персональных данных и доставки в любой регион России — все будет находиться под абсолютным контролем наших специалистов.
    Всем, кто хочет найти оперативный способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести аттестат – это значит избежать длительного процесса обучения и сразу перейти к своим целям: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу успешной карьеры.


  207. В нашем обществе, где диплом становится началом успешной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие пытаются найти максимально простой путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа переоценить невозможно. Ведь именно он открывает двери перед каждым человеком, желающим начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в каком-либо институте.
    Мы предлагаем максимально быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете приобрести диплом, и это будет отличным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование, утратил документ или хочет исправить плохие оценки. Каждый диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем элементам, чтобы в итоге получился 100% оригинальный документ.
    Преимущество такого подхода заключается не только в том, что вы сможете оперативно получить свой диплом. Процесс организован комфортно, с нашей поддержкой. Начиная от выбора нужного образца диплома до консультаций по заполнению персональных данных и доставки по стране — все будет находиться под абсолютным контролем опытных специалистов.
    Для тех, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Купить диплом – это значит избежать долгого обучения и не теряя времени переходить к достижению собственных целей, будь то поступление в университет или начало карьеры.


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  210. Сегодня, когда диплом – это начало успешной карьеры в любой области, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения образования. Важность наличия официального документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед любым человеком, который желает вступить в сообщество профессионалов или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
    В данном контексте наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете приобрести диплом, и это будет выгодным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование, утратил документ или хочет исправить плохие оценки. диплом изготавливается с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам. В результате вы получите полностью оригинальный документ.
    Превосходство этого решения заключается не только в том, что вы максимально быстро получите диплом. Процесс организован удобно, с нашей поддержкой. Начав от выбора требуемого образца до точного заполнения персональной информации и доставки в любой регион страны — все под полным контролем опытных специалистов.
    В результате, всем, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получить требуемый документ, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом – значит избежать продолжительного процесса обучения и сразу перейти к достижению своих целей: к поступлению в университет или к началу удачной карьеры.


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    Archaeological findings from 1965, which are nonetheless beneath research, present the remains of two hominins carefully associated to the Sinanthropus, relationship as far again because the Center Pleistocene era, roughly half a million years in the past. For our high two contenders, we’ve chosen EME Hive and eHarmony. Family is sacred to them. My household wasn’t really speaking about the shootings. And sometimes you must offer help even when your bride isn’t saying anything. Despite the fact that there are numerous on-line dating websites on the market with many peculiarities, it’s essential to look for one that truly matches you basic wants. It’s price noting that many Thai brides are drawn to international men for several causes. The concept of ‘Thai brides for sale’ will not be literal but refers back to the apply of accessing these profiles, each representing an actual Thai lady on the lookout for a life accomplice. Flying to Thailand. Whereas mail order bride sites provide wonderful communication, you want to meet your woman in actual life you probably have critical intentions. For some, it’s the allure of a better life overseas, for others, it’s the lack of appropriate partners in Thailand, and for some, it’s the thrilling prospect of a world adventure.

    Thai ladies are proud of their cultural heritage and expect their companions to respect it. They are loving and caring mothers and good wives. Asian Ladies For Marriage – Do They Make The perfect Wives? So it is going to be clear that the lake wales matter is tips on how to make this felling “excellent fabric” develop right into a responsible citizen. After studying this part, you will be able to make up your thoughts, although! Hence, it is going to be unwise to say that that is an unhealthy trend. Some individuals say that Asian countries are too conventional and conservative as nicely as the individuals who live there. Thai brides are materialistic. You don’t need to know how a site works-all it’s a must to do is get pleasure from your time with beautiful Thai brides. Kindness. At the end of the day, you should be kind to everyone you meet. If you’re looking for the most effective relationship site to meet overseas girls, you need to choose one that checks out every field in your checklist.

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    ?Jump to Last Post 1 9 of 9 considerations (15 posts)With progressively more married couples ending in divorce Do you think that divorce is a too easy way out and that a couple should work harder to make their relationship work?No marriage is perfect and couples have to work hard and be willing to make compromises to make a marriage work. These days I think that Western couples generally don’t work hard enough to stay together unlike not that long ago.i agree.simple fact, Stricter guidelines have been gradually put in place these days, From whatever hear. with regard to couples who have children together. I believe they’re now being was needed to take months of family counseling, etc, And an enhanced waiting period for divorce finality is imposed.there were some very lax rules, some of which may still be in place. The rule of professing “Incompatibility” After years of marriage is part of the “Easy way to avoid, Even though it’s true that it might take years to actually get to know someone if they deceive you, and many others, And people can cheat even after a period of marriage, consequently on.But those situations also were resolved by being ruled upon via the submitting of assets, therefore on, And even custody rules.and additionally, the exact “Common law life” which lots of states had (then have?)generally, Played a role in the devaluation of marriage.I think one of the worst attacks against marriage was probably the “Women’s rights community” Which went way too far and has even moved into the mode where a woman can abort a man’s child without his research or consent, and so forth.Of course THE worst attack so far is the gay agenda movement.you can also find too many divorces given out from hurt feelings, Tired of the person, and thus.our “Incompatible common sense” Is a tale. Why did that person even marry for then? you should know the person Before you marry.Not marry for under hot sex, Money or their job title or even pressure from friends or family which I have known some to do and then end up in a divorce.Marriage must not be taken lightly. It is a serious life long (needs to) setting. And when Kids are involved it hurts them more than it does the person divorcing.Klarawieckposted 12 years agoI think that the problem is not that couples get a divorce, It’s the realization they hurt each other and the children while separating. We always try to keep hold of things and forget that by natural law, the only constant is change. everyone change, unions change, thinkings change, points change. Divorce is an option typically. As long as a person tries to cling on the, we will see a BAD separation that will affect everyone. Nothing lasts forever this is exactly why we should learn to live in the RIGHT NOW and learn to LET GO when the time to end and begin again comes along.Wychicposted 12 years agoWhile I agree that great deal do use it as an easy out, I don’t think the rules should be made tighter. If two people don’t want to be married anymore, It’s their own business WHY they shouldn’t be married and not for the law or anyone else [url=https://www.zoominfo.com/c/qpid-network/346720983]qpid network[/url] to say whether their reasons are good enough. Anyone who tries to prove psychological abuse in a court of law can easily be made to look like a nutcase because no one else can truly understand how one person can be controlled, Or how many minor events can build up to a very serious issue. He was very good at knowing just how far he could push it before it’s over the line enough for me to leave. He got careless in his mistrust and no, I wasn’t going to try to work it out, Because trust was as well as dedication I had left for him. It was good ideal time, Considering his girlfriend got pregnant shortly thereafter and it would have been a lot harder blow to find out about that at the same time as the cheating. Very few people I know found divorce to be easy the slightest bit, It is a very messy searching process. I can say that now that it’s done I’m very glad to have done it, And my son has benefited from it by having two happy homes to live in instead of one miserable one.accordingly, I do believe that there are plenty of of marriages that go by the wayside because people get bored, Hit hard times and don’t wish to work it out, Or otherwise give up on a good relationship problems. all the same, the us government cannot legislate morality, And they can make the call about what is a “great” kinship and what is a “rubbish” alliance.Diane Insideposted 12 years agoYes I agree divorce is a simple way out. And many people go into marriage with the mindset that if it does not work out they can just get divorced.Wychic, i am sure about the abuse though, And option exception for me. Of course if abuse or infedelity is the case then I absolutely think divorce should be granted.to the, you can likely far more divorces that happen just because people don’t want to work anything out. Or they just get bored or feel they have grown apart, stop smoking,give up.

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  599. Lựa Chọn Giầy Bóng Rổ Chi Phí đảm Bảo Hóa Học Lượnglịch thi iigLần trước tiên ra mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu sắc đỏ, white và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy trực tiếp từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất đáng để demo.

  600. Nhận Định Bóng Đáacestream bong daNếu là một trong người chơi mới cá độ soccer bạn có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ các chuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thành công. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang đá bóng số xem tỷ trọng kèo soccer – kết trái soccer – lịch thi đấu bóng đá – tỷ số đá bóng.

  601. Nhận Định Bóng Đátivi trực tuyến thvl1Nếu là một trong các những người đùa mới mẻ cá độ bóng đá bạn hoàn toàn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp từ những chuyên gia nhằm phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thành công. bongdaso.co chuyên trang bóng đá số coi tỷ lệ kèo soccer – kết trái đá bóng – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số soccer.

  602. Tin Truyện Tranh Bóng Rổ Mới Mẻ , Tin Game Hot Về Truyen Tranh Bong Rogame thoi trang bikiniSlam Dunk kể về câu chuyện về sự việc cứng cáp của anh hùng chủ yếu Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng đội bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của cỗ truyện cũng để lại nhiều sự mong ngóng vô cùng rộng lớn của độc giả đến những giải đấu tiếp theo của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, thương hiệu của ĐộI bóng rổ trường Sơ Trung Teikou đã từng đoạt chức vô địch cả nước 3 năm ngay lập tức.

  603. đánh Giá Bóng ĐámykplusNếu là một người chơi mới cá độ đá bóng bạn có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp kể từ những chuyên gia nhằm phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang soccer số coi tỷ trọng kèo đá bóng – kết trái bóng đá – lịch tranh tài soccer – tỷ số bóng đá.

  604. Tin Truyện Tranh Bóng Rổ Mới , Tin Game Hot Về Truyen Tranh Bong Rogame gio phieu luu 2 nguoiSlam Dunk kể về mẩu chuyện về sự việc cứng cáp của anh hùng chủ yếu Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng ĐộI bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của bộ truyện cũng để lại nhiều sự ngóng trông cực kỳ lớn của độc fake cho những giải đấu tiếp sau của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, thương hiệu của ĐộI bóng rổ ngôi trường Sơ Trung Teikou đã từng đoạt chức vô địch toàn nước 3 năm liền.

  605. Top 10 Bộ Anime Bóng Rổ Hoặc Nhấtbongdaso mainSlam Dunk kể về mẩu chuyện về sự việc cứng cáp của nhân vật chính Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng đội bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của cỗ truyện cũng để lại nhiều sự ngóng trông cực kỳ lớn của độc fake cho những giải đấu tiếp theo sau của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, thương hiệu của đội bóng rổ trường Sơ Trung Teikou đã từng đoạt chức vô địch toàn nước 3 năm ngay lập tức.

  606. Cách đọc Kèo Bóng Đá, Phía Dẫn Coi Kèo Soccer Dễ Dàng Hiểu Nhấtkq c1Nếu là một trong những những nhân viên đùa mới nhất cá độ bóng đá quý khách hoàn toàn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thành công. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang bóng đá số xem tỷ trọng kèo đá bóng – kết trái đá bóng – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

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  608. Giầy Bóng Rổ Giá Rẻ Bền đẹp Mắt, Giá Sốc, Nên Lựa Chọn Ở Đâuxem phim train to busanLần đầu tiên ra mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, trắng và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng manh nhẹ và đế bền hơn cùng cỗ đệm lấy trực tiếp kể từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng cực kỳ xứng đáng để demo.

  609. Top 10 Bộ Anime Bóng Rổ Hoặc Nhấttai nhac tren itvSlam Dunk kể về mẩu chuyện về việc cứng cáp của anh hùng chủ yếu Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng đội bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của bộ truyện cũng để lại nhiều sự mong ngóng cực kỳ rộng lớn của độc fake mang đến những giải đấu tiếp theo của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, tên của nhóm bóng rổ ngôi trường Sơ Trung Teikou đã từng đoạt chức vô địch cả nước 3 năm liền.

  610. Giày Thể Thao, Thời Trang Và Năng Động Thể Thao Chủ Yếu Hãng Sản Xuất Peak Sportxem truyen attack on titanLần trước tiên ra đôi mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, trắng và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng từ Crazylight Boost 2016, trong giai đoạn tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất đáng nhằm thử.

  611. Giày Bóng Rổ Chi Phí Rẻ Bền đẹp Mắt, Chi Phí Sốc, Nên Lựa Chọn Ở Đâukaraoke thức trọn đêm nayLần trước tiên ra đôi mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, white và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhàng và đế bền hơn cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng cực kỳ đáng để demo.

  612. Tin Truyện Tranh Bóng Rổ Mới Mẻ , Tin Game Hot Về Truyen Tranh Bong Rokeotop1Slam Dunk kể về câu chuyện về việc trưởng thành và cứng cáp của nhân vật chính Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng đội bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của bộ truyện cũng để lại nhiều sự ngóng trông vô cùng rộng lớn của độc giả mang đến những giải đấu tiếp theo của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, tên của nhóm bóng rổ trường Sơ Trung Teikou từng đoạt chức vô địch cả nước 3 năm liền.

  613. Tin Chuyện Tranh Bóng Rổ Mới Mẻ , Tin Game Hot Về Truyen Tranh Bong Rotruc tiep htv9Slam Dunk kể về mẩu chuyện về việc cứng cáp của nhân vật chính Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng đội bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của cỗ truyện cũng để lại nhiều sự ngóng trông rất lớn của độc giả đến những giải đấu tiếp sau của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, thương hiệu của đội bóng rổ trường Sơ Trung Teikou từng đoạt chức vô địch toàn quốc 3 năm ngay tắp lự.

  614. Top 15 Chuyện Tranh Thể Thaotruc tiep sieu cup nuoc anhSlam Dunk kể về mẩu chuyện về sự trưởng thành và cứng cáp của anh hùng chính Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng ĐộI bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của bộ truyện cũng nhằm lại nhiều sự ngóng chờ cực kỳ lớn của độc giả đến những giải đấu tiếp theo của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, tên của ĐộI bóng rổ ngôi trường Sơ Trung Teikou từng đoạt chức vô địch cả nước 3 năm ngay tắp lự.

  615. Lựa Chọn Giày Bóng Rổ Giá Tiền đảm Bảo Hóa Học Lượngtruc tiep u23 viet nam vs u23 thai lanLần đầu tiên ra đôi mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, white và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng manh nhẹ và đế bền hơn cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, trong hoàn cảnh tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất xứng đáng để demo.

  616. Kèo Bóng Đá Là Gì? Giải Mến Tỷ Trọng Cá Cược Soccer Chi Tiết Nhấttrực tiếp federer vs djokovicNếu là một trong nhân viên chơi mới nhất cá độ đá bóng bạn rất có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang đá bóng số coi tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết quả đá bóng – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số đá bóng.

  617. Tin Soi Kèomilan đấu với juventusNếu là một người đùa mới nhất cá độ đá bóng bạn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ các chuyên gia nhằm phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang soccer số xem tỷ lệ kèo đá bóng – kết quả đá bóng – lịch tranh tài soccer – tỷ số đá bóng.

  618. Nhận Định Bóng Đá Hôm Naybxh bundesligaNếu là một trong nhân viên nghịch mới cá độ đá bóng quý khách có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ giúp kể từ các chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thắng lợi. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang đá bóng số coi tỷ lệ kèo đá bóng – kết quả soccer – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

  619. Kèo Bóng Đá Là Gì? Giải Quí Tỷ Lệ Cá Cược Bóng Đá Chi Tiết Nhấtgái nhật đó samurai lờiNếu là một trong những những người nghịch mới nhất cá độ đá bóng bạn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục đích phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên trang bóng đá số coi tỷ trọng kèo đá bóng – kết trái soccer – lịch tranh tài soccer – tỷ số bóng đá.

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  627. Chọn Mua Giày Bóng Rổ Chi Phí Tốttrực tiếp việt nam trung quốcLần trước tiên ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu sắc đỏ, trắng và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng dính nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy trực tiếp từ Crazylight Boost 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất xứng đáng nhằm demo.

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  629. Giầy Thể Thao, Năng Động Thể Thao Chính Hãng Peak Sportliịch phát sóng htv7Lần trước tiên ra đôi mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, white và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng manh nhẹ nhàng và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng từ Crazylight Boost 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng vô cùng xứng đáng nhằm thử.

  630. Giày Bóng Rổ Chi Phí Rẻ Bền đẹp, Giá Sốc, Nên Lựa Chọn Ở Đâuxem phim hoat hinh doremon htv3Lần trước tiên ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu sắc đỏ, trắng và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất đáng nhằm demo.

  631. Nhận Định Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Nayket qua u23 viet namNếu là một trong nhân viên nghịch mới nhất cá độ bóng đá bạn hoàn toàn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp kể từ những thường xuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang đá bóng số coi tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết quả bóng đá – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số soccer.

  632. Top 15 Chuyện Tranh Thể Thaocách gia hạn mobi bigSlam Dunk kể về mẩu truyện về sự trưởng thành của anh hùng chính Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng đội bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của bộ truyện cũng để lại nhiều sự ngóng chờ rất lớn của độc fake cho những giải đấu tiếp sau của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, tên của đội bóng rổ ngôi trường Sơ Trung Teikou đã từng đoạt chức vô địch toàn quốc 3 năm ngay lập tức.

  633. Lựa Chọn Giày Bóng Rổ Giá Chất Lượngbongdaso – danh sách các trận đấuLần thứ nhất ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có color đỏ, Trắng và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng dính nhẹ nhàng và đế bền rộng cùng bộ đệm lấy trực tiếp từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, trong hoàn cảnh tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất xứng đáng để thử.

  634. Top 10 Bộ Anime Bóng Rổ Hay Nhấtdaniel padilla và kathryn bernardo đang hẹn hòSlam Dunk kể về mẩu truyện về việc trưởng thành và cứng cáp của nhân vật chủ yếu Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng ĐộI bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của bộ truyện cũng để lại nhiều sự ngóng trông rất lớn của độc giả đến những giải đấu tiếp sau của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, tên của nhóm bóng rổ trường Sơ Trung Teikou đã từng đoạt chức vô địch cả nước 3 năm liền.

  635. Tin Chuyện Tranh Bóng Rổ Mới , Tin Game Hot Về Truyen Tranh Bong Rotai bluestacks full crackSlam Dunk kể về câu chuyện về sự trưởng thành và cứng cáp của hero chủ yếu Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng nhóm bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của cỗ truyện cũng nhằm lại nhiều sự mong ngóng cực kỳ rộng lớn của độc giả mang đến những giải đấu tiếp theo của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, tên của đội bóng rổ trường Sơ Trung Teikou đã từng đoạt chức vô địch toàn quốc 3 năm ngay lập tức.

  636. Tin Chuyện Tranh Bóng Rổ Mới , Tin Game Hot Về Truyen Tranh Bong Rogame sieu anh hung tiga 2 nguoiSlam Dunk kể về mẩu chuyện về sự việc trưởng thành của nhân vật chính Hanamichi Sakuragi cùng ĐộI bóng rổ Shohoku. Đoạn kết mở của bộ truyện cũng nhằm lại nhiều sự mong ngóng rất lớn của độc giả đến những giải đấu tiếp theo của chàng “tóc đỏ” Hanamichi Sakuragi. “Generation of Miracles”, thương hiệu của đội bóng rổ trường Sơ Trung Teikou đã từng đoạt chức vô địch toàn nước 3 năm ngay tắp lự.

  637. Giầy Bóng Rổ Giá Tiền Rẻ Bền đẹp Nhất, Giá Sốc, Nên Chọn Mua Ở Đâubáo an ninh thủ đôLần trước tiên ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu sắc đỏ, trắng và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng dính nhẹ nhõm và đế bền hơn cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost 2016, trong thời điểm tạm thời Rose 8 cũng vô cùng xứng đáng nhằm test.

  638. Nhận Định Bóng Đák+ pmNếu là một nhân viên chơi mới cá độ đá bóng bạn hoàn toàn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ những thường xuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thành công. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang bóng đá số coi tỷ trọng kèo bóng đá – kết quả bóng đá – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số soccer.

  639. Kèo Bóng Đá Là Gì? Giải Mến Tỷ Lệ Cá Cược Soccer Chi Tiết Nhấtcakhia. linkNếu là một trong nhân viên nghịch mới nhất cá độ đá bóng quý khách có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thắng lợi. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang đá bóng số xem tỷ lệ kèo đá bóng – kết trái soccer – lịch tranh tài bóng đá – tỷ số soccer.

  640. Tin Soi Kèoxem bdtvNếu là một trong người đùa mới mẻ cá độ đá bóng quý khách rất có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang đá bóng số xem tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết quả đá bóng – lịch thi đấu soccer – tỷ số đá bóng.

  641. Lựa Chọn Giầy Bóng Rổ Giá Tiền đảm Bảo Hóa Học Lượngkaraoke quang tao cai bongLần thứ nhất ra mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có color đỏ, Trắng và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng dính nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy trực tiếp từ Crazylight Boost 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng cực kỳ xứng đáng để test.

  642. đánh Giá đá Bóngkết quả tennis trực tiếpNếu là một trong nhân viên nghịch mới mẻ cá độ soccer bạn rất có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ các chuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thành công. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang bóng đá số coi tỷ lệ kèo đá bóng – kết trái bóng đá – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số đá bóng.

  643. Tin Soi KèolivebongdaNếu là một trong người đùa mới cá độ bóng đá bạn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ những thường xuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang đá bóng số xem tỷ trọng kèo bóng đá – kết trái soccer – lịch thi đấu bóng đá – tỷ số soccer.

  644. Giầy Thể Thao, Năng Động Thể Thao Chủ Yếu Hãng Peak Sportvtv1 hd onlineLần đầu tiên ra mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có màu sắc đỏ, white và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ và đế bền hơn cùng bộ đệm lấy thẳng từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng vô cùng xứng đáng để demo.

  645. Chọn Mua Giầy Bóng Rổtruc tiep aoeLần đầu tiên ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu sắc đỏ, Trắng và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng manh nhẹ nhàng và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy trực tiếp từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, trong thời điểm tạm thời Rose 8 cũng cực kỳ xứng đáng nhằm test.

  646. Tin Soi Kèopeaky blinders season 3 vietsubNếu là một trong những người đùa mới nhất cá độ bóng đá quý khách có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang bóng đá số coi tỷ lệ kèo soccer – kết quả soccer – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số soccer.

  647. Pingback: tadalafil natural
  648. Kèo Bóng Đá Là Gì? Giải Mến Tỷ Trọng Cá Cược đá Bóng Chi Tiết Nhấtbxh tbnNếu là một nhân viên nghịch mới nhất cá độ bóng đá quý khách có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp kể từ các thường xuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang bóng đá số coi tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết quả bóng đá – lịch tranh tài soccer – tỷ số soccer.

  649. Tin Soi Kèokết quả keno hôm nayNếu là một nhân viên chơi mới nhất cá độ đá bóng quý khách có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp kể từ những thường xuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm chiến thắng. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang đá bóng số xem tỷ trọng kèo soccer – kết trái bóng đá – lịch tranh tài soccer – tỷ số đá bóng.

  650. Mua Giầy Bóng Rổlịch chiếu bhd phạm ngọc thạchLần thứ nhất ra đôi mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có màu sắc đỏ, trắng và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng manh nhẹ nhõm và đế bền hơn cùng bộ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất xứng đáng nhằm test.

  651. Kèo Bóng Đá Là Gì? Giải Mến Tỷ Lệ Cá Cược đá Bóng Chi Tiết Nhấttrực tiếp todaytvNếu là một người đùa mới mẻ cá độ soccer bạn rất có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp kể từ các thường xuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang bóng đá số coi tỷ trọng kèo soccer – kết quả bóng đá – lịch thi đấu soccer – tỷ số bóng đá.

  652. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Ngày Hôm Nay11met tvXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng trực tiếp soccer EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chính xác nhất.

  653. Giày Thể Thao, Thời Trang Thể Thao Chủ Yếu Hãng Sản Xuất Peak Sportlich thi dau tennis 2017Lần trước tiên ra mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có color đỏ, white và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng dính nhẹ nhõm và đế bền hơn cùng cỗ đệm lấy trực tiếp kể từ Crazylight Boost 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng cực kỳ đáng nhằm test.

  654. Giầy Thể Thao, Năng Động Thể Thao Chính Hãng Peak Sporttuong thuat truc tiep asiadLần thứ nhất ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, white và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost 2016, trong hoàn cảnh tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất đáng để test.

  655. Nhận Định đá Bóngu23 việt nam – u23 qatarNếu là một trong người nghịch mới mẻ cá độ soccer quý khách có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thành công. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang soccer số coi tỷ lệ kèo soccer – kết trái đá bóng – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

  656. Cơ Hội Học Hỏi Kèo đá Bóng, Hướng Dẫn Coi Kèo đá Bóng Dễ Hiểu Nhấtlich da banh asian cup 2018Nếu là một nhân viên nghịch mới mẻ cá độ đá bóng bạn có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ giúp từ các thường xuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thành công. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang đá bóng số coi tỷ lệ kèo đá bóng – kết quả bóng đá – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

  657. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namlive90Nếu cứ nghịch như cách vừa tiêu diệt Everton cho tới 3-1 bên trên sân quý khách hàng

  658. Pingback: A3ixW7AS
  659. Xoilac Tv Trực Tiếp Bóng ĐávaoroitvĐây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay cho nhân viên” khá may mắn đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có thể gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước ta vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  660. Giầy Bóng Rổ Giá Tiền Rẻ Bền đẹp, Giá Tiền Sốc, Nên Lựa Chọn Ở Đâugame bannhauLần đầu tiên ra mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có color đỏ, trắng và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ và đế bền hơn cùng bộ đệm lấy trực tiếp kể từ Crazylight Boost 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng vô cùng xứng đáng nhằm thử.

  661. Giầy Bóng Rổ Chi Phí Rẻ Bền đẹp Mắt, Giá Sốc, Nên Chọn Mua Ở Đâutrực tiếp mama 2016Lần thứ nhất ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có color đỏ, white và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng dính nhẹ nhõm và đế bền hơn cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng từ Crazylight Boost 2016, trong hoàn cảnh tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất xứng đáng nhằm thử.

  662. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Soccerkq kenoXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng thẳng soccer EURO hôm nay được Webthethao update chủ yếu xác nhất.

  663. Links Xem Thẳng Bóng Đá Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Chủng Loại World Cup11m.tvĐây có lẽ là trường hợp “của đi thay cho người” khá như ý đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có thể gặp gỡ hiểm họa nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước ta vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  664. Nhận Định Soccerxem kênh k+Nếu là một trong nhân viên chơi mới mẻ cá độ đá bóng bạn rất có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ giúp từ các chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang đá bóng số coi tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết quả soccer – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

  665. Cách Sưu Tầm Kèo đá Bóng, Phía Dẫn Coi Kèo đá Bóng Dễ Hiểu Nhấttin chuyen nhuong liverpoolNếu là một trong người chơi mới mẻ cá độ đá bóng quý khách rất có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ giúp kể từ những chuyên gia nhằm phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên trang soccer số xem tỷ lệ kèo đá bóng – kết trái bóng đá – lịch thi đấu bóng đá – tỷ số đá bóng.

  666. Lựa Chọn Giày Bóng Rổ Giá Tốtxem truc tiep kenh thvl1Lần đầu tiên ra mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có color đỏ, trắng và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng cực kỳ đáng nhằm test.

  667. Tin Soi Kèoxem kênh vtv6 hdNếu là một nhân viên nghịch mới cá độ đá bóng bạn rất có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục đích phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên trang soccer số coi tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết trái soccer – lịch tranh tài soccer – tỷ số đá bóng.

  668. Giày Thể Thao, Thời Trang Thể Thao Chính Hãng Sản Xuất Peak SportbdttLần đầu tiên ra mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có màu sắc đỏ, white và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng manh nhẹ nhàng và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy trực tiếp kể từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng vô cùng đáng nhằm thử.

  669. Tin Soi Kèobinhluan tvNếu là một trong những người chơi mới nhất cá độ soccer bạn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp kể từ những thường xuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên trang bóng đá số coi tỷ lệ kèo soccer – kết trái soccer – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số đá bóng.

  670. Giầy Thể Thao, Thời Trang Và Năng Động Thể Thao Chính Thương Hiệu Peak Sportca khia.linkLần thứ nhất ra mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, trắng và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng dính nhẹ và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, trong thời điểm tạm thời Rose 8 cũng vô cùng xứng đáng để thử.

  671. Giày Bóng Rổ Giá Rẻ Bền đẹp Mắt, Chi Phí Sốc, Nên Lựa Chọn Ở Đâukết quả bóng đá tbnLần thứ nhất ra mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, white và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhàng và đế bền rộng cùng bộ đệm lấy trực tiếp từ Crazylight Boost năm 2016, trong thời điểm tạm thời Rose 8 cũng rất xứng đáng để demo.

  672. Tin Soi Kèobom it 7 y8Nếu là một nhân viên nghịch mới mẻ cá độ soccer quý khách hoàn toàn có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp kể từ các thường xuyên gia nhằm phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thành công. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang đá bóng số coi tỷ lệ kèo soccer – kết quả bóng đá – lịch tranh tài bóng đá – tỷ số soccer.

  673. Giầy Bóng Rổ Giá Rẻ Bền đẹp Nhất, Chi Phí Sốc, Nên Mua Ở Đâulich thi dau bong da nu seagame 2019Lần đầu tiên ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, trắng và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng manh nhẹ và đế bền rộng cùng bộ đệm lấy trực tiếp kể từ Crazylight Boost năm nhâm thìn, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng cực kỳ xứng đáng để thử.

  674. Giầy Thể Thao, Năng Động Thể Thao Chính Hãng Peak Sportbong da plus.việt namLần thứ nhất ra mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có color đỏ, Trắng và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost 2016, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng cực kỳ đáng để thử.

  675. Lựa Chọn Giày Bóng Rổ Giá Tiền Tốtxem trực tiếp việt nam vs malaysiaLần thứ nhất ra mắt thì giầy Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, Trắng và đen phối với nhau. Với upper mỏng manh nhẹ nhàng và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost 2016, trong hoàn cảnh tạm thời Rose 8 cũng vô cùng đáng nhằm thử.

  676. Nhận Định đá Bóng Hôm Naytrực tiếp u23 việt nam vs u23 qatarNếu là một người đùa mới mẻ cá độ soccer bạn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp kể từ những chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang bóng đá số coi tỷ trọng kèo đá bóng – kết quả đá bóng – lịch tranh tài bóng đá – tỷ số đá bóng.

  677. Chọn Mua Giày Bóng Rổ Chi Phí Tốtkết quả asian cup 2018Lần thứ nhất ra đôi mắt thì giày Jordan 1 có màu đỏ, Trắng và đen phối cùng với nhau. Với upper mỏng nhẹ nhõm và đế bền rộng cùng cỗ đệm lấy thẳng kể từ Crazylight Boost năm nhâm thìn, tạm thời Rose 8 cũng vô cùng đáng để demo.

  678. Link Xem Trực Tiếp Soccer Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Loại World Cupthvl2 trực tiếpĐây có lẽ rằng là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay nhân viên” khá may mắn đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể gặp gỡ tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước Việt Nam vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  679. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Bóng Đáchơi ma sói onlineXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng trực tiếp đá bóng EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chính xác nhất.

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  867. đánh Giá đá Bónglịch chiếu htv7Nếu là một trong người nghịch mới cá độ đá bóng quý khách có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ những chuyên gia nhằm mục đích phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang soccer số xem tỷ lệ kèo soccer – kết trái bóng đá – lịch tranh tài soccer – tỷ số soccer.

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  879. đánh Giá Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Naythvl4Nếu là một người đùa mới mẻ cá độ soccer quý khách hoàn toàn có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ các thường xuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm chiến thắng. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang soccer số xem tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết quả đá bóng – lịch tranh tài soccer – tỷ số đá bóng.

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  883. đánh Giá Và Nhận Định Bóng Đá Ngày Hôm Nayhtv2 trực tuyếnNếu là một trong các những nhân viên chơi mới nhất cá độ đá bóng quý khách rất có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ giúp kể từ các thường xuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm chiến thắng. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang đá bóng số xem tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết quả bóng đá – lịch thi đấu soccer – tỷ số soccer.

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  894. Nhận Định Bóng Đácà khịa.tv bóng đáNếu là một trong những nhân viên đùa mới nhất cá độ soccer quý khách hoàn toàn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp kể từ các chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang soccer số coi tỷ trọng kèo đá bóng – kết trái bóng đá – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

  895. Tin Soi Kèovtv6 world cupNếu là một trong người đùa mới nhất cá độ bóng đá quý khách có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ các chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục đích phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên trang đá bóng số coi tỷ trọng kèo bóng đá – kết trái soccer – lịch thi đấu soccer – tỷ số đá bóng.

  896. Tin Tức, Sự Khiếu Nại Liên Quan Tiền Đến Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Phái Nữ tỉ lệ cượcĐội tuyển chọn futsal nước ta đã có một trận đấu đồng ý được trước đối thủ đầy mức độ mạnh Lebanon. Kết trái Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất nước ta.

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  898. Trực Tiếp Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt NambdtvĐây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay nhân viên” khá như ý đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể gặp gỡ hiểm họa nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết quả trận nước Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

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  900. đánh Giá đá Bóng Thời Điểm Hôm Naythvl truc tuyenNếu là một trong người nghịch mới cá độ bóng đá bạn hoàn toàn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ góp từ các thường xuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm chiến thắng. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang bóng đá số xem tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá – kết quả bóng đá – lịch thi đấu bóng đá – tỷ số soccer.

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  902. Xem Thẳng Viettel Vs Tỉnh Bình Dương Trên V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? kuĐội tuyển chọn futsal nước Việt Nam đã được một trận đấu đồng ý được trước đối thủ cạnh tranh đầy mức độ mạnh Lebanon. Kết trái Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất nước ta.

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  905. Trực Tiếp Soccer Hôm NaybongdatubeXem soccer trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng trực tiếp đá bóng EURO ngày hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

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  909. đánh Giá Bóng Đákết quả cúp c1 rạng sáng nayNếu là một người nghịch mới mẻ cá độ soccer bạn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp kể từ những chuyên gia nhằm phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang bóng đá số xem tỷ trọng kèo bóng đá – kết trái đá bóng – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số soccer.

  910. Thông Tin, Sự Kiện Liên Quan Lại Đến Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Nữ truc tiep vtv3Đội tuyển chọn nước ta chỉ muốn một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng để lần loại hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm thực hiện được điều này

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  912. Kèo Bóng Đá Là Gì? Giải Quí Tỷ Lệ Cá Cược đá Bóng Chi Tiết Nhấtbanxep hangbongdaNếu là một trong các những nhân viên chơi mới cá độ bóng đá quý khách rất có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp từ các thường xuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tách và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thành công. bongdaso.co chuyên trang bóng đá số xem tỷ trọng kèo đá bóng – kết quả đá bóng – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

  913. Nhận Định Soccerxôi yếnNếu là một người chơi mới mẻ cá độ soccer bạn có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ giúp từ các chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co chuyên trang đá bóng số xem tỷ trọng kèo bóng đá – kết trái soccer – lịch tranh tài bóng đá – tỷ số đá bóng.

  914. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Hôm Nayvtv1 fptĐây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay cho người” khá như ý đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết quả trận nước ta vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  915. Xoilac Tv Thẳng đá Bóng bet188Đội tuyển chọn futsal nước Việt Nam đã có được một trận đấu đồng ý được trước đối thủ đầy mức độ mạnh Lebanon. Kết quả Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước ngày hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất nước Việt Nam.

  916. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi đá Bóng Trực Tuyến 24h keonhacaiĐội tuyển futsal nước ta đã có được một trận đấu đồng ý được trước đối thủ đầy mức độ mạnh Lebanon. Kết quả Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước thời điểm hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất nước ta.

  917. Tin Soi Kèochoi chu khi buon 3Nếu là một trong nhân viên chơi mới mẻ cá độ đá bóng bạn có thể truy vấn vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp kể từ những chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và Dự kiến những kèo thơm và đặt cược để thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên trang soccer số coi tỷ trọng kèo đá bóng – kết quả bóng đá – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

  918. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi đá Bóng Trực Tuyến 24h ae888Đội tuyển nước Việt Nam chỉ cần một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần loại hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm thực hiện được điều đó

  919. Coi Trực Tiếp Viettel Vs Tỉnh Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? truc tiep kenoĐội tuyển nước ta chỉ cần thiết một kết quả hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần thứ hai góp mặt tại World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm thực hiện được điều này

  920. Thẳng Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nayvtv6 việt nam thái lanĐây có lẽ rằng là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay người” khá như ý đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể gặp gỡ tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước ta vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  921. Links Xem Thẳng Soccer Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Loại World Cupman utd đấu với watfordĐây có lẽ là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay người” khá như ý đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể gặp tai nạn nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

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  923. đánh Giá Và Nhận Định Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Naygiải vô địch quốc gia bỉNếu là một nhân viên đùa mới cá độ bóng đá quý khách rất có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ góp từ các chuyên gia nhằm phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm thắng lợi. bongdaso.co chuyên nghiệp trang đá bóng số xem tỷ trọng kèo bóng đá – kết quả đá bóng – lịch tranh tài đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

  924. Tin Soi Kèolink sopcast mu vs west bromNếu là một trong nhân viên chơi mới mẻ cá độ bóng đá bạn rất có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com để có những sự trợ giúp từ các chuyên gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tích và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược để chiến thắng. bongdaso.co thường xuyên trang đá bóng số coi tỷ lệ kèo soccer – kết quả bóng đá – lịch thi đấu đá bóng – tỷ số bóng đá.

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  926. Cơ Hội Sưu Tầm Kèo đá Bóng, Hướng Dẫn Coi Kèo Soccer Dễ Dàng Hiểu Nhấtviet nam vs dongtimoNếu là một trong nhân viên chơi mới nhất cá độ đá bóng bạn rất có thể truy cập vào thethao88.com nhằm có những sự trợ giúp kể từ những chuyên nghiệp gia nhằm mục tiêu phân tách và dự đoán những kèo thơm và đặt cược nhằm chiến thắng. bongdaso.co chuyên trang soccer số coi tỷ lệ kèo đá bóng – kết quả soccer – lịch tranh tài bóng đá – tỷ số đá bóng.

  927. Thẳng Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Link Xem Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến 24h keo nha caiĐội tuyển Việt Nam chỉ muốn một kết quả hòa có bàn thắng để lần thứ hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, để thực hiện được điều đó

  928. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namcakhia linkXem soccer trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng trực tiếp soccer EURO hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

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  930. Thông Tin, Sự Kiện Liên Quan Tiền Đến Thẳng Bóng Đá Nữ Giới kèo nhà cáiĐội tuyển nước ta chỉ cần thiết một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng để lần thứ hai góp mặt tại World Cup futsal. Nhưng, để thực hiện được như vậy

  931. Xoilac Tv Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá truc tiep kenoĐội tuyển nước ta chỉ cần thiết một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần loại hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, để làm được như vậy

  932. Links Coi Thẳng Soccer Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Chủng Loại World Cuppes 2020 crackXem bóng đá trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng thẳng bóng đá EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chủ yếu xác nhất.

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  934. Coi Thẳng Viettel Vs Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? zingplayĐội tuyển chọn futsal nước Việt Nam đã có một trận đấu đồng ý được trước phe đối lập đầy sức mạnh Lebanon. Kết trái Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước ngày hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất nước ta.

  935. Xem Thẳng Viettel Vs Tỉnh Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? bk8Đội tuyển chọn futsal nước ta đã có được một trận đấu đồng ý được trước đối thủ đầy sức mạnh Lebanon. Kết quả Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước ngày hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất Việt Nam.

  936. Thẳng đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namtv.101Đây có lẽ là trường hợp “của đi thay người” khá như ý đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể gặp gỡ tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước ta vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

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  1110. Xem Trực Tiếp Soccerlịch phát sóng chung kết c1Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn có thể chuẩn bị xếp làm việc

  1111. Kết Trái Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanonti le cuocTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

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  1117. Kết Quả Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanontuyen tap nhac remix chau khai phongTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1118. Thể Thao 247m88so main casinoLiverpool là ĐộI bóng nhận ít thẻ nhất ở Premier League mùa này và đang đứng trước cơ hội đạt giải thưởng Fair Play ở mùa giải thứ 5 tiếp tục. Sau Khi thăng hạng 96 trái đất, ĐộI tuyển nước ta đã lọt group phân tử giống số 2 vòng chủng loại World Cup 2022 quần thể vực châu Á.

  1119. Tỷ Số Soccer Trực Tuyến Hôm Naybxh tbnTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1120. Thẳng Soccer Ngày Hôm Nay, Links Coi Soccer Trực Tuyến 24hviv6Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1121. Tin Tức, Sự Kiện Liên Quan Tiền Đến Thẳng Bóng Đá Phái Nữ kèo nhà cái chấm netĐội tuyển chọn futsal nước ta đã có một trận đấu đồng ý được trước đối thủ đầy sức mạnh Lebanon. Kết trái Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước ngày hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất Việt Nam.

  1122. Coi Trực Tiếp Soccerxem truc tiep letsvietTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1123. Liên Kết Xem Trực Tiếp Soccer Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Chủng Loại World CupbđtvXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng trực tiếp đá bóng EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1124. Thể Thao 247ku.casinoLiverpool là nhóm bóng nhận ít thẻ nhất ở Premier League mùa này và đang đứng trước cơ hội đạt giải thưởng Fair Play ở mùa giải thứ 5 tiếp tục. Sau khi thăng hạng 96 toàn cầu, nhóm tuyển chọn Việt Nam đã lọt nhóm phân tử giống số 2 vòng loại World Cup 2022 khu vực vực châu Á.

  1125. Liên Kết Coi Thẳng Bóng Đá Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Loại World Cuphao 123 tin tucĐây có lẽ rằng là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay cho nhân viên” khá như mong muốn đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể bắt gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước ta vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1126. Thông Tin, Sự Kiện Liên Quan Đến Thẳng Bóng Đá Nữ sảnh rồngĐội tuyển futsal nước Việt Nam đã có một trận đấu đồng ý được trước đối thủ đầy mức độ mạnh Lebanon. Kết quả Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước ngày hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất Việt Nam.

  1127. Thể Thao 247choctaw casino & resortLiverpool là đội bóng nhận ít thẻ nhất ở Premier League mùa này và đang đứng trước thời cơ giành giải thưởng Fair Play ở mùa giải loại 5 liên tiếp. Sau Khi thăng hạng 96 trái đất, đội tuyển Việt Nam đã lọt nhóm phân tử giống số 2 vòng chủng loại World Cup 2022 khu vực vực châu Á.

  1128. Link Xem Trực Tiếp Soccer Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Loại World Cuplịch phát sóng vtvcabXem soccer trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng trực tiếp soccer EURO hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1129. Xem Tin Tức Thể Thao Bóng Đá 24h Vào Năm 2019kubet appLiverpool là đội bóng nhận ít thẻ nhất ở Premier League mùa này và đang được đứng trước thời cơ giành giải thưởng Fair Play ở mùa giải thứ 5 tiếp tục. Sau khi thăng hạng 96 toàn cầu, ĐộI tuyển chọn Việt Nam đã lọt group phân tử tương đương số 2 vòng chủng loại World Cup 2022 khu vực châu Á.

  1130. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Naytruyen hinh truc tuyen vtv3Xem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng trực tiếp đá bóng EURO hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chính xác nhất.

  1131. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Soccerxoi lac tvĐây có lẽ là trường hợp “của đi thay nhân viên” khá như ý đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể gặp gỡ tai nạn nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết quả trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1132. Xoilac Tv Thẳng đá Bóngxem tivi k+Đây có lẽ là trường hợp “của đi thay cho nhân viên” khá như ý đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1133. Xem Trực Tiếp Viettel Vs Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? soi keo bong da hom nayĐội tuyển chọn nước Việt Nam chỉ cần một kết quả hòa có bàn thắng để lần thứ hai góp mặt tại World Cup futsal. Nhưng, để làm được điều đó

  1134. Thẳng Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Naybrighton đấu với man utdĐây có lẽ rằng là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay cho người” khá như ý đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể gặp gỡ tai nạn nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết trái trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1135. Trực Tiếp Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Naylive90Xem soccer trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng trực tiếp đá bóng EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1136. Thể Thaodanh bai baccaratLiverpool là ĐộI bóng nhận ít thẻ nhất ở Premier League mùa này và đang đứng trước thời cơ giành giải thưởng Fair Play ở mùa giải loại 5 liên tục. Sau lúc thăng hạng 96 toàn cầu, ĐộI tuyển chọn nước Việt Nam đã lọt nhóm hạt giống số 2 vòng loại World Cup 2022 quần thể vực châu Á.

  1137. Link Xem Thẳng Soccer Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Loại World Cupk+pm hdĐây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay cho nhân viên” khá may mắn đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có thể bắt gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết quả trận nước ta vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1138. Kết Quả Futsal Việt Nam Vs LebanonvaoroiTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1139. Coi Trực Tiếp Viettel Vs Tỉnh Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? ae888Đội tuyển nước ta chỉ cần thiết một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần thứ hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm làm được điều đó

  1140. Trực Tiếp Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Links Coi Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến 24hlich phat song vtc4Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1141. Xem Thẳng đá Bóngvtv6 onlineTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách có thể chuẩn bị xếp làm việc

  1142. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Soccer kucasinoĐội tuyển chọn Việt Nam chỉ muốn một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng để lần loại hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, để làm được điều này

  1143. Xem Trực Tiếp Viettel Vs Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? zingplay co tuongĐội tuyển nước Việt Nam chỉ cần một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần loại hai góp mặt tại World Cup futsal. Nhưng, để thực hiện được như vậy

  1144. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Naypes 2020 full crackXem soccer trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng thẳng soccer EURO ngày hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chủ yếu xác nhất.

  1145. Tỷ Số Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến Hôm Naythethao90Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1146. Xem Thẳng Soccerxem trực tuyến vtv3Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1147. Tỷ Số Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến Ngày Hôm Naythvl1 trực tiếp hôm nayTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1148. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Xem Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến 24h tiến lên miền namĐội tuyển chọn nước Việt Nam chỉ cần thiết một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần thứ hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm thực hiện được điều đó

  1149. Links Xem Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Loại World Cup90tvĐây có lẽ là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay cho người” khá như ý đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có thể gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

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  1151. Thẳng đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Xem Soccer Trực Tuyến 24hbxh c1Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1152. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Soccer truc tiep kenoĐội tuyển nước ta chỉ cần một kết quả hòa có bàn thắng để lần thứ hai góp mặt tại World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm làm được điều này

  1153. Xem Thẳng Viettel Vs Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? play zingĐội tuyển nước ta chỉ cần thiết một kết quả hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần loại hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm làm được như vậy

  1154. Tỷ Số Soccer Trực Tuyến Thời Điểm Hôm Naylich thi dau lckTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn rất có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1155. Liên Kết Coi Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Chủng Loại World CupibongdaNếu cứ nghịch như cơ hội vừa đè bẹp Everton tới 3-1 bên trên Sảnh khách hàng

  1156. Xem Thẳng Viettel Vs Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? link bong daĐội tuyển chọn Việt Nam chỉ cần một kết quả hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần thứ hai góp mặt tại World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm thực hiện được điều này

  1157. Thẳng Soccer Ngày Hôm Nay, Links Xem đá Bóng Trực Tuyến 24h keo nha caiĐội tuyển nước Việt Nam chỉ muốn một kết trái hòa có bàn thắng nhằm lần loại hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm làm được điều đó

  1158. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Bóng Đá ku casinoĐội tuyển chọn futsal nước Việt Nam đã được một trận đấu đồng ý được trước đối thủ cạnh tranh đầy mức độ mạnh Lebanon. Kết quả Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước thời điểm hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất nước Việt Nam.

  1159. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Bóng Đáviet nam vs malaysia may gioXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng thẳng đá bóng EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chủ yếu xác nhất.

  1160. Thẳng Bóng Đá Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namcakhia.live truc tiep bong daXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng thẳng bóng đá EURO ngày hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chính xác nhất.

  1161. Tỷ Số Soccer Trực Tuyến Hôm Nayket qua cup c1 hom nayTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1162. Links Xem Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Chủng Loại World Cupbd24hXem bóng đá trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng thẳng đá bóng EURO ngày hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1163. Xoilac Tv Trực Tiếp SoccerbongdafXem soccer trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng thẳng đá bóng EURO hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1164. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi Soccer Trực Tuyến 24hxem vtc7 trực tuyến chất lượng caoTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp làm việc

  1165. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Bóng Đátrực tiếp bóng đá asian cup vtv6Đây có lẽ là trường hợp “của đi thay cho nhân viên” khá như ý đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể bắt gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước ta vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1166. Thẳng Bóng Đá Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namlich thi dau cup c1Đây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay cho người” khá như mong muốn đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể bắt gặp hiểm họa nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước Việt Nam vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1167. Thẳng Soccer Ngày Hôm Nayxem k+ onlineXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng trực tiếp bóng đá EURO hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chủ yếu xác nhất.

  1168. Xoilac Tv Trực Tiếp Soccertennis trực tuyếnĐây có lẽ là trường hợp “của đi thay cho người” khá như mong muốn đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể bắt gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước Việt Nam vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1169. Thẳng Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Nambảng xếp hạng bóng đá italiaĐây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay nhân viên” khá như mong muốn đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể bắt gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết quả trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1170. Thẳng đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Nambxh phapXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng trực tiếp bóng đá EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1171. Coi Thẳng Soccerkết quả tennis hôm nayTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách rất có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1172. Xem Trực Tiếp Viettel Vs Tỉnh Bình Dương Tại V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? kubetĐội tuyển chọn Việt Nam chỉ muốn một kết quả hòa có bàn thắng để lần loại hai góp mặt trên World Cup futsal. Nhưng, nhằm thực hiện được điều này

  1173. Xem Thẳng Viettel Vs Bình Dương Trên V League 2021 Ở Kênh Nào? fb88Đội tuyển chọn Việt Nam chỉ cần thiết một kết quả hòa có bàn thắng để lần loại hai góp mặt tại World Cup futsal. Nhưng, để làm được như vậy

  1174. Trực Tiếp Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Link Coi Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến 24h bd truc tuyenĐội tuyển futsal Việt Nam đã được một trận đấu đồng ý được trước phe đối lập đầy mức độ mạnh Lebanon. Kết trái Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu vs Bình Phước thời điểm hôm nay 18h00 ngày 5/5, Hạng nhất nước Việt Nam.

  1175. Kênh Trực Tiếp Soccer Ngày Hôm Nayvào rồi tiviTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu ớt thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo đảm an toàn thắng lợi.

  1176. Thẳng Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nayarsenal đấu với man cityĐây có lẽ là trường hợp “của đi thay cho người” khá may mắn đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể bắt gặp hiểm họa nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết trái trận nước Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1177. Thẳng đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namtrực tiếp bóng đá vtv6Trên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo vệ chiến thắng.

  1178. Thẳng Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Links Coi Soccer Trực Tuyến 24hthvl1 trực tiếp hôm nayTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1179. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Nambóng đá k cộngTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu ớt thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo vệ thắng lợi.

  1180. Thẳng đá Bóngthethao24hTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu ớt thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được đảm bảo thành công.

  1181. Thẳng Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Link Xem Trực Tuyến đoạn Phim Tình Huốngvtv trực tuyến vtv1Trên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo đảm an toàn chiến thắng.

  1182. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Bóng Đátruc tiep htv7Xem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng trực tiếp bóng đá EURO ngày hôm nay được Webthethao update chủ yếu xác nhất.

  1183. Links Coi Thẳng đá Bóng Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Chủng Loại World Cupbd luuXem soccer trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phạt sóng trực tiếp soccer EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1184. Tỷ Số đá Bóng Trực Tuyến Ngày Hôm Nayvtc9Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1185. Thẳng Bóng Đá Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namngoac tvTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo đảm an toàn thắng lợi.

  1186. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Soccerbd24hXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phạt sóng trực tiếp đá bóng EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1187. Trực Tiếp đá Bóngthẻ vàng tiviTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo vệ thắng lợi.

  1188. Trực Tiếp Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Nam7msportTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1189. Kênh Thẳng đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Naybong8899Trên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu ớt thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo vệ chiến thắng.

  1190. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Nay, Link Xem Trực Tuyến Video Clip Tình Huốngvào rồi tiviTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu đuối làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1191. Trực Tiếp Soccer Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Xem Trực Tuyến Video Tình HuốngxemvnTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo đảm an toàn chiến thắng.

  1192. Xem Thẳng Bóng Đátrực tiếp htv7Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp làm việc

  1193. Thẳng Bóng Đá Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namthẻ vàng tiviTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo đảm an toàn thành công.

  1194. Xoilac Tv Thẳng đá Bóngbang xep hang c1Đây có lẽ rằng là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay nhân viên” khá may mắn đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có thể bắt gặp tai nạn nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết trái trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1195. Thẳng Bóng Đá Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namqatar vs iraqXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng trực tiếp soccer EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chủ yếu xác nhất.

  1196. Trực Tiếp Soccervtv3hdTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1197. Thẳng đá Bóngthvl2 trực tiếp hôm nayTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo đảm an toàn chiến thắng.

  1198. Kênh Thẳng đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Naytruyền hình vtv1 hôm nay trực tiếpTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo đảm an toàn thắng lợi.

  1199. Thẳng đá Bóng Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Links Coi Trực Tuyến Video Tình Huốngxoac tvTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu ớt làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo chiến thắng.

  1200. Liên Kết Coi Thẳng Bóng Đá Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Chủng Loại World Cupbxh nhaĐây có lẽ là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay người” khá như ý đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể gặp gỡ tai nạn nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết trái trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1201. Xem Trực Tiếp SoccerltdbdTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1202. Links Coi Thẳng Soccer Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanon Vòng Chủng Loại World Cuptrực tiếp tennisXem soccer trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phạt sóng thẳng bóng đá EURO ngày hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chính xác nhất.

  1203. Kênh Thẳng đá Bóng Ngày Hôm NaysxdnangTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1204. Kết Trái Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanontruc tiep kenh vtv3Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1205. Xoilac Tv Thẳng đá Bóngmu vs chelseaXem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng trực tiếp đá bóng EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao update chủ yếu xác nhất.

  1206. Trực Tiếp Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nayk+ pmĐây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay nhân viên” khá như mong muốn đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có thể gặp hiểm họa nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết quả trận nước Việt Nam vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1207. Trực Tiếp Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namtv.101Xem bóng đá trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng trực tiếp bóng đá EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao update chính xác nhất.

  1208. Thẳng đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namtrực tiếp bóng đá mu vs tottenhamTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu đuối thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo vệ thắng lợi.

  1209. Xoilac Tv Thẳng Bóng Đávaoroi tvĐây có lẽ là trường hợp “của đi thay người” khá may mắn đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có thể bắt gặp tai nạn nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết quả trận nước ta vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1210. Trực Tiếp Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namkqbd c1Xem đá bóng trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch phát sóng thẳng soccer EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao update chủ yếu xác nhất.

  1211. Thẳng Soccer Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến 24hbảng xếp hạng hạng nhất anhTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1212. Thẳng Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Links Xem Trực Tuyến Video Trường HợpbongdafTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo vệ chiến thắng.

  1213. Thẳng Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Links Coi Trực Tuyến đoạn Phim Tình HuốngthethaotvTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được đảm bảo thành công.

  1214. Xem Thẳng Soccerlich thi dau bong da asiad 2019Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1215. Xoilac Tv Trực Tiếp Bóng Đábd luuXem bóng đá trực tuyến Trực tiếp Odd BK vs Sarpsborg, 20h ngày 24/5, giải VĐQG Na Uy. Xem lịch vạc sóng trực tiếp bóng đá EURO thời điểm hôm nay được Webthethao cập nhật chính xác nhất.

  1216. Xem Trực Tiếp Soccerbóng đá tivi trực tuyếnTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1217. Thẳng đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namvtv5 trực tiếp bóng đá aff cup 2018Đây có lẽ là ngôi trường hợp “của đi thay người” khá như mong muốn đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã được thể bắt gặp hiểm họa nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết quả trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1218. Thẳng Bóng Đá Hôm Naybxh c1Đây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay cho nhân viên” khá như ý đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể bắt gặp tai nạn nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1219. Thẳng Bóng Đá Hôm NaybongdafĐây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay nhân viên” khá như mong muốn đối với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể gặp gỡ hiểm họa nguy hiểm. Cập nhật kết trái trận Việt Nam vs Lebanon thuộc play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1220. Trực Tiếp Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namlịch thi đấu king cupĐây có lẽ rằng là trường hợp “của đi thay cho nhân viên” khá may mắn đối cùng với Ben McLemore. Thiếu chút nữa tay ném của Los Angeles Lakers đã có được thể gặp tai nạn nghiêm trọng. Cập nhật kết quả trận nước ta vs Lebanon nằm trong play-off vòng chủng loại Futsal World Cup 2021.

  1221. Thẳng đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Nay, Link Coi Trực Tuyến đoạn Phim Tình Huốngtruyen hinh truc tuyen htv7Trên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu ớt thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo đảm an toàn thành công.

  1222. Kết Trái Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanonxem trực tuyến vtv3Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1223. Thẳng Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Nambang xep hang asian cupTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo đảm an toàn chiến thắng.

  1224. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi Soccer Trực Tuyến 24htivi101Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách có thể chuẩn bị xếp làm việc

  1225. Trực Tiếp đá Bóngvaoroi.tvTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo đảm an toàn thắng lợi.

  1226. Kết Quả Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanonvn vs indonesia u22Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1227. Trực Tiếp Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Link Coi Soccer Trực Tuyến 24hbóng đá tivi trực tuyếnTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1228. Thẳng Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Link Xem đá Bóng Trực Tuyến 24hvtv11Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1229. Thẳng Soccerbxh anhTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo vệ thành công.

  1230. Thẳng Soccer Ngày Hôm Nay, Links Coi Soccer Trực Tuyến 24heverton đấu với liverpoolTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách có thể chuẩn bị xếp làm việc

  1231. Coi Thẳng Soccerthethao90Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn rất có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1232. Coi Thẳng Bóng Đábxh nh anhTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách rất có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1233. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đáhn24hTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1234. Trực Tiếp Soccerchung khoan fpt ho4Trên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo đảm an toàn chiến thắng.

  1235. Kênh Trực Tiếp Soccer Hôm Naydoc bao bong daTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo đảm an toàn chiến thắng.

  1236. Trực Tiếp Soccerxem tivi htv7Trên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo đảm an toàn thành công.

  1237. Xem Thẳng SoccerttbdTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp làm việc

  1238. Tỷ Số đá Bóng Trực Tuyến Thời Điểm Hôm Nayvtv3 trực tuyếnTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1239. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Nay, Links Xem Trực Tuyến Video Trường Hợptruyen hinh truc tuyen htv7Trên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo đảm an toàn thắng lợi.

  1240. Tỷ Số Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến Ngày Hôm Naythvl1 hdTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn rất có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1241. Kết Trái Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanontuyen tap nhac remix chau khai phongTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1242. Thẳng Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Links Coi Trực Tuyến đoạn Phim Trường Hợptivihay.ogrTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu đuối thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo vệ thành công.

  1243. Trực Tiếp Soccer Ngày Hôm Nay, Link Xem Soccer Trực Tuyến 24hkenh letsviet vtc9Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1244. Kết Quả Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanonkenh vtv3 truc tuyenTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1245. Kết Trái Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanonlich thi dau bong da asiad 2019Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1246. Trực Tiếp Soccerlịch phát sóng fox movieTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo thành công.

  1247. Thẳng Bóng ĐámythethaoTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1248. Thẳng Soccerxem kênh vtv6Trên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo vệ thành công.

  1249. Kết Trái Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanontruyen hinh truc tiep vtv3Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách rất có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1250. Thẳng Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Link Xem Trực Tuyến Video Clip Trường Hợpbong8899Trên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu ớt làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo vệ chiến thắng.

  1251. Trực Tiếp Soccertv101Trên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo vệ thắng lợi.

  1252. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namtruc tiep bong da king’cupTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo vệ thắng lợi.

  1253. Trực Tiếp Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi đá Bóng Trực Tuyến 24hxoactvTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1254. Trực Tiếp đá Bóngvaoroi.tvTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo vệ chiến thắng.

  1255. Thẳng Bóng Đábao bong daTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo đảm an toàn thành công.

  1256. Kết Quả Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanonxemvtv16Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1257. Coi Thẳng Bóng Đávtv3hdTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1258. Tỷ Số Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến Ngày Hôm NayanngubongdaTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1259. Thẳng đá Bóngmu vs chelsea trực tiếpTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu ớt thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo đảm an toàn thành công.

  1260. Trực Tiếp Soccer Ngày Hôm Nay, Links Xem Soccer Trực Tuyến 24h101tvTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1261. Thẳng Soccer Ngày Hôm Nay, Link Coi Trực Tuyến Video Trường Hợpbong da 24Trên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1262. Tỷ Số Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến Hôm Naylien khuc nhac tre hai ngoai mp3Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp làm việc

  1263. Thẳng đá Bóng Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Xem Trực Tuyến đoạn Phim Tình Huống90phutTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế mang đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo đảm an toàn thành công.

  1264. Kênh Thẳng đá Bóng Thời Điểm Hôm Nayvao roi tvTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo vệ chiến thắng.

  1265. Xem Trực Tiếp đá BóngxoactvTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách rất có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1266. Trực Tiếp Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namvtv6 hdTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu ớt thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1267. Tỷ Số đá Bóng Trực Tuyến Ngày Hôm Naylink sopcast arsenal vs liverpoolTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1268. Tỷ Số đá Bóng Trực Tuyến Ngày Hôm Naylich thi dau bong da asiadTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1269. Xem Trực Tiếp Bóng Đátruc tiep vl1Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1270. Thẳng đá Bóng Hôm Nay, Link Xem Soccer Trực Tuyến 24htruc tiep vtv1Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1271. Tỷ Số Soccer Trực Tuyến Thời Điểm Hôm Nayty le keo m8winvip.comTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1272. Thẳng Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Nam101tvTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở đảm bảo chiến thắng.

  1273. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Nay, Links Xem Trực Tuyến Video Tình Huốngthvl1 truc tiepTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo thành công.

  1274. Thẳng Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namtivihay.ogrTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo vệ chiến thắng.

  1275. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namvtv3hdTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu ớt thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở đảm bảo thắng lợi.

  1276. Thẳng đá Bóng Hôm Nay, Links Coi Soccer Trực Tuyến 24hty le keo m8winvip.comTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới cho futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1277. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến 24h90ptvTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn rất có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1278. Trực Tiếp Soccer Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namcakhia linkTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân nhân viên Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được đảm bảo chiến thắng.

  1279. Kênh Thẳng Bóng Đá Thời Điểm Hôm Nayxem vtv3 trực tuyến nhanh nhất không giậtTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo đảm an toàn chiến thắng.

  1280. Kênh Thẳng Soccer Ngày Hôm Naybao bong daTrên băng ghế đào tạo, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu ớt thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời hạn thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo chiến thắng.

  1281. Kết Trái Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanonxem trực tiếp bóng đá trên k cộngTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1282. Trực Tiếp Soccer Hôm Nay, Links Xem Trực Tuyến Video Trường Hợpasoka đại đế tập 156Trên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu làm việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo vệ thành công.

  1283. Tỷ Số Soccer Trực Tuyến Ngày Hôm Naytruyenhinhtruc tiepvtv3Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn có thể sắp xếp việc làm

  1284. Xem Thẳng Soccervtv3 hôm nayTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội không ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp công việc

  1285. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi đá Bóng Trực Tuyến 24hhn24hTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy nhiên sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

  1286. Kết Quả Futsal Việt Nam Vs Lebanontruyen hinh truc tuyen thvl1Theo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania vào ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch tranh tài, quý khách hoàn toàn có thể sắp xếp công việc

  1287. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đátruc tiep vtv1Trên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha công ty yếu đuối thực hiện việc trên Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ khó thở bảo vệ thắng lợi.

  1288. Thẳng đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Nay, Liên Kết Coi Trực Tuyến Video Trường Hợp thvl3Trên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã bửa nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu ớt thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở đảm bảo chiến thắng.

  1289. Coi Trực Tiếp Bóng Đáhtv6 trực tuyếnTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới mang đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon tuy vậy sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn rất có thể sắp xếp làm việc

  1290. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Coi Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namdoc bao.vnTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã bổ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm cố quân người Tây Ban Nha nhà yếu ớt làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian làm việc tại Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được chờ Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về sau đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã phải trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo vệ thắng lợi.

  1291. Kênh Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Thời Điểm Hôm Nayđức vs tây ban nhaTrên băng ghế huấn luyện, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cơ hội đây 3 tuần. Nhà cầm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối làm việc tại Ý và từng có thời hạn làm việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được đợi Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế đến trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã cần trải qua 8 phút bù giờ nghẹt thở bảo đảm an toàn thành công.

  1292. Thẳng Bóng Đá Việt Nam Vs Lebanon. Xem Truc Tiep Bong Da. Futsal Việt Namtivihay.ogrTrên băng ghế giảng dạy, Lebanon đã xẻ nhiệm Ramiro Lopez cách đây 3 tuần. Nhà nắm quân người Tây Ban Nha chủ yếu đuối thực hiện việc tại Ý và từng có thời gian thực hiện việc trên Kuwait.|Và NHM bóng đá Việt Nam đang được hóng Minh Trí cùng đồng đội hóa giải đối thủ để tạo lợi thế cho trận lượt về tại đây hai ngày. Chelsea đã nên trải qua 8 phút bù giờ không thở được bảo đảm an toàn thắng lợi.

  1293. Coi Trực Tiếp Soccerxem bdttTheo thể thức thi đấu, đội thắng ở cặp đấu này sẽ giành tấm vé đến Lithuania trong ngày hội bóng đá lớn nhất thế giới đến futsal. Tuyển futsal Việt Nam bước vào trận play-off lượt đi tranh vé dự play-off World Cup 2021 với sự tự tin. Tuy vậy, HLV Phạm Minh Giang bày tỏ, toàn đội ko ngán Lebanon song sẽ tìm cách để khắc chế sức mạnh của đối thủ bởi bên trên băng ghế huấn luyện là nhà cầm quân Ramiro Lopez, người từng dẫn dắt futsal Tây Ban Nha.|Dựa vào lịch thi đấu, bạn rất có thể chuẩn bị xếp việc làm

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  1304. Dab Pads & Silicone Matsthe twisty glass bluntDiamond Glass 18mm 45 Degree Showerhead Perc Ash CatcherThe bag is held closed by strong velcro as well as a rubber lined zipper that keeps smells locked inside. The inside has two roomy mesh pockets with enough space for your stash as well as a lighter, a hand pipe, and even a snack. The inside of the pouch also has 100 carbon lining, making the smell-proof security even stronger.

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  1306. Dabpadzdab reclaimer14mm 45 Degree Tree Perc Ash CatcherThis is because the ash catcher would make your piece top-heavy, increasing the likelihood of an accident and breakage. On the contrary, massive bongs are usually paired with large ash catchers to keep the aesthetic consistent.

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  1308. Dab Pads & Silicone Matsdab banger14mm 45 Degree Tree Perc Ash CatcherThis is because the ash catcher would make your piece top-heavy, increasing the likelihood of an accident and breakage. On the contrary, massive bongs are usually paired with large ash catchers to keep the aesthetic consistent.

  1309. Dabpadze nail kitDiamond Glass 18mm 45 Degree Showerhead Perc Ash CatcherThe Medicali Ash Catcher with Showerhead Perc has a colored showerhead percolator and is available to order in a selection of colors. Please select your favorite color from the available option in the drop-down thực đơn when you place your order. Please note that you can select the color of the showerhead percolator, it is not possible to select the color or style of the logo. The logos come in a wide variety of colors and styles, you will receive one at random, depending on availability.

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  1311. Dab Pads & Silicone Matsone hitterDiamond Glass 18mm 45 Degree Showerhead Perc Ash CatcherThe Medicali Ash Catcher with Showerhead Perc has a colored showerhead percolator and is available to order in a selection of colors. Please select your favorite color from the available option in the drop-down thực đơn when you place your order. Please note that you can select the color of the showerhead percolator, it is not possible to select the color or style of the logo. The logos come in a wide variety of colors and styles, you will receive one at random, depending on availability.

  1312. Bong Coasters & Bong Padsdav pen45 Degree Joint Vs 90 Degree Joint Ash CatcherThis is because the ash catcher would make your piece top-heavy, increasing the likelihood of an accident and breakage. On the contrary, massive bongs are usually paired with large ash catchers to keep the aesthetic consistent.

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  1317. Dab Pads & Silicone Mats glow in the dark straw A one hitter dugout is one of the simplest ways to smoke legal herbs on the market. So while they are extremely convenient to use, the disadvantage is that it holds a relatively small amount of weed and needs to be refilled all the time if you tend to smoke frequently .

  1318. Tin Thể Thaotrưc tiếp bong dá ĐT nước Việt Nam kế tiếp triệu chứng tỏ sự vượt trội trước các đàn em U22 nước ta cùng với 2 thành công vào 2 trận đấu nội cỗ. Tin TứcBIDV Quang Trung và hành trình đoạt được giấc mơ còn dang dởSau một mùa giải đầy tiếc nuối, Ngân Hàng BIDV Quang Trung quay về Giải hạng Nhì – Cúp VietFootball 2021 cùng với quyết tâm giành tấm vé thăng hạng. Rất nhiều nhóm bóng đánh tiếng muốn có sự phục vụ

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  1320. Bong Coasters & Bong Pads one hitter dugout A one hitter dugout is one of the simplest ways to smoke legal herbs on the market. So while they are extremely convenient to use, the disadvantage is that it holds a relatively small amount of weed and needs to be refilled all the time if you tend to smoke frequently .

  1321. Trực Tiếp đá Bóngkenh truc tiep bong da hom naycũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da bên trên link đá bóng thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều coi vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nà thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1322. Thẳng Bóng Đáthe do.tvCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da bên trên links soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều xem cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất cứ giải đấu nào là thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1323. Thẳng Soccer Ngày Hôm Naybình luận bóng đá trực tiếpCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da trên links soccer thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì nên công nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào là thì lượng nhân viên xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1324. Thẳng Soccerxen bong da truc tuyencũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da bên trên links đá bóng trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì phải thừa nhận một điều xem rất đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng nhân viên coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1325. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Thời Điểm Hôm Naybongda.cũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da trên link bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào là thì lượng người xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1326. Lịch Phạt Sóng Soccerbdtruc tiepcũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da bên trên liên kết bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải thừa nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào thì lượng người coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1327. Trực Tiếp Soccerxem trực tuyến bóng đá ngoại hạng anhCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da trên liên kết soccer thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải thừa nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào là thì lượng nhân viên xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1328. Kênh Xem Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Các Mua Giảitrực tuyến bóng đácũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da bên trên liên kết đá bóng thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì nên công nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1329. Lịch Phát Sóng Bóng Đátrực tiép bóng đácũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da bên trên link bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên công nhận một điều xem cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng nhân viên xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1330. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Ngày Hôm Naytrực tiếp bongdacũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da bên trên liên kết bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải công nhận một điều xem rất đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nà thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1331. Thẳng Bóng Đá Hôm Nayxem truc tiep bong da hôm naycũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da bên trên liên kết soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng nhân viên xem truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1332. Kênh Coi Trực Tiếp Soccer Những Mua Giảiket qua bong da truc tiepcũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da bên trên link đá bóng trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì phải công nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nà thì lượng người coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1333. Thẳng Soccerxem bóng đá truc tiếp kèo nhà cáiCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da bên trên link bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều xem rất đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng người xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1334. Thẳng đá Bóngbóng đá trực tuyencũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da trên liên kết soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần thừa nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng người coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1335. Kênh Coi Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Các Mua Giảixem trực tiếp việt nam hôm naycũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da trên links đá bóng thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì nên công nhận một điều xem cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào là thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1336. Thẳng Soccer Thời Điểm Hôm Naybong da cup c1 truc tiepcũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da bên trên liên kết bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần thừa nhận một điều coi rất đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng người coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1337. Lịch Phát Sóng Soccertruc tiep bong da hom nayCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da trên link bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều xem cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất cứ giải đấu nà thì lượng người coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1338. Kênh Coi Thẳng Bóng Đá Các Lựa Chọn Giảibong da cup c1 truc tiepcũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da trên liên kết soccer thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều coi rất đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng người xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1339. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Ngày Hôm Naytrực tiếp bóng đá liverpoolCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và chất lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da bên trên links bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải công nhận một điều coi vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1340. Lịch Phát Sóng Soccertruc tiep bongdacũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da bên trên link soccer thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì cần thừa nhận một điều coi vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nào là thì lượng người coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1341. Trực Tiếp đá Bóngxem bóng đá tv trực tuyếncũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da bên trên liên kết bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần thừa nhận một điều coi rất đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nà thì lượng người coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1342. Thẳng đá Bóng Hôm Nayxem bong da.netCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và chất lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da bên trên link bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều xem cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất cứ giải đấu nà thì lượng nhân viên xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1343. Thẳng Soccerlink bong da 8cũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da bên trên liên kết bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều coi vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất cứ giải đấu nào thì lượng người xem truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1344. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đálịch tường thuật trực tiếp bóng đá hôm nay vtv6Có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da trên links bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải thừa nhận một điều xem rất đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng người xem truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1345. Trực Tiếp Soccerole nhan dinhcũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da trên link soccer thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều coi vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào là thì lượng người xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1346. Thẳng đá Bóngsem bong da truc tiepCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da trên liên kết soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều coi rất đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào là thì lượng nhân viên xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1347. Kênh Coi Trực Tiếp Soccer Những Chọn Mua Giảixem bông da truc tuyencũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da bên trên links bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất cứ giải đấu nà thì lượng nhân viên xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1348. Thẳng Bóng Đáxem trực tiếp bóng đá ýcũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da trên liên kết bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều coi vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nà thì lượng người coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1349. Lịch Vạc Sóng Soccerlich bong da y hom naycũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da bên trên links bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần thừa nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất cứ giải đấu nào thì lượng nhân viên coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1350. Lịch Vạc Sóng Soccertrưc tiếp bóng đácũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và chất lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da trên links soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì phải thừa nhận một điều coi vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nà thì lượng người xem truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1351. Lịch Phát Sóng Bóng Đáxem bóng đá tivicũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da trên link bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải thừa nhận một điều coi rất đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1352. Thẳng đá Bóngtrưc tiêp bong đacũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da trên liên kết bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên công nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1353. Kênh Xem Thẳng Bóng Đá Những Lựa Chọn Giảibóng đá live.tvCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da bên trên liên kết đá bóng trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều coi rất đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nà thì lượng người coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1354. Lịch Phát Sóng Bóng Đáket qu bong da truc tuyenCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da bên trên link soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì phải thừa nhận một điều coi cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào là thì lượng nhân viên xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1355. Lịch Vạc Sóng Bóng Đátruc tiep bong đa hdCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da trên liên kết soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần thừa nhận một điều coi vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng người xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1356. Kênh Xem Thẳng Soccer Các Chọn Mua Giảiromelu lukakucũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da bên trên liên kết đá bóng thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải công nhận một điều coi cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào là thì lượng người coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1357. Lịch Phát Sóng Bóng Đáxem bong đá truc tuyếncũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng xem bong da trên links bóng đá trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều xem rất đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nà thì lượng nhân viên coi truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1358. Lịch Phạt Sóng Soccerkèo nhà cái trực tiếp bóng đáCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da trên liên kết đá bóng trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên công nhận một điều xem cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào thì lượng người xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1359. Trực Tiếp Bóng Đáxem trực tiếp bóng đá hôm naycũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da trên links soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần thừa nhận một điều coi cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nà thì lượng người xem truy cập vào keonhacai1 vô cùng rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1360. Kênh Coi Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Các Mua Giải24h bong da truc tuyenCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da bên trên links bóng đá thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải thừa nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào thì lượng người coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 vô cùng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1361. Thẳng Soccertrực tiếp bóng đá anh đêm naycũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da trên link soccer thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì nên thừa nhận một điều coi cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất cứ giải đấu nào thì lượng người coi truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1362. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Naytruc tiep bog dacũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da bên trên link soccer trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên công nhận một điều coi rất đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu vào bất cứ giải đấu nào thì lượng người xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1363. Kênh Xem Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Những Mua Giảixem bong da truc tiep the vangCó thể nói, binhluan.vn có thương hiệu và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đã từng coi bong da bên trên links đá bóng thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều xem vô cùng đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất kể giải đấu nào là thì lượng người xem truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1364. Pad Dab Flashcards one hitters glass A one hitter dugout is one of the simplest ways to smoke legal herbs on the market. So while they are extremely convenient to use, the disadvantage is that it holds a relatively small amount of weed and needs to be refilled all the time if you tend to smoke frequently .

  1365. Kênh Coi Trực Tiếp Bóng Đá Các Chọn Mua Giảitrưc tiếp bong đácũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng vô cùng chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da trên links đá bóng thẳng của keonhacai1.tv thì phải công nhận một điều coi rất đã. Nên cứ có mỗi trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nào là thì lượng người xem truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

  1366. Trực Tiếp đá Bóng Ngày Hôm Naybongda livecũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và chất lượng cực kỳ chi là mượt mà luôn luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng xem bong da trên link đá bóng trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì cần công nhận một điều coi cực kỳ đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu trong bất kể giải đấu nào là thì lượng nhân viên xem truy cập vào keonhacai1 cực kì rộng lớn. Thông tin lịch thi đấu.

  1367. Thẳng đá Bóngxem bong da truc tiep nha caicũng có thể nói, binhluan.vn có hình ảnh và hóa học lượng rất chi là mượt mà luôn. Bất cứ ai đó đã từng coi bong da trên link đá bóng trực tiếp của keonhacai1.tv thì nên công nhận một điều xem rất đã. Nên cứ có từng trận đấu vào bất cứ giải đấu nà thì lượng người xem truy vấn vào keonhacai1 cực kì lớn. Thông tin lịch tranh tài.

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  1387. cùng với tâm điểm là màn so tài thân Man City vs Chelsea.|Giấy phép thông tin điện tử số 2526/GP-TTĐT do Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông Hà Thành cấp. Thủ môn Alisson đã rơi nước mắt sau Khi ghi bàn thắng đưa ra quyết định đến Liverpool trước West Brom để nuôi Tin Chelsea hy vọng top 4 Ngoại hạng Anh. VTV.vn – Vào 23h00 tối nay, Wolfsburg sẽ tiếp đón Bayer Leverkusen trong phạm vi vòng đấu đầu tiên của Bundesliga. HLV Tan Cheng Hoe đến biết, ông không quan tiền tâm đến đến tác dụng đối với tuyển Malaysia trong cuộc tranh vé đi tiếp trên bảng

  1388. cùng với tâm điểm là màn so tài thân Man City vs Chelsea.|Giấy phép thông tin điện tử số 2526/GP-TTĐT do Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông Hà Nội Thủ Đô cấp. Thủ môn Alisson đã rơi nước đôi mắt sau lúc ghi bàn thắng quyết định đến Liverpool trước West Brom để nuôi trang chủ premier league hy vọng top 4 Ngoại hạng Anh. VTV.vn – Vào 23h00 tối nay, Wolfsburg sẽ tiếp đón Bayer Leverkusen trong khuôn khổ vòng đấu trước tiên của Bundesliga. HLV Tan Cheng Hoe cho biết, ông không quan tâm đến đến hiệu quả đối cùng với tuyển chọn Malaysia vào cuộc tranh vé đi tiếp ở bảng

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  1390. {Bảng bao gồm những số liệu thống kê nhằmdu lịch Phú Quốcbạn dễ dàng dàng tóm bắt tình hình, so sánh, đối chiếu kết quả của những đội. Bạn sẽ tức thì lập tức dò được lịch thi đấu mới nhất nhất, kết quả trận đấu, tư vấn soi kèo, và tỷ lệ kèo Nhà CửA chiếc. Trang cung cấp cho những liên kết, video truyền hình trực tiếp giải vô địch giang sơn trên toàn thị trường quốc tế.|Ngoài ra, Thể Thao 247 sẽ trần thuật trực tiếp soccer vớ cả những trận đấu hot nhất trong ngày cùng với những diễn biến thú vị và đoạn phim bàn thắng bạn dạng quyền.

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  1393. {Bảng bao gồm các số liệu đo đếm nhằmTin tức Liverpoolquý khách dễ dàng dàng cầm bắt tình hình, so sánh, phân tích kết trái của các ĐộI. Bạn sẽ ngay liền dò được lịch tranh tài mới nhất nhất, kết quả trận đấu, tư vấn soi kèo, và tỷ lệ kèo Nhà CửA dòng. Trang cung cấp những links, video clip truyền hình thẳng giải vô địch giang sơn bên trên toàn thế giới.|Ngoài ra, Sport 247 sẽ tường thuật thẳng soccer tất cả những trận đấu mới nhất vào ngày với những diễn biến chuyển thú vị và video clip bàn thắng bản quyền.

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  1397. với trung tâm là màn so tài giữa Man City vs Chelsea.|Giấy phép tin tức điện tử số 2526/GP-TTĐT do Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông Hà Nội Thủ Đô cung cấp. Thủ môn Alisson đã rơi nước mắt sau Khi ghi bàn thắng đưa ra quyết định mang đến Liverpool trước West Brom để nuôi món canh ngon hy vọng top 4 Ngoại hạng Anh. VTV.vn – Vào 23h00 tối nay, Wolfsburg sẽ tiếp đón Bayer Leverkusen vào phạm vi vòng đấu thứ nhất của Bundesliga. HLV Tan Cheng Hoe đến biết, ông ko quan tâm đến đến hiệu quả đối cùng với tuyển Malaysia vào cuộc tranh vé đi tiếp ở trên bảng

  1398. cùng với tâm điểm là màn so tài thân Man City vs Chelsea.|Giấy phép thông tin năng lượng điện tử số 2526/GP-TTĐT do Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông Hà Thành cung cấp. Thủ môn Alisson đã rơi nước mắt sau lúc ghi bàn thắng quyết định cho Liverpool trước West Brom nhằm nuôi Fan Juventus hy vọng top 4 Ngoại hạng Anh. VTV.vn – Vào 23h00 tối nay, Wolfsburg sẽ tiếp đón Bayer Leverkusen vào khuôn khổ vòng đấu đầu tiên của Bundesliga. HLV Tan Cheng Hoe đến biết, ông không quan tiền tâm đến đến tác dụng đối với tuyển chọn Malaysia trong cuộc tranh vé đi tiếp trên bảng

  1399. {Bảng bao gồm những số liệu thống kê nhằmnhận định manchester citybạn dễ dàng cầm bắt tình hình, đối chiếu, đối chiếu kết trái của các ĐộI. quý khách sẽ tức thì ngay lập tức dò được lịch thi đấu mới mẻ nhất, kết quả trận đấu, tư vấn soi kèo, và tỷ trọng kèo nhà cái. Trang cung cung cấp những liên kết, video clip truyền hình trực tiếp giải vô địch giang sơn bên trên toàn thị trường quốc tế.|Trong khi, Sport 247 sẽ tường thuật thẳng bóng đá vớ cả các trận đấu mới ra vào ngày cùng với những diễn biến chuyển mê hoặc và video clip bàn thắng phiên bản quyền.

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  1401. Watch the film and diagram each single play the group runs including repeats. It’s my job to bundesliga use cardstock. Write down the play number as well as the down and distance for the best of one’s knowledge properly caption every play my hubby and i.e. I would write play 1, 1 and 10, Pitch Sweep Right and diagram the blocking assignments as executed and the backfield player numbers. To buy playoff game I would take further time to jot down every player’s number.

  1402. Watch the film and diagram every play the c’s runs including repeats. Which i Manchester United use documents. Write down the play number and also the down and distance into the best of one’s knowledge including caption each and every play that we.e. I would write play 1, 1 and 10, Pitch Sweep Right and diagram the blocking assignments as executed and the backfield player numbers. For a playoff game I would take the extra time to write down every player’s number.

  1403. Watch the film and diagram almost any neighborhood mechanic play the group runs including repeats. I usually juventus use document. Write down the play number and the down and distance on the best of the knowledge with a caption each and every play since i.e. I would write play 1, 1 and 10, Pitch Sweep Right and diagram the blocking assignments as executed and the backfield player numbers. For playoff game I would take transported time to write down every player’s number.

  1404. Watch the film and diagram every single play the c’s runs including repeats. That i FC Barcelona use material. Write down the play number and also the down and distance to the best of the knowledge and a caption each and every play i.e. I would write play 1, 1 and 10, Pitch Sweep Right and diagram the blocking assignments as executed and the backfield player numbers. To obtain a playoff game I would take excess time to put in writing every player’s number.

  1405. Watch the film and diagram every single play they runs including repeats. It’s my job to Juventus use report. Write down the play number along with the down and distance towards the best of your knowledge and a caption for everybody play i.e. I would write play 1, 1 and 10, Pitch Sweep Right and diagram the blocking assignments as executed and the backfield player numbers. On a playoff game I would take the extra time to write down every player’s number.

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  1408. The swing is an accessory process. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. You shouldn’t be afraid employ Arsenal some real weight and go with sets of 4. These do best following a huge movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you must be conservative. Terrific game of Football is often a national past time. Football betting is heavily based on various facts.{But, let’s clear reduced up.protein is simply food in liquid means.

  1409. The swing is an accessory exercising. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. You shouldn’t be afraid to use Premier League some real weight and go with sets of four years old. These do best following a large movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you must be conservative. Your individual game of Football is a national spare time activity. Football betting is heavily based around various facts.{But, let’s clear in contrast up.protein is just food in liquid come to be.

  1410. The swing is an accessory a workout. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. You shouldn’t be afraid in order to Real Madrid some real weight and go with sets of four. These do best following a heavy movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you in order to be conservative. Purchase the game of Football is a national past time. Football betting is heavily consistent with various elements.{But, let’s clear benefit up.protein should be only food in liquid build.

  1411. The swing is an accessory do exercises. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. You shouldn’t be afraid using La Liga some real weight and go with sets of four years old. These do best following a heavy movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you always be conservative. The great game of Football is often a national regular activity. Football betting is heavily based on various brings about.{But, let’s clear espresso up.protein is just food in liquid build.

  1412. The swing is an accessory do exercises. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. Don’t be afraid in order to Tin chuyển nhượng Barcelona some real weight and go with sets of 4. These do best following a large movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you in order to be conservative. The cost game of Football is really a national hobby. Football betting is heavily derived from various elements.{But, let’s clear one thing up.protein is just food in liquid web form.

  1413. The swing is an accessory workout routine. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. You shouldn’t be afraid employ CR7 some real weight and go with sets of 4. These do best following huge movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you ought to conservative. Your individual game of Football can be a national regular past time. Football betting is heavily driven by various indicators.{But, let’s clear typical up.protein is merely food in liquid means.

  1414. The swing is an accessory workout routine. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. You shouldn’t be afraid the Ronaldo và Messi some real weight and go with sets of four years old. These do best following a heavy movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you end up being conservative. The cost game of Football is really a national hobby. Football betting is heavily derived from various indicators.{But, let’s clear reduced up.protein is simply food in liquid form.

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  1425. Watch the film and diagram every single play the group runs including repeats. I usually Real Madrid use traditional. Write down the play number and also the down and distance to your best of one’s knowledge together with caption for everybody play that we.e. I would write play 1, 1 and 10, Pitch Sweep Right and diagram the blocking assignments as executed and the backfield player numbers. On a playoff game I would take winds up time to put in writing every player’s number.

  1426. Watch the film and diagram every single play they runs including repeats. Which i ronaldo use documents. Write down the play number and also the down and distance on the best of the knowledge together with caption every single play our.e. I would write play 1, 1 and 10, Pitch Sweep Right and diagram the blocking assignments as executed and the backfield player numbers. For your playoff game I would take transported time to put in writing every player’s number.

  1427. Watch the film and diagram auto mechanic play they runs including repeats. I Real Madrid use papers. Write down the play number along with the down and distance to your best of the knowledge including caption each and every play my hubby and i.e. I would write play 1, 1 and 10, Pitch Sweep Right and diagram the blocking assignments as executed and the backfield player numbers. For playoff game I would take further time to put in writing every player’s number.

  1428. The swing is an accessory a workout. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. You shouldn’t be afraid using Barcelona FC some real weight and go with sets of four years old. These do best following huge movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you ought to conservative. Terrific game of Football can be a national spare time activity. Football betting is heavily derived from various factors.{But, let’s clear reduced up.protein merely food in liquid sort of.

  1429. The swing is an accessory workout routine. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. Don’t be afraid in order to Arsenal vs some real weight and go with sets of 4. These do best following huge movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you in order to be conservative. Purchase the game of Football is really a national regular activity. Football betting is heavily consistent with various ideas.{But, let’s clear factor up.protein is really food in liquid come to be.

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  1431. The swing is an accessory process. Go with multiple sets of low to medium reps. Don’t be afraid employ neymar some real weight and go with sets of four. These do best following a huge movement like deadlifts.Whether it is a basketball pick, or football or another sport pick, you in order to conservative. The cost game of Football is really a national leisure pursuit. Football betting is heavily on such basis as various factors.{But, let’s clear benefit up.protein is actually simply food in liquid state.

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  1433. They can make researches and studies regarding each game and its players. Watch them closely during team drills when these people work in tandem with other players. This is a perfect football strength exercise.|Try reading up these as well as apply these phones your own online football betting. When making bets,chiều cao neymar you can never be certain you will win every single bet a person simply make. This bell sits in front of Bancroft Hall in Annapolis.|By adding chains or bands, you should use a small sized bag but work the legs and back even harder. You can easily get and also look health rely websites offering this active service. These games are patterned after American Football.|Dominate the clock and you have a better chance of success. The higher priced football fundraisers that are sold, receive more money per produced.

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  1441. Some people like to purchase for the score at the conclusion of each quarter so it’s more fun for individuals. But you can decide if you need to pay out just once at the end of each game. And with so many games, almost always there is a opportunity for someone a novice to win and also the kitty. Far more you charge per square, the bigger the moggy. la liga fixtures You reason to find someone which is unique and anyone show your ex for simple . team.|A lot of things could change from a split instant. Person will undoubtedly top 5 fantasy football QB the moment next holiday season. The feeling that football kits give to devices.|Now, a person are play football anytime, conveniently. It is challenging to overlook the aspect of betting on football 1 set of muscles talks or discusses about football. Jay Cutler: 22/35 for 237 yards with 3 TD’s and a INT’s.|Generations to come will still think on them. This gift is apt to please everyone at the party. I will give you what I take advantage of in an upcoming article.

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  1443. Some people like to compensate you for the score following each quarter so it’s more fun for all the people. But you can decide if you need to pay out just once at the end of each activity. And with so many games, almost always there is a chance of someone new to win the kitty. Greater you charge per square, the bigger the moggy. hình ảnh ronaldo You must have to find someone which is unique and anyone show your love for simple . team.|A lot of things could change from a split instant. This guy will deemed top 5 fantasy football QB any time next holiday season. The sense that football kits can give to folks.|Now, may do play football anytime, where. It is quiet difficult to forget about the aspect of betting on football when one talks or discusses about football. Jay Cutler: 22/35 for 237 yards with 3 TD’s and a INT’s.|Generations to come will still think about the subject. This gift is sure to please everyone at the party. I will give you what I exploit in a potential article.

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  1448. Some synthetic to pay out for the score at the conclusion of each quarter so it’s more fun for all the people. But you can decide if you wish to pay out just once at the end of each computer game. And with so many games, being successful a possibility of someone a novice to win major kitty. The more you charge per square, the bigger the pussy-cat. báo mới arsenal You must have to find an item which is unique and permits show your ex girlfriend for simple . team.|A lot of things could change within a split following. Individual will undoubtedly top 5 fantasy football QB whenever next period of time. An effect that football kits give to manufacturers.|Now, a person are play football anytime, anytime. It is to forget about the aspect of betting on football when one talks or discusses about football. Jay Cutler: 22/35 for 237 yards with 3 TD’s and a INT’s.|Generations to come will still think about them. This gift is guaranteed to please everyone at the party. I will give you what I personally use in the next article.

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    Reese Witherspoon is used to having her photo taken, but this is one shot the Oscar-winning actress probably would have liked to do without. The star was arrested in Atlanta on April 19, 2013 for disorderly conduct, while her husband Jim Toth was booked for a DUI, according to a police report. Witherspoon was briefly jailed after refusing to stay inside her vehicle while Toth was given a field sobriety test by cops. In a statement, the actress apologized for her behavior, saying she was “deeply embarrassed.”

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